200 research outputs found

    Стан вікової звичайнодубової діброви (Querceta roboris) парку “Феофанія”, м. Київ (на прикладі 3, 5 та 6-го кварталів)

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    Results of overall enumeration of plants in the biggest areas occupied by Querceta roboris in quarters 3, 5 and 6 of park Feofania (Kyiv city) are presented. It has been discovered that the biggest amount of oaks are in-between 52 and 72 cm in diameter, next in number are plants with stern diameter over 76 cm, plants with stern diameter of 48 cm or less are few. It is shown that the amount of age-old Querceta roboris totals from 21 to 69 units per 1 hectare (in 180 years-old plantations of the second creditworthiness with the first fullness it is supposed to amount to 140). The second floor is presented with Carpinus betulus, Tilia cordata, Acer platanoides and other species, population of which have a pronounced left-sided age specter. That indicates de gradation of Querceta roboris and the fact that without human intervention it will not recover itself. Age-old oak wood recovering measures has been presented; those measures constitute creating 0,08 hectare big and even bigger “windows” in the second floor and planting into those “windows” seedlings of Quercus robur.Наведено результати суцільного переліку дерев у найбільших за площею виділах, зайнятих віковою звичайнодубовою дібровою (Querceta roboris), у кварталах 3, 5 та 6 парку “Феофанія” (м. Київ). Установлено, що більшість дубів мають діаметр стовбура від 52 до 72 см, друге місце за кількістю посідають рослини з діаметром стовбура понад 76 см. Дерев з діаметром стовбура 48 см та менше – мало. Показано, що кількість вікових рослин Quercus robur L. становить у перерахунку на 1 га у різних виділах від 21 до 69 (у 180-річних насадженнях ІІ бонітету з повнотою 1 вона повинна дорівнювати 140). Другий ярус представлений деревами Carpinus betulus L., Tilia cordata Mill., Acer platanoides L. та інших видів, популяції яких мають різко виражений лівосторонній віковий спектр. Це свідчить про деградацію Querceta roboris та про те, що без втручання людини вона не може відновитися. Пропонуються заходи з відновлення вікової діброви шляхом створення “вікон” у наметі другого ярусу площею 0,08 га та більше і посадки у ці “вікна” саджанців Quercus robur

    Стан звичайнодубової діброви (Querceta roboris) середнього віку парку “Феофанія”, м. Київ (на прикладі 5-го та 6-го кварталів)

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    Results of overall enumeration of trees in areas occupied by middle-aged Querceta roboris in quarters 5 and 6 of Feo fania park (Kyiv city) are presented. All middle-aged Querceta roboris plantations are man-made; they were planted on places previously occupied by century-old Querceta roboris plantation that in their turn got cut down. It has been shown that in one area the number of stems of Quercus robur constitutes only 21.3 % of overall amount, Acer platanoides prevails in stem number (48.0 %). That testifies about the need of species variety regulative woodcutting and of renovative planting of Quercus robur in order to save Querceta roboris. In all areas plantings are too dense as a result of no maintenance cutting execution, because wood-cutting of live trees is forbidden on territories of nature reserve fund and in city green zones. On such areas it is recommended to go back to forestry norms of maintenance, which demands changing the laws about city green zones and nature reserve fund.Наведено результати суцільного переліку дерев у виділах, які зайняті звичайнодубовою дібровою (Querceta roboris) середнього віку, у кварталах 5 та 6 парку “Феофанія” (м. Київ). Усі насадження Quercus robur L. середнього віку є штучними – це посадки, здійснені на місці вирубаних ділянок вікової Querceta roboris. Показано, що в одному виділі кількість стовбурів Quercus robur становить лише 21,3 % від загальної кількості, переважає (за кількістю стовбурів) у виділі Acer platanoides L. (48 %). Це свідчить про необхідність проведення рубок, які регулюють видовий склад виділу, та здійснення відновлюваних посадок Quercus robur для збереження Querceta roboris. В усіх виділах насадження загущені, що спричинено відсутністю рубок догляду, оскільки рубка живих дерев на територіях природно-заповідного фонду та зелених зон міст заборонена. Пропонується на таких об’єктах повернутися до лісівничих норм проведення догляду, що потребує внесення змін у законодавство про природно-заповідний фонд та зелені зони міст

    After-effects of geomagnetic storms: statistical analysis and theoretical explanation

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    Our previous studies have shown the presence of daytime positive electron density disturb-ances during several days after the start of the recovery phase. The aim of this paper is to study after-effects of geomagnetic storms (after-storm effects), i.e. ionospher-ic effects observed on the 3–5th day after the beginning of the storm recovery phase. From numerical calcula-tions with the GSM TIP model, we have found the main mechanisms for the formation of the after-storm effects. Using Irkutsk (52° N, 104° E) and Kaliningrad (54° N, 20° E) ionosonde data, we have carried out a statistical analysis of daytime ionospheric responses to geomagnetic storms. As a result of the analysis, we obtained averaged ionospheric responses at the beginning of the storm recovery phase and for five consecutive days. The statistical analysis results received near the beginning of the recovery phase are in good agreement with the well-known ionospheric effects of geomagnetic storms obtained in previous studies. For the first time, the obtained statistics of iono-spheric responses observed on the 3–5th day after the beginning of the recovery phase allowed us to reveal the dependence of after-storm ionospheric effects on season, storm intensity, and ionosonde geomagnetic latitude. In addition, we for the first time present the interpretation of after-storm ionospheric effects from numerical simulation results

    Changes in the middle and upper atmosphere parameters during the January 2013 sudden stratospheric warming

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    We present the results of complex obser-vations of various parameters of the middle and upper atmosphere over Siberia in December 2012 – January 2013, during a major sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) event. We analyze variations in ozone concentration from microwave measurements, in stratosphere and lower mesosphere temperatures from lidar and satellite measurements, in the F2-layer critical frequency (foF2), in the total electron content (TEC), as well as in the ratio of concentrations of atomic oxygen to molecular nitrogen (O/N2) in the thermosphere. To interpret the observed disturbances in the upper atmosphere, the experimental measurements are compared with the results of model calculations obtained with the Global Self-consistent Model of Thermosphere—Ionosphere—Protonosphere (GSM TIP). The response of the upper atmosphere to the SSW event is shown to be a decrease in foF2 and TEC during the evolution of the warming event and a prolonged increase in O/N2, foF2, and TEC after the SSW maximum. For the first time, we observe the relation between the increase in stratospheric ozone, thermospheric O/N2, and ionospheric electron density for a fairly long time (up to 20 days) after the SSW maximum at midlatitudes

    Lattice QCD Simulations in External Background Fields

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    We discuss recent results and future prospects regarding the investigation, by lattice simulations, of the non-perturbative properties of QCD and of its phase diagram in presence of magnetic or chromomagnetic background fields. After a brief introduction to the formulation of lattice QCD in presence of external fields, we focus on studies regarding the effects of external fields on chiral symmetry breaking, on its restoration at finite temperature and on deconfinement. We conclude with a few comments regarding the effects of electromagnetic background fields on gluodynamics.Comment: 31 pages, 10 figures, minor changes and references added. To appear in Lect. Notes Phys. "Strongly interacting matter in magnetic fields" (Springer), edited by D. Kharzeev, K. Landsteiner, A. Schmitt, H.-U. Ye

    Electromagnetic superconductivity of vacuum induced by strong magnetic field

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    The quantum vacuum may become an electromagnetic superconductor in the presence of a strong external magnetic field of the order of 10^{16} Tesla. The magnetic field of the required strength (and even stronger) is expected to be generated for a short time in ultraperipheral collisions of heavy ions at the Large Hadron Collider. The superconducting properties of the new phase appear as a result of a magnetic-field-assisted condensation of quark-antiquark pairs with quantum numbers of electrically charged rho mesons. We discuss similarities and differences between the suggested superconducting state of the quantum vacuum, a conventional superconductivity and the Schwinger pair creation. We argue qualitatively and quantitatively why the superconducting state should be a natural ground state of the vacuum at the sufficiently strong magnetic field. We demonstrate the existence of the superconducting phase using both the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model and an effective bosonic model based on the vector meson dominance (the rho-meson electrodynamics). We discuss various properties of the new phase such as absence of the Meissner effect, anisotropy of superconductivity, spatial inhomogeneity of ground state, emergence of a neutral superfluid component in the ground state and presence of new topological vortices in the quark-antiquark condensates.Comment: 37 pages, 14 figures, to appear in Lect. Notes Phys. "Strongly interacting matter in magnetic fields" (Springer), edited by D. Kharzeev, K. Landsteiner, A. Schmitt, H.-U. Ye

    Variability of humidity conditions in the Arctic during the first International Polar Year, 1882-83

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    Of all the early instrumental data for the Arctic, the meteorological data gathered during the first International Polar Year, in 1882–83 (IPY-1), are the best in terms of coverage, quality and resolution. Research carried out during IPY-1 scientific expeditions brought a significant contribution to the development of hygrometry in polar regions at the end of the 19th century. The present paper gives a detailed analysis of a unique series of humidity measurements that were carried out during IPY-1 at hourly resolutions at nine meteorological stations, relatively evenly distributed in the High Arctic. It gives an overall view of the humidity conditions prevalent in the Arctic at that time. The results show that the spatial distribution of atmospheric water vapour pressure (e) and relative humidity (RH) in the Arctic during IPY-1 was similar to the present. In the annual course the highest values of e were noted in July and August, while the lowest occurred in the cold half of the year. In comparison to present-day conditions (1961–1990), the mean values of RH in the IPY-1 period (September 1882 to July 1883) were higher by 2.4–5.6%. Most of the changes observed between historical and modern RH values are not significant. The majority of historical daily RH values lie between a distance of less than two standard deviations from current long-term monthly means

    Magnetism in Dense Quark Matter

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    We review the mechanisms via which an external magnetic field can affect the ground state of cold and dense quark matter. In the absence of a magnetic field, at asymptotically high densities, cold quark matter is in the Color-Flavor-Locked (CFL) phase of color superconductivity characterized by three scales: the superconducting gap, the gluon Meissner mass, and the baryonic chemical potential. When an applied magnetic field becomes comparable with each of these scales, new phases and/or condensates may emerge. They include the magnetic CFL (MCFL) phase that becomes relevant for fields of the order of the gap scale; the paramagnetic CFL, important when the field is of the order of the Meissner mass, and a spin-one condensate associated to the magnetic moment of the Cooper pairs, significant at fields of the order of the chemical potential. We discuss the equation of state (EoS) of MCFL matter for a large range of field values and consider possible applications of the magnetic effects on dense quark matter to the astrophysics of compact stars.Comment: To appear in Lect. Notes Phys. "Strongly interacting matter in magnetic fields" (Springer), edited by D. Kharzeev, K. Landsteiner, A. Schmitt, H.-U. Ye