1,029 research outputs found

    Detailed near-wake flowfield surveys with comparison to an Euler method of an aspect ratio 4 rectangular wing

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    An experimental investigation of the flowfield in the near-wake of an aspect ratio 4 rectangular wing was conducted, providing a complete detailed set of data for use in the validation of computational methods. An angle of attack of 8 degrees and two Reynolds numbers 530,000 and 391,000 were investigated using pitot and six-hole probes. In addition, two types of flow visualization were employed. The data presented includes contours of total pressure, mean velocity, flow angularity, and vorticity distribution data at five chordwise stations of the near-wake ranging from 0.167 to 5.00 chord lengths aft of the trailing edge. The experimental results were compared to the predicted results of a 2-D Euler numerical method. The results predicted by an Euler method failed to accurately define the flowfield. Tangential velocities remained relatively constant over the range of X/C considered though increased in angle of attack and Reynolds number did bring about corresponding increases. Axial velocities also increased with angle of attack and Reynolds number but showed greater sensitivity to increases in X/C. Graphic displays and contours of the total pressure data indicate that roll-up of the wing tip vortex is essentially complete one and one half chords downstream of the trailing edge

    Bias-Variation Dilemma Challenges Clinical Trials: Inherent Limitations of Randomized Controlled Trials and Meta-Analyses Comparing Hernia Therapies

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    Purpose: Evaluation of hernia therapies according to the current rules of Evidence Based Medicine is widely reduced to results of RCTs or meta-analyses. RCTs have been accepted as a most important tool to confirm a superior effect of an intervention. Unfortunately, in hernia surgery, comparisons of RCTs and correspondingly their use in meta-analyses, are not, surprisingly often, able to confirm any significant impact of a specific procedure due to intrinsic restrictions in a multi-causal\ud setting with its web of influences. Methods: Based on our own experiences of clinical studies in surgery, the present article outlines several situations, with their respective reasons, which argue the severe limitations of RCTs and meta-analysis to define an optimum treatment. Results: Metaanalyses accumulate the variations of each trial, which then may cover any clear causal relationship. RCTs usually are dealing with subgroups of standard patients thus excluding the majority of our patients. Low statistical power of current cohort sizes restricts the analysis of subgroups or of effects with low incidences. Simple comparisons of means frequently are hampered by nonlinear relationships to outcome. The relevance of a specific variable is difficult to separate from other influences. The limited surveillance period of studies ignores a delayed change in outcome. Randomization cannot guarantee a standardized patient’s condition. All the arguments have to be considered as a crucial and fundamental consequence of the bias-variance dilemma or principle of uncertainty in medicine, and underline the many limitations of RCTs to evaluate any specific impact of hernia therapies on e.g. infection, pain or recurrence. Conclusions: Many surgical issues\ud cannot be and should not be investigated by RCTs, in particular, if a marked patients’ heterogeneity\ud has to be considered or the low incidences of the outcome readout cannot be addressed with sufficient statistical power without getting lost in the variation mire. Registries with their non-restricted data-acquisition should be regarded as reliable alternatives for postoperative outcome quality surveillance studies

    Shared Active Site Architecture between the Large Subunit of Eukaryotic Primase and DNA Photolyase

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    DNA synthesis during replication relies on RNA primers synthesised by the primase, a specialised DNA-dependent RNA polymerase that can initiate nucleic acid synthesis de novo. In archaeal and eukaryotic organisms, the primase is a heterodimeric enzyme resulting from the constitutive association of a small (PriS) and large (PriL) subunit. The ability of the primase to initiate synthesis of an RNA primer depends on a conserved Fe-S domain at the C-terminus of PriL (PriL-CTD). However, the critical role of the PriL-CTD in the catalytic mechanism of initiation is not understood.Here we report the crystal structure of the yeast PriL-CTD at 1.55 A resolution. The structure reveals that the PriL-CTD folds in two largely independent alpha-helical domains joined at their interface by a [4Fe-4S] cluster. The larger N-terminal domain represents the most conserved portion of the PriL-CTD, whereas the smaller C-terminal domain is largely absent in archaeal PriL. Unexpectedly, the N-terminal domain reveals a striking structural similarity with the active site region of the DNA photolyase/cryptochrome family of flavoproteins. The region of similarity includes PriL-CTD residues that are known to be essential for initiation of RNA primer synthesis by the primase.Our study reports the first crystallographic model of the conserved Fe-S domain of the archaeal/eukaryotic primase. The structural comparison with a cryptochrome protein bound to flavin adenine dinucleotide and single-stranded DNA provides important insight into the mechanism of RNA primer synthesis by the primase

    Особенности и закономерности изменения восстановлености углей башкирского яруса Западного Донбасса

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    В статье приведена детальная петрографическая характеристика углей башкирского яруса Западного Донбасса. Проведена классификация по восстановлености в соответствии с петрографическими типами. Установлены стратиграфические и площадные закономерности изменения степени восстановлености.У статті наведена детальна петрографічна характеристика вугілля башкирського ярусу Західного Донбасу. Проведена класифікація відновленості, згідно з петрографічними типами. Встановлені стратиграфічні та просторові закономірності зміни ступеню відновленості.The article gives detailed petrographic characteristics of coal of Bashkirian formation of Western Donbas. The classifications for recovery in accordance with petrographic types are given. The stratigraphic and areal patterns of change in the degree of recovery are established

    ALCH: An Imperative Language for Chemical Reaction Network-Controlled Tile Assembly

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    In 2015 Schiefer and Winfree introduced the chemical reaction network-controlled tile assembly model (CRN-TAM), a variant of the abstract tile assembly model (aTAM), where tile reactions are mediated via non-local chemical signals. In this paper, we introduce ALCH, an imperative programming language for specifying CRN-TAM programs. ALCH contains common features like Boolean variables, conditionals, and loops. It also supports CRN-TAM-specific features such as adding and removing tiles. A unique feature of the language is the branch statement, a nondeterministic control structure that allows us to query the current state of tile assemblies. We also developed a compiler that translates ALCH to the CRN-TAM, and a simulator that simulates and visualizes the self-assembly of a CRN-TAM program. Using this language, we show that the discrete Sierpinski triangle can be strictly self-assembled in the CRN-TAM. This solves an open problem that the CRN-TAM is capable of self-assembling infinite shapes at scale one that the aTAM cannot. ALCH allows us to present this construction at a high level, abstracting species and reactions into C-like code that is simpler to understand. Our construction utilizes two new CRN-TAM techniques that allow us to tackle this open problem. First, it employs the branching feature of ALCH to probe the previously placed tiles of the assembly and detect the presence and absence of tiles. Second, it uses scaffolding tiles to precisely control tile placement by occluding any undesired binding sites

    Технология сухого производства фосфоритовой муки

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    Описана технологія виробництва сухого фосфоритового борошна, яка включає просівання, дрібне дроблення, термічну сушіння, кульове подрібнення в замкнутому циклі з контрольним сепарацією, пневмотранспорт фосфоритового борошна в силосу. Продуктив-ність технологічної лінії – 150 тис. т у рік. Крупность помолу становить 70% кл. 0,16 мм при вологості 1%.Описана технология сухого производства фосфоритовой муки, которая включает грохочение, мелкое дробление, термическую сушку, шаровое измельчение в замкнутом цикле с контрольным грохочением, пневмотранспорт фосфоритовой муки в силоса. Производительность технологической линии – 150 тыс. т в год. Крупность помола составляет 70% кл. 0,16 мм при влажности 1%