32 research outputs found

    Direct and Indirect Effects of Climate Change on Plant Populations and Communities in Sagebrush Steppe

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    Forecasting the effects of climate change on plant and animal populations is a high priority in ecology. We studied the effects of climate on plant populations through the use of observational and experimental data, as well as analytical models. Our research questions were: (1) Do the effects of interannual climate variation on the population growth rates of widespread species show a coherent pattern across gradients of mean annual climate? (2) How well can population models fit to observational data predict the response of populations to field experiments that manipulate climate? And (3) does niche overlap between competitors predict the magnitude of competition-mediated indirect effects in mechanistic resource competition models? To test the first question, we assessed how interannual variation in climate affected the abundance of big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) at 131 monitoring sites across its range. We found that years of above average temperature increased sagebrush abundance at cold sites, but decreased sagebrush abundance at hot sites. This pattern indicates that sagebrush distribution may be limited by hot and cold temperatures at the extremes of its distribution. We addressed iv our second research question by fitting statistical models to over 25 years of observational data on the performance of four dominant plant species in a sagebrush steppe community. We then experimentally manipulated soil moisture in this community and tested how well the statistical models fit to observational data could predict species’ responses to the experimental treatments. In two out of four species, we found that including climate effects in our models helped us predict the population-level responses to the experiment. Moreover, effects of historical soil moisture variation on vital rates were generally consistent with the effects of drought and irrigation treatments. Our results provide some evidence that observational data can be used to predict species’ responses to climate change in the future. We addressed our third question by simulating environmental change in analytical models of resource competition and quantifying the size of direct and competition-mediated indirect effects that resulted. We showed that the magnitude of indirect effects increased as the niche overlap between competitors increased

    Climate Change, Snow Mold and the Bromus tectorum Invasion: Mixed Evidence for Release from Cold Weather Pathogens

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    Climate change is reducing the depth and duration of winter snowpack, leading to dramatic changes in the soil environment with potentially important ecological consequences. Previous experiments in the Intermountain West of North America indicated that loss of snowpack increases survival and population growth rates of the invasive annual grass Bromus tectorum; however, the underlying mechanism is unknown. We hypothesized that reduced snowpack might promote B. tectorum population growth by decreasing damage from snow molds, a group of subnivean fungal pathogens. To test this hypothesis, we conducted greenhouse and field experiments to investigate the interaction between early snowmelt and either fungicide addition or snow mold infection of B. tectorum. The greenhouse experiment confirmed that the snow mold Microdochium nivale can cause mortality of B. tectorum seedlings. In the field experiment, early snowmelt and fungicide application both increased B. tectorum survival, but their effects did not interact, and snow mold inoculation had no effect on survival. We did find interactive effects of snowmelt and fungal treatments on B. tectorum seed production: with ambient snowpack, M. nivale inoculation reduced seed production and fungicide increased it, whereas in the early snowmelt treatment seed production was high regardless of fungal treatment. However, treatment effects on seed production did not translate directly to overall population growth, which did not respond to the snow melt by fungal treatment interaction. Based on our mixed results, the hypothesis that reduced snowpack may increase B. tectorum fitness by limiting the effects of plant pathogens deserves further investigation

    Ecosystem Functional Response Across Precipitation Extremes in a Sagebrush Steppe

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    Background Precipitation is predicted to become more variable in the western United States, meaning years of above and below average precipitation will become more common. Periods of extreme precipitation are major drivers of interannual variability in ecosystem functioning in water limited communities, but how ecosystems respond to these extremes over the long-term may shift with precipitation means and variances. Long-term changes in ecosystem functional response could reflect compensatory changes in species composition or species reaching physiological thresholds at extreme precipitation levels. Methods We conducted a five year precipitation manipulation experiment in a sagebrush steppe ecosystem in Idaho, United States. We used drought and irrigation treatments (approximately 50% decrease/increase) to investigate whether ecosystem functional response remains consistent under sustained high or low precipitation. We recorded data on aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP), species abundance, and soil moisture. We fit a generalized linear mixed effects model to determine if the relationship between ANPP and soil moisture differed among treatments. We used nonmetric multidimensional scaling to quantify community composition over the five years. Results Ecosystem functional response, defined as the relationship between soil moisture and ANPP, was similar among irrigation and control treatments, but the drought treatment had a greater slope than the control treatment. However, all estimates for the effect of soil moisture on ANPP overlapped zero, indicating the relationship is weak and uncertain regardless of treatment. There was also large spatial variation in ANPP within-years, which contributes to the uncertainty of the soil moisture effect. Plant community composition was remarkably stable over the course of the experiment and did not differ among treatments. Discussion Despite some evidence that ecosystem functional response became more sensitive under sustained drought conditions, the response of ANPP to soil moisture was consistently weak and community composition was stable. The similarity of ecosystem functional responses across treatments was not related to compensatory shifts at the plant community level, but instead may reflect the insensitivity of the dominant species to soil moisture. These species may be successful precisely because they have evolved life history strategies that buffer them against precipitation variability

    Forecasting climate change impacts on plant populations over large spatial extents

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    Plant population models are powerful tools for predicting climate change impacts in one location, but are difficult to apply at landscape scales. We overcome this limitation by taking advantage of two recent advances: remotely sensed, species-specific estimates of plant cover and statistical models developed for spatiotemporal dynamics of animal populations. Using computationally efficient model reparameterizations, we fit a spatiotemporal population model to a 28-year time series of sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) percent cover over a 2.5 Ă— 5 km landscape in southwestern Wyoming while formally accounting for spatial autocorrelation. We include interannual variation in precipitation and temperature as covariates in the model to investigate how climate affects the cover of sagebrush. We then use the model to forecast the future abundance of sagebrush at the landscape scale under projected climate change, generating spatially explicit estimates of sagebrush population trajectories that have, until now, been impossible to produce at this scale. Our broadscale and long-term predictions are rooted in small-scale and short-term population dynamics and provide an alternative to predictions offered by species distribution models that do not include population dynamics. Our approach, which combines several existing techniques in a novel way, demonstrates the use of remote sensing data to model population responses to environmental change that play out at spatial scales far greater than the traditional field study plot

    Trait-based tests of coexistence mechanisms

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    Abstract Recent functional trait studies have shown that trait differences may favour certain species (environmental filtering) while simultaneously preventing competitive exclusion (niche partitioning). However, phenomenological trait-dispersion analyses do not identify the mechanisms that generate niche partitioning, preventing trait-based prediction of future changes in biodiversity. We argue that such predictions require linking functional traits with recognised coexistence mechanisms involving spatial or temporal environmental heterogeneity, resource partitioning and natural enemies. We first demonstrate the limitations of phenomenological approaches using simulations, and then (1) propose trait-based tests of coexistence, (2) generate hypotheses about which plant functional traits are likely to interact with particular mechanisms and (3) review the literature for evidence for these hypotheses. Theory and data suggest that all four classes of coexistence mechanisms could act on functional trait variation, but some mechanisms will be stronger and more widespread than others. The highest priority for future research is studies of interactions between environmental heterogeneity and trait variation that measure environmental variables at within-community scales and quantify species' responses to the environment in the absence of competition. Evidence that similar trait-based coexistence mechanisms operate in many ecosystems would simplify biodiversity forecasting and represent a rare victory for generality over contingency in community ecology

    Crowdsourcing snake identification with online communities of professional herpetologists and avocational snake enthusiasts

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    Species identification can be challenging for biologists, healthcare practitioners and members of the general public. Snakes are no exception, and the potential medical consequences of venomous snake misidentification can be significant. Here, we collected data on identification of 100 snake species by building a week-long online citizen science challenge which attracted more than 1000 participants from around the world. We show that a large community including both professional herpetologists and skilled avocational snake enthusiasts with the potential to quickly (less than 2 min) and accurately (69–90%; see text) identify snakes is active online around the clock, but that only a small fraction of community members are proficient at identifying snakes to the species level, even when provided with the snake's geographical origin. Nevertheless, participants showed great enthusiasm and engagement, and our study provides evidence that innovative citizen science/crowdsourcing approaches can play significant roles in training and building capacity. Although identification by an expert familiar with the local snake fauna will always be the gold standard, we suggest that healthcare workers, clinicians, epidemiologists and other parties interested in snakebite could become more connected to these communities, and that professional herpetologists and skilled avocational snake enthusiasts could organize ways to help connect medical professionals to crowdsourcing platforms. Involving skilled avocational snake enthusiasts in decision making could build the capacity of healthcare workers to identify snakes more quickly, specifically and accurately, and ultimately improve snakebite treatment data and outcomes

    Community-level Effects of a Dominant Shrub Across an Environmental Gradient: Variable Reponses of Native and Exotic Plants

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    Facilitation between plant species is increasingly recognized as a critical factor\ud influencing the performance of individual plants and the dynamics of plant populations.\ud Far fewer studies have considered the community-level consequences of facilitation or\ud whether its importance for species within a community can be predicted by geographic\ud origin, life history and growth form. Here we summarize results from a associational\ud study and two field experiments that evaluate the influence of facilitation by a dominant\ud native shrub (Ericameria ericoides) on plant communities across a well-documented\ud small-scale environmental gradient in a coastal dune ecosystem. The more exposed end\ud ofthis 200-m long gradient experiences high winds and reduced soil nitrogen and\ud moisture content. The associational study showed that plant communities underneath\ud shrubs were characterized by greater exotic annual abundance, lower native annual\ud abundance and greater richness of exotic species, with this pattern diminishing or\ud reversing along the environmental gradient. A shrub-removal experiment revealed that\ud shrubs greatly reduced wind speeds, an important driver of the physical environment at\ud this site, and positively affected the aboveground biomass of exotic annual grasses and\ud reduced exotic species richness, with these effects persisting across the entire gradient. A\ud second experiment showed that the positive effects of shrubs on a dominant exotic grass,\ud Bromus diandrus, were more likely attributable to the shrub modification ofsoil rather . than aboveground conditions. In summary, this study provides evidence indicating that a\ud dominant native shrub has both positive and negative effects on the community, with\ud responses varying among different plant groups defined by geographic origin, life history\ud and growth form.This research was supported in large part by grants from The Milo Baker Chapter of the California Native Plant Society, the California Native Plant Society and the Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society. Generous financial support was also provided through Sonoma State University by the Emmy Lou Driscoll Memorial Scholarship, the Ralph Bushnell Memorial Scholarship and by a scholarship provided by John and Dolores Headley

    Zip file with data and code

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    Zip file containing all data and code needed recreate the analysis. The data is stored in the data folder as csv files. R code to recreate the analysis is also included. Please see the README for more information

    Removal Experiment

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    The total aboveground biomass of vascular plant species collected in 70 experimental shrub patches in 2010 and 2011. Values are total dry mass of aboveground plant material for each species harvested from a 20 x 30 cm quadrat placed at a random location within each experimental shrub patch. Different quadrat locations were sampled in 2010 and 2011

    Data from: Shrubs as ecosystem engineers across an environmental gradient: effects on species richness and exotic plant invasion

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    Ecosystem-engineering plants modify the physical environment and can increase species diversity and exotic species invasion. At the individual level, the effects of ecosystem engineers on other plants often become more positive in stressful environments. In this study, we investigated whether the community-level effects of ecosystem engineers also become stronger in more stressful environments. Using comparative and experimental approaches, we assessed the ability of a native shrub (Ericameria ericoides) to act as an ecosystem engineer across a stress gradient in a coastal dune in northern California, USA. We found increased coarse organic matter and lower wind speeds within shrub patches. Growth of a dominant invasive grass (Bromus diandrus) was facilitated both by aboveground shrub biomass and by growing in soil taken from shrub patches. Experimental removal of shrubs negatively affected species most associated with shrubs and positively affected species most often found outside of shrubs. Counter to the stress-gradient hypothesis, the effects of shrubs on the physical environment and individual plant growth did not increase across the established stress gradient at this site. At the community level, shrub patches increased beta diversity, and contained greater rarified richness and exotic plant cover than shrub-free patches. Shrub effects on rarified richness increased with environmental stress, but effects on exotic cover and beta diversity did not. Our study provides evidence for the community-level effects of shrubs as ecosystem engineers in this system, but shows that these effects do not necessarily become stronger in more stressful environments