13 research outputs found

    Porovnání trenérských metod Anatolije Tarasova a Vladimíra Kostky ve světle pojetí hry Johana Huizingy

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    The study deals with the coaching methods of Anatoly Tarasov and Vladimir Kostka. Both of them helped their countries to build world-class hockey teams by a personal approach, which dominated world hockey for more than two decades. This paper focuses on the relationship between game and sport and on the question of the boundary between the amateur and the professional. It offers a comparative analysis of the coaching approaches to ice hockey presented by Tarasov and Kostka, who, despite many differences, re mained similar in some respects

    "From top to bottom" : ice hockey in Czechoslovakia in 1950s

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    Article will deal with Czechoslovak hockey in the 1950s. The period is chosen because of the greatest decline in ice hockey in the history of Czechoslovakia. Disintegration is mainly due to the new state establishment, which after the trial of hockey players in 1950 let the entire national team fall. Politics intertwined with sport. The communist regime changed the formats of the competition, maintaining the status of amateur athletes, creating personnel ratings of players and practical control the entire life of hockey players. The highlight were the agents who traveled with the national team to all foreign matches

    The Proposal for Opening Sand-pit Žíšov

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    Import 04/07/2011V souvislosti s právě probíhající výstavbou jihočeské dálnice D3 v úseku Veselí nad Lužnicí – Soběslav a s ní souvisejícím budováním dálničních staveb, vyvstává potřeba dostupnosti kvalitních stavebních písků a štěrkopísků pro tyto účely v její blízkosti. Jako vhodné řešení se nabízí realizace otvírky nevýhradního ložiska štěrkopísků poblíž obce Žíšov a města Veselí nad Lužnicí, které se nachází v bezprostřední blízkosti trasy dálnice D3. Cílem předkládané práce je zpracování návrhu otvírky, postupu těžby a posouzení možných způsobů následné rekultivace území dotčeného těžbou.In connection with the ongoing construction of the south bohemian D3 highway in the Veseli nad Luznici - Sobeslav section and the associated works, arises a need for availability of quality construction sand and gravel in the immediate vicinity. The mining of non-exclusive deposit site near village Zisov and town Veseli nad Luznici, seems to be a suitable solution. The aim of this graduation thesis is to elaborate the proposal for opening, extraction procedures and assessment of the possible options of subsequent reclaiming the Zisov sand-pit.Prezenční542 - Institut hornického inženýrství a bezpečnostivelmi dobř

    Charakteristika území dobývacího prostoru and the subsequent reclamation

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    Import 02/09/2009Pískovna Cep II zajišťuje výrobu a prodej tříděného těženého kameniva, které je využíváno především pro potřeby ve stavebnictví. V současné době zde probíhá těžba štěrkopísků v území původního dobývacího prostoru Cep II., těžební organizací Hanson ČR a.s. Vzhledem k tomu, že zásoby v rozsahu původního dobývacího prostoru jsou již postupně dotěžovány, je třeba vypracovat projektovou dokumentaci na zahájení těžby výhradního ložiska štěrkopísků v rošířeném dobývacím prostoru a legislativně připravit povolení hornické činnosti. Cílem předkládané práce je návrh dalšího postupu dobývání výhradního ložiska Cep II. a následná sanace a rekultivace území dotčených hornickou činností.The sand-pit "CEP II" produces and sells washed and screened aggregates used primarilly for needs of building industry. Currently the gravelous sand is being extracted from the original CEP II mining area by the Hanson ČR a.s. company. Regarding the fact that the reserves in this original mining area are almost exploated it is necessary to prepare project documentation for the production of the gravelous sand in the mining area allotment and also to meet legislative requirements for mining licence. The aim of the study submitted is a proposal for the mining process in the area of CEP II deposit and also follow-up redevelopment and restoration of the land affected by mining.Prezenční542 - Institut hornického inženýrství a bezpečnostivýborn

    Monumenta Vaticana res gestas Bohemicas illustrantia, sumptibus comitiorum regni Bohemiae ediderunt ad recensendos historiae Bohemicae fontes delegati.

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    Vol. 3, "Sumptibus terrae Bohemiae edidit Archivum terrae Bohemiae."t. 1. Acta Clementis VI, 1342-1352. Opera L. Klicman.--t. 2. Acta Innocentii VI,1352-1362.--t. 3. Acta Urbani V, 1362-1370. (2 v.)--t. 4. Acta Gregorii XI, 1370-1378. (2 v.)--t. 5. Acta Urbani VI et Bonifatii IX, 1378-1404. (2 v.)Mode of access: Internet

    Petrology and Depositional Environments of Lower Tuscaloosa Formation (Upper Cretaceous) Sandstones in the North Hustler and Thompson Field Areas, Southwest Mississippi

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    The lithology, diagenesis, and depositional environments of the Dykes, Denkman, and McComb sands of the Stringer Sand Member of the Lower Tuscaloosa Formation in the North Hustler and Thompson field areas of Amite County, Mississippi, have been determined by detailed description of cores from nine wells and examination of 61 thin-sections. The cores were recovered from driller depths of about 11,100 ft in the updip Tuscaloosa trend, which is being actively explored for stratigraphically trapped oil. Most of the sandstone samples (65%) are quartz arenites, and the remainder are sublitharenites: both types consist dominantly of fine- to very fine-grained sand. The average sandstone consists of 67.3% framework grains, 14.8% matrix, 9.2% cement, and 8.7% pore space. Monocrystalline quartz is by far the most abundant framework grain (88.7%), with polycrystalline quartz (6.6%), potassium feldspar (0.3%), plagioclase (0.1%), chert (1.9%), igneous (mostly volcanic) rock fragments (0.5%), metamorphic rock fragments (0.2%), and sedimentary rock fragments (1.5%) also present. The matrix for the most part consists of pore-filling clays, and includes organic matter and secondary pyrite. Quartz and ferroan dolomite (ankerite) are the most common cements; high concentrations of siderite and calcite occur as cement within some thin layers, and siderite is also found commonly as small concretions. Porosity is mostly secondary, resulting from partial dissolution of framework grains and cement. Quartz overgrowths probably formed during an early stage of diagenesis, followed by deposition of calcite cement which corroded and embayed quartz and other framework grains. Apparently the calcite was later replaced by ankerite. Late-stage pore-filling clays include vermicular kaolinite and chlorite, the latter occurring as rims and in dissolution-enlarged pore space. The depositional environment of the Dykes and Denkman sands in all wells is interpreted to be fluvial; stacked point bars are obvious in one well. The McComb sand, best developed in a wildcat well between Thompson and McComb fields, is marine, based on the occurrence of glauconite and shell fragments. The presence of a basal scour surface on shale indicates that this sandstone may be the product of marine reworking of a transgressed distributary mouth bar

    SAPHO and CRMO: The Value of Imaging

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    The syndromes synovitis, acne, pustulosis, hyperostosis, and osteitis (SAPHO) and chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis (CRMO) constitute a group of chronic relapsing inflammatory osteoarticular disorders with frequently associated skin eruptions such as palmoplantar pustulosis and acne conglobata and rather characteristic imaging features in the form of osteitis and/or hyperostosis. CRMO predominantly occurs in children/adolescents and SAPHO in adults. Any skeletal site can be involved, and the imaging appearances vary, depending on the patient's age and the stage/age of the lesion. The diagnosis may be difficult if there is no skin disease, but attention to characteristic imaging appearances may help avoid misdiagnosis (e.g. infection and tumor) and thereby unnecessary invasive procedures as well as facilitating early diagnosis and appropriate treatment. This article provides an overview of the radiologic appearances of SAPHO/CRMO and relevant pathogenetic, clinical, and pathologic features to facilitate the diagnosis that often requires an interdisciplinary approach including radiologists.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe