3,808 research outputs found

    Opinion Formation in Laggard Societies

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    We introduce a statistical physics model for opinion dynamics on random networks where agents adopt the opinion held by the majority of their direct neighbors only if the fraction of these neighbors exceeds a certain threshold, p_u. We find a transition from total final consensus to a mixed phase where opinions coexist amongst the agents. The relevant parameters are the relative sizes in the initial opinion distribution within the population and the connectivity of the underlying network. As the order parameter we define the asymptotic state of opinions. In the phase diagram we find regions of total consensus and a mixed phase. As the 'laggard parameter' p_u increases the regions of consensus shrink. In addition we introduce rewiring of the underlying network during the opinion formation process and discuss the resulting consequences in the phase diagram.Comment: 5 pages, eps fig

    Logical independence and quantum randomness

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    We propose a link between logical independence and quantum physics. We demonstrate that quantum systems in the eigenstates of Pauli group operators are capable of encoding mathematical axioms and show that Pauli group quantum measurements are capable of revealing whether or not a given proposition is logically dependent on the axiomatic system. Whenever a mathematical proposition is logically independent of the axioms encoded in the measured state, the measurement associated with the proposition gives random outcomes. This allows for an experimental test of logical independence. Conversely, it also allows for an explanation of the probabilities of random outcomes observed in Pauli group measurements from logical independence without invoking quantum theory. The axiomatic systems we study can be completed and are therefore not subject to Goedel's incompleteness theorem.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, published version plus additional experimental appendi

    An Obstruction to Quantization of the Sphere

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    In the standard example of strict deformation quantization of the symplectic sphere S2S^2, the set of allowed values of the quantization parameter \hbar is not connected; indeed, it is almost discrete. Li recently constructed a class of examples (including S2S^2) in which \hbar can take any value in an interval, but these examples are badly behaved. Here, I identify a natural additional axiom for strict deformation quantization and prove that it implies that the parameter set for quantizing S2S^2 is never connected.Comment: 23 page. v2: changed sign conventio

    Schumpeterian economic dynamics as a quantifiable minimum model of evolution

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    We propose a simple quantitative model of Schumpeterian economic dynamics. New goods and services are endogenously produced through combinations of existing goods. As soon as new goods enter the market they may compete against already existing goods, in other words new products can have destructive effects on existing goods. As a result of this competition mechanism existing goods may be driven out from the market - often causing cascades of secondary defects (Schumpeterian gales of destruction). The model leads to a generic dynamics characterized by phases of relative economic stability followed by phases of massive restructuring of markets - which could be interpreted as Schumpeterian business `cycles'. Model timeseries of product diversity and productivity reproduce several stylized facts of economics timeseries on long timescales such as GDP or business failures, including non-Gaussian fat tailed distributions, volatility clustering etc. The model is phrased in an open, non-equilibrium setup which can be understood as a self organized critical system. Its diversity dynamics can be understood by the time-varying topology of the active production networks.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figure

    Quantized algebras of functions on homogeneous spaces with Poisson stabilizers

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    Let G be a simply connected semisimple compact Lie group with standard Poisson structure, K a closed Poisson-Lie subgroup, 0<q<1. We study a quantization C(G_q/K_q) of the algebra of continuous functions on G/K. Using results of Soibelman and Dijkhuizen-Stokman we classify the irreducible representations of C(G_q/K_q) and obtain a composition series for C(G_q/K_q). We describe closures of the symplectic leaves of G/K refining the well-known description in the case of flag manifolds in terms of the Bruhat order. We then show that the same rules describe the topology on the spectrum of C(G_q/K_q). Next we show that the family of C*-algebras C(G_q/K_q), 0<q\le1, has a canonical structure of a continuous field of C*-algebras and provides a strict deformation quantization of the Poisson algebra \C[G/K]. Finally, extending a result of Nagy, we show that C(G_q/K_q) is canonically KK-equivalent to C(G/K).Comment: 23 pages; minor changes, typos correcte

    Polya's inequalities, global uniform integrability and the size of plurisubharmonic lemniscates

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    First we prove a new inequality comparing uniformly the relative volume of a Borel subset with respect to any given complex euclidean ball \B \sub \C^n with its relative logarithmic capacity in \C^n with respect to the same ball \B. An analoguous comparison inequality for Borel subsets of euclidean balls of any generic real subspace of \C^n is also proved. Then we give several interesting applications of these inequalities. First we obtain sharp uniform estimates on the relative size of \psh lemniscates associated to the Lelong class of \psh functions of logarithmic singularities at infinity on \C^n as well as the Cegrell class of \psh functions of bounded Monge-Amp\`ere mass on a hyperconvex domain \W \Sub \C^n. Then we also deduce new results on the global behaviour of both the Lelong class and the Cegrell class of \psh functions.Comment: 25 page

    Constant Curvature Coefficients and Exact Solutions in Fractional Gravity and Geometric Mechanics

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    We study fractional configurations in gravity theories and Lagrange mechanics. The approach is based on Caputo fractional derivative which gives zero for actions on constants. We elaborate fractional geometric models of physical interactions and we formulate a method of nonholonomic deformations to other types of fractional derivatives. The main result of this paper consists in a proof that for corresponding classes of nonholonomic distributions a large class of physical theories are modelled as nonholonomic manifolds with constant matrix curvature. This allows us to encode the fractional dynamics of interactions and constraints into the geometry of curve flows and solitonic hierarchies.Comment: latex2e, 11pt, 27 pages, the variant accepted to CEJP; added and up-dated reference

    Bianchi Type I Magnetofluid Cosmological Models with Variable Cosmological Constant Revisited

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    The behaviour of magnetic field in anisotropic Bianchi type I cosmological model for bulk viscous distribution is investigated. The distribution consists of an electrically neutral viscous fluid with an infinite electrical conductivity. It is assumed that the component σ11\sigma^{1}_{1} of shear tensor σij\sigma^{j}_{i} is proportional to expansion (θ\theta) and the coefficient of bulk viscosity is assumed to be a power function of mass density. Some physical and geometrical aspects of the models are also discussed in presence and also in absence of the magnetic field.Comment: 13 page

    Polynomial diffeomorphisms of C^2, IV: The measure of maximal entropy and laminar currents

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    This paper concerns the dynamics of polynomial automorphisms of C2{\bf C}^2. One can associate to such an automorphism two currents μ±\mu^\pm and the equilibrium measure μ=μ+μ\mu=\mu^+\wedge\mu^-. In this paper we study some geometric and dynamical properties of these objects. First, we characterize μ\mu as the unique measure of maximal entropy. Then we show that the measure μ\mu has a local product structure and that the currents μ±\mu^\pm have a laminar structure. This allows us to deduce information about periodic points and heteroclinic intersections. For example, we prove that the support of μ\mu coincides with the closure of the set of saddle points. The methods used combine the pluripotential theory with the theory of non-uniformly hyperbolic dynamical systems