190 research outputs found

    Wyższa ekspresja genu dehydrogenazy 11-β-hydroksysteroidowej w białej tkance tłuszczowej u samców niż samic szczurów

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    Background: 11-β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type I (11-β-HSD1) in the white adipose tissue (WAT) of rats catalyses the conversion of 11-dehydrocorticosterone to corticosterone, a more active glucocorticosteroid. Glucocorticosteroids in WAT stimulate adipocytes differentiation and increase adipocytes size. The aim of this study was to examine the association between expression of 11-β-HSD1 in the WAT of male and female rats and adipose tissue mass as well as body mass. Material and methods: Perirenal WAT from male and female Wistar rats aged three months, and ovariectomized females of the same age, was used in the study. 11-β-HSD1 gene expression was assayed in the perirenal WAT of rats by real-time PCR. Results: 11-β-HSD1 gene expression in the perirenal WAT of male rats was higher than in female rats. The WAT and body mass of male rats was also higher than in females. 11-β-HSD1 gene expression in the perirenal WAT as well as WAT mass and body mass increased simultaneously after ovariectomy. Conclusions: The results presented in this paper suggest that higher 11betaHSD1 gene expression in the WAT is associated with higher body and adipose tissue mass. Moreover, our results suggest that oestradiol can modulate 11-β-HSD1 gene expression in the WAT of rats. (Pol J Endocrinol 2011; 62 (4): 331–334)Wstęp: Dehydrogenaza 11-β-hydroksysteroidowa typu 1 (11&#946HSD1) w tkance tłuszczowej szczurów katalizuje przemianę mniej aktywnego 11-dehydrokortykosteronu w bardziej aktywny kortykosteron. Glukokortykosteroidy stymulują różnicowanie adipocytów i powodują zwiększenie ich rozmiarów. Celem pracy było zbadanie zależności pomiędzy ekspresją 11βHSD1 w tkance tłuszczowej z okolicy nerek samców i samic szczura a masą tkanki tłuszczowej oraz masą ciała. Materiał i metody: W białej tkance tłuszczowej z okolicy nerek pobranej od samców i samic oraz samic poddanych owariektomii szczurów rasy Wistar w wieku 3 miesięcy badano poziom mRNA 11βHSD1 metodą real-time PCR. Wyniki: U samców stwierdzono znacząco wyższą ekspresję genu 11βHSD1 w tkance tłuszczowej niż u samic. Samce szczurów miały również wyższą masę ciała i masę tkanki tłuszczowej niż samice. Owariektomia spowodowała równoczesne zwiększenie masy ciała, masy tkanki tłuszczowej oraz wzrost ekspresji genu 11βHSD1 w tkance tłuszczowej z okolicy nerek u samic szczurów. Wnioski: Przedstawione wyniki wskazują, że wyższa ekspresja genu 11βHSD1 wiąże się z większą masą ciała oraz tkanki tłuszczowej. Ponadto przedstawione wyniki wskazują, że ekspresja genu 11βHSD1 w tkance tłuszczowej zależy od estradiolu. (Endokrynol Pol 2011; 62 (4): 331–334

    Effect of Rhizobium inoculation of seeds and foliar fertilization on productivity of Pisum sativum L.

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    Pea (Pisum sativum L.) is the second most important grain legume crop in the world which has a wide array of uses for human food and fodder. One of the major factors that determines the use of field pea is the yield potential of cultivars. Presently, pre-sowing inoculation of pea seeds and foliar application of microelement fertilizers are prospective solutions and may be reasonable agrotechnical options. This research was undertaken because of the potentially high productivity of the 'afila' morphotype in good wheat complex soils. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of vaccination with Rhizobium and foliar micronutrient fertilization on yield of the afila pea variety. The research was based on a two-year (2009–2010) controlled field experiment, conducted in four replicates and carried out on the experimental field of the Bayer company located in Modzurów, Silesian region. experimental field soil was Umbrisol – slightly degraded chernozem, formed from loess. Nitragina inoculant, as a source of symbiotic bacteria, was applied before sowing seeds. Green area index (GAI) of the canopy, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) were determined at characteristic growth stages. The presented results of this study on symbiotic nitrogen fixation by leguminous plants show that the combined application of Nitragina and Photrel was the best combination for productivity. Remote measurements of the pea canopy indexes indicated the formation of the optimum leaf area which effectively used photosynthetically active radiation. The use of Nitragina as a donor of effective Rhizobium for pea plants resulted in slightly higher GAI values and the optimization of PAR and NDVI. It is not recommended to use foliar fertilizers or Nitragina separately due to the slowing of pea productivity

    Application of biostimulants influences shoot and root characteristics of seedlings of winter pea (Pisum sativum L.)

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    In the cooler regions of Europe, the success of winter pea cultivation depends strongly on proper plant development before winter. Previous research has suggested that plants need to develop short internodes and at least their first two leaves before the arrival of frost. However, this stage of growth is sometimes not reached in the event of late sowing, due to factors such as unpredictable weather conditions or the delayed harvest of a previous crop. An effective solution may be the application of plant growth regulators before the sowing of seeds. The aim of this study was to assess the seedling developmental characteristics of winter pea dependent on biostimulator applications in low temperature conditions (4°C). Seven different winter pea cultivars were treated with three biostimulants: Asahi SL, Kelpak SL, and Primus B. After 21 days of seedling development, basic biometrical characteristics were measured (length and weight of shoots and roots). It was found that ‘Enduro’ and ‘Aviron’ showed greatest root development, regardless of the applied biostimulants. The highest germination was achieved by ‘Aviron’. The efficiency of biostimulators on the cultivars tested was low, although slightly better results were found for Asahi SL in combination with ‘Enduro’ and ‘Aviron’

    Lipid Profile in Adolescent Girls with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus and Hyperandrogenemia

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    Study Objectives. The study aim was to evaluate whether hyperandrogenemia in adolescent girls with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) may adversely influence lipid profile. Design and Participants. Lipid levels in 16 diabetic girls with biochemical hyperandrogenemia (T1DM-H) aged 16.3 ± 1.2 years were compared to 38 diabetic girls with normal androgen levels (T1DM-N) aged 15.8 ± 1.2 years. 15 healthy girls served as controls (CG). In all patients, anthropometric measurements were done, and androgens and SHBG were assessed. Results. In T1DM-H, total cholesterol (TC) and low density cholesterol (LDL-ch) were significantly higher than in CG (196.1 ± 41.2 versus 162.7 ± 31.7 mg/dL, p=0.01; 117.3 ± 33.1 versus 91.3 ± 27.8 mg/dL, p=0.01, resp.). Their LDL-ch, non-high density cholesterol (non-HDL-ch) concentrations, and LDL/HDL ratio were also significantly higher than in T1DM-N (117.3 ± 33.1 versus 97.7 ± 26.7 mg/dL, p=0.03; 137.3 ± 42.9 versus 113.3 ± 40.4 mg/dL, p=0.04; 2.8 ± 3.7 versus 1.6 ± 0.5, p=0.04, resp.). In stepwise multiple linear regression, free androgen index (FAI) and waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) were associated with TC (R2=0.4, p<0.0006), non-HDL-ch (R2=0.4, p<0.0003), and LDL-ch (R2=0.4, p<0.0008). Triglycerides and LDL/HDL ratio were (R2=0.7, p<0.0001, R2=0.6, p<0.0003 resp.) related to testosterone, FAI, WHR, and mean HbA1c. Conclusion. Lipid profile in diabetic adolescent girls is adversely influenced by the androgens level, particularly in the group with higher WHR and poorer glycemic control

    Analysis of the scope of scientific research of academics at the faculty of engineering management : a case study

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    PURPOSE: To understand how they acquired the high and medium level of the competencies the research on the academic teachers was conducted. The goal of the research was to find out whether the scope and field of research of the FEM academics is correspondent with competencies of the future and fully and synergistically supports development of competencies of students.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The methodology of the research included surveys and analysis of the results with VOSviewer software.FINDINGS: The scientific profile of the FEM covers the aspects of human factor, safety, logistics and entrepreneurship which is consistent with the structure of the Faculty and courses provided for students. The research topics are overlapping and integrating between the Institutes which proves that the cooperation and internal integration at the Faculty is at the high level and has strong potential, equipping students with full and coherent knowledge. The research topics respond to the needs of business environment, which is also proven by strong cooperation between the Faculty and companies in Wielkopolska (both large companies, representing automotive industry, SMEs and start-ups). They are also correspondent to contemporary trends in scientific methods (i.e., simulation, grey methods), approaches (i.e., sustainability, responsibility, maturity), and solutions (i.e., agile organization, Industry 4.0).PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The research results show that the competencies of the students are shaped by the academic teachers representing wide range of scientific knowledge and contemporary topics of research, thus supporting acquiring competences of the future.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The research conducted is valuable from internal perspective, helping the society of the Faculty understand better what is the scope and profile of research conducted, what are the opportunities of fruitful and innovative scientific cooperation, and what are the areas still not covered. It supported development of the FEM strategy and definition of future research fields, even more responding to the social, economic, and technical challenges of contemporary world. Considering the external perspective, the research helped to define and communicate the profile of the Faculty, showing its specificity and strengths, together with potential offer for companies and other universities to support cooperation with both academia and business.peer-reviewe

    Climatic and anthropogenic drivers of zero-flow events in intermittent rivers in Poland

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    River intermittence was studied based on data from hydrological monitoring in Poland. We screened the entire state database and two another data sources applying the criterion for zero-flow event: discharge less than 0.0005 m3s1m^{3}∙s^{–1}, and found five intermittent rivers with catchment area from 9.2 to 303.7 km2km^{2}. We aimed at finding associations between intermittence and climatic driving forces (temperature and precipitation), and between intermittence and anthropogenic activity. We used the Spearman correlation coefficient, circular statistics, and statistical tests for trend. The concentration of zero-flow days, mostly in summer, and the decreasing trend in the standardised precipitation evapotranspiration index (SPEI) in all catchments at various aggregation levels, and an increasing trend in the total number of zero-flow days and in the maximum length of zero flow events in two rivers, were detected. The strong negative correlation (-0.62 ≤ ρ < 0) between intermittence and the SPEI backward lagged in time showed that intermittence resulted from prolonged deficits in climatic water balance due to increasing evapotranspiration. The reaction of the Noteć catchment, amplified by the anthropogenic pressure (brown coal mines), was reflected in the atypical shape of the rose diagram and in inhomogeneities in river discharges. The results show that the rose diagram can serve as an indicator of the degree of anthropogenic impact on runoff conditions

    Impact of inoculant and foliar fertilization on root system parameters of pea (Pisum sativum l.)

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    In recent years, sustainable crop development has played a key role in current strategies to improve roots activity, which increase nutrients uptake in pulse crop. Our study presents the relationship between root system morphology, inoculant application with and without foliar fertilization and nitrogen accumulation in soil and plants. Two inoculants: Nitragina and IUNG, foliar fertilizer (Photrel), as well as two pea cultivars were studied in three years (2009–2011) period. The research has shown that bacterial inoculants have signifiant inflence on the selected parameters of pea root systems. Gel inoculant signifiantly increased mean root diameter (0.44 mm), compared to control (0.33 mm), whereas combination of Nitragina inoculant with micronutrient fertilization signifiantly increased root length density (1.05 cm·cm-3), compared to control (0.85 cm·cm-3). Additionally, the bacterial inoculant IUNG has signifiantly decreased the root length density in roots classes between 0.2–0.5 mm in the most humid year. The impact of inoculants on roots parameters was strongly related to weather conditions. In a dry year, a signifiant decrease of mean root diameter, specifi root length and increase of root dry mass were observed. Nitrogen accumulation in seeds signifiantly increased after gel inoculant application. A higher N content was proven in the fodder cultivar, but the edible cultivar was observed to accumulate more N in the seeds, which caused a Nitrogen Harvest index for this plant (80.0%)

    Czy u otyłych dzieci wystąpienie zespołu metabolicznego i jego składowych jest warunkowane stopniem otyłości czy insulinoopornością?

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    Introduction: The aim of this study was to determine which factors increase the risk of metabolic syndrome (MS) and its components in obese children and adolescents. Material and methods: In 78 obese children (42 girls, 36 boys), mean age 14.6 &#177; 3.5 years, blood pressure, total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL-cholesterol (HDL), insulin and glucose at fasting state as well as in OGTT were measured. Body mass index (BMI) Z-score, LDLcholesterol, and insulin resistance indices (FIGR, R-HOMA) were calculated. Results: Metabolic syndrome was diagnosed in ten (12.8%) children. Hyperinsulinaemia was present in 42 (53.8%) subjects, increased FIGR in eight (10.3%) and increased R-HOMA in 49 (62.3%). Significant correlations between BMI Z-score &#8805; 2.5 and MS occurrence and its components (hypertriglyceridaemia, isolated systolic and diastolic hypertension) were found. Hypertriglyceridaemia, low HDL and hypertension, as well as MS occurrence, correlated significantly with stimulated hyperinsulinaemia and increased FIGR. Risk of hypertension was increased 5.6 times by fasting hyperinsulinaemia. Stimulated hyperinsulinaemia increased the risk of hypertriglyceridaemia 3.7 times, risk of low HDL 14.4 times and risk of MS 10.3 times. These risks did not change significantly when adjusted for BMI Z-score. Conclusions: Our study results show that both BMI Z-score and OGTT stimulated hyperinsulinaemia are good predictors of MS occurrence in obese children and adolescents. The risk of dyslipidaemia and hypertension increase significantly with hyperinsulinaemia and insulin resistance, with low HDL cholesterol being the most affected. (Pol J Endocrinol 2011; 62 (2): 102&#8211;108)Wstęp: Celem pracy było określenie czynników ryzyka wystąpienia zespołu metabolicznego (MS, metabolic syndrome) i jego składowych u otyłych dzieci i młodzieży. Materiał i metody: U 78 dzieci z otyłością prostą (42 dziewczynek, 36 chłopców) w średnim wieku 14,6&#177;3,5 lat oznaczono stężenia cholesterolu całkowitego, triglicerydów, cholesterolu frakcji HDL (HDL), insuliny i glukozy na czczo i w OGTT, obliczono indeks masy ciała (BMI, body mass index) i jego Z-score oraz wskaźniki insulinooporności (FIGR, R-HOMA). Dokonano 3-krotnych pomiarów ciśnienia tętniczego. Wyniki: Zespół metaboliczny rozpoznano u 10 (12,8%) dzieci, podwyższone stężenie insuliny na czczo odnotowano u 42 (53,8%), podwyższony FIGR u 8 (10,3%), a podwyższony R-HOMA u 49 (62,3%) badanych. Wskaźnik masy ciała Z-score &#8805; 2,5 był istotnie związany z występowaniem MS oraz jego komponentów (hipertriglicerydemią, izolowanym nadciśnieniem skurczowym i rozkurczowym). Stwierdzono istotną korelację hipertriglicerydemii, niskiego stężenia HDL, nadciśnienia i występowania MS z hiperinsulinemią w OGTT i podwyższonym FIGR. Ponadto ryzyko nadciśnienia było 5,6-krotnie wyższe u dzieci z hiperinsulinemią na czczo. Hiperinsulinemia w OGTT zwiększała ryzyko wystąpienia hipertriglicerydemii 3,7-krotnie, ryzyko niskiego stężenia HDL &#8212; 14,4-krotnie, a ryzyko MS &#8212; 10,3-krotnie. Związki te nie zmieniły się istotnie po skorygowaniu dla BMI Z-score. Wnioski: Stwierdzono, że zarówno BMI Z-score, jak i hiperinsulinemia w OGTT są dobrymi czynnikami prognostycznymi wystąpienia MS u otyłych dzieci i młodzieży. Ryzyko wystąpienia nadciśnienia i dyslipidemii, a szczególnie niskiego stężenia HDL, wzrasta istotnie u dzieci z hiperinsulinemią i insulinoopornością. (Endokrynol Pol 2011; 62 (2): 102&#8211;108