57 research outputs found

    The pursuit of isotopic and molecular fire tracers in the polar atmosphere and cryosphere

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    We present an overview of recent multidisciplinary, multi-institutional efforts to identify and date major sources of combustion aerosol in the current and paleoatmospheres. The work was stimulated, in part, by an atmospheric particle \u27sample of opportunity\u27 collected at Summit, Greenland in August 1994, that bore the 14C imprint of biomass burning. During the summer field seasons of 1995 and 1996, we collected air filter, surface snow and snowpit samples to investigate chemical and isotopic evidence of combustion particles that had been transported from distant fires. Among the chemical tracers employed for source identification are organic acids, potassium and ammonium ions, and elemental and organic components of carbonaceous particles. Ion chromatography, performed by members of the Climate Change Research Center (University of New Hampshire), has been especially valuable in indicating periods at Summit that were likely to have been affected by the long range transport of biomass burning aerosol. Univariate and multivariate patterns of the ion concentrations in the snow and ice pinpointed surface and snowpit samples for the direct analysis of particulate (soot) carbon and carbon isotopes. The research at NIST is focusing on graphitic and polycyclic aromatic carbon, which serve as almost certain indicators of fire, and measurements of carbon isotopes, especially 14C, to distinguish fossil and biomass combustion sources. Complementing the chemical and isotopic record, are direct \u27visual\u27 (satellite imagery) records and less direct backtrajectory records, to indicate geographic source regions and transport paths. In this paper we illustrate the unique way in which the synthesis of the chemical, isotopic, satellite and trajectory data enhances our ability to develop the recent history of the formation and transport of soot deposited in the polar snow and ice

    A critical evaluation of interlaboratory data on total, elemental, and isotopic carbon in the carbonaceous particle reference material, NIST SRM 1649a

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    Because of increased interest in the marine and atmospheric sciences in elemental carbon (EC), or black carbon (BC) or soot carbon (SC), and because of the difficulties in analyzing or even defining this pervasive component of particulate carbon, it has become quite important to have appropriate reference materials for intercomparison and quality control. The NIST "urban dust" Standard Reference Material? SRM 1649a is useful in this respect, in part because it comprises a considerable array of inorganic and organic species, and because it exhibits a large degree of (14C) isotopic heterogeneity, with biomass carbon source contributions ranging from about 2 % (essentially fossil aliphatic fraction) to about 32 % (polar fraction). A primary purpose of this report is to provide documentation for the new isotopic and chemical particulate carbon data for the most recent (31 Jan. 2001) SRM 1649a Certificate of Analysis. Supporting this is a critical review of underlying international intercomparison data and methodologies, provided by 18 teams of analytical experts from 11 institutions. Key results of the intercomparison are: (1) a new, Certified Value for total carbon (TC) in SRM 1649a; (2) 14C Reference Values for total carbon and a number of organic species, including for the first time 8 individual PAHs; and (3) elemental carbon (EC) Information Values derived from 13 analytical methods applied to this component. Results for elemental carbon, which comprised a special focus of the intercomparison, were quite diverse, reflecting the confounding of methodological-matrix artifacts, and methods that tended to probe more or less refractory regions of this universal, but ill-defined product of incomplete combustion. Availability of both chemical and 14C speciation data for SRM 1649a holds great promise for improved analytical insight through comparative analysis (e.g., fossil/ biomass partition in EC compared to PAH), and through application of the principle of isotopic mass balance.Carrie, L. A., Benner, B. A., Kessler, J. D., Klinedinst, D. B., Klouda, G. A., Marolf, J. V., . . . Schmid, H. (2002). A Critical Evaluation of Interlaboratory Data on Total, Elemental, and Isotopic Carbon in the Carbonaceous Particle Reference Material, NIST SRM 1649a. Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, 107(3), 279-298

    The PHR proteins: intracellular signaling hubs in neuronal development and axon degeneration

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    In silico analysis of phytohormone metabolism and communication pathways in citrus transcriptome

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    Isotopic metrology of carbon dioxide. II. Effects of ion source materials, conductance, emission, and accelerating voltage on dual-inlet cross contamination

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    We report high-precision isotopic carbon dioxide measurements, made before and after ion source modification to gas isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) instruments. Measurement protocols were designed to explore the effects of ion source material substitution, source conductance, inlet pressure, electron emission, acceleration potential, and inlet changeover equilibration time. After modification of the IRMS instruments at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the Max-Planck-Institute for Chemistry (MPI-Mainz), immediate changes were observed. At NIST, measurements were no longer sensitive to inlet equilibration times greater than 15s, and different settings of ion source conductance resulted in delta(13)C shifts of about 0.04parts per thousand per 10parts per thousand measurement difference between sample and reference, a five-fold improvement. No significant changes in machine performance were observed after a month of use. After a year, performance had degraded slightly, but was controlled by ion source cleaning and the use of low-energy ion acceleration to minimize sputtering. At MPI-Mainz, results were very similar. We report cross-contamination coefficients measured since 1996, and discuss the role of adsorption, ion implantation, and sputtering on cross contamination in mass spectrometry systems. We recommend that users of high-precision IRMS instruments test for and minimize the effects described. Published in 2003 by John Wiley Sons, Ltd

    Forebrain Shh overexpression improves cognitive function and locomotor hyperactivity in an aneuploid mouse model of Down syndrome and its euploid littermates

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    Down syndrome (DS) is the leading genetic cause of intellectual disability and causes early-onset dementia and cerebellar hypoplasia. The prevalence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is elevated in children with DS. The aneuploid DS mouse model “Ts65Dn” shows prominent brain phenotypes, including learning and memory deficits, cerebellar hypoplasia, and locomotor hyperactivity. Previous studies indicate that impaired Sonic hedgehog (Shh) signaling contributes to neurological phenotypes associated with DS and neurodegenerative diseases. However, because of a lack of working inducible Shh knock-in mice, brain region-specific Shh overexpression and its effects on cognitive function have not been studied in vivo. Here, with Gli1-LacZ reporter mice, we demonstrated that Ts65Dn had reduced levels of Gli1, a sensitive readout of Shh signaling, in both hippocampus and cerebellum at postnatal day 6. Through site-specific transgenesis, we generated an inducible human Shh knock-in mouse, TRE-bi-hShh-Zsgreen1 (TRE-hShh), simultaneously expressing dually-lipidated Shh-Np and Zsgreen1 marker in the presence of transactivator (tTA). Double transgenic mice “Camk2a-tTA;TRE-hShh” and “Pcp2-tTA;TRE-hShh” induced Shh overexpression and activated Shh signaling in a forebrain and cerebellum, respectively, specific manner from the perinatal period. Camk2a-tTA;TRE-hShh normalized locomotor hyperactivity and improved learning and memory in 3-month-old Ts65Dn, mitigated early-onset severe cognitive impairment in 7-month-old Ts65Dn, and enhanced spatial cognition in euploid mice. Camk2a-tTA;TRE-hShh cohort maintained until 600days old showed that chronic overexpression of Shh in forebrain from the perinatal period had no effect on longevity of euploid or Ts65Dn. Pcp2-tTA;TRE-hShh did not affect cognition but mitigated the phenotype of cerebellar hypoplasia in Ts65Dn. Our study provides the first in vivo evidence that Shh overexpression from the perinatal period protects DS brain integrity and enhances learning and memory in normal mice, indicating the broad therapeutic potential of Shh ligand for other neurological conditions. Moreover, the first inducible hShh site-specific knock-in mouse could be widely used for spatiotemporal Shh signaling regulation. © 2021, The Author(s).Open access journalThis item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]

    Non-aqueous electrolyte solutions in chemistry and modern technology

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    In this paper a brief survey is given of the properties of non-aqueous electrolyte solutions and their applications in chemistry and technology without going into the details of theory. Specific solvent-solute interactions and the role of the solvent beyond its function as a homogenous isotropic medium are stressed. Taking into account Parker's statement1) ldquoScientists nowadays are under increasing pressure to consider the relevance of their research, and rightly sordquo we have included examples showing the increasing industrial interest in non-aqueous electrolyte solutions. The concepts and results are arranged in two parts. Part A concerns the fundamentals of thermodynamics, transport processes, spectroscopy and chemical kinetics of non-aqueous solutions and some applications in these fields. Part B describes their use in various technologies such as high-energy batteries, non-emissive electro-optic displays, photoelectrochemical cells, electrodeposition, electrolytic capacitors, electro-organic synthesis, metallurgic processes and others. Four Appendices are added. Appendix A gives a survey on the most important non-aqueous solvents, their physical properties and correlation parameters, and the commonly used abbreviations. Appendices B and C show the mathematical background of the general chemical model. The Symbols and abbreviations of the text are listed and explained in Appendix D
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