477 research outputs found

    Utilization of ERTS-1 for appraising changes in continental migratory bird habitat

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Information on numbers, distribution, and quality of wetlands in the breeding range of migratory waterfowl is important for the management of this wildlife resource. Using computer processing of data gathered by the ERTS-1 multispectral scanner, techniques for obtaining indices of annual waterfowl recruitment, and habitat quality are examined. As a primary task, thematic maps and statistics relating to open surface water were produced. Discrimination of water was based upon water's low apparent radiance in a single, near-infrared waveband. An advanced technique using multispectral information for discerning open water at a level of detail finer than the virtual resolution of the data was also successfully tested. In another related task, vegetation indicators were used for detecting conditions of latent or occluded water and upland habitat characteristics

    Preliminary evaluation of ERTS-1 for determining numbers and distribution of prairie ponds and lakes

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    ERTS-1 and aircraft multispectral data collected over a North Dakota test site during July 1972, are compared to evaluate the capability of the satellite sensors to detect numbers and distribution of prairie ponds and lakes. Recognition maps using ERTS-1, MSS 7 data are generated using a level slicing technique. Surface water areas larger than two acres are recognized, but ponds in the one-to two-acre range are detected only at random. The proportion estimation technique will improve the accuracy of area determination and small pond detection

    Application of Remote Sensing Techniques for Appraising Changes in Wildlife Habitat

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    An attempt was made to investigate the potential of airborne, multispectral, line scanner data acquisition and computer-implemented automatic recognition techniques for providing useful information about waterfowl breeding habitat in North Dakota. The spectral characteristics of the components of a landscape containing waterfowl habitat can be detected with airborne scanners. By analyzing these spectral characteristics it is possible to identify and map the landscape components through analog and digital processing methods. At the present stage of development multispectral remote sensing techniques are not ready for operational application to surveys of migratory bird habitat and other such resources. Further developments are needed to: (1) increase accuracy; (2) decrease retrieval and processing time; and (3) reduce costs

    Remote functionalisation via sodium alkylamidozincate intermediates : access to unusual fluorenone and pyridyl ketone reactivity patterns

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    Treating fluorenone or 2-benzoylpyridine with the sodium zincate [(TMEDA)center dot Na(mu-Bu-t)(mu-TMP)Zn(Bu-t)] in hexane solution, gives efficient Bu-t addition across the respective organic substrate in a highly unusual 1,6-fashion, producing isolable organometallic intermediates which can be quenched and aerobically oxidised to give 3-tert-butyl-9H-fluoren-9-one and 2-benzoyl-5-tert-butylpyridine respectively

    Pneumococcal phosphoglycerate kinase interacts with plasminogen and its tissue activator

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    18 pags, 8 figs, 1 tabStreptococcus pneumoniae is not only a commensal of the nasopharyngeal epithelium, but may also cause life-threatening diseases. Immune- electron microscopy studies revealed that the bacterial glycolytic enzyme, phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK), is localised on the pneumococcal surface of both capsulated and non-capsulated strains and colocalises with plasminogen. Since pneumococci may concentrate host plasminogen (PLG) together with its activators on the bacterial cell surface to facilitate the formation of plasmin, the involvement of PGK in this process was studied. Specific binding of human or murine PLG to strain-independent PGK was documented, and surface plasmon resonance analyses indicated a high affinity interaction with the kringle domains 1-4 of PLG. Crystal structure determination of pneumococcal PGK together with peptide array analysis revealed localisation of PLG-binding site in the N-terminal region and provided structural motifs for the interaction with PLG. Based on structural analysis data, a potential interaction of PGK with tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) was proposed and experimentally confirmed by binding studies, plasmin activity assays and thrombus degradation analyses. © Schattauer 2014.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Program under Grant Agreement no. HEALTH-F3–2009–223111. This work was also supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (BFU2011–25326) and Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid (CAM) S2010-BMD-2457 (BIPEDD2). J.K. is funded by a grant from Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (BFU2011–24595). A.M. also acknowledges CAM for financial support to the Fundación Severo Ochoa through the AMAROUTO progra

    Magnetic correlations in infinite-layer nickelates: an experimental and theoretical multi-method study

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    We report a comprehensive study of magnetic correlations in LaNiO2_{2}, a parent compound of the recently discovered family of infinite-layer (IL) nickelate superconductors, using multiple experimental and theoretical methods. Our specific heat, muon-spin rotation (μ\muSR), and magnetic susceptibility measurements on polycrystalline LaNiO2_{2} show that long-range magnetic order remains absent down to 2 K. Nevertheless, we detect residual entropy in the low-temperature specific heat, which is compatible with a model fit that includes paramagnon excitations. The μ\muSR and low-field static and dynamic magnetic susceptibility measurements indicate the presence of short-range magnetic correlations and glassy spin dynamics, which we attribute to local oxygen non-stoichiometry in the average infinite-layer crystal structure. This glassy behavior can be suppressed in strong external fields, allowing us to extract the intrinsic paramagnetic susceptibility. Remarkably, we find that the intrinsic susceptibility shows non-Curie-Weiss behavior at high temperatures, in analogy to doped cuprates that possess robust non-local spin fluctuations. The distinct temperature dependence of the intrinsic susceptibility of LaNiO2_{2} can be theoretically understood by a multi-method study of the single-band Hubbard model in which we apply complementary cutting-edge quantum many-body techniques (dynamical mean-field theory, cellular dynamical mean-field theory and the dynamical vertex approximation) to investigate the influence of both short- and long-ranged correlations. Our results suggest a profound analogy between the magnetic correlations in parent (undoped) IL nickelates and doped cuprates.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figure

    International standardisation work on the measurement of radon in air and water

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    Radon is considered to be the main source of human exposure to natural radiation. As stated by the World Health Organization, the exposure due to the inhalation of indoor radon is much greater than the one via the ingestion of water as radon degasses from water during handling. In response to these concerns about the universal presence of radon, environmental assessment studies are regularly commissioned to assess the radon exposure of public and workers. The credibility of such studies relies on the quality and reliability of radon analysis as well as on the sample representativeness of the radiological situation. The standard-setting approach, based on consensus, seemed to lend itself to a settlement of technical aspects of potential comparison. At present, two Working Groups of the International Standardization Organization are focussing on drafting standards on radon and its decay products measurement in air and water. These standards, which aim for a set of rigorous metrology practices, will be useful for persons in charge of the initial characterisation of a site with respect to natural radioactivity as well as to those performing the routine surveillance of specific site

    Localization of ABCG5 and ABCG8 proteins in human liver, gall bladder and intestine

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    BACKGROUND: The molecular mechanisms that regulate the entry of dietary sterols into the body and their removal via hepatobiliary secretion are now beginning to be defined. These processes are specifically disrupted in the rare autosomal recessive disease, Sitosterolemia (MIM 210250). Mutations in either, but not both, of two genes ABCG5 or ABCG8, comprising the STSL locus, are now known to cause this disease and their protein products are proposed to function as heterodimers. Under normal circumstances cholesterol, but not non-cholesterol sterols, is preferentially absorbed from the diet. Additionally, any small amounts of non-cholesterol sterols that are absorbed are rapidly taken up by the liver and preferentially excreted into bile. Based upon the defects in sitosterolemia, ABCG5 and ABCG8 serve specifically to exclude non-cholesterol sterol entry at the intestinal level and are involved in sterol excretion at the hepatobiliary level. METHODS: Here we report the biochemical and immuno-localization of ABCG5 and ABCG8 in human liver, gallbladder and intestine using cell fractionation and immunohistochemical analyses. RESULTS: We raised peptide antibodies against ABCG5 and ABCG8 proteins. Using human liver samples, cell fractionation studies showed both proteins are found in membrane fractions, but they did not co-localize with caveolin-rafts, ER, Golgi or mitochondrial markers. Although their distribution in the sub-fractions was similar, they were not completely contiguous. Immunohistochemical analyses showed that while both proteins were readily detectable in the liver, ABCG5 was found predominately lining canalicular membranes, whereas ABCG8 was found in association with bile duct epithelia. At the cellular level, ABCG5 appeared to be apically expressed, whereas ABCG8 had a more diffuse expression pattern. Both ABCG5 and ABCG8 appeared to localize apically as shown by co-localization with MRP2. The distribution patterns of ABCG5 and ABCG8 in the gallbladder were very similar to each other. In the small intestine both ABCG5 and ABCG8 appear to line the brush border. However, at the level of the enterocyte, the cellular distribution patterns of ABCG5 and ABCG8 differed, such that ABCG5 was more diffuse, but ABCG8 was principally apical. Using standard deglycosylation methods, ABCG5 and ABCG8 do not appear to be glycosylated, suggesting a difference between human and mouse proteins. CONCLUSION: We report the distribution patterns of ABCG5 and ABCG8 in human tissues. Cell fractionation studies showed that both proteins co-fractionated in general, but could also be found independent of each other. As predicted, they are expressed apically in both intestine and liver, although their intracellular expression patterns are not completely congruent. These studies support the concept of heterodimerization of ABCG5 and ABCG8, but also support the notion that these proteins may have an independent function
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