44 research outputs found

    The impact of rainfall on the diurnal patterns of atmospheric pollen concentrations

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    Atmospheric precipitation removes the majority of biological and chemical pollutants from the lower parts of the troposphere. However, some studies infer increasing atmospheric pollen concentrations during precipitation events and/or thunderstorms, which are known to trigger allergic reactions (referred to as thunderstorm-triggered asthma). The aim of this study was to determine the impacts of precipitation on the diurnal variability of airborne pollen concentrations, with particular focus on the timing and intensity of precipitation events. We also considered the impacts of other meteorological elements on atmospheric pollen concentrations. The research was conducted in Rzeszów (SE Poland) from 2016 to 2018. We used two aerobiological and two meteorological stations in this study to determine potential spatial variability in the pollen response to rainfall, the diurnal precipitation changes, and the precipitation intensity in the city area. We determined the pollen response of four pollen types: Betula, Pinus, Poaceae, and Urtica, and we only included data from days that fulfilled restrictive criteria throughout all pollen seasons. We analysed a total of 81 days, which were divided into five groups according to precipitation intensity, the time of day of a precipitation event, and the type of pollen response to precipitation. Our results suggest that precipitation intensity was the dominant control on pollen concentrations; concentrations only decreased clearly under rainfall intensities of at least 5 mmh1mm•h^{-1} and this value we recommended as threshold value for long lasting decrease of pollen concentrations in our region. Lower intensity rainfall events resulted in no change in atmospheric pollen concentrations throughout the day. We noted the occurrence of increased pollen concentration immediately before and during rainfall events. Further, other parameters were also found to influence pollen concentrations in the atmosphere, including relative humidity, the time of day, and biological factors such as the plant phenophase or the phase of a pollen season

    GWAS links variants in neuronal development and actin remodeling related loci with pseudoexfoliation syndrome without glaucoma

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    Pseudoexfoliation syndrome (PEXS) is an age-related elastosis, strongly associated with the development of secondary glaucoma. It is clearly suggested that PEXS has a genetic component, but this has not been extensively studied. Here, a genome-wide association study (GWAS) using a DNA-pooling approach was conducted to explore the potential association of genetic variants with PEXS in a Polish population, including 103 PEXS patients without glaucoma and 106 perfectly (age- and gender-) matched controls. Individual sample TaqMan genotyping was used to validate GWAS-selected single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) associations. Multivariate binary logistic regression analysis was applied to develop a prediction model for PEXS. In total, 15 SNPs representing independent PEXS susceptibility loci were selected for further validation in individual samples. For 14 of these variants, significant differences in the allele and genotype frequencies between cases and controls were identified, of which 12 remained significant after Benjamini-Hochberg adjustment. The minor allele of five SNPs was associated with an increased risk of PEXS development, while for nine SNPs, it showed a protective effect. Beyond the known LOXL1 variant rs2165241, nine other SNPs were located within gene regions, including in OR11L1, CD80, TNIK, CADM2, SORBS2, RNF180, FGF14, FMN1, and RBFOX1 genes. None of these associations with PEXS has previously been reported. Selected SNPs were found to explain nearly 69% of the total risk of PEXS development. The overall risk prediction accuracy for PEXS, expressed by the area under the ROC curve (AUC) value, increased by 0.218, from 0.672 for LOXL1 rs2165241 alone to 0.89 when seven additional SNPs were included in the proposed 8-SNP prediction model. In conclusion, several new susceptibility loci for PEXS without glaucoma suggested that neuronal development and actin remodeling are potentially involved in either PEXS onset or inhibition or delay of its conversion to glaucoma

    Wykorzystanie analizy taksonomicznej w badaniach zrównoważonego rozwoju lokalnego na przykładzie powiatów podregionu ostrołęcko-siedleckiego

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    Problematyka rozwoju regionalnego jest jednym z ważniejszych kierunków badań we współczesnych naukach ekonomicznych. Niniejsza publikacja wpisuje się w szeroko rozumiany nurt badań regionalnych, lokalnych i przestrzenno-czasowych. W szczególności poruszane są w niej zagadnienia zrównoważonego rozwoju, gospodarek opartych na wiedzy, funkcjonowania samorządów regionalnych. Prezentowane analizy zostały przeprowadzone z wykorzystaniem zróżnicowanych narzędzi, takich jak: metody i modele ekonometrii przestrzennej, eksploracyjna analiza danych przestrzennych, metody wielowymiarowej analizy porównawczej, hurtowni danych (Data Warehouse) i narzędzi Business Intelligence. Książka jest adresowana do praktyków gospodarczych, analityków, naukowców, studentów i do wszystkich zajmujących się problematyką empirycznych badań regionalnych

    Wielowymiarowa ocena warunków przyrodniczych determinujących rozwój agroturystyki w gminach nadbużańskich

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    Problematyka rozwoju regionalnego jest jednym z ważniejszych kierunków badań we współczesnych naukach ekonomicznych. Niniejsza publikacja wpisuje się w szeroko rozumiany nurt badań regionalnych, lokalnych i przestrzenno-czasowych. W szczególności poruszane są w niej zagadnienia zrównoważonego rozwoju, gospodarek opartych na wiedzy, funkcjonowania samorządów regionalnych. Prezentowane analizy zostały przeprowadzone z wykorzystaniem zróżnicowanych narzędzi, takich jak: metody i modele ekonometrii przestrzennej, eksploracyjna analiza danych przestrzennych, metody wielowymiarowej analizy porównawczej, hurtowni danych (Data Warehouse) i narzędzi Business Intelligence. Książka jest adresowana do praktyków gospodarczych, analityków, naukowców, studentów i do wszystkich zajmujących się problematyką empirycznych badań regionalnych

    DNA damage and antioxidant properties of CORM-2 in normal and cancer cells

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    In this study, we compared the effect of tricarbonyldichlororuthenium (II) dimer (CORM-2) and its CO-depleted molecule (iCORM-2) on human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and human promyelocytic leukemia HL-60 cells. We determined cell viability, DNA damage and DNA repair kinetics. We also studied the effect of both compounds on DNA oxidative damage, free radical level and HO-1 gene expression. We showed that at low concentrations both CORM-2 and iCORM-2 stimulate PBMCs viability. After 24-h incubation, CORM-2 and iCORM-2, at the concentration of 100 µM, reduce the viability of both PBMCs and HL-60 cells. We also demonstrated that CORM-2 and iCORM-2, in the 0.01–100 µM concentration range, cause DNA damage such as strand breaks and alkaline labile sites. DNA damage was repaired efficiently only in HL-60 cells. CORM-2 significantly reduces oxidative stress induced by 1 mM H2O2 in normal and cancer cells. On the contrary, iCORM-2 in HL-60 cells increases the level of free radicals in the presence of 1 and 5 mM H2O2. We also revealed that both CORM-2 and iCORM-2 induce HO-1 gene expression. However, CORM-2 induces this gene to a greater extent than iCORM-2, especially in HL-60 cells at 100 µM. Finally, we showed that CORM-2 and iCORM-2 reduce H2O2-induced DNA oxidative damage. Furthermore, CORM-2 proved to be a compound with stronger antioxidant properties than iCORM-2. Our results suggest that both active CORM-2 and inactive iCORM-2 exert biological effects such as cyto- and genotoxicity, antioxidant properties and the ability to induce the HO-1 gene. The released CO as well as iCORM-2 can be responsible for these effects

    Factors affecting trematode infection rates in freshwater mussels

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    Mussels are intermediate hosts of digenean trematodes, but determinants of these infections remain unknown. To address this problem, we collected duck mussels Anodonta anatina in eighteen lakes from northeastern Poland and examined how mussel age, sex, and the encrustation with zebra mussels Dreissena polymorpha and environmental conditions in lakes influenced infection rates. We also assessed parasitic preferences to host gonads and hepatopancreas and the impact of parasites on female fertility. Mussels were infected with Rhipidocotyle campanula and Phyllodistomum sp. Infection rates were higher in older and female mussels but were unrelated to the biomass of encrusting D. polymorpha and the trophy, thermal conditions, and Ca2? availability. Parasites occupied gonads more often than hepatopancreas. Infected females were less likely to carry glochidia and incubated fewer glochidia. We suggest that the risk of infection by digenean trematodes increases with the amount of water processed by filter-feeding hosts and/or that parasites actively seek hosts which can provide them with abundant resources. This mechanism explains why parasites more often occupied older and female mussels and targeted their gonads. Future research on trematodemussel interactions should integrate knowledge on different elements of the complex trematode life cycles, including effects of higher-order hosts such as fish

    Formation of highly stable multinuclear AgnSn clusters in zinc fingers disrupts their structure and function

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    Silver (Ag(I)) binding to consensus zinc fingers (ZFs) causes Zn(II) release inducing a gradual disruption of the hydrophobic core, followed by an overall conformational change and formation of highly stable AgnSn clusters. A compact eight-membered Ag4S4 structure formed by a CCCC ZF is the first cluster example reported for a single biological molecule. Ag(I)-induced conformational changes of ZFs can, as a consequence, affect transcriptional regulation and other cellular processes

    Anxiety in children and adolescents with chronic kidney disease - multicenter national study results

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    Background/Aims: Chronic medical illness is a significant risk factor for the development of psychiatric disorders. The aims of the study were: to investigate the level of anxiety in children with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and to identify factors associated with the presence of that emotional problem. Methods: CKD children on hemodialysis (HD, n=22), peritoneal dialysis (PD, n=20,) and on conservative treatment (CT, n=95) were enrolled in the study. We used State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) for adolescents and STAI-C for children. Socio-demographic and physical factors were assessed. Results: There was a significantly higher level of anxiety-state among HD children (8-12 years) compared with other groups of participants of the same age and Polish population norms. The level of anxiety among adolescents (13-18 years), both anxiety-state and anxiety-trait, was significantly higher in the HD group compared with other groups, which did not differ among themselves. In the HD adolescents, there was a correlation between the anxiety-state and the duration of the disease as well as with the number of hospitalizations. PD adolescents in the mainstream education had higher levels of anxiety-state and anxiety-trait compared with home schooled patients. Conclusions: Even though children and adolescents with CKD are at risk of developing a variety of emotional disorders, the level of anxiety among the researched group, with the exception of HD patients, was not significantly different than the level of anxiety among healthy subjects. Adolescents on HD who present a high level of anxiety should undergo long-term psychological treatment

    Disease-related social situation in family of children with chronic kidney disease - parents' assessment : a multicentre study

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    Introduction and Objective. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) in children burdens life of patients and their families. Little is known about parents` assessment of families’ social situation. However, the knowledge of the details of a patient’s and his family’s life standards might influence modification and optimization of applied therapy. Therefore, the main goal of the present study was to explore the selected elements of life situation of patients suffering with CKD as well as their parents, depending on the CKD stage and appropriate treatment. Materials and Methods. Cross-sectional national study was conducted. A total of 203 children with CKD and 388 their parent-proxies (196 women and 192 men) were enrolled into this study. Patient data and questionnaires filled by both parents, concerning social-demographic parameters and assessment of changes in families after CKD diagnosis in the child, were analysed. Results. CKD children are being brought up in proper families whose financial situation is not good. Children need help in process of education. Perception of current situation differed between both parents in the change of the income source, taking care of CKD child, change in social relations and evaluating relations with medical staff. Parents do not obtain proper support from social workers. Conclusion. Families of CKD children require support in area of financial and educational help for school children. The discrepancies in evaluation of family situation between mothers and fathers of ill children might be the source of conflicts possibly resulting in worsening the outcome for CKD children