22 research outputs found

    Variability of clutch size in Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis) at the Jeziorsko Reservoir (Central Poland) in 2004

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    The analysis of the clutch size variability in Cormorant (P. carbo sinensis) was based on study results in colony at the “Jeziorsko Reservoir” (central Poland) in 2004. There were used 328 broods controlled 3-5 times in the season. Number of eggs in a single clutch ranged from 1 to 7, although Cormorants mostly laid 3 to 5 eggs. Mean clutch size was 3.80 (SD = 1.0 0). The size of clutch depended on time of laying eggs and the part of colony where the nest with brood was localised. The clutch size was bigger for pairs that started laying eggs earlier and lower for birds bred in the part of colony where the number of nests and their density were low.Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 dofinansowane zostało ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    Bayesian inference of spatial and temporal relations in AI patents for EU countries

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    In the paper, we propose two models of Artificial Intelligence (AI) patents in European Union (EU) countries addressing spatial and temporal behaviour. In particular, the models can quantitatively describe the interaction between countries or explain the rapidly growing trends in AI patents. For spatial analysis Poisson regression is used to explain collaboration between a pair of countries measured by the number of common patents. Through Bayesian inference, we estimated the strengths of interactions between countries in the EU and the rest of the world. In particular, a significant lack of cooperation has been identified for some pairs of countries. Alternatively, an inhomogeneous Poisson process combined with the logistic curve growth accurately models the temporal behaviour by an accurate trend line. Bayesian analysis in the time domain revealed an upcoming slowdown in patenting intensity.The research was supported in part by PL-Grid Infrastructure, POWER 2014–2020 program and the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education with the subvention funds of the Faculty of Computer Science, Electronics and Telecommunications of AGH University.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Benchmarking PGAA, in-beam NAA, reactor-NAA and handheld XRF spectrometry for the element analysis of archeological bronzes

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    Novel detection strategies were developed to improve the PGAA methodology in the analysis of bronze and brass objects. Instrumental neutron activation analysis and X-ray fluorescence were also involved in this study for comparison. The approach was tested on a set of IRMM-certified copper alloys. Reference values for the concentrations of four major additive components (As, Zn, Sn, and Pb) were compared with the results obtained by the involved methods. The bias observed between the reference Sn values and the initial PGAA results was successfully addressed by considering the interference of this line with low intensity copper prompt gamma peaks. In this report results are presented, and the analytical merits are compared

    Effect of long-term proton pump inhibitor therapy on complete blood count parameters and selected trace elements : a pilot study

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    Introduction: Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are widely prescribed for several gastrointestinal conditions, often as long-term therapy. The effects of long-term PPI use have not been fully elucidated. Objectives: We aimed to determine the association between long-term PPI use and complete blood count parameters, particularly red blood cell (RBC) count, white blood cell (WBC) count, and hemoglobin concentrations, as well as serum levels of selected micronutrients such as selenium (Se), iron (Fe), copper (Cu), and zinc (Zn). Patients and methods: We enrolled 37 patients on long-term PPI therapy (mean [SD] age, 57.1 [15.4] years) and 30 healthy controls (mean [SD] age, 39.3 [11.8] years). In each group, complete blood count, and serum Fe levels were performed, and serum Cu, Zn, and Se levels were measured using atomic absorption spectrometry. Results: Red blood cell and WBC counts were lower in the PPI group compared with controls (mean [SD], 4.24 [0.55]×106/μl vs 4.7 [0.4]×106/μl; P <0.001 and 6.13 [1.44]×103/μl vs 7.3 [1.28]×103/μl; P <0.001, respectively). Hemoglobin and serum Fe concentrations were also lower in the PPI group (mean [SD], 12.5 [1.8] g/dl vs 14.3 [0.8] g/dl; P <0.001 and 16.3 [5.4] μmol/l vs 23.4 [2.7] μmol/l; P <0.001, respectively). Serum Zn and Cu concentrations were higher in PPI users than in controls. Conclusions: Long-term PPI therapy may reduce RBC and WBC counts as well as hemoglobin levels, leading to iron deficiency. It may also affect concentrations of some micronutrients, although the underlying mechanism of this association is not fully clear

    Forfeiture of the fruits of crime

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    Tematem pracy jest przepadek owoców przestępstwa. W pierwszym rozdziale została omówiona różnica między znaczeniami pojęć "konfiskaty" i "przepadku" oraz rozwój przepadku na przestrzeni czasu, jego kształt w poprzednio obowiązujących kodeksach. Szczególną uwagę zwróciłem na Kodeks Makarewicza oraz Kodeks Karny z 1969 r. Drugi rozdział dotyczy przepadku na gruncie Konstytucji oraz prawa międzynarodowego. Omówiłem w nim Konwencję Rady Europy o praniu, ujawnianiu, zajmowaniu i konfiskacie dochodów pochodzących z przestępstwa z 8 listopada 1990 r. oraz Konwencję Rady Europy o praniu, ujawnianiu, zajmowaniu i konfiskacie dochodów pochodzących z przestępstwa oraz o finansowaniu terroryzmu z dnia 16 maja 2005 r. Kolejne rozdziały poświęcone zostały obecnie obowiązującym przepisom kodeksu karnego dotyczącym przepadku, tj. art. 44, 45 i 45a. Została zachowana kolejność kodeksowa, zatem w pierwszej kolejności omówiłem przepadek przedmiotów pochodzących bezpośrednio z przestępstwa, następnie przepadek korzyści majątkowej pochodzącej chociażby pośrednio z przestępstwa, a na końcu przepadek bez wyroku skazującego.The subject of the work is the forfeiture of the fruits of crime. The first chapter discusses the difference between the meanings of the terms "confiscation" and "forfeiture" and the development of the forfeiture over time and its shape in the previous codes. I paid particular attention to Code of Makarewicz from 1932 and the Criminal Code of 1969. The second chapter deals with the forfeiture under the Constitution and international law. I have discussed the Council of Europe Convention on laundering, search, seizure and confiscation of the proceeds from crime of 8 November 1990 and the Council of Europe Convention on laundering, search, seizure and confiscation of the proceeds from crime and on the financing of terrorism of 16 May 2005. The subsequent chapters were devoted to the current provisions of the penal code on forfeiture, i.e. art. 44, 45 and 45a. The codex sequence has been preserved, so first of all I discussed the forfeiture of items coming directly from the crime, then the forfeiture of the financial advantage derived even indirectly from the crime, and finally the forfeiture without conviction

    Determination of the type of quality characteristics of dark chocolate using the Kano method for product design or improvement purposes by the manufacturer

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    W artykule przedstawiono wynik klasyfikacji cech jakościowych czekolady gorzkiej z wykorzystaniem modelu i kwestionariusza Kano dla celów związanych z projektowaniem lub doskonaleniem tego rodzaju produktu przez producenta. W celu oceny cech jakościowych produktu przeprowadzono ankietę wśród grupy 20 studentów Wydziału Zarządzania Politechniki Częstochowskiej. Ankieta pozwoliła poklasyfikować cechy jakościowe czekolady gorzkiej do trzech grup: obowiązkowe, zwabiacze i obojętne. Jak się okazało, żadna z cech nie została zaklasyfikowana jako jednowymiarowa, tj. typu „im więcej tym lepiej”. Aby udoskonalić produkt i zapewnić jego powodzenie na rynku producent czekolady gorzkiej musi zapewnić obecność takich cech jak: duża zawartość kakao, długi posmak w ustach po spożyciu oraz zawartość jedynie naturalnych cukrów w czekoladzie. Aby wyróżnić ten produkt na tle konkurencji producent czekolady gorzkiej powinien ją wytwarzać z wykorzystaniem certyfikowanych składników ekologicznych a sama czekolada powinna mieć zawartość różnych egzotycznych owoców.The article presents the result of the classification of quality features of dark chocolate using the Kano model and questionnaire for purposes related to the design or improvement of this type of product by the manufacturer. In order to assess the quality of the product, a survey was conducted among a group of 20 students from the Faculty of Management at the Czestochowa University of Technology. Poll allowed classify the quality characteristics of dark chocolate into three groups: mandatory, attractors and inert. As it turned out, none of the features was classified as one-dimensional of the type “the more the better”. To improve the product and ensure its success on the market, the bitter chocolate manufacturer must ensure the presence of such features as a high cocoa content, a long aftertaste in the mouth after ingestion and the content of only natural sugars in chocolate. To make this product stand out from the competition, a bitter chocolate producer should produce it using certified organic ingredients and the chocolate itself should have a content of various exotic fruits

    The importance of quality characteristics of food products and their dimensions in the opinion of student youth – survey results

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    W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań ankietowych w zakresie oceny ważności charakterystyk jakościowych produktów żywnościowych i ich wymiarów w opinii młodzieży studenckiej. Respondenci ocenili na ile ważne są dla nich cechy jakościowe produktów żywnościowych w momencie podejmowania przez nich decyzji o jego zakupie. Analiza wyników badań dowiodła że najważniejsze cechy jakościowe produktów żywnościowych to świeżość produktu, smak, wygląd i prozdrowotność. Najważniejszymi wymiarami jakości żywności okazały się być zdrowotność, atrakcyjność sensoryczna oraz dyspozycyjność. Dodatkowe wymiary jakości takie jak „symboliczność” oraz jakość żywienia mają zdecydowanie mniejsze znaczenie dla respondentów przy zakupie produktów spożywczych. Najmniejsze znaczenie ze wszystkich wymiarów jakość żywności ma „symboliczność”, czyli cechy żywności umożliwiające zgodność z modą oraz zapewniające wyróżnienie się w grupie społecznej.The article presents the results of surveys in the field of assessing the validity of quality characteristics of food products and their dimensions in the opinion of students. Respondents assessed the importance of quality products for food when they decided to buy it. Analysis of research results has shown that the most important quality features of food products are product freshness, taste, appearance and healthiness. The most important dimensions of food quality turned out to be healthiness, sensory attractiveness and availability. Additional quality dimensions such as 'symbolism' and nutrition quality are definitely less important for respondents when buying food products. The smallest meaning of all dimensions of food quality is 'symbolism', that is, food features enabling fashion compliance and ensuring standing out in the social group

    Kultura i mit — iluzje demitologizacji

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    One of the most fundamental existential experiences is the “indifference of the world”. Faced with the awareness of the insignificance of human fate, the lack of meaning, the indifference of the world, man creates various strategies of depotentialising reality. One of them is “story-telling”, working on a myth. Nietzsche also believed that “life needs a protective atmosphere woven from illusions, dreams, delusions”, so he tried to create a myth to fill the void left by the “death of God”. He began with Wagner’s “aesthetic myth” and went on to create a “myth of the aestheticisation of existence”. His next attempts to give meaning to human life were the story of the Übermensch and the revitalization of the myth of eternal return. Another myth which can be found at the core of Nietzsche’s philosophy is “the myth of the myth-maker”.One of the most fundamental existential experiences is the “indifference of the world”. Faced with the awareness of the insignificance of human fate, the lack of meaning, the indifference of the world, man creates various strategies of depotentialising reality. One of them is “story-telling”, working on a myth. Nietzsche also believed that “life needs a protective atmosphere woven from illusions, dreams, delusions”, so he tried to create a myth to fill the void left by the “death of God”. He began with Wagner’s “aesthetic myth” and went on to create a “myth of the aestheticisation of existence”. His next attempts to give meaning to human life were the story of the Übermensch and the revitalization of the myth of eternal return. Another myth which can be found at the core of Nietzsche’s philosophy is “the myth of the myth-maker”

    Has EU Accession Boosted Patent Performance in the EU-13? A Critical Evaluation Using Causal Impact Analysis with Bayesian Structural Time-Series Models

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    This paper provides new insights into the causal effects of the enlargement of the European Union (EU) on patent performance. The study focuses on the new EU member states (EU-13) and accession is considered as an intervention whose causal effect is estimated by the causal impact method using a Bayesian structural time-series model (proposed by Google). The empirical results based on data collected from the OECD database from 1985–2017 point towards a conclusion that joining the EU has had a significant impact on patent performance in Romania, Estonia, Poland, the Czech Republic, Croatia and Lithuania, although in the latter two countries, the impact was negative. For the rest of the EU-13 countries, there is no significant effect on patent performance. Whether the EU accession effect is significant or not, the EU-13 are far behind the EU-15 (countries which entered the EU before 2004) in terms of patent performance. The majority of patents (98.66%) are assigned to the EU-15, with just 1.34% of assignees belonging to the EU-13