20 research outputs found

    Crystal structure of thebaine 6-O-demethylase from the morphine biosynthesis pathway

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    Thebaine 6-O-demethylase (T6ODM) from Papaver somniferum (opium poppy) is a key enzyme in the morphine biosynthesis pathway that belongs to the non-heme 2-oxoglutarate/Fe(II)-dependent dioxygenases (ODD) family. Initially, T6ODM was characterized as an enzyme catalyzing Odemethylation of thebaine to neopinone and oripavine to morphinone, however recently the substrate range of T6ODM was expanded to a number of various benzylisoquinoline alkaloids. Here, we present crystal structures of T6ODM in complexes with 2-oxoglutarate (T6ODM:2OG, PDB: 5O9W) and succinate (T6ODM:SIN, PDB: 5O7Y). The arrangement of the T6ODM’s active site is typical for proteins from the ODD family, but the enzyme is characterized by a large substrate binding cavity, whose volume can partially explain the T6ODM promiscuity. Moreover, the size of the cavity allows for binding of multiple molecules at once, posing a question about substrate-driven specificity of the enzyme

    A modular approach toward producing nanotherapeutics targeting the innate immune system.

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    Immunotherapies controlling the adaptive immune system are firmly established, but regulating the innate immune system remains much less explored. The intrinsic interactions between nanoparticles and phagocytic myeloid cells make these materials especially suited for engaging the innate immune system. However, developing nanotherapeutics is an elaborate process. Here, we demonstrate a modular approach that facilitates efficiently incorporating a broad variety of drugs in a nanobiologic platform. Using a microfluidic formulation strategy, we produced apolipoprotein A1-based nanobiologics with favorable innate immune system-engaging properties as evaluated by in vivo screening. Subsequently, rapamycin and three small-molecule inhibitors were derivatized with lipophilic promoieties, ensuring their seamless incorporation and efficient retention in nanobiologics. A short regimen of intravenously administered rapamycin-loaded nanobiologics (mTORi-NBs) significantly prolonged allograft survival in a heart transplantation mouse model. Last, we studied mTORi-NB biodistribution in nonhuman primates by PET/MR imaging and evaluated its safety, paving the way for clinical translation.This work was supported by NIH grants R01 CA220234, R01 HL144072, P01 HL131478, and NWO/ZonMW Vici 91818622 (to W.J.M.M.); R01 HL143814 and P01HL131478 (to Z.A.F.); R01 AI139623 (to J.O.); and P30 CA008748 (to T.R.). M.M.T.v.L. was supported by the American Heart Association (grant 19PRE34380423). M.G.N. was supported by a Spinoza grant from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research and an ERC Advanced Grant (no. 833247); L.A.B.J. was supported by a Competitiveness Operational Programme grant of the Romanian Ministry of European Funds (P_37_762, MySMIS 103587).S

    The 42nd Symposium Chromatographic Methods of Investigating Organic Compounds : Book of abstracts

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    The 42nd Symposium Chromatographic Methods of Investigating Organic Compounds : Book of abstracts. June 4-7, 2019, Szczyrk, Polan

    Utopia in the Eighteenth Century.

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    Tematem pracy jest utopia francuska w XVIII. wieku. Analiza gatunku zostanie przeprowadzona na podstawie tekstu Voltaira "Kandyd" i czterech sztuk Pierra Marivaux: L’Ile des Esclaves, L’Ile de la Raison, La Dispute i La Colonie.The theme of this thesis is the utopia in the eighteenth century, the time when the genre developed. The analysis is based on Voltaire’s chef-d'oeuvre: Candide or Optimism and four pieces of Marivaux: The Island of Slaves, The Island of Reason, La Dispute and The Colony.The episode of Eldorado, a micro-utopia occupies the central chapters of the novel and is part of the rules that govern the classical utopia. All elements are present: the preparatory events, then the entry, then a utopian table and ultimately departure. Apart from that, the story is in the third person. The episode introduces ruptures with the real world: geographical, historical, ideological and institutional. It differs from the norm by the presentation and how the heroes try to understand and know the utopian country. Candide and Cacambo are trying to do it by trial and error coming from the implementation of codes of the heroes’ original universe in the new reality. The Eldorado is a country of exceptional beauty, country of tolerance and reason where people are happy and neither police nor courts are necessary to ensure the proper functioning of society. Thanks to these features, the Eldorado reflects certain aspirations of the Enlightenment. But this utopia is unconvincing for two reasons: the other model: of oriental tale is superimposed on the utopian model, and as we meet several gray areas: vague social organization, incredible notion of power etc. Utopia of Eldorado is confined to reflect certain themes in the thought of the time. Candide leaves this world by choice and not to be able to testify his experience. The four reasons for leaving are: love, greed, instability and human vanity. Most probably, this micro-utopia is not a satire as Voltaire did not try to bring out the internal contradictions of utopian construction, which may prove that his approach differs from satire. The last feature is the subdivision of the novel into two parts by the utopia: the period and the Panglossian optimism and the philosopher’s Martin pessimism. Marivaux four utopias can be divided into two groups according to their objectives. The first group: Slave Island and Colony are considered social utopias, the second: Island of Reason and Quarrel, as moral ones. In Slave Island, the objective is to sensitize masters to the pain experienced by servants. The objective in The Colony is double: class confusion and claim of equal rights and responsibilities presented by women. In The Island of Reason, the island Governor wants to make men reasonable by inciting and teaching them. This ideal is embodied in a physical transformation. The Prince, the organizer of the original representation in Quarrel search sincerity in love by restoring the state of nature. Here, we are dealing with a scientific experiment. Theatrical form affects the meaning and presentation of utopias. The scenery loses its isolation and is seen as theatrical opening. Principles utopias are limited to a moral revenge at first. Servants assert their dignity from their masters. Then, for the island of Reason, this is the reason that remains the core of the human being. In the Colony, equal rights and responsibilities remains a part of human dignity and natural merit. Quarrel is based on the principle of existence of human nature, a rough psychological reality, without civilization habits.The end pieces of Marivaux is the limit of utopias they contain. Slaves again become slaves, masters found their power from the past. The "little men" become reasonable and settle in the island. The realization of the women’s postulates is questionable, but possible. The staging of the origins of human nature is to make us accept the natural law. Each utopia raises various problems of society and tries to give the perfect solution. The range of works belonging to the genre allows us to draw various designs of the authors and appreciate their ideas as well as bringing constructive criticism.Ce travail aborde le thème de l’utopie au XVIIIe siècle, époque de l’épanouissement du genre. L’analyse porte sur un conte de Voltaire : Candide ou l’Optimisme et sur quatre pièces de Marivaux : L’Ile des Esclaves, L’Ile de la Raison, La Dispute et La Colonie. L’épisode de l’Eldorado, une micro-utopie occupe les chapitres centraux du roman et s’inscrit dans les règles qui régissent l’utopie classique. Tous les éléments y sont bien présents : des épreuves préparatoires, puis l’entrée, ensuite un tableau utopique et finalement la sortie. A part cela, le récit est à la troisième personne. L’épisode introduit des ruptures avec le monde réel : géographique, historique, idéologique et institutionnelle. Il diffère de la norme par la présentation et la façon dont les héros tentent à comprendre et connaître le pays utopique. Ici Candide et Cacambo cherchent à le faire par des essais et erreurs issus de la transposition des codes de l’univers d’origine des héros sur la réalité nouvelle. L’Eldorado est un pays d’une beauté exceptionnelle, pays de tolérance et de raison ou les habitants sont heureux et ni police ni tribunaux n’y sont nécessaires pour garantir le bon fonctionnement de la société. Grâce à ces caractéristiques, l’Eldorado reflète bien certaines aspirations du siècle des Lumières. Cette utopie reste pourtant peu convaincante pour deux raisons : l’autre modèle se superpose sur le mode de l’utopie, celui du conte « oriental » et car on y rencontre plusieurs zones d’ombre : organisation sociale floue, notion du pouvoir peu crédible etc. L’utopie eldoradienne se borne à refléter certains thèmes présents dans la pensée de l’époque. Candide part de ce monde par choix et non pas pour pouvoir témoigner son vécu. Les quatre raisons du départ sont les suivantes : l’amour, la cupidité, l’instabilité humaine et la vanité. Les quatre utopies de Marivaux peuvent être divisées en deux groupes quant à leurs objectifs. Le premier groupe : L’Ile des Esclaves et La Colonie sont considérées comme utopies sociales, le second : L’Ile de la Raison et La Dispute, comme morales. Dans L’Ile des Esclaves, l’objectif est de sensibiliser les maîtres aux maux éprouvés par serviteurs. L’objectif dans La Colonie est double : confusion des classes sociales et la revendication d’égalité des droits et des responsabilités présentés par les femmes. Dans L’Ile de la Raison, le Gouverneur de l’île veut rendre l’homme raisonnable en l’incitant et l’enseignant à le devenir. Cet idéal se matérialise par une transformation physique. Le Prince, à sa part, organisateur de la représentation originale dans La Dispute recherche la sincérité en Amour en reconstituant l’états de nature. Ici, nous avons affaire à une expérimentation scientifique.La forme théâtrale influence la signification et le présentation des utopies. Le décor perd son isolement vu qu’une scène théâtrale constitue une ouverture. Mise en scène, utopie théâtrale de présente comme mise en place, organisation d’un monde nouveau. La fin des pièces de Marivaux est la limite des utopies qu’elles contiennent. Les esclaves redeviennent esclaves, les maîtres retrouvent leur pouvoir d’autrefois. Les « petits hommes » deviennent raisonnables et s’installent à l’île. La réalisation des postulats de femmes est douteuse, mais possible. La mise en scène des origines de la nature humaine a pour but de nous faire accepter la loi naturelle.Chacune des utopies analysées ci-dessus est à la fois exceptionnelle et s’inscrit aux règles de l’utopie classique. Chacune aussi soulève des différents problèmes de la société et essaie de donner la solution parfaite. L’éventail des ouvres appartenant à ce genre littéraire nous permet de puiser de diverses conceptions des auteurs et d’apprécier leurs idées aussi bien qu’apporter une critique constructive

    Identification of cell wall proteins of Candida albicans interacting with neutrophil extracellular trap proteins using photoreactive cross-linking

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    Drożdżaki C. albicans to oportunistyczne patogeny występujące u prawie 70% populacji, które w warunkach długotrwałej terapii antybiotykowej, ciąży, podeszłego wieku bądź zespołu nabytego braku odporności mogą powodować zakażenia lokalne oraz systemowe z wysokim współczynnikiem śmiertelności – około 50%. Jedną z pierwszych linii obrony organizmu przed tego rodzaju patogenami stanowią neutrofile. Do niedawna uważano, że komórki te niszczą drobnoustroje jedynie na drodze fagocytozy lub degranulacji. Obecnie wiadomo, iż neutrofile zdolne są także do aktywnego wyrzucania struktur przypominających sieci (NETs,ang. neutrophil extracellular traps), składających się z DNA, histonów oraz białek pochodzących z ziarnistości cytoplazmatycznych. Rolą tych pułapek jest neutralizacja mikroorganizmów poprzez utrudnienie ich ruchu oraz lokalne zwiększenie stężenia czynników szkodliwych. Głównym celem niniejszej pracy magisterskiej było wskazanie partnerów interakcji między białkami ściany komórkowej (CWP, ang. cell wall proteins) drożdżaków C. albicans z białkami NETs, takimi jak azurocydyna, elastaza, mieloperoksydaza, laktoferyna oraz histony – za pomocą chemicznego sprzęgania białek. W celu przeprowadzenia właściwych eksperymentów wyizolowano i oczyszczono CWP metodą chromatografii jonowymiennej. Po czym za pomocą dostępnego handlowo cross-linkera (sulfo-SBED) oraz kulek magnetycznych opłaszczonych streptawidyną (MagnaBind) przeprowadzono reakcje sprzęgania białek oraz wyodrębniono wytypowanych partnerów oddziaływania. W celu dalszej charakterystyki interakcji między wytypowanymi partnerami absorpcjometrycznie badano zmiany w aktywności enzymatycznej elastazy oraz mieloperoksydazy pod wpływem wskazanych białek drożdżowych z wykorzystaniem substratów, odpowiednio MeOSuc-Ala-Ala-Pro-Val-pNA i gwajakolu. Przeprowadzono także charakterystykę powierzchni oddziaływania intermolekularnego za pomocą tzw. mapowania cross-linkingiem oraz dokonano wizualizacji oddziaływania za pomocą dostępnego oprogramowania do dokowania molekularnego (PyDock).C. albicans is an opportunistic pathogen occuring in almost 70% of the population, which in conditions of long-term antibiotic therapy, pregnancy, advanced age or acquired immune deficiency syndrome can cause local and systemic infections with a high mortality rate – up to 50%.One of the first line of immune defense against such pathogens play neutrophils. Until recently it was thought that these cells can only destroy microorganisms by phagocytosis or degranulation. Currently it is known that neutrophils are able to actively release extracellular traps (NETs), consisting of DNA, histones and proteins derived from the cytoplasmic granules. The roles of these traps are: neutralization of microorganisms by limiting their movements and local increase of harmful factors concentration.The aim of this work was to identify interacting partners between cell wall proteins (CWP) of C. albicans and proteins of NETs such as azurocidin, neutrophil elastase, myeloperoxidase, lactoferrin and histones using chemical cross-linking. In order to carry out appropriate experiments CWP were isolated and purified by ion exchange chromatography. Then, using commercially available cross-linker (sulfo-SBED) and streptavidin-coated magnetic beads (MagnaBind), coupling reactions were performed followed by separation of interaction partners.To further characterize the interaction between CWP and NET proteins, activity assays of neutrophil elastase and myeloperoxidase were performed in the presence of identified CWP using MeOSuc-Ala-Ala-Pro-Val-pNA and guaiacol, respectively. Additionally, characteristics of protein-protein interfaces was investigated for complexes of enolase and NET proteins followed by visualization of the interaction using molecular docking software (PyDock)

    Illegal Immigration in the European Union

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    -W mojej analizie odnoszę się do przebywających nielegalnie na terenie Unii Europejskiej obywateli państw trzecich. Tak zdefiniowany problem badawczy znajduje swoje odzwierciedlenie w następującej strukturze pracy:W rozdziale pierwszym na podstawie literatury przedmiotu przedstawiłam definicję nielegalnej imigracji zamieszczoną w różnych źródłach, a także uzupełniłam to pojęcie o terminy pokrewne. Mowa jest w nim także o programie Clandestino oraz przedstawione zostały podstawowe dane na temat nielegalnej imigracji.Rozdział drugi zawiera opis kolejnych etapów budowy wspólnej polityki bezpieczeństwa wewnętrznego, a w szczególności kwestii walki z nielegalna imigracją.W rozdziale trzecim została zawarta analiza instrumentów Unii Europejskiej w zakresie przeciwdziałania nielegalnej imigracji i nielegalnemu zatrudnieniu cudzoziemców z państw trzecich.W rozdziale czwartym odnoszę się do społecznego aspektu nielegalnej imigracji. Przedmiotem mojej kwestii są nielegalni imigranci w oczach obywateli Unii Europejskiej