142 research outputs found

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    Formação docente e o uso das tecnologias no âmbito escolar

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    The purpose of this research was to understand how teachers are trained in the use of technology, with emphasis on the challenges they are imposing on education professionals, taking into account the guidelines defined in the PCN. The study was carried out through interviews with public and private teachers, characterizing as an empirical research with elements, instruments and strategies that are contained in a qualitative approach. Data analysis was used to analyze the data. It was possible to understand that teachers see in ICT a transformative and determinant possibility for education.Key-words: teacher training; educational technologies; NCP.Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo entender como acontece a formação dos docentes em relação ao uso das tecnologias, levando em consideração as diretrizes definidas nos parâmetros curriculares nacionais. O estudo foi realizado por meio de entrevistas com professores da rede pública e privada, caracterizando-se como uma pesquisa empírica com elementos, instrumentos e estratégias que estão contidos em uma abordagem qualitativa. Para análise dos dados utilizou-se a análise de conteúdo. Foi possível compreender que os professores vêem nas TIC uma possibilidade transformadora e determinante para a educação.Palavras-chave: formação de professores; tecnologias educacionais; PCN

    Iodine-123 metaiodobenzylguanidine scintigraphic assessment of the transplanted human heart: Evidence for late reinnervation

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    Objectives.This study attempted to determine whether cardiac sympathetic reinnervation occurs late after orthotopic heart transplantation.Background.Metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) is taken up by myocardial sympathetic nerves. Iodine-123 (I-123) MIBG cardiac uptake reflects intact myocardial sympathetic innervation of the heart. Cardiac transplant recipients do not demonstrate I-123 MIBG cardiac uptake when studied <6 months from transplantation. However, physiologic and biochemical studies suggest that sympathetic reinnervation of the heart can occur >1 year after transplantation.Methods.We performed serial cardiac I-123 MIBG imaging in 23 cardiac transplant recipients early (<-1 year) and late (>1 year) after operation. In 16 subjects transmyocardial norepinephrine release was measured late after transplantation.Results.No subject had visible I-123 MIBG uptake on imaging <1 year after transplantation. However, 11 (48%) of 23 subjects developed visible cardiac I-123 MIBG uptake 1 to 2 years after transplantation. Only 3 (25%) of 12 subjects with a pretransplantation diagnosis of idiopathic cardiomyopathy demonstrated I-123 MIBG uptake compared with 8 (73%) of 11 with a pretransplantation diagnosis of ischemic or rheumatic heart disease (p = 0.04). All 10 subjects with a net myocardial release of norepinephrine had cardiac I-123 MIBG uptake; all 6 subjects without a net release of norepinephrine had no cardiac I-123 MIBG uptake.Conclusions.Sympathetic reinnervation of the transplanted human heart can occur >1 year after operation, as assessed by I-123 MIBG imaging and the transmyocardial release of norepinephrine. Reinnervation is less likely to occur in patients with a pretransplantation diagnosis of idiopathic cardiomyopathy than in those with other etiologies of congestive heart failure

    Strategies for a nearly Zero-Energy Building market transition in the European Union

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    European legislation makes nearly Zero-Energy Buildings (nZEBs) a standard by 2020. The technology is available and proven; however, the large-scale uptake of nZEB construction and renovation remains a challenge. ZEBRA2020 monitored the market uptake of nZEBs across Europe and provided data and knowledge on how to reach the nZEB standard. This information was structured and analysed to derive recommendations. ZEBRA2020 covers 17 European countries and almost 90% of the EU/EEA building stock and population. The online data tools provide unique information regarding nZEB market development and nZEB characteristics. New approaches have been developed in order to allow for a better comparability of national data. However, the absence or difficult accessibility to key data and in particular for non-residential and existing buildings as well as for renovations remains an important obstacle. The online nZEB tracker, based on a set of criteria, assesses the nZEB market maturity. On EU-level, the tracker shows a substantial gap of market maturity that still has to be closed by 2019/2021. A set of barriers and related recommendations have been identified both at national and EU level: The implementation of a common, shared long-term vision for the building stock is crucial. A quantitative comparison of national nZEB definitions is complex due to different system boundaries, calculation methodologies, applied factors etc. However, our analysis indicates that a significant share of nZEB definitions does not meet the intention of the EU directive on energy efficient buildings (EPBD) that the energy consumption should be “nearly zero or very low amount” and the remaining part “should be covered to a very significant extent by energy from renewable sources”. Thus, the new EPBD requires clear definitions of these terms and thresholds. Further, it is important to distinguish between new buildings and renovations – despite of a common nZEB definition for both cases. The nZEB compliance monitoring and sanctions regimes need improvement. Only about half of the covered Member States monitor the compliance of new buildings with energy performance requirements. The lack of professional skills continues to be an important barrier and should remain a focus, especially in case of new built. In many Member States, the reliability and credibility of Energy Performance Certificates (EPC) is often questioned by actors on the real estate market. Transforming EPCs into Building Certificates (“Passes”) for the whole lifetime of a building may increase credibility and serve as a key measure to foster building renovation towards an nZEB standard. Storage of building data in an electronically accessible national database may contribute to better data availability. Energy poverty and vulnerable consumers are a European-wide issue and need further attention. Shifting from fuel subsidy to energy efficiency support is required. Future-proof buildings will be highly-efficient micro energy-hubs consuming, producing, storing and supplying energy. A revised nZEB definition should be future-proofed to be a smart building and district-ready.publishedVersio


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    Introduction. the ability of the small intestine (internalization) to absorb water-soluble anticancer cytostatics determines the possibility of their oral administration. the ex-vivo express method that simulates the internalization of substances using a modified technique of an isolated «inverted» segment of the rat small intestine with flash chemiluminescence is adequate to solve the problem. Objectives: to evaluate the absorption of the new water-soluble anticancer cytostatics with different properties from the rat small intestine for preclinical study by oral administration. Material and methods. conjugated with acridinium (Acridinium NHS Ester, Toronto Research Chemicals, Canada) cytostatics were studied: low molecular weight (1) anthrafuran-acridinium (MW 0.8 kDa) and high molecular weight (2) aimpila-acridinium (MW 105 kDa) and (3) L-lysine-α-oxidase (LO-acridinium, MW 122 kDa). absorption was determined in a modified model of an isolated «inverted» segment of the rat small intestine using flash-chemiluminescence with the calculation of the relative light units (RLu). Results. It was shown that the absorption level of acridinium-conjugated cytostatics depending on molar concentration ranged from 55 % (1) to 1.7–11 % (2, 3) and 2500 (1) to 9.2–188 nmol/l (2, 3), respectively. the level of internalized anthrafuran-acridinium (55 %) was consistent with the known value of the effective non-conjugated cytostatic oral dose, which was two times higher than equitherapeutical parenteral dose: 100 mg/kg vs 50 mg/kg. Conclusion. the data obtained allow us to consider ex vivo express method for preclinical study of the various water-soluble anticancer cytostatics for screening and identification of an opportunity for oral administration and estimation of starting dose. the method has a good correlation with in vivo tests and economically favorable due to a quick response and small number of the tested agent.Введение. Способность к всасыванию в тонкой кишке (интернализация) водорастворимых противоопухолевых цитостатиков определяет возможность их перорального применения. Экспресс-метод ex vivo, моделирующий интернализацию веществ в рамках модифицированной методики изолированного «вывернутого» отрезка тонкой кишки крысы с импульсной хемилюминесценцией, адекватен для решения поставленной задачи. Цель исследования – оценка всасывания в организм из тонкой кишки новых водорастворимых противоопухолевых цитостатиков с различными свойствами для доклинического изучения при пероральном введении. Материал и методы. В исследование включены конъюгированные с Акридином (Acridinium NHS Ester, Toronto Research Chemicals, Canada) цитостатики: низкомолекулярный (1) Антрафуран-Акридин (MW 0,8 кДа) и высокомолекулярные (2) Аимпила-Акридин (MW 105 кДа) и (3) L-лизин-α-оксидаза (ЛО-Акридин, MW 122 кДа). Всасывание определено в модифицированной модели изолированного «вывернутого» отрезка тонкой кишки крысы методом импульсной флэш-хемилюминесценции и пересчитано в процентах. Результаты. Показано, что в зависимости от молярной концентрациии от 2500 (1) до 9,2–188 нмоль/л (2, 3) уровень всасывания конъюгированных с Акридином цитостатиков находится в диапазоне от 55 % (1) до 1,7–11 % (2, 3) соответственно. Уровень всасывания конъюгированного Антрафурана (55 %) согласуется с величиной известной эффективной пероральной дозы неконъюгированного цитостатика, которая была в два раза больше, чем эквитерапевтическая парентеральная доза: 100 мг/кг против 50 мг/кг. Заключение. Полученные данные позволяют рассматривать экспресс-метод ex vivo для скрининга возможности доклинического изучения различных водорастворимых противоопухолевых цитостатиков при пероральном введении с прогнозированием стартовой дозы. Метод адекватен тестам in vivo и экономически целесообразен в силу быстрого ответа и малого количества тестируемого агента