1,058 research outputs found

    Statistical mechanical aspects of joint source-channel coding

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    An MN-Gallager Code over Galois fields, qq, based on the Dynamical Block Posterior probabilities (DBP) for messages with a given set of autocorrelations is presented with the following main results: (a) for a binary symmetric channel the threshold, fcf_c, is extrapolated for infinite messages using the scaling relation for the median convergence time, tmed1/(fcf)t_{med} \propto 1/(f_c-f); (b) a degradation in the threshold is observed as the correlations are enhanced; (c) for a given set of autocorrelations the performance is enhanced as qq is increased; (d) the efficiency of the DBP joint source-channel coding is slightly better than the standard gzip compression method; (e) for a given entropy, the performance of the DBP algorithm is a function of the decay of the correlation function over large distances.Comment: 6 page

    Role of elastic scattering in electron dynamics at ordered alkali overlayers on Cu(111)

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    Scanning tunneling spectroscopy of p(2x2) Cs and Na ordered overlayers on Cu(111) reveals similar line widths of quasi two-dimensional quantum well states despite largely different binding energies. Detailed calculations show that 50% of the line widths are due to electron-phonon scattering while inelastic electron-electron scattering is negligible. A frequently ignored mechanism for ordered structures, i.e., enhanced elastic scattering due to Brillouin zone back folding, contributes the remaining width.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, 1 tabl

    Electromagnetic field correlations near a surface with a nonlocal optical response

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    The coherence length of the thermal electromagnetic field near a planar surface has a minimum value related to the nonlocal dielectric response of the material. We perform two model calculations of the electric energy density and the field's degree of spatial coherence. Above a polar crystal, the lattice constant gives the minimum coherence length. It also gives the upper limit to the near field energy density, cutting off its 1/z31/z^3 divergence. Near an electron plasma described by the semiclassical Lindhard dielectric function, the corresponding length scale is fixed by plasma screening to the Thomas-Fermi length. The electron mean free path, however, sets a larger scale where significant deviations from the local description are visible.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure files (.eps), \documentclass[global]{svjour}, accepted in special issue "Optics on the Nanoscale" (Applied Physics B, eds. V. Shalaev and F. Tr\"ager

    Direct measurement of S-branch N(2)-H(2) Raman linewidths using time-resolved pure rotational coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy.

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    S-branch N(2)-H(2) Raman linewidths have been measured in the temperature region 294-1466 K using time-resolved dual-broadband picosecond pure rotational coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy (RCARS). Data are extracted by mapping the dephasing rates of the CARS signal temporal decay. The J-dependent coherence decays are detected in the time domain by following the individual spectral lines as a function of probe delay. The linewidth data set was employed in spectral fits of N(2) RCARS spectra recorded in binary mixtures of N(2) and H(2) at calibrated temperature conditions up to 661 K using a standard nanosecond RCARS setup. In this region, the set shows a deviation of less than 2% in comparison with thermocouples. The results provide useful knowledge for the applicability of N(2) CARS thermometry on the fuel-side of H(2) diffusion flames

    Trapping of Metal Atoms and Metal Clusters by Chabazite under Severe Redox Stress

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    [EN] The remarkable ability of Al-containing CHA zeolite to trap and stabilize noble single-metal atoms and metal clusters has facilitated the design of sinter-resistant materials for catalytic applications that require severe reaction conditions. At high temperatures in O-2, volatile MOx species appear to be fixated by the zeolite Al centers to prevent Ostwald-ripening sintering mechanisms, whereas small metal clusters (<100 atoms) are stabilized in H-2 without further aggregation as coalescence by Brownian motion is inhibited because of an encapsulation effect. Evidences of the possibility to trap the metal released from a second adjacent surface (e.g., SiO2 and Al2O3), upon metal migration over micrometer distances, are provided. These properties have opened the possibility to prepare several noble-metal atoms and clusters inside small-pore zeolites, including bimetallic formulation, by simple wetness impregnations or solid-to-solid transformations followed by standard calcination procedures, resulting in improved catalytic performances compared to other nonreducible supports in reactions that subject the catalysts to severe redox stress, such as the water-gas-shift reaction.This work has been supported by the Spanish Government-MINECO through "Severo Ochoa" (SEV 2012-0267) and MAT2015-71261-R, by the European Union through ERC-AdG-2014-671093 (SynCatMatch) and by the Fundacion Ramon Areces through a research contract of the "Life and Materials Science" program. The Electron Microscopy Service of the UPV is acknowledged for their help in sample characterization. This research used beamline 9-BM and 20-ID of the Advanced Photon Source, a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science User Facility operated for the DOE Office of Science by Argonne National Laboratory under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357. We thank Isabel Millet, Elisa Garcia, and Paul Stevens for technical assistance, and Aaron Sattler, Randall Meyer, Rob Carr, and Gary Casty for review of the manuscript and interesting scientific discussions. We appreciate the support of ExxonMobil Research and Engineering in this fundamental research area.Moliner Marin, M.; Gabay, JE.; Kliewer, CE.; Serna Merino, PM.; Corma Canós, A. (2018). Trapping of Metal Atoms and Metal Clusters by Chabazite under Severe Redox Stress. ACS Catalysis. 8(10):9520-9528. https://doi.org/10.1021/acscatal.8b01717S9520952881

    Lifelongα-tocopherol supplementation increases the median life span of C57BL/6 mice in the cold but has only minor effects on oxidative damage

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    The effects of dietary antioxidant supplementation on oxidative stress and life span are confused. We maintained C57BL/6 mice at 7 ± 2°C and supplemented their diet with α-tocopherol from 4 months of age. Supplementation significantly increased (p = 0.042) median life span by 15% (785 days, n = 44) relative to unsupplemented controls (682 days, n = 43) and also increased maximum life span (oldest 10%, p = 0.028). No sex or sex by treatment interaction effects were observed on life span, with treatment having no effect on resting or daily metabolic rate. Lymphocyte and hepatocyte oxidative DNA damage and hepatic lipid peroxidation were unaffected by supplementation, but hepatic oxidative DNA damage increased with age. Using a cDNA macroarray, genes associated with xenobiotic metabolism were significantly upregulated in the livers of female mice at 6 months of age (2 months supplementation). At 22 months of age (18 months supplementation) this response had largely abated, but various genes linked to the p21 signaling pathway were upregulated at this time. We suggest that α-tocopherol may initially be metabolized as a xenobiotic, potentially explaining why previous studies observe a life span extension generally when lifelong supplementation is initiated early in life. The absence of any significant effect on oxidative damage suggests that the life span extension observed was not mediated via any antioxidant properties of α-tocopherol. We propose that the life span extension observed following α-tocopherol supplementation may be mediated via upregulation of cytochrome p450 genes after 2 months of supplementation and/or upregulation of p21 signaling genes after 18 months of supplementation. However, these signaling pathways now require further investigation to establish their exact role in life span extension following α-tocopherol supplementation

    Paraunitary oversampled filter bank design for channel coding

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    Oversampled filter banks (OSFBs) have been considered for channel coding, since their redundancy can be utilised to permit the detection and correction of channel errors. In this paper, we propose an OSFB-based channel coder for a correlated additive Gaussian noise channel, of which the noise covariance matrix is assumed to be known. Based on a suitable factorisation of this matrix, we develop a design for the decoder's synthesis filter bank in order to minimise the noise power in the decoded signal, subject to admitting perfect reconstruction through paraunitarity of the filter bank. We demonstrate that this approach can lead to a significant reduction of the noise interference by exploiting both the correlation of the channel and the redundancy of the filter banks. Simulation results providing some insight into these mechanisms are provided

    Simultaneous non-negative matrix factorization for multiple large scale gene expression datasets in toxicology

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    Non-negative matrix factorization is a useful tool for reducing the dimension of large datasets. This work considers simultaneous non-negative matrix factorization of multiple sources of data. In particular, we perform the first study that involves more than two datasets. We discuss the algorithmic issues required to convert the approach into a practical computational tool and apply the technique to new gene expression data quantifying the molecular changes in four tissue types due to different dosages of an experimental panPPAR agonist in mouse. This study is of interest in toxicology because, whilst PPARs form potential therapeutic targets for diabetes, it is known that they can induce serious side-effects. Our results show that the practical simultaneous non-negative matrix factorization developed here can add value to the data analysis. In particular, we find that factorizing the data as a single object allows us to distinguish between the four tissue types, but does not correctly reproduce the known dosage level groups. Applying our new approach, which treats the four tissue types as providing distinct, but related, datasets, we find that the dosage level groups are respected. The new algorithm then provides separate gene list orderings that can be studied for each tissue type, and compared with the ordering arising from the single factorization. We find that many of our conclusions can be corroborated with known biological behaviour, and others offer new insights into the toxicological effects. Overall, the algorithm shows promise for early detection of toxicity in the drug discovery process

    Steroid receptor coactivator 1 deficiency increases MMTV-neu mediated tumor latency and differentiation specific gene expression, decreases metastasis, and inhibits response to PPAR ligands

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The peroxisome proliferator activated receptor (PPAR) subgroup of the nuclear hormone receptor superfamily is activated by a variety of natural and synthetic ligands. PPARs can heterodimerize with retinoid X receptors, which have homology to other members of the nuclear receptor superfamily. Ligand binding to PPAR/RXRs results in recruitment of transcriptional coactivator proteins such as steroid receptor coactivator 1 (SRC-1) and CREB binding protein (CBP). Both SRC-1 and CBP are histone acetyltransferases, which by modifying nucleosomal histones, produce more open chromatin structure and increase transcriptional activity. Nuclear hormone receptors can recruit limiting amounts of coactivators from other transcription factor binding sites such as AP-1, thereby inhibiting the activity of AP-1 target genes. PPAR and RXR ligands have been used in experimental breast cancer therapy. The role of coactivator expression in mammary tumorigenesis and response to drug therapy has been the subject of recent studies.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We examined the effects of loss of SRC-1 on MMTV-neu mediated mammary tumorigenesis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>SRC-1 null mutation in mammary tumor prone mice increased the tumor latency period, reduced tumor proliferation index and metastasis, inhibited response to PPAR and RXR ligands, and induced genes involved in mammary gland differentiation. We also examined human breast cancer cell lines overexpressing SRC-1 or CBP. Coactivator overexpression increased cellular proliferation with resistance to PPAR and RXR ligands and remodeled chromatin of the proximal epidermal growth factor receptor promoter.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These results indicate that histone acetyltransferases play key roles in mammary tumorigenesis and response to anti-proliferative therapies.</p