286 research outputs found

    A user-friendly menu-driven language-free laser characteristics curves graphing program

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    In the selection of laser materials to be used as active sensors, it is essential to know how various factors of the specific material composition interact. Questions such as how does the rod size and frequency or absorption relate and how might this be affected by temperature variations must be answered before the materials are selected. A menu-driven language-free program was developed that would graph the interrelationship of many physical parameters of laser materials. This program reduced or removed the requirement that all users be competent in FORTRAN. A menu-driven language-free program was then developed that requires the use of a microcomputer to graph a two-dimensional display of data. The ability to graph more than one graph-line on the same chart was accomplished. The program is now generic in that it will take any data file whether in the data base or not. The program generates the format for the data read statement if it is not contained in the file header and the user does not know how to write them

    A user-friendly, menu-driven, language-free laser characteristics curves graphing program for desk-top IBM PC compatible computers

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    A facility was established that uses collected data and feeds it into mathematical models that generate improved data arrays by correcting for various losses, base line drift, and conversion to unity scaling. These developed data arrays have headers and other identifying information affixed and are subsequently stored in a Laser Materials and Characteristics data base which is accessible to various users. The two part data base: absorption - emission spectra and tabulated data, is developed around twelve laser models. The tabulated section of the data base is divided into several parts: crystalline, optical, mechanical, and thermal properties; aborption and emission spectra information; chemical name and formulas; and miscellaneous. A menu-driven, language-free graphing program will reduce and/or remove the requirement that users become competent FORTRAN programmers and the concomitant requirement that they also spend several days to a few weeks becoming conversant with the GEOGRAF library and sequence of calls and the continual refreshers of both. The work included becoming thoroughly conversant with or at least very familiar with GEOGRAF by GEOCOMP Corp. The development of the graphing program involved trial runs of the various callable library routines on dummy data in order to become familiar with actual implementation and sequencing. This was followed by trial runs with actual data base files and some additional data from current research that was not in the data base but currently needed graphs. After successful runs, with dummy and real data, using actual FORTRAN instructions steps were undertaken to develop the menu-driven language-free implementation of a program which would require the user only know how to use microcomputers. The user would simply be responding to items displayed on the video screen. To assist the user in arriving at the optimum values needed for a specific graph, a paper, and pencil check list was made available to use on the trial runs

    Religious Education Faces the Challenge of Religious Plurality

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    This study examines the internal discourse on religious education (RE) at two secondary schools in Vienna using a qualitative empirical method. At these schools RE have reached their oraganisational limits. The study has made a major contribution to religious education sensitive to contexts by exploring the most times implicit attitudes towards religion and RE from teachers and from members of the school community board.Mit Hilfe eines qualitativ-empirischen Verfahrens untersucht diese Studie den schulinternen Diskurs um den Religionsunterricht an zwei höheren Schulen Wiens, an denen dieser organisatorisch an Grenzen gerät. Die Studie leistet einen wertvollen Beitrag zu einer kontextsensiblen Religionspädagogik, indem sie die vielfach impliziten Einstellungen zu Religion und Religionsunterricht von Lehrkräften und Mitgliedern des Schulgemeinschaftsausschusses erforscht

    Religious education faces the challenge of religious plurality. A qualitative-empirical study in Vienna

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    In Europe RE in schools is predominantly organised denominationally. Growing religious plurality in particular is increasingly presenting a challenge for this organisational model. The question of how RE should be organised is currently the subject of controversial debate within the field of religious education studies. Is an alternative format even thinkable for those who hold responsibility for RE in schools? This study dedicates itself to Vienna, which like other European cities, is characterised by a high degree of religious plurality. The study employs a qualitative-empirical approach, in order to take a close look at the discourse around RE within two schools for upper secondary education, where it is coming up against its organisational limits. This study analyses group discussions with RE teachers and with members of the school community committee (an elected body consisting of teacher, pupil and parent representatives, as well as the head of school). Research into these often implicit attitudes towards religion and RE is vital for the development of future oriented forms of RE. This study consequently offers a valuable contribution to context sensitive religious education studies. (DIPF/Orig.

    Religionsunterricht vor den Herausforderungen religiöser Pluralität

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    This study examines the internal discourse on religious education (RE) at two secondary schools in Vienna using a qualitative empirical method. At these schools RE have reached their oraganisational limits. The study has made a major contribution to religious education sensitive to contexts by exploring the most times implicit attitudes towards religion and RE from teachers and from members of the school community board.Mit Hilfe eines qualitativ-empirischen Verfahrens untersucht diese Studie den schulinternen Diskurs um den Religionsunterricht an zwei höheren Schulen Wiens, an denen dieser organisatorisch an Grenzen gerät. Die Studie leistet einen wertvollen Beitrag zu einer kontextsensiblen Religionspädagogik, indem sie die vielfach impliziten Einstellungen zu Religion und Religionsunterricht von Lehrkräften und Mitgliedern des Schulgemeinschaftsausschusses erforscht

    Religionsunterricht vor den Herausforderungen religiöser Pluralität

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    This study examines the internal discourse on religious education (RE) at two secondary schools in Vienna using a qualitative empirical method. At these schools RE have reached their oraganisational limits. The study has made a major contribution to religious education sensitive to contexts by exploring the most times implicit attitudes towards religion and RE from teachers and from members of the school community board

    Proton spin-lattice relaxation in the organic superconductor (BEDT-TTF)2Cu(NCS)2 : evidence for relaxation by localized paramagnetic centres

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    The spin-lattice relaxation of the protons in the compound was investigated at nu L=13.5 MHz and 270 MHz for 4.2 K10 K and becomes non-exponential for T<10 K. At nu L=13.5 MHz the transition from exponential to noticeably non-exponential relaxation occurs already at T approximately=25 K. The cause for the non-exponential proton relaxation in the coarse grains is finite penetration of the RF-field (skin-effect) into the electrically conducting crystals. Powdering the crystals suppresses the skin-effect; this procedure, however, generates relaxation sinks in the form of localized paramagnetic centres. There is reason to believe that the skin-effect in coarse grains and generation of relaxation sinks by a powdering procedure complicate proton relaxation studies as well in other organic superconductors