20 research outputs found

    Відносини ЄС –Україна – Росія: проблеми і перспективи розвитку

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    У статті автор розглядає процес європейської інтеграції України. Зокрема, розглядаються тристоронні відносини Європейського Союзу, України та Росії, їх вплив на євроінтеграцію України та перспективи розвитку таких відносин. Вивчення даної теми набувають актуальності з огляду на обрання Україною євроінтеграційний курс

    Formation of humoral and cellular immunity to measles vaccine in adults

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    Despite adherence to the policy of mass measles vaccination in the majority of countries, this infection still remains far from being fully eradicated. Measles outbreaks are reported worldwide, when the vast majority of cases are recorded in subjects of 18—35 years of age. Studies on assessing measles IgG antibody level in different regions of Russia reveal increased percentage of measles seronegative subjects among young adults. Current study was aimed at investigating formation of humoral and cellular immunity after measles vaccination in seronegative adults aged 18 to 30 years old. There were enrolled 50 measles seronegative healthy volunteers aged 18 to 30 years old. Level of anti-measles IgM and IgG antibodies was measured by ELISA (Vector-Best, Russia). Subclasses of measles specific IgG antibodies were analyzed by ELISA, by replacing IgG conjugate for IgG1, IgG2, IgG3, IgG4 conjugates, whereas measles specific IgA antibodies were estimated by ELISA with IgA conjugate (Polygnost, Russia) at a concentration of 1 μg/ml. Antibody avidity was assessed by ELISA (Euroimmun, Germany). Cell-mediated measles immunity was estimated by CD107a surface expression on CD8hi T cell subset stimulated by measles virus-derived antigens. A specific cellular response to measles antigens before vaccination was detected in 50% of examined subjects, whereas 40% samples showed no signs of cellular immune response, with 10% of remaining cases described as equivocal. It was found that 6 weeks after vaccination all vaccinated subjects developed measles specific IgG antibodies at protective level reaching 1.33 (0.85—1.82) IU/ml [Me (LQ—UQ)]. Anti-measles IgA antibodies were of 0.655 (0.423—1.208) IU/ml [Me (LQ—UQ)]. However, no measles specific IgM antibodies were detected 6 weeks after vaccination. In addition, primary type of immune response (dominant low-avidity anti-measles antibodies IgG3 subclass) to measles vaccination was observed in 24 out of 50 subjects, whereas 26 subjects developed secondary type of immune response (high-avidity anti-measles antibodies dominated by IgG1 subclass). A measles specific cellular immune response was observed in 47 of the 50 examined subjects, and in 3 volunteers it was equivocal. Further analysis revealed a cohort of subjects who were not vaccinated against measles (18 subjects), although 60% of them provided medical record on previous dual measles vaccination occurred in childhood. Another cohort consisted of subjects who had medical record of measles vaccination in childhood (32 subjects), but lost protective measles antibodies produced by plasma cells (23 subjects), and memory T cells (3 subjects), or measles antibodies and memory B cells (6 subjects) over time. Such pattern evidences that measles-specific cellular and humoral arms immune responses were developed and maintained independently of each other

    Premorbid factors of pelvic adhesion detected during the operation of the caesarian section

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    The aim of the study was to study the possible risk factors for the development of pelvic adhesion and their influence on the course of surgery (cesarean section). In retrospect, 1780 histories of childbirth of women delivered by the cesarean section (CS) were analyzed in Perinatal Center in Tyumen for 2017– 2018 year. All patients (n = 1780) were divided into 2 groups: group 1 (n = 1592) included patients without adhesions in the pelvis. Revealed statistically significant differences between groups of patients in the duration of the operation, fetal extraction time, the frequency of somatic pathology and certain complications of pregnancy. It was revealed that the presence of adhesive pelvioperitonitis significantly increases the duration of the child's extraction and the duration of the operation as a whole, and the main factors of its development are revealed: obesity, preterm rupture of membranes, polyhydramnios and low water.Целью исследования было изучить возможные факторы риска развития адгезивного пельвиоперитонита и их влияние на течение оперативного вмешательства (операции кесарева сечения). Ретроспективно было проанализировано 1780 историй родов женщин, родоразрешенных путем КС в ГБУЗ ТО «Перинатальный центр» г. Тюмень за 2017-2018гг. Все пациентки (n=1780) были разделены на 2 группы: в группу 1 (n=1592) вошли пациентки без спаечного процесса в малом тазу. Выявлена статистически достоверно значимые отличия между группами пациенток в продолжительности операции, времени извлечения плода, частотой соматической патологии и определенных осложнений беременности. Выявлено, что наличие адгезивного пельвиоперитонита достоверно увеличивает длительность извлечения ребёнка и продолжительность операции в целом, а также выявлены основные факторы его развития: ожирение, ПРПО, многоводие и маловодие

    Premorbid factors of pelvic adhesion detected during the operation of the caesarian section

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    The aim of the study was to study the possible risk factors for the development of pelvic adhesion and their influence on the course of surgery (cesarean section). In retrospect, 1780 histories of childbirth of women delivered by the cesarean section (CS) were analyzed in Perinatal Center in Tyumen for 2017– 2018 year. All patients (n = 1780) were divided into 2 groups: group 1 (n = 1592) included patients without adhesions in the pelvis. Revealed statistically significant differences between groups of patients in the duration of the operation, fetal extraction time, the frequency of somatic pathology and certain complications of pregnancy. It was revealed that the presence of adhesive pelvioperitonitis significantly increases the duration of the child's extraction and the duration of the operation as a whole, and the main factors of its development are revealed: obesity, preterm rupture of membranes, polyhydramnios and low water.Целью исследования было изучить возможные факторы риска развития адгезивного пельвиоперитонита и их влияние на течение оперативного вмешательства (операции кесарева сечения). Ретроспективно было проанализировано 1780 историй родов женщин, родоразрешенных путем КС в ГБУЗ ТО «Перинатальный центр» г. Тюмень за 2017-2018гг. Все пациентки (n=1780) были разделены на 2 группы: в группу 1 (n=1592) вошли пациентки без спаечного процесса в малом тазу. Выявлена статистически достоверно значимые отличия между группами пациенток в продолжительности операции, времени извлечения плода, частотой соматической патологии и определенных осложнений беременности. Выявлено, что наличие адгезивного пельвиоперитонита достоверно увеличивает длительность извлечения ребёнка и продолжительность операции в целом, а также выявлены основные факторы его развития: ожирение, ПРПО, многоводие и маловодие

    Иконографическое исследование произведения Поля Гогена «Карикатура на губернатора Таити Лакаскада»

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    Iconographic research of Paul Gauguins graphical work «Caricature of Tahiti Governor Lacascade» presents by itself a new methodological technique in art-historian analysis of work of arts. The given method allows not only attributing a concrete work of art within the oeuvre of an artist, basing only upon a detailed research of its graphical surface, but fully revealing its content as well. Here, we present as the technique of iconographic research itself (usage of concrete general scientific methods in compliance with the specifics of analysis stages), so its results, being methodically fixed on every separate stage of analysis.Иконографическое исследование произведения Поля Гогена «Карикатура на губернатора Таити Лакаскада» представляет собой новый методологический ход в искусствоведческом анализе произведения искусства. Данный метод позволяет не только атрибутировать конкретное произведение в контексте творчества художника, основываясь только на подробном изучении его графической поверхности, но и раскрыть его содержание. Показан как сам ход иконографического исследования (применение конкретных общенаучных методов в соответствии со спецификой этапов анализа), так и его результаты, поэтапно фиксируемые на каждой отдельной стадии анализа

    Security in International Relations: International cooperation to prevent non-states threats.

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    Thesis is focusing on the analysis of the situation in Syria in the period since 2011 till present times. First part will present main theoretical thoughts on the international security such as Realist school, Liberalist school, Human and Collective security concepts and the most modern theoretical school of security- Copenhagen school. That was done in case to have a clear notion of the international security development and to chose the one theory which will reflect the best the situation in Syria. In the practical part I analyzing the actions and inter actions of the main international security actors, such as United Nations plus important actors in the region of the Middle East -- Arab League, and of course Syrian government and opposition. Also I will try to apply Copenhagen school of Security on the Syrian situation and to find out if that theory is good or not for that kind of analysis. After browsing actions taken by actors and opposition in the conclusion I found out that nowadays international security system cannot be called very successful and that Copenhagen school of Security its good explanatory theory but it pretty useless in case of conflict resolution.Thesis is focusing on the analysis of the situation in Syria in the period since 2011 till present times. First part will present main theoretical thoughts on the international security such as Realist school, Liberalist school, Human and Collective security concepts and the most modern theoretical school of security- Copenhagen school. That was done in case to have a clear notion of the international security development and to chose the one theory which will reflect the best the situation in Syria. In the practical part I analyzing the actions and inter actions of the main international security actors, such as United Nations plus important actors in the region of the Middle East -- Arab League, and of course Syrian government and opposition. Also I will try to apply Copenhagen school of Security on the Syrian situation and to find out if that theory is good or not for that kind of analysis. After browsing actions taken by actors and opposition in the conclusion I found out that nowadays international security system cannot be called very successful and that Copenhagen school of Security its good explanatory theory but it pretty useless in case of conflict resolution

    Security in International Relations: International cooperation to prevent non-states threats.

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    Thesis is focusing on the analysis of the situation in Syria in the period since 2011 till present times. First part will present main theoretical thoughts on the international security such as Realist school, Liberalist school, Human and Collective security concepts and the most modern theoretical school of security- Copenhagen school. That was done in case to have a clear notion of the international security development and to chose the one theory which will reflect the best the situation in Syria. In the practical part I analyzing the actions and inter actions of the main international security actors, such as United Nations plus important actors in the region of the Middle East -- Arab League, and of course Syrian government and opposition. Also I will try to apply Copenhagen school of Security on the Syrian situation and to find out if that theory is good or not for that kind of analysis. After browsing actions taken by actors and opposition in the conclusion I found out that nowadays international security system cannot be called very successful and that Copenhagen school of Security its good explanatory theory but it pretty useless in case of conflict resolution

    Иконографическое исследование произведения Поля Гогена «Карикатура на губернатора Таити Лакаскада»

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    Iconographic research of Paul Gauguins graphical work «Caricature of Tahiti Governor Lacascade» presents by itself a new methodological technique in art-historian analysis of work of arts. The given method allows not only attributing a concrete work of art within the oeuvre of an artist, basing only upon a detailed research of its graphical surface, but fully revealing its content as well. Here, we present as the technique of iconographic research itself (usage of concrete general scientific methods in compliance with the specifics of analysis stages), so its results, being methodically fixed on every separate stage of analysis.Иконографическое исследование произведения Поля Гогена «Карикатура на губернатора Таити Лакаскада» представляет собой новый методологический ход в искусствоведческом анализе произведения искусства. Данный метод позволяет не только атрибутировать конкретное произведение в контексте творчества художника, основываясь только на подробном изучении его графической поверхности, но и раскрыть его содержание. Показан как сам ход иконографического исследования (применение конкретных общенаучных методов в соответствии со спецификой этапов анализа), так и его результаты, поэтапно фиксируемые на каждой отдельной стадии анализа

    Perfectionism, envy and hypercompetitiveness among university students

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    Annual reports of student counseling services and empirical findings demonstrate growing prevalence of student maladjustment. Perfectionism is among highly disputable factors of this tendency. A study was conducted in the sample of 226 Russian university students. Indices of perfectionism, social comparisons, envy and competitiveness were examined. Students high in perfectionism reported significantly higher levels of contrastive upward social comparisons, envy, hypercompetitiveness and depression than those low in perfectionism. Envy and social comparison orientation partially mediated a relationship between perfectionism and depression