266 research outputs found

    Abstract of Forthcoming Article

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    Simple closed curves, non-kernel homology and Magnus embedding

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    We consider the subspace of the homology of a covering space spanned by lifts of simple closed curves. Our main result is the existence of unbranched covers where this is a proper subspace. More generally, we exhibit covers whose homology is not generated by the non-kernel of any fixed solvable quotient of the fundamental group. We explain how the existing approach by Malestein and Putman for branched covers relates to Magnus algebra, which significantly simplifies their proof. We then generalise it by producing embeddings of surface groups into units of certain algebras, which may be of independent interest.Comment: 17 page

    Making Executive Privilege Work: A Multi-Factor Test in an Age of Czars and Congressional Oversight

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    This Article begins in Part II by exploring a recent executive privilege case between the White House and Congress. Part III then explains the constitutional rationale for executive privilege by surveying the tension between Congress\u27s Article I powers and the President\u27s Article II powers. Part IV then explains modern executive privilege doctrine and the different forms of executive privilege, and also proposes a new multi-factor analysis to be incorporated into the current test. Part V moreover explains why the courts should reject both branches\u27 arguments on these issues in favor of a third approach. Part VI then ends with the long-term implications of executive privilege

    The Other Voting Right: Protecting Every Citizen\u27s Vote by Safeguarding the Integrity of the Ballot Box

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    There is a saying that people get the government they vote for. The implication of the maxim is that if undesirable or unwise legislation is enacted, if executive branch officials are inept or ineffective, or if the government is beset with widespread corruption, then such unfortunate results are the consequence of the electorate\u27s decision regarding whom to trust with the powers and prestige of public office. The Constitution does not forbid people from enacting wrongheaded policies. If voters elect leaders that fail them, then the citizenry is saddled with the consequences of its choice until the next election. Such is the reality in a democratic republic

    Rapid protein assignments and structures from raw NMR spectra with the deep learning technique ARTINA

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    Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is one of the major techniques in structural biology with over 11,800 protein structures deposited in the Protein Data Bank. NMR can elucidate structures and dynamics of small and medium size proteins in solution, living cells, and solids, but has been limited by the tedious data analysis process. It typically requires weeks or months of manual work of a trained expert to turn NMR measurements into a protein structure. Automation of this process is an open problem, formulated in the field over 30 years ago. Here, we present a solution to this challenge that enables the completely automated analysis of protein NMR data within hours after completing the measurements. Using only NMR spectra and the protein sequence as input, our machine learning-based method, ARTINA, delivers signal positions, resonance assignments, and structures strictly without any human intervention. Tested on a 100-protein benchmark comprising 1329 multidimensional NMR spectra, ARTINA demonstrated its ability to solve structures with 1.44 {\AA} median RMSD to the PDB reference and to identify 91.36% correct NMR resonance assignments. ARTINA can be used by non-experts, reducing the effort for a protein assignment or structure determination by NMR essentially to the preparation of the sample and the spectra measurements

    Einfluss des aus Helicobacter pylori isolierten Hsp60 auf die Apoptose und den Zellzyklus von humanen AGS-Zellen

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    Luterańska hermeneutyka biblijna i jej współczesne wyzwania w świetle dokumentu „Na początku było Słowo”. Biblia w życiu wspólnoty luterańskiej

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    The article presents a discussion of and elaboration upon the hermeneutical statement re- ceived by the LWF Council in 2016 entitled „In the Beginning was the Word”. The Bi- ble in the Life of the Lutheran Communion. The document engages the question of how Lutheran churches in many far-flung and varied contexts can reach some shared, mutual understanding regarding their reading and interpretation of biblical texts. The answer is that the whole Bible, particularly the most difficult passages, must be interpreted in light of its salvific message and also with regard to Luther’s crucial hermeneutical rules (Was Christum treibet). The key concept emphasizes that a reading of the Bible has a dynamic character: neither the Bible nor our situation is static. It means that our biblical interpretation may be a kind of „hermeneutical spiral” which is indeed a listening to the word of God along with the questions of our time and contexts. Consequently, a biblical text may have a different meaning in different parts of the world. Furthermore, the document emphasizes the importance of theological education in order to prepare pastors, teachers and leaders for effectively interpreting Scripture.Artykuł stanowi omówienie dokumentu wydanego w 2016 r. przez Światową Federację Luteranów „Na początku było Słowo”. Biblia w życiu wspólnoty luterańskiej, poświęconego hermeneutyce biblijnej. Autorzy dokumentu stają wobec pytania, jak Kościoły luterańskie wobec tak różnego kontekstu istnienia w świecie mogą dojść do wspólnej interpretacji i rozumienia tekstów biblijnych. Odpowiedź, jakiej udzielają autorzy, zwraca uwagę na fakt, że cała Biblia, a zwłaszcza jej najtrudniejsze stronice, musi być interpretowana w świetle jej zbawczego orędzia i przy uwzględnieniu hermeneutycznych zasad Marcina Lutra (np. Was Christum treibet). Kluczowe w całym zagadnieniu jest podkreślenie, że lektura Pisma Świętego ma charakter dynamiczny: ani tekst biblij- ny, ani sytuacja egzystencjalna, w której się go odczytuje, nie są statyczne. Oznacza to, że interpretacja biblijna może stanowić swego rodzaju „hermeneutyczną spiralę”, która w istocie jest słuchaniem słowa Bożego przy jednoczesnym nasłuchiwaniu pytań i problemów współczesnego świata. W konsekwencji teksty biblijne mogą mieć różne znaczenie w różnych częściach świata. Ponadto podkreśla się znaczenie wykształcenia teologicznego w przygotowaniu pastorów, nauczycieli i liderów wspólnot dla owocnej interpretacji Pisma Świętego

    Computer vision-based automated peak picking applied to protein NMR spectra

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    Motivation: A detailed analysis of multidimensional NMR spectra of macromolecules requires the identification of individual resonances (peaks). This task can be tedious and time-consuming and often requires support by experienced users. Automated peak picking algorithms were introduced more than 25 years ago, but there are still major deficiencies/flaws that often prevent complete and error free peak picking of biological macromolecule spectra. The major challenges of automated peak picking algorithms is both the distinction of artifacts from real peaks particularly from those with irregular shapes and also picking peaks in spectral regions with overlapping resonances which are very hard to resolve by existing computer algorithms. In both of these cases a visual inspection approach could be more effective than a ‘blind' algorithm. Results: We present a novel approach using computer vision (CV) methodology which could be better adapted to the problem of peak recognition. After suitable ‘training' we successfully applied the CV algorithm to spectra of medium-sized soluble proteins up to molecular weights of 26 kDa and to a 130 kDa complex of a tetrameric membrane protein in detergent micelles. Our CV approach outperforms commonly used programs. With suitable training datasets the application of the presented method can be extended to automated peak picking in multidimensional spectra of nucleic acids or carbohydrates and adapted to solid-state NMR spectra. Availability and implementation: CV-Peak Picker is available upon request from the authors. Contact: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Supplementary information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics onlin