451 research outputs found

    Mary is a Model of Faith and Moral Life for the Contemporary Disciples of Christ

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    Observing the transformations taking place in the world, it is important to note the need for continuous reference in various areas of human life to Mary, whose example is always relevant. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to present Mary as a model of faith and moral life for the contemporary disciples of Christ. Mary – with her example – teaches one how to be a disciple of Christ in an authentic way, not superficial one. She is an example of understanding the Christian life as a commitment. Looking to Mary as an example, the individual learns to obey God in the path of faith and finds the values that lead him or her through the paths of the Christian moral life. Life permeated with the Marian spirit becomes an inspiration for the contemporary disciples of Christ to grow in faith, to do good and radically reject everything which is in contrary to the Christian ideal.Observing the transformations taking place in the world, it is important to note the need for continuous reference in various areas of human life to Mary, whose example is always relevant. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to present Mary as a model of faith and moral life for the contemporary disciples of Christ. Mary – with her example – teaches one how to be a disciple of Christ in an authentic way, not superficial one. She is an example of understanding the Christian life as a commitment. Looking to Mary as an example, the individual learns to obey God in the path of faith and finds the values that lead him or her through the paths of the Christian moral life. Life permeated with the Marian spirit becomes an inspiration for the contemporary disciples of Christ to grow in faith, to do good and radically reject everything which is in contrary to the Christian ideal

    The Destruction of Human Dignity in Today’s World as a Ser ious Moral and Educational Challenge

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    The fundamental value of human life is human dignity. The exceptional profundity of dignity is confirmed by the act of creation, redemption and vocation of man to ultimate fulfilment in God. The dignity which man possesses should constitute an essential motivation for his behaviour with respect to himself and to other people. The sense of dignity is deepened by service to others and by responsibility for one’s own life. Conversely, the loss of the sense of one’s own dignity occurs as a result of the lack of love as well as indifference or hatred towards others. In our times, symptoms of a lack of respect for human dignity can increasingly be observed, which is why there is a need for appropriate formation to make it possible to behave in accordance with the requirements of human dignity.Współczesna destrukcja godności człowieka poważnym wyzwaniem moralno-wychowawczym Podstawową wartością życia ludzkiego jest godność człowieka. Na całą głębię godności wskazuje fakt stworzenia, odkupienia i powołania człowieka do ostatecznego spełnienia w Bogu. Godność, którą ma człowiek, winna być dla niego podstawowym motywem postępowania względem siebie i innych ludzi. Poczucie godności pogłębia się poprzez służbę innym i odpowiedzialność za swoje życie. Z kolei zatracenie poczucia godności własnej następuje przez brak miłości, obojętność czy nienawiść wobec bliźniego. Obecnie coraz częściej można zaobserwować przejawy braku poszanowania godności człowieka, dlatego potrzebna jest praca nad sobą i właściwa formacja, by można było w codziennym życiu postępować zgodnie z wymogami ludzkiej godności

    The concept of renewal of the moral and social life in the teaching of the pope Benedict XVI

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    In the modern world it is easy to notice numerous alarming threats to social life in all its dimensions. These threats cause moral disintegration of the person and, consequently, lead to destruction of the society. Pope Benedict XVI was aware of this and - as a result - in his teaching he presented directions for solving specific socio-moral dilemmas. He translated them into the language of the concrete, suggesting practical principles for implementing the social teaching of the Church. Trying to overcome evil, he pointed to Christ, who strengthens human hearts to overcome the threats, inspired by action of the evil spirit. He made us realize that the person who followed the teachings of Christ is the hope for solving urgent global problems.Koncepcja odnowy życia moralno-społecznego w nauczaniu papieża Benedykta XVIWe współczesnym świecie daje się łatwo zauważyć wiele niepokojących zagrożeń życia społecznego i to we wszystkich jego wymiarach. Zagrożenia te powodują dezintegrację moralną osoby, a w konsekwencji prowadzą do destrukcji społeczeństwa. Miał tego świadomość papież Benedykt XVI, dlatego w swoim nauczaniu ukazywał kierunki rozwiązań określonych dylematów społeczno-moralnych. Przekładał je na język konkretu, proponując praktyczne zasady realizowania społecznego nauczania Kościoła. Starając się zaradzić złu, wskazywał na Chrystusa, który umacnia ludzkie serca do przezwyciężenia zagrożeń, inspirowanych działaniem złego ducha. Uświadamiał, że człowiek postępujący zgodnie z nauką Chrystusa jest nadzieją na doprowadzenie do rozwikłania naglących problemów społecznych

    Reorientacja moralna poprzez naśladowanie Chrystusa w nauczaniu Josepha Ratzingera – Papież Benedykt XVI

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    The aim of this publication is to outline a moral reorientation through the emulation of Christ based on the teachings of Josef Ratzinger – Benedict XVI. The study used the method of source analysis and synthesis of the researched content, which provided an insight into the fundamental thoughts of Joseph Ratzinger – Benedict XVI. In a contemporary society which is undergoing dehumanisation, individuals who are receptive to values can often become disoriented and struggle to find their rightful place in the world. Therefore the moral state of modern humanity requires a fundamental change. An individual capable of providing healing to human beings challenged in their development, and reinstating a sense of purpose to their existence on Earth is needed. Responding to the demands of the modern era, Pope Benedict XVI identifi ed Christ as the cornerstone for the conversion of human hearts and minds. The relationship with Christ, which is central to the concept of emulation, is essential for being a genuine Christian. Emulating Christ within the temporal continuum of a Christian’s life necessitates addressing personal problems and the surrounding reality through the lens of the Gospel’s principles.Celem niniejszej publikacji jest zarysowanie reorientacji moralnej poprzez naśladowanie Chrystusa w oparciu o nauczanie Josepha Ratzingera – Benedykta XVI. W pracy wykorzystano metodę analizy źródeł i syntezę badanych treści, która dała możliwość zapoznania się z fundamentalnymi myślami Josepha Ratzingera – Benedykta XVI. W ulegającej dehumanizacji cywilizacji współczesnej człowiek otwarty na wartości często się gubi się i nie może odnaleźć swojego miejsca w świecie. Sytuacja moralna współczesnego człowieka domaga się zatem głębokiej przemiany. Potrzeba kogoś, kto mógłby uzdrowić zagrożonego w swoim rozwoju człowieka i ukazać mu na nowo sens ziemskiej egzystencji. Odpowiadając na to zapotrzebowanie współczesności papież Benedykt XVI wskazał na Chrystusa jako fundament przemiany ludzkich serc i umysłów. Związek z Chrystusem, który leży u podstaw idei naśladowania, jest warunkiem koniecznym bycia prawdziwym chrześcijaninem. Naśladowanie Chrystusa w wymiarze doczesnym życia chrześcijanina zobowiązuje do rozwiązywania problemów własnego życia i otaczającej rzeczywistości w świetle wymogów Ewangelii

    Geolocalisation on Windows Phone 7

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    Cílem této práce je návrh a realizace programu pro zařízení s operačním systémem WP7, která umožňuje sběr informací o poloze uživatele a vyhodnocení nejčastěji navštěvovaných míst. Tyto místa se mohou ukládat do paměti telefonu a později zobrazit na interaktivních mapách dostupných v aplikaci. Teoretická část práce se zabývá lokalizací pomocí GPS a GSM. Dále pak shlukovacími metodami a metodami pro určení vzdálenosti mezi dvěma GPS body. Praktická část práce se zabývá implementací a funkčností aplikace.This work deals with design and realization an application for devices running WP7, which allows the collection of information about the user's location and evaluate the most frequently visited places. These points can be stored in phone memory and then displayed on the interactive maps available in the application. The theoretical part deals with localization using GPS and GSM. Also describes a grouping methods and methods for determining the distance between two GPS points. The practical part deals with implementation and application functionality.

    Treatment of malignant melanoma - a review of the literature

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    Melanoma is caused by genetic mutations in melanocytes, pigment-producing cells found in the skin, eye, inner ear, and soft meninges. Sun exposure, atypical nevi, previous history of melanoma, and the presence of multiple (≥40) common nevi were found to be associated with an increased risk of melanoma detection (OR: 1. 3; 95% CI: 1. 1-1. 6). Its prevalence is highest among light-skinned populations and in regions of lower latitudes. Significance of family history of melanoma and presence of congenital nevi were excluded. For localized primary melanoma, the dominant prognostic factors for survival are lesion thickness, ulceration, and lymph node involvement Understanding the pathogenesis of melanoma has been crucial in developing new therapeutic approaches. The characterization of oncogenic signaling pathways and interactions has made it possible to identify new targets for clinically effective therapies, such as pathway inhibitors and antibodies to immune checkpoints or the use of phototherapy. In this article we describe the  main signaling pathways which are deregulated in melanoma. We also mention how it has become a viable and crucial strategy for melanoma therapy and then thoroughly review the safety, clinical efficacy and progress regarding PDT- promising alternative therapy and the immunotherapies of melanoma in especially advanced metastatic stage basing on published clinical data and registered clinical trials, most of which are in phase III.

    Xylometazoline and oxymetazoline - unusual effects of everyday drugs (literature review)

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    The aim of the study is to systematize the knowledge about xylometazoline and oxymetazoline - commonly used nasal sprays with sympathicomimetic effect, mainly directly on α-adrenergic receptors [1]. A review of recent reports on possible side effects and new therapeutic options will be presented. Results: Over several years, reports have been published regarding descriptions of unusual cases of side effects, such as angina attack [4], a case of respiratory failure in a newborn [5], ischemic stroke [6], or anaphylactic reaction during routine surgery. In experiments using rats, on the other hand, it has been shown that these substances can also cause increased inflammation of the lower respiratory tract [7], as well as numerous ophthalmic problems [8]. Recent reports also suggest new uses for xylometazoline and oxymetazoline. In combination with lidocaine, an intranasal solution of xylometazoline has shown efficacy in the anesthesia of maxillary teeth in patients with minor carious lesions [9], and a beneficial therapeutic combination of oxymetazoline and dye laser (PDL) has also been reported for the treatment of rosacea, among others [10]. Conclusions: Although imidazoline derivatives were admitted to the drug list decades ago, still their pharmacological potential has not been fully exploited. Finding applications of these drugs in dermatology and dentistry may not only improve the efficacy and comfort of treatment, but also significantly reduce the costs of the whole therapy. The aforementioned reports on the side effects of xylometazoline and oxymetazoline should not be forgotten. It is possible that the presented examples will increase awareness to use these drugs with more respect, according to the recommendations on the leaflet

    NSAIDs and PPIs - review of new reports

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    The aim of this study is to systematise knowledge on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) - cyclooxygenase (COX) enzyme inhibitors and proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) inhibiting potassium hydrogen ATPase. A review of recent reports on possible side effects and new therapeutic options will be presented. Results: Over the last few years, reports of PPI side effects have been published: drug-induced thrombocytopenia, severe hypomagnesemia, hyponatremia or rhabdomyolysis. In the case of NSAIDs, ancillary therapeutic effects in the supportive therapy of multiple myeloma or in the reduction of adenoma formation in the colon stand out, but also cases of acute kidney injury in children. On the basis of meta-analyses, attempts were made to demonstrate the effect of individual NSAIDs on the occurrence of cardiovascular complications, stroke or myocardial infarction Conclusions: Despite the fact that the indicated preparations were admitted to the list of drugs several decades ago, still their pharmacological potential (on the example of NSAIDs, which can be successfully used even in complementary therapy) has not been fully exploited. The aforementioned reports on side effects must not be forgotten. It is possible that the examples presented in the review will raise awareness in order to use these drugs with greater respect, in accordance with the recommendations in the leaflet

    Transvaginal six-arm mesh OPUR in women with apical pelvic organ prolapse — analysis of short-term results, pelvic floor ultrasound evaluation

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    Objectives: Analysis of feasibility, efficacy and short-term results after six-arm transvaginal mesh OPUR implantation in women with apical prolapse. Material and methods: The same surgeon operated all of 39 women using mesh OPUR. Preoperatively patients had a standardized interview and clinical examination. Intraoperative and postoperative complications were analyzed. Postoperative evaluation included standardized interview, clinical examination and standardized pelvic floor ultrasound performed with 2D transvaginal probe and 4D abdominal probe. Results: There was no complication that needed operative intervention. Hematomas in 3 patients resolved spontaneously. Transient voiding difficulties which lasted less than 7 days were observed in 5 patients. No erosion was observed. Comparison of pre- and postoperative results in 34 women revealed that in all 3 compartments improvement in POP-Q scale was statistically significant (p < 0.0000). One patient with malposition and rolled up mesh needed re-operation. During PFS-TV in 94.1% of patients urethra was normobile or hypermobile. In all of the patients urethral end of the mesh was positioned far enough from the middle part of the urethra (ultrasound) to implant suburethral sling without risk of collision. Sexually active women did not inform of any important discomfort or pain during intercourse. Conclusions: It seems that six-arm OPUR mesh, if implanted under strict surgical rules, gives low risk of complications and high chance to successfully reduce POP symptoms in short term after the operation. It seems that OPUR mesh should not have negative influence on the results after anti-incontinence suburethral sling