144 research outputs found

    Performance evaluation of the Boron Coated Straws detector with Geant4

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    The last decade has witnessed the development of several alternative neutron detector technologies, as a consequence of upcoming neutron sources and upgrades, as well the world-wide shortage of 3^3He. One branch of development is the family of 10^{10}B-based gaseous detectors. This work focuses on the boron coated straws (BCS) by Proportional Technologies Inc., a commercial solution designed for use in homeland security and neutron science. A detailed Geant4 simulation study of the BCS is presented, which investigates various aspects of the detector performance, e.g. efficiency, activation, absorption and the impact of scattering on the measured signal. The suitability of the BCS detector for Small Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS), direct chopper spectrometry and imaging is discussed.Comment: 50 pages, 37 figures, minor changes after review, results unchange

    K harakterisztike prosztransztvenno-vremennoj hudozsesztvennoj modeli knigi Borisza Paszternaka «Szesztra moja — zsizny»

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    The article is intended to analyse the temporal and spatial structure unfolding in the book "My Sister - Life". The temporal structure of the book is built on the succession of the four seasons. The seasons - and at times the months as well - have well-defined meanings in Pasternak's poetic system. The temporal structure of the book follows the cyclical order of the calendar year, and the events of a "love story" represent a linear progress in time. Furthermore, in the artistic composition of the book another type of chronology can be revealed, which can be described with the Bergsonian category of internal time, durée. What is crucial and vital for the lyrical hero is the internal correspondence of experiences and phenomena, which interrupts the linear progress of the narrative, as opposed to the external, rational and linear order of things.   The spatial structure of the book can be analysed with the help of the voyage motif. Parallel with travelling in the external world a voyage takes place in the internal realm of the lyrical hero's creative memory. The category of time and space are inseparable, interwoven in the course of the voyage and the unfolding of memories. In other words, events that can originally be characterised in temporal terms occur and evolve in the external space, which can be regarded as a poetical reinterpretation of an archaic, mythological space-time model

    "Ja, ich bin traurig! Ich trauere und darf es auch zeigen ..."

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    Auch heute noch wird das Thema „Tod und Sterben“ in unserer Gesellschaft verdrängt und tabuisiert. Niemand will sich mit diesen Gedanken auseinander-setzen - und schon gar nicht in jungen Jahren. Und vom Sterben unschuldiger, kleiner Kindern, davon will niemand etwas mitbekommen. Erst wenn man selbst Betroffener ist, lernt man zu schätzen, wie wichtig der Beruf des/der Sterbebe-gleiters/in von Kindern ist – erst dann ist man für jede Unterstützung und Hilfe dankbar. Hat man mit dieser Berufssparte nichts zu tun, weiß man wohl kaum, wie es diesen Menschen geht und wie sie es aushalten, tagtäglich mit sterben-den Kindern zu arbeiten. Das Ziel dieser qualitativen Studie war, Einblicke in den Berufsalltag der Ster-bebegleiterInnen von Kindern zu erhalten und die damit verbundenen Proble-me, Sorgen und Belastungen aufzuzeigen, um so eine Grundlage zur Entwick-lung von geeigneten Präventionsstrategien zu schaffen und zudem diesen ‚un-sichtbaren‘ Helfern zu mehr Aufmerksamkeit zu verhelfen. Durchgeführt wurden 10 problemzentrierte, halbstandardisierte Interviews von SterbebegleiterInnen von Kindern. Davon waren sechs männlich und vier weib-lich und die Alterspanne reichte von 26 bis 62 Jahre. Die Datenanalyse erfolgte nach der Methode der Grounded Theory von Corbin & Strauss. Da nicht mehr als 10 Interviews durchgeführt werden konnten und noch keine theoretische Sättigung erreicht wurde, stützen sich die Aussagen auf das Erklärungsmodel, was sich auch nach nur 10 Interviews schon sehr deutlich zeigte. Insgesamt zeichneten sich drei Hauptkategorien ab, nämlich ‚die Profession’ (der Beruf des/der Sterbebegleiters/in einschließlich dessen Auswirkungen aufs eigene Leben), ‚die Mühsal’ (die aufkommenden Belastungen und Stressoren) und ‚die Handhabung’ (Copingstrategien, die gegen diese Belastungen angewendet werden), die auch weitere Sub-Kategorien beinhalten. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass man keine Angst vor der Begleitung eines ster-benden Kindes haben muss. Jedoch machen die hier identifizierten Belastun-gen und Stressoren von SterbebegleiterInnen von Kindern auch deutlich, dass es wichtig ist, diese beim Namen zu nennen, um so Erschöpfung, berufliche Deformationen und Burnout entsprechend entgegen wirken zu können.Until today the topic “death and dying” is repressed and a taboo in our society. Nobody wants to deal with it – especially not when young people are involved. When little children or babies are dying nobody wants to grapple, since it is not their own business. But when you are in the middle of such a situation, you quickly learn how important it is to get help from someone else, even if it is com-ing from an external person. Meaning, so far, only this way, people are learning to understand the importance of hospice carer for children since most of the people concerned are grateful for any support and assistance. But on the con-trary, who cares about or is interested in this specific profession? Who are these people? How do they bear it, when they are working day-to-day with dy-ing children? The aim of this study was to get an insight into every day work of the hospice carer from children and also to identify any related problems, worries and con-straints. 10 problem-centred and semi-structured interviews have been carried out with hospice carers from children – 6 male and 4 female with an age range from 26 to 62 years old. The data has been analysed using the method of Grounded Theory by Corbin & Strauss, but only up to “Level 2 Coding” because it was not possible to make more than 10 interviews in such a short time. Therefore the data saturation has not been reached so far. However, from the sustained data it was possible to form a quite conclusive explanatory model which consists of three main categories. First, “the profession” (the job of the hospice carers of children and the effect of it on the own life). Secondly, “the hardship” (the emerging constraints and stressors) and lastly, “the handling” (strategies which are used to cope with these constraints and stressors). These three main categories also consist of several sub-categories and sub-sub-categories. The results suggest that people should not be afraid to escort a dying child. But, is also was possible to identify several stressors and constraints related to this challenge in this study. These need to be addressed in order to prevent exhaus-tion, professional deformation and burnout

    A stressz-függő viselkedés (szorongás) vazopresszinerg és oxytocinerg kontrollja: vizsgálatok Brattleboro patkányok felhasználásával = Neuropeptidergic control of stress-related behavior including anxiety-related behavior by arginine vasopressin and oxytocin: studies employing the model organism Brattleboro rat

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    A modern társadalmakat gazdaságilag leginkább sújtó betegségek közül a stresszel kapcsolatba hozható szorongás és a depresszió előfordulása kiemelkedő. A stressz-tengely szabályozásában betöltött fontos szerepéből kiindulva a vazopresszin (AVP) fontos az érzelmi zavarok kialakulásában is. Kísérleteiben a nucleus paraventricularis hypothalami (PVN) sejtjeiből ürülő AVP neuromodulátor szerepét vizsgáltuk stresszben és ezzel kapcsolatos érzelmi zavarokban. Modellállatként természetes mutációval AVP hiányossá vált Brattleboro patkányokat használtunk. A kutatásainkat az alapkérdést befolyásoló egyéb tényezők vizsgálatára is kiterjesztettük. Kimutattuk, hogy az AVP felnőtt állatban stressz-függő módon járul hozzá a adrenokortikotropin (hipofízeális stressz-komponens) elválasztáshoz, míg a perinatális korban szabályozó szerepe elsődleges. Ugyanakkor, a stressz-tengely hipofízeális és mellékvese komponenseinek szintje disszociál, azaz a glukokortikoid elválasztást ismeretlen faktorok is szabályozzák. A stressz-során a PVN-ben parakrin módon ürülő AVP elősegíti a stressz-tengely kiindulási állapotba való visszatérését. A Brattleboro patkányok csökkent stressz-reaktivitásukkal összhangban kevésbé depressziós fenotípust mutatnak centrális támadásponttal. Vizsgálataink a szervezetben zajló stressz-folyamatok szabályozásának jobb megértéséhez vittek közelebb. Eredményeinket számos nemzetközi konferencián, 20 nemzetközi folyóirat cikkben és 4 könyvfejezetben ismertettük. | In modern societies the prevalence of stress-induced anxiety and depression is increasing. Based upon the important regulatory role of vasopressin (AVP) in stress-axis, its prominent role in the development of emotional disorders could be also supposed. Our goal was to examine the neuromodulatory role of AVP, released from the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (PVN), in stress and related psychopathologies. As a model animal we used naturally AVP mutant Brattleboro rats. The research was extended to the examination of other related processes. We showed that in adult animals AVP had stress-dependent contribution to the adrenocorticotropin (hypophyseal stress component) release, while it was the primary regulator during the perinatal period. However, the hypophyseal and adrenal level of the stress-axis were dissociated, thus glucocorticoid secretion could be regulated by unknown factors as well. The AVP, released in a paracrine manner from the PVN, promoted the return of the stress hormone levels to the initial state. In accordance with reduced stress reactivity Brattleboro rats showed less depressive-like phenotype based on a central effect. Our studies added details to the regulation of stress processes and related psychopathologies. We presented the results on many international conferences, in 20 peer-reviewed international journals and 4 book-chapters

    Funktionelle Analysen zum Acyl-CoA-Bindeprotein (ACBP)

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    Das Fettsäurebindeprotein mit der höchsten Spezifität für langkettige, Acyl-CoA ist das Acyl-CoA-Bindeprotein (ACBP). Der Vergleich transgener, ACBP-überexprimierender Ratten mit Wildtypen nach einmonatiger Fütterung einer Niedrig- (LFD) bzw. Hochfettdiät (HFD) zeigt bei den transgenen Tieren höhere Konzentrationen an freien Fettsäuren und Triglyzeriden, sowie veränderte Glukose- und Insulinwerte. Zudem führt die ACBP-Überexpression unter LFD in der Leber zur verringerten SREBP-1c- und L-FABP-Expression. Unter HFD fehlen diese kompensatorischen Mechanismen und die PPAR-γ-Expression steigt. Für in vitro-Analysen zellulärer Zusammenhänge zwischen ACBP und der glukosestimulierten Insulinsekretion von β-Zellen, wurde eine stabil ACBP-überexprimierende INS-1E-Linie generiert. Unter basalen, wie stimulierenden Glukosekonzentrationen kommt es bei den Klonen zu einer signifikant verringerten Insulinsekretion bedingt durch die veränderte Expression von PPAR-δ, SREBP-1c, LXR-α, SIRT-1 und PGC-1α

    Vonzatkeretek vizsgálata orvostudományi tárgyú, angol nyelvű szabadalmi szövegeken

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    Orvostudományi tárgyú, angol nyelv szabadalmi szövegekben el- forduló igék s fnevek vonzatkereteit vizsgáltuk. Az elfordulási gyakoriságuk alapján összeállítottunk egy kifejezetten az orvostudományi tárgyú szabadalmi szövegekre jellemz vonzatkerettárat, amely hasznosítható a hasonló tárgyú szövegekre alkalmazandó szintaktikai és szemantikai elemzk építésében

    Restoration of peripheral V2 receptor vasopressin signaling fails to correct behavioral changes in Brattleboro rats.

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    Beside its hormonal function in salt and water homeostasis, vasopressin released into distinct brain areas plays a crucial role in stress-related behavior resulting in the enhancement of an anxious/depressive-like state. We aimed to investigate whether correction of the peripheral symptoms of congenital absence of AVP also corrects the behavioral alterations in AVP-deficient Brattleboro rats. Wild type (WT) and vasopressin-deficient (KO) male Brattleboro rats were tested. Half of the KO animals were treated by desmopressin (V2-receptor agonist) via osmotic minipump (subcutaneous) to eliminate the peripheral symptoms of vasopressin-deficiency. Anxiety was studied by elevated plus maze (EPM), defensive withdrawal (DW) and marble burying (MB) tests, while depressive-like changes were monitored in forced swimming (FS) and anhedonia by sucrose preference test. Cell activity was examined in septum and amygdala by c-Fos immunohistochemistry after 10min FS. KO rats spent more time in the open arm of the EPM, spent less time at the periphery of DW and showed less burying behavior in MB suggesting a reduced anxiety state. KO animals showed less floating behavior during FS revealing a less depressive phenotype. Desmopressin treatment compensated the peripheral effects of vasopressin-deficiency without a significant influence on the behavior. The FS-induced c-Fos immunoreactivity in the medial amygdala was different in WT and KO rats, with almost identical levels in KO and desmopressin treated animals. There were no differences in central and basolateral amygdala as well as in lateral septum. Our data confirmed the role of vasopressin in the development of affective disorders through central mechanisms. The involvement of the medial amygdala in the behavioral alterations of vasopressin deficient animals deserves further attention

    A simulational study of the indirect geometry neutron spectrometer, BIFROST at the European Spallation Source, from neutron source position to detector position

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    The European Spallation Source (ESS) is intended to become the most powerful spallation neutron source in the world and the flagship of neutron science in the upcoming decades. The exceptionally high neutron flux will provide unique opportunities for scientific experiments, but also set high requirements for the detectors. One of the most challenging aspects is the rate capability and in particular the peak instantaneous rate capability, i.e. the number of neutrons hitting the detector per channel or cm2^2 at the peak of the neutron pulse. The primary purpose of this paper is to estimate the incident rates that are anticipated for the BIFROST instrument planned for ESS, and also to demonstrate the use of powerful simulation tools for the correct interpretation of neutron transport in crystalline materials. A full simulation model of the instrument from source to detector position, implemented with the use of multiple simulation software packages is presented. For a single detector tube instantaneous incident rates with a maximum of 1.7 GHz for a Bragg peak from a single crystal, and 0.3 MHz for a vanadium sample are found. This paper also includes the first application of a new pyrolytic graphite model, and a comparison of different simulation tools to highlight their strengths and weaknesses.Comment: 45 pages, 20 figure

    Nyelvészeti problémák a szabadalmak feldolgozásában

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    A szabadalmak számos olyan sajátossággal bírnak, amelyek azok nyelvi elemzését – az általános tématerület szövegekhez képest – jelentsen megnehezítik. Szintaktikailag bonyolult felépítés szerkezetek, beágyazott mondatok, összetételek és felsorolások szép számmal találhatók bennük, igen sok bennük a visszautalás (anafora), és az elliptikus tagmondatok, vonatkozó mellékmondatok és utómódosítók használata is jellemz. A szabadalmak szókincse is jellegzetes: a terminus technicusokon kívül bizonyos szófordulatok jelenléte is tipikusnak mondható. Mindezen jellemzkbl adódó problémák kezelésére különféle szabályalapú módszereket dolgoztunk ki, melyeket az eladásban ismertetünk