213 research outputs found

    Acoustic suppression of the coffee-ring effect

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    We study the influence of acoustic fields on the evaporative self-assembly of solute particles suspended inside sessile droplets of complex fluids. The self-assembly process often results in an undesirable ring-like heterogeneous residue, a phenomenon known as the coffee-ring effect. Here we show that this ring-like self-assembly can be controlled acoustically to form homogeneous disc-like or concentrated spot-like residues. The principle of our method lies in the formation of dynamic patterns of particles in acoustically excited droplets, which inhibits the evaporation-driven convective transport of particles towards the contact line. We elucidate the mechanisms of this pattern formation and also obtain conditions for the suppression of the coffee-ring effect. Our results provide a more general solution to suppress the coffee-ring effect without any physiochemical modification of the fluids, the particles or the surface, thus potentially useful in a broad range of industrial and analytical applications that require homogenous solute depositions

    Dynamical hologram generation for high speed optical trapping of smart droplet microtools

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    This paper demonstrates spatially selective sampling of the plasma membrane by the implementation of time-multiplexed holographic optical tweezers for Smart Droplet Microtools (SDMs). High speed (>1000fps) dynamical hologram generation was computed on the graphics processing unit of a standard display card and controlled by a user friendly LabView interface. Time multiplexed binary holograms were displayed in real time and mirrored to a ferroelectric Spatial Light Modulator. SDMs were manufactured with both liquid cores (as previously described) and solid cores, which confer significant advantages in terms of stability, polydispersity and ease of use. These were coated with a number of detergents, the most successful based upon lipids doped with transfection reagents. In order to validate these, trapped SDMs were maneuvered up to the plasma membrane of giant vesicles containing Nile Red and human biliary epithelial (BE) colon cancer cells with green fluorescent labeled protein (GFP)-labeled CAAX (a motif belonging to the Ras protein). Bright field and fluorescence images showed that successful trapping and manipulation of multiple SDMs in x, y, z was achieved with success rates of 30-50% and that subsequent membrane-SDM interactions led to the uptake of Nile Red or GFP-CAAX into the SDM

    A Novel, All-Optical Tool for Controllable and Non- Destructive Poration of Cells with Single-Micron Resolution

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    We demonstrate controllable poration within ≈1 µm regions of individual cells, mediated by a near-IR laser interacting with thin-layer amorphous silicon substrates. This technique will allow new experiments in single-cell biology, particularly in neuroscience. As our understanding of the fundamental mechanistic processes underpinning biology expands, so does the need for high-precision tools to allow the dissection of the heterogeneity and stochastic processes that dominate at the single- and sub-cellular level. Here, we demonstrate a highly controllable and reproducible optical technique for inducing poration within specific regions of a target cell’s plasma membrane, permitting localized delivery of payloads, depolarization and lysis experiments to be conducted in unprecedented detail. Experiments support a novel mechanism for the process, based upon a thermally-induced change triggered by the interactions of a near-IR laser with a biocompatible thin film substrate at powers substantially below that used in standard optoporation experiments

    Two-Dimensional Partial-Covariance Mass Spectrometry of Large Molecules Based on Fragment Correlations

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    Covariance mapping [L. J. Frasinski, K. Codling, and P. A. Hatherly, Science 246, 1029 (1989)] is a well-established technique used for the study of mechanisms of laser-induced molecular ionization and decomposition. It measures statistical correlations between fluctuating signals of pairs of detected species (ions, fragments, electrons). A positive correlation identifies pairs of products originating from the same dissociation or ionization event. A major challenge for covariance-mapping spectroscopy is accessing decompositions of large polyatomic molecules, where true physical correlations are overwhelmed by spurious signals of no physical significance induced by fluctuations in experimental parameters. As a result, successful applications of covariance mapping have so far been restricted to low-mass systems, e.g., organic molecules of around 50 daltons (Da). Partial-covariance mapping was suggested to tackle the problem of spurious correlations by taking into account the independently measured fluctuations in the experimental conditions. However, its potential has never been realized for the decomposition of large molecules, because in these complex situations, determining and continuously monitoring multiple experimental parameters affecting all the measured signals simultaneously becomes unfeasible. We introduce, through deriving theoretically and confirming experimentally, a conceptually new type of partial-covariance mapping—self-correcting partial-covariance spectroscopy—based on a parameter extracted from the measured spectrum itself. We use the readily available total ion count as the self-correcting partial-covariance parameter, thus eliminating the challenge of determining experimental parameter fluctuations in covariance measurements of large complex systems. The introduced self-correcting partial covariance enables us to successfully resolve correlations of molecules as large as 10 3 – 10 4     Da , 2 orders of magnitude above the state of the art. This opens new opportunities for mechanistic studies of large molecule decompositions through revealing their fragment-fragment correlations. Moreover, we demonstrate that self-correcting partial covariance is applicable to solving the inverse problem: reconstruction of a molecular structure from its fragment spectrum, within two-dimensional partial-covariance mass spectrometry

    A supramolecular helix that disregards chirality

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    The functions of complex crystalline systems derived from supramolecular biological and non-biological assemblies typically emerge from homochiral programmed primary structures via first principles involving secondary, tertiary and quaternary structures. In contrast, heterochiral and racemic compounds yield disordered crystals, amorphous solids or liquids. Here, we report the self-assembly of perylene bisimide derivatives in a supramolecular helix that in turn self-organizes in columnar hexagonal crystalline domains regardless of the enantiomeric purity of the perylene bisimide. We show that both homochiral and racemic perylene bisimide compounds, including a mixture of 21 diastereomers that cannot be deracemized at the molecular level, self-organize to form single-handed helical assemblies with identical single-crystal-like order. We propose that this high crystalline order is generated via a cogwheel mechanism that disregards the chirality of the self-assembling building blocks. We anticipate that this mechanism will facilitate access to previously inaccessible complex crystalline systems from racemic and homochiral building blocks

    The diabetes gene Zfp69 modulates hepatic insulin sensitivity in mice

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    AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: Zfp69 was previously identified by positional cloning as a candidate gene for obesity-associated diabetes. C57BL/6J and New Zealand obese (NZO) mice carry a loss-of-function mutation due to the integration of a retrotransposon. On the NZO background, the Zfp69 locus caused severe hyperglycaemia and loss of beta cells. To provide direct evidence for a causal role of Zfp69, we investigated the effects of its overexpression on both a lean [B6-Tg(Zfp69)] and an obese [NZO/B6-Tg(Zfp69)] background. METHODS: Zfp69 transgenic mice were generated by integrating the cDNA into the ROSA locus of the C57BL/6 genome and characterised. RESULTS: B6-Tg(Zfp69) mice were normoglycaemic, developed hyperinsulinaemia, and exhibited increased expression of G6pc and Pck1 and slightly reduced phospho-Akt levels in the liver. During OGTTs, glucose clearance was normal but insulin levels were significantly higher in the B6-Tg(Zfp69) than in control mice. The liver fat content and plasma triacylglycerol levels were significantly increased in B6-Tg(Zfp69) and NZO/B6-Tg(Zfp69) mice on a high-fat diet compared with controls. Liver transcriptome analysis of B6-Tg(Zfp69) mice revealed a downregulation of genes involved in glucose and lipid metabolism. Specifically, expression of Nampt, Lpin2, Map2k6, Gys2, Bnip3, Fitm2, Slc2a2, Ppargc1α and Insr was significantly decreased in the liver of B6-Tg(Zfp69) mice compared with wild-type animals. However, overexpression of Zfp69 did not induce overt diabetes with hyperglycaemia and beta cell loss. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: Zfp69 mediates hyperlipidaemia, liver fat accumulation and mild insulin resistance. However, it does not induce type 2 diabetes, suggesting that the diabetogenic effect of the Zfp69 locus requires synergy with other as yet unidentified genes

    Detection of large molecular weight cytokeratin 8 as carrier protein of CA19–9 in non-small-cell lung cancer cell lines

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    It has been reported that cytokeratin 8 (CK8) is expressed in all non-small-cell lung cancers (NSCLC). We hypothesized that antigenic changes of CK8 may occur in some NSCLC cell lines. To prove this, Western immunoblot analysis using anti-human CK8 monoclonal antibodies as well as immunohistological staining of CK8 were performed in NSCLC cell lines. As a result, CK8 which had a higher molecular weight than recombinant CK8 was demonstrated in two of eight NSCLC cell lines. In addition, this CK8 contained antigenic epitopes of CA19–9. This CK8 with higher molecular weight, may have played a role in the process of invasion or metastasis of NSCLC. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Human immunodeficiency virus: 25 years of diagnostic and therapeutic strategies and their impact on hepatitis B and C virus

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    The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) had spread unrecognized in the human population as sexually transmitted disease and was finally identified by its disease AIDS in 1981. Even after the isolation of the causative agent in 1983, the burden and death rate of AIDS accelerated worldwide especially in young people despite the confection of new drugs capable to inhibit virus replication since 1997. However, at least in industrialised countries, this trend could be reversed by the introduction of combination therapy strategies. The design of new drugs is on going; besides the inhibition of the three enzymes of HIV for replication and maturation (reverse transcriptase, integrase and protease), further drugs inhibits fusion of viral and cellular membranes and virus maturation. On the other hand, viral diagnostics had been considerably improved since the emergence of HIV. There was a need to identify infected people correctly, to follow up the course of immune reconstitution of patients by measuring viral load and CD4 cells, and to analyse drug escape mutations leading to drug resistance. Both the development of drugs and the refined diagnostics have been transferred to the treatment of patients infected with hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV). This progress is not completed; there are beneficial aspects in the response of the scientific community to the HIV burden for the management of other viral diseases. These aspects are described in this contribution. Further aspects as handling a stigmatising disease, education of self-responsiveness within sexual relationships, and ways for confection of a protective vaccine are not covered

    Long-Term Persistence of Functional Thymic Epithelial Progenitor Cells In Vivo under Conditions of Low FOXN1 Expression

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    Normal thymus function reflects interactions between developing T-cells and several thymic stroma cell types. Within the stroma, key functions reside in the distinct cortical and medullary thymic epithelial cell (TEC) types. It has been demonstrated that, during organogenesis, all TECs can be derived from a common thymic epithelial progenitor cell (TEPC). The properties of this common progenitor are thus of interest. Differentiation of both cTEC and mTEC depends on the epithelial-specific transcription factor FOXN1, although formation of the common TEPC from which the TEC lineage originates does not require FOXN1. Here, we have used a revertible severely hypomorphic allele of Foxn1, Foxn1R, to test the stability of the common TEPC in vivo. By reactivating Foxn1 expression postnatally in Foxn1R/- mice we demonstrate that functional TEPCs can persist in the thymic rudiment until at least 6 months of age, and retain the potential to give rise to both cortical and medullary thymic epithelial cells (cTECs and mTECs). These data demonstrate that the TEPC-state is remarkably stable in vivo under conditions of low Foxn1 expression, suggesting that manipulation of FOXN1 activity may prove a valuable method for long term maintenance of TEPC in vitro
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