28 research outputs found

    Resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI) spectroscopy of bromobenzene and its perdeuterated isotopologue: assignment of the vibrations of the S0, S1 and D0+ states of bromobenzene and the S0 and D0+ states of iodobenzene

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    We report vibrationally-resolved spectra of the S1 S0 transition of bromobenzene using resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI) spectroscopy. We study bromobenzene-h5 as well as its perdeuterated isotopologue, bromobenzene-d5. The form of the vibrational modes between the isotopologues and also between the S0 and S1 electronic states are discussed for each species, allowing assignment of the bands to be achieved and the activity between states and isotopologues to be established. Vibrational bands are assigned utilizing quantum chemical calculations, previous experimental results and isotopic shifts. Previous work and assignments of the S1 spectra are discussed. Additionally, the vibrations in the ground state cation, D0+, are considered, since these have also been used by previous workers in assigning the excited neutral state spectra. We also examine the vibrations of iodobenzene in the S0 and D0+ states and comment on previous assignments of these. In summary, we have been able to assign corresponding vibrations across the whole monohalobenzene series of molecules, in the S0, S1 and D0+ states, gaining insight into vibrational activity and vibrational couplings

    New fast-relaxed liquid crystal materials for optical communication networks

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    Recording the dynamic holograms with microsecond relaxation times under action of laser pulses was obtained in composites based on the novel class of liquid crystals (LC), namely in ionic metal-alkanoates. Holographic parameters of the recording and relaxation characteristics were studied for doped lyotropic ionic LC and sandwich-like cells with photo-sensitive impurities for purposes of real-time dynamic holography applications. The thin cells demonstrate high-velocity dynamic grating recording under laser pulses both of nanosecond and picosecond durations at the visible wavelengths. The cells exhibit a fast temperature relaxation time (with the time constant 30 μs for the store heat density more than 50 kJ/s). Ionic lyotropic smectic LCs possess a high intrinsic anisotropic conductivity as compared with other LCs – dielectrics. To explain the relaxation mechanisms in ionic smectic LC matrix, the temperature dependences of the electro-conductivity have been investigated. The charge currier mobility and activation energy in cells were estimated. The mechanism of high-velocity resonance nonlinearity due to the saturation of excited states in photosensitive centers and mechanisms of the grating erasure connected with charge transport in the ionic LC matrix were discussed

    The impact of donor factors on the results of kidney transplantation

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    Kidney transplantation is an optimal method of a renal replacement therapy of end-stage kidney failure. We have done the retrospective research of cohort 350 patients after kidney transplantations to disclose the predictors of the operation outcomes. We used methods of a single-factor and a multi-factor analysis. We found out that the predictors of the results of kidney transplantation are; a donor age, a type of donor kidney removal, perfusion time, reanimation time, kidney’s preservation time etc.Трансплантация почки является оптимальным методом заместительной почечной терапии терминальной почечной недостаточности. Проведено когортное, ретроспективное исследование, включившее 350 пациентов после трансплантации почки, для выявления предикторов исхода трансплантации почки по факторам, связанным с донором почки. Были использованы методы однофакторного и многофакторного анализа. Выявлен ряд предикторов исхода трансплантации почки таких как: возраст донора, тип изъятия донорского органа, длительность перфузии донорского органа, длительность пребывания донора в реанимационном отделении, время консервации почки и другие

    Сравнительная оценка течения периоперационного периода ортотопической трансплантации печени с вено -венозным обходным шунтированием и без него

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    Orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) is the only treatment for many patients with end-stage chronic liver diseases. In patients with complete vena cava inferior (VCI) cross-clamping veno-venous bypass (VVB) is either used or not depending on the indications. The case management of the patient with complete VCI cross-clamping depends on the initial state of the recipient and the transplant team’s opinion.Aim. To compare the perioperative period of OLT depending on the method to conduct the main stage of the surgery: with the use of veno-venous bypass and without it with complete VCI cross-clamping.Materials and methods. In Group 1 (n = 20), OLT was performed without VVB with complete VCI cross-clamping; in Group 2 (n = 26), the surgery was conducted with veno-venous bypass. Patients in both groups were similar in age (46.15 ± 10.22 and 47.3 ± 9.29, respectively), in severity of the disease: Child-Pugh (10.15 ± 1.42 and 10.19 ± 2.45), MELD 16.47 ± 4.41 and 15.8 ± 4.95).Results. We determined and evaluated hemodynamic parameters, oxygen transport, the quantitative and qualitative infusion composition, urine output, characteristics of the postoperative period.Conclusion. Our data show that changes in hemodynamic and oxygen transport are associated with reperfusion syndrome and do not depend on the method of transplantation. At the same time, it reduces the blood loss, time of surgery, and the duration of postoperative mechanical ventilation and stay in the ICU after liver transplantation in patients without veno-venous bypass.Ортотопическая трансплантация печени (ОТТП) – единственный метод лечения многих пациентов с финальными стадиями хронических заболеваний печени. В зависимости от принятой в клинике методики операцию выполняют с сохранением нижней полой вены (НПВ) (Piggy-back-методика) или с резекцией НПВ. При полном пережатии НПВ у пациентов в зависимости от показаний используют вено-венозное обходное шунтирование (ВВОШ) или работают без него. Индивидуальный подход к пациенту, оценка всех потенциальных рисков, мнение команды трансплантологов определяют метод ведения реципиента при полном пережатии НПВ.Цель. Сравнить течение периоперационного периода ортотопической трансплантации печени в зависимости от способа проведения основного этапа операции: с вено-венозным обходным шунтированием и без него при полном пережатии НПВ.Материалы и методы. В 1-й группе (n = 20) ортотопическая трансплантация печени (ОТТП) выполнялась без использования вено-венозного обходного шунтирования (ВВОШ), во 2-й группе (n = 26) операции проходили с применением ВВОШ. Пациенты в обеих группах были сходны по возрасту (46,15 ± 10,22 и 47,3 ± 9,29 соответственно), тяжести цирроза печени по классификации Child-Pugh (10,15 ± 1,42 и 10,19 ± 2,45), по классификации MELD (16,47 ± 4,41 и 15,8 ± 4,95).Результаты. Проведено исследование показателей гемодинамики, транспорта кислорода, количественный и качественный состав инфузий, темп диуреза, характеристики послеоперационного периода у пациентов обеих групп.Заключение. Полученные результаты показывают, что изменения гемодинамики и транспорта кислорода связаны с синдромом реперфузии и не зависят от метода трансплантации. В то же время при ОТТП без использования вено-венозного обходного шунтирования уменьшается величина кровопотери, длительность операции, а также длительность послеоперационной ИВЛ и интенсивной терапии в ОРИТ

    Structural characteristics of different types of nanoparticles synthesised in mesomorphic metal alkanoates

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    The class of thermotropic ionic liquid crystals (LCs) of the metal alkanoates possesses a number of unique properties, such as intrinsic ionic conductivity, high dissolving ability and ability to form time-stable mesomorphic glasses. These ionic LCs can be used as nanoreactors for the synthesis and stabilisation of different types of nanoparticles (NPs). Thus, some semiconductors, metals and core/shell NPs were chemically synthesised in the thermotropic ionic liquid crystalline phase (smectic A) of the cadmium octanoate (CdC8) and of the cobalt octanoate (CoC8). By applying the scanning electron microscopy, the cadmium and cobalt octanoate composites containing CdS, Au, Ag and core/shell Au/CdS NPs have been studied. NPs’ sizes and dispersion distribution of the NPs’ size in the nanocomposites have been obtained

    Photovoltaic properties of cd-based ionic liquid crystals with semiconductor nanoparticles

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    The photovoltaic effect in pure cadmium-alkanoate matrices and in their nanocomposites with semiconductor CdS nanoparticles (NPs) was revealed and investigated. The main mechanism of the phenomenon is the Dember effect, in which the internal field of non-equilibrium charge carriers is formed due to a significant difference in the mobility of positive and negative charges. NPs synthesized in the matrix lead to a significant increase in the concentration of the photo-generated electrons and thus to an increase in the photo-electro-driving force in the material. The magnitude and kinetics of the photocurrent for nanocomposites substantially depend on the content of only a small amount (2 − 4 mol. %) of NPs

    Photovoltaic properties of nanocomposites of cadmium alkanoates with semiconductor nanoparticles

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    Ionic liquid crystals of metal alkanoates in the smectic phase (+150оС) can be act as nanoreactors for the chemical synthesis of nanoparticles (NPs) of different types: semiconductors, metal and core/shell. The technology of chemical synthesis of nanoparticles directly in the matrix of an ionic liquid crystal contributes to the fact that the matrix acts as a stabilizer of nanoparticles, which leads to a small dispersion of the sizes of NPs, and the content of NPs in the matrix can reach large concentrations (up to 8 mole%) [1]. The smectic liquid crystal phase of the nanocomposite retains its layered structure under conditions of slow cooling. By such a way, anisotropic glass nanocomposites with layered smectic-like structures are formed at the room temperature with incorporated nanoparticles inside the matrix. The nanocomposits exhibits anisotropy of electric conductivity, which is directed mainly along cation-anion layers in the smectic-like matrix. The conduction mechanism is of ionic type with the activation energy ~0.8 eV for the nanocomposites with semiconductor NPs.For the first type, we detect the photovoltaic effect both in a pure matrix and in the nanocomposites with semiconductor NPs, in "sandwich"-like cells under illumination of samples perpendicular to the cation-anion layers by a lamp that emits in a wide range of wavelengths in the ultraviolet - blue diapason of the spectrum. Different dependences of short-circuit current are obtained from the temperature in LC mesophase and in anisotropic glasses. The magnitude of the short-circuit current increases in 3 orders of magnitude in the nanocomposites compared with the short-circuit current of the pure matrix, and the relaxation time is significantly reduced. It is established that photo-stimulated charge distribution occurs due to photo-generation of ions and transmission of electric field along the cation-anion layers of the matrix [2].[1] Zhulai D.S, Bugaychuk S.A., Klimusheva G.V., Mirnaya T.A., Asaula V.N., Handziuk V.I ., Vitusevich S.A. Structural characteristics of different types of nanoparticles synthesized in mesomorphic metal alkanoates // Liquid Crystals, DOI: 10.1080/02678292.2016.1276979 (2017)[2] Zhulai D, Kovalchuk A, Bugaychuk S, Klimusheva G, Mirnaya T., Vitusevich S. Photoconductivity of ionic thermotropic liquid crystal with semiconductor nanoparticles // Journal of Molecular Liquids, DOI: 10.1016/j.molliq.2017.12.097 (2017


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