898 research outputs found

    Water Glass Modification and its Impact on the Mechanical Properties of Moulding Sands

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    Celem badań zaprezentowanego eksperymentu było opracowanie skutecznego modyfikatora szkła wodnego. Przeprowadzone badania miały na celu określenie wpływu dodatku modyfikatora na: zwilżalność kwarcu przez szkło wodne, lepkość i kohezję spoiwa oraz wytrzymałość RmUmasy

    „Gyvenimą aš suprantu kaip kažkokio Balso Šauksmą...“: Sigito Gedos ir Kornelijaus Platelio korespondencija (1977–1981)

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    The publication presents the correspondence between the poets Sigitas Geda (1943–2008) and Kornelijaus Platelis (b. 1951) in letters in 1977–1981. The publication was prepared with letters from that period found in the personal archives of Uršulė Gedaitė and Kornelijus Platelis. The 13 letters from the late 1970s and early 1980s show the moods of the stagnation years, the hesitations of people in culture, and the reflections on the meaning of creation in the atmosphere of Soviet stagnation. Compared to Geda‘s other known letters, those written to Platelis are characterised by a closer and more open relationship with the addressee. They contain the most important and quite intimate reflections on the creative process, as well as frank evaluations of colleagues‘ works, which differ from those we read in published reviews or journalism.Publikacijoje teikiama 13 Sigito Gedos (1943–2008) ir Kornelijaus Platelio (g. 1951) laiškų, rašytų 1977–1981 metais. Publikuoti laiškai saugomi asmeniniuose Uršulės Gedaitės ir Kornelijaus Platelio archyvuose. Poetų korespondencija iš arti parodo stagnacijos metų nuotaikas, kultūros žmonių dvejones, atskleidžia kūrybos prasmės svarstymus sovietmečio sąstingio atmosferoje. Palyginti su kitais žinomais Gedos laiškais, Plateliui rašytieji pasižymi artimesniu ir atviresniu santykiu su adresatu. Juose randame svarbiausias ir drauge gana intymias kūrybos proceso refleksijas, taip pat ir atvirus kolegų darbų vertinimus, kurie skiriasi nuo išsakytų publikuotose recenzijose ar publicistikoje

    Antenatal depression and anxiety in primiparous Polish mothers and fathers

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    Objectives: Mood disturbances are the most prevalent mental health problems in expectant parents. The knowledge aboutthe factors which increase the risk of perinatal depression is insufficient, especially in fathers. The aims of the present studywere to estimate the prevalence and to compare mean levels of antenatal depression and anxiety as well as to examinethe relationship between the risk for depression and anxiety in primiparous Polish parents.Material and methods: 250 parental couples participating in antenatal classes took part in the study. Depression andanxiety were measured with the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI),respectively. Paired t-test with bootstrapping was applied to compare parental EPDS, as well as STAI raw scores. Pearsoncorrelation coefficients were calculated for depression and anxiety scores for women and men separately. The factorspredictive for the increased risk of depression were investigated with the use of a multivariate logistic regression analysis.Results: 10% of women and 4% of men were at risk of depression. High level of state anxiety was found in 7.7% of expectantmothers and 10% of fathers, whereas elevated state anxiety was found in 19% of both parents. EPDS scores correlatedmoderately with anxiety. The risk of depression was increased by state anxiety in the case of mothers and by trait anxietyin the case of fathers.Conclusions: High level of anxiety increases the risk of antenatal depression. Both parents should be screened for depressionand anxiety in the prenatal period

    Investigation on noise radiation to structure vibration correlation in vibroacoustic of transformer

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    Depending on the transformer type and its applications in power systems, there are various methods for the noise sources identification. Noise radiation of structure can be estimated and characterized knowing its vibrations. The paper will explain basic theory of structure born noise and its correlation to the structure vibration based on vibration velocity results from Laser Doppler Vibrometry measured on transformer. Discussion on qualitative and quantitative evaluation of transformer noise radiation from vibration pattern image and FFT spectrum is performed

    Surface oxide layers with an increased carbon content for applications in oil-less tribological systems

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    The paper presents the properties of surface oxide layers with an increased content of carbon for tribological applications. The composite surface oxide layers were produced using a two-step technology through hard anodising of the surface of an aluminium alloy, followed by thermochemical treatment of anodic oxide coatings. The surface oxide layers were subjected to tribological tests in an oil-less sliding couple with T5W plastic. The presented test results confirm the usefulness of the proposed modifications of surface oxide layers for the purpose of enhancing the operational durability of oil-less sliding couples in a reciprocating motion

    Korelacja przedmiotowa między chemią i biologią w przygotowaniu cudzoziemców do studiów medycznych w Polsce

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    Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    Microstructure and properties of composite coatings obtained on aluminium alloys

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    This paper presents methods of modifying the anode surface layers of Al2O3 by introducing carbon to their microstructure. Composite coatings were prepared using two different methods. In the first, coatings were formed by means of oxidation under constant current conditions. Anodic oxidation of aluminium was conducted in a multicomponent electrolyte with the addition of organic acids and graphite. The second method was based on the formation of oxide coatings in an electrolyte without the addition of graphite or heat treatment of the layers of succinic acid. The obtained coatings were tested using SEM, TEM, and GDOES (glow discharge optical emission spectrometry) and their tribological and stereometric properties were measured. The study demonstrated the beneficial effects of the methods when used to improve the tribological properties of sliding couples