1,293 research outputs found

    Generalized Method Of Designing Unmanned Remotely Operated Complexes Based On The System Approach

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    Self-propelled underwater systems belong to the effective means of marine robotics. The advantages of their use include the ability to perform underwater work in real time with high quality and without risk to the life of a human operator. At present, the design of such complexes is not formalized and is carried out separately for each of the components – a remotely operated vehicle, a tether-cable and cable winch, a cargo device and a control and energy device. As a result, the time spent on design increases and its quality decreases. The system approach to the design of remotely operated complexes ensures that the features of the interaction of the components of the complex are taken into account when performing its main operating modes. In this paper, the system interaction between the components of the complex is proposed to take into account in the form of decomposition of “underwater tasks (mission) – underwater technology of its implementation – underwater work on the selected technology – task for the executive mechanism of the complex” operations. With this approach, an information base is formed for the formation of a list of mechanisms of the complex, the technical appearance of its components is being formed, which is important for the early design stages. Operative, creative and engineering phases of the design of the complex are proposed. For each phase, a set of works has been formulated that cover all the components of the complex and use the author's existence equations for these components as a tool for system analysis of technical solutions.The perspective of the scientific task of the creative phase to create accurate information models of the functioning of the components of the complex and models to support the adoption of design decisions based on a systematic approach is shown.The obtained results form the theoretical basis for finding effective technical solutions in the early stages of designing remotely operated complexes and for automating the design with the assistance of modern applied computer research and design packages

    Supergiant, fast, but not so transient 4U 1907+09

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    We have investigated the dipping activity observed in the high-mass X-ray binary 4U 1907+09 and shown that the source continues to pulsate in the "off" state, noting that the transition between the "on" and "off" states may be either dip-like or flare-like. This behavior may be explained in the framework of the "gated accretion" scenario proposed to explain the flares in supergiant fast X-ray transients (SFXTs). We conclude that 4U 1907+09 might prove to be a missing link between the SFXTs and ordinary accreting pulsars.Comment: 4 pages 5 figures, accepted in A&

    CBM Performance for Anisotropic Flow Measurements

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    Compressed Baryonic Matter experiment (CBM) at FAIR has a potential of discoveries in the area of QCD phase diagram with high net baryon densities and moderate temperatures. Anisotropic transverse flow is one of the key observables to study the properties of matter created in heavy-ion collisions. CBM performance for anisotropic flow measurements is studied with Monte-Carlo simulations of gold ions at SIS-100 energies using heavy-ion event generators. Different combinations of the CBM detector subsystems are used to investigate the possible systematic biases in flow measurement and to study effects of detector azimuthal non-uniformity. Resulting performance of the CBM for flow measurements is demonstrated for directed flow of identified charged hadrons as a function of rapidity and transverse momentum in different centrality classes

    Probing the possibility of hotspots on the central neutron star in HESS J1731-347

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    The X-ray spectra of the neutron stars located in the centers of supernova remnants Cas A and HESS J1731-347 are well fit with carbon atmosphere models. These fits yield plausible neutron star sizes for the known or estimated distances to these supernova remnants. The evidence in favor of the presence of a pure carbon envelope at the neutron star surface is rather indirect and is based on the assumption that the emission is generated uniformly by the entire stellar surface. Although this assumption is supported by the absence of pulsations, the observational upper limit on the pulsed fraction is not very stringent. In an attempt to quantify this evidence, we investigate the possibility that the observed spectrum of the neutron star in HESS J1731-347 is a combination of the spectra produced in a hydrogen atmosphere of the hotspots and of the cooler remaining part of the neutron star surface. The lack of pulsations in this case has to be explained either by a sufficiently small angle between the neutron star spin axis and the line of sight, or by a sufficiently small angular distance between the hotspots and the neutron star rotation poles. As the observed flux from a non-uniformly emitting neutron star depends on the angular distribution of the radiation emerging from the atmosphere, we have computed two new grids of pure carbon and pure hydrogen atmosphere model spectra accounting for Compton scattering. Using new hydrogen models, we have evaluated the probability of a geometry that leads to a pulsed fraction below the observed upper limit to be about 8.2 %. Such a geometry thus seems to be rather improbable but cannot be excluded at this stage.Comment: 8 pages, 14 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    A non-pulsating neutron star in the supernova remnant HESS J1731-347 / G353.6-0.7 with a carbon atmosphere

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    Context: The CCO candidate in the center of the supernova remnant shell HESS J1731-347 / G353.6-0.7 shows no pulsations and exhibits a blackbody-like X-ray spectrum. If the absence of pulsations is interpreted as evidence for the emitting surface area being the entire neutron star surface, the assumption of the measured flux being due to a blackbody emission translates into a source distance that is inconsistent with current estimates of the remnant's distance. Aims: With the best available observational data, we extended the pulse period search down to a sub-millisecond time scale and used a carbon atmosphere model to describe the X-ray spectrum of the CCO and to estimate geometrical parameters of the neutron star. Methods: To search for pulsations we used data of an observation of the source with XMM-Newton performed in timing mode. For the spectral analysis, we used earlier XMM-Newton observations performed in imaging mode, which permits a more accurate treatment of the background. The carbon atmosphere models used to fit the CCO spectrum are computed assuming hydrostatic and radiative equilibria and take into account pressure ionization and the presence of spectral lines. Results: Our timing analysis did not reveal any pulsations with a pulsed fraction above ~8% down to 0.2 ms. This finding further supports the hypothesis that the emitting surface area is the entire neutron star surface. The carbon atmosphere model provides a good fit to the CCO spectrum and leads to a normalization consistent with the available distance estimates of the remnant. The derived constraints on the mass and radius of the source are consistent with reasonable values of the neutron star mass and radius. After the CCO in Cas A, the CCO in HESS J1731-347 / G353.6-0.7 is the second object of this class for which a carbon atmosphere model provides a consistent description of X-ray emission.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy&Astrophysic

    Performance Studies for Strange Hadron Flow Measurements in CBM at FAIR

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    Measurements of the directed and elliptic flow of strange and multi-strange hadrons are an important part of the physics program of the Compressed Baryonic Matter experiment (CBM) at the future accelerator complex FAIR in Darmstadt, Germany. We present recent results from the CBM performance studies for measurements of the directed

    Spatial Structure of Triglycine Determined by the Residual Dipolar Coupling Analysis

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    The possibility to determine the relatively small organic compound conformations by the approach on the basis of the analysis of the residual dipolar couplings 1H-13C in the molecules partially aligned in lyotropic liquid crystalline media has been considered. This approach has been used in the nuclear magnetic resonance investigation of the triglycine structure in lyotropic medium (cetylpyridinium bromide/n-hexanol). The conformation of triglycine in solution has been established as trans-trans on the basis of the experimental data of observed couplings
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