26 research outputs found

    The family of Peps and their precursors in Arabidopsis: differential expression and localization but similar induction of pattern-triggered immune responses

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    In Arabidopsis thaliana, the endogenous danger peptides, AtPeps, have been associated with plant defences reminiscent of those induced in pattern-triggered immunity. AtPeps are perceived by two homologous receptor kinases, PEPR1 and PEPR2, and are encoded in the C termini of the PROPEP precursors. Here, we report that, contrary to the seemingly redundant AtPeps, the PROPEPs fall at least into two distinct groups. As revealed by promoter-β-glucuronidase studies, expression patterns of PROPEP1-3, -5, and -8 partially overlapped and correlated with those of the PEPR1 and -2 receptors, whereas those of PROPEP4 and -7 did not share any similarities with the former. Moreover, bi-clustering analysis indicated an association of PROPEP1, -2, and -3 with plant defence, whereas PROPEP5 expression was related to patterns of plant reproduction. In addition, at the protein level, PROPEPs appeared to be distinct. PROPEP3::YFP (fused to yellow fluorescent protein) was present in the cytosol, but, in contrast to previous predictions, PROPEP1::YFP and PROPEP6::YFP localized to the tonoplast. Together with the expression patterns, this could point to potentially non-redundant roles among the members of the PROPEP family. By contrast, their derived AtPeps, including the newly reported AtPep8, when applied exogenously, provoked activation of defence-related responses in a similar manner, suggesting a high level of functional redundancy between the AtPeps. Taken together, our findings reveal an apparent antagonism between AtPep redundancy and PROPEP variability, and indicate new roles for PROPEPs besides plant immunit

    The Arabidopsis Pep-PEPR system is induced by herbivore feeding and contributes to JA-mediated plant defence against herbivory

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    Dysfunction of the Pep-PEPR system and its interplay with JA signalling results in increased plant susceptibility towards herbivore attack indicating that endogenous signalling also contributes to herbivore defenc

    Evolutionary divergence of the plant elicitor peptides (Peps) and their receptors: interfamily incompatibility of perception but compatibility of downstream signalling

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    Plant elicitor peptides (Peps) co-evolved with their receptors, resulting in interfamily incompatibility of Pep recognition. In contrast, operation of defence pathways by Pep receptors is conserved within the flowering plant

    Seed-Business Oriented Demonstration Trials: An Efficient Option to Promote Tef (Eragrostis tef ) Varieties

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    አህፅሮት ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ ጤፍ (Eragrostis tef) ከ6.5 ሚሊዮን በሚበልጡ አነስተኛ አርሶ አደሮች ይመረታል፡፡ ሆኖም ግን የተሻሻሉ ቴክኖሎጂዎችና የምርጥ ዘር ተጠቃሚነት ውስን በመሆኑ የሰብሉ ምርታማነት ዝቅተኛ እንደሆነ ቀጥሏል፡፡ ስለሆነም አነስተኛ አርሶ አደሮች ጥራቱን ለጠበቀ የጤፍ አራቢ ዘር ያላቸውን ተደራሽነት ለመጨመር ዓላማ ያደረገ ጥናት በ254 መሪ አርሶ አደሮች ማሳ ላይ ተካሂዷል፡፡ በጥናቱም በቅርብ ጊዜ የተለቀቁ ሦስት አዳዲስ ዝርያዎች እና አንድ ቀደም ብሎ የተለቀቀ ዝርያ (ቦሰት) ተካተው ተገምግመዋል፡፡ ለእያንዳንዱ መሪ-አርሶ አደር የአራቱም ዝርያዎች ማለትም የኮራ፣ የተስፋ፣ የዳግም እና የቦሰት አራቢ ዘር  ተሰጥቷል፡፡ የአራቱ ዝርያዎች የዘር ምርት ተቀራራቢ (ኮራ = 1.94፣ ተስፋ = 2.31፣ ዳግም = 2.24 እና ቦሰት = 2.36 ቶን በሄክታር) ነበር፡፡ ጥናቱ በተካሄደባቸው ወረዳዎች ያለውን የግብዓት ዋጋ እና የምርት ዋጋ እሳቤ ውስጥ ሲገባ የተገኘው አማካይ ያልተጣራ ገቢ 65,355.90 ብር በሄክታር ሲሆን አማካይ የማምረቻ ወጪው ደግሞ 26,355.52 ብር በሄክታር ነበር፡፡ ከማምረቻ ወጪዎች መካከል ለጉልበት የወጣው ወጪ ትልቁን ድርሻ ሲይዝ ከጠቅላላው ወጪ 58 በመቶ ድርሻ ነበረው፡፡ በአጠቃላይ የገቢ-ወጪ ምጣኔ 1.5 በመሆኑ የተሻሻለ የጤፍ ዝርያ ቴክኖሎጂ መጠቀም በጣም ትርፋማ እንደሆነ ጥናቱ ያመልክታል፡፡ ይህም በመሆኑ አዳዲስ የሚወጡ የጤፍ ዝርያዎችን ዘር አባዝቶ ለገብያ ማቅረብን ትኩረት ያደረገ የሰርቶ ማሳያ ስራ ቢሰራ ለአርሶ አደሮች ሳቢና አዋጭ ሆኖ ተገኝትዋል፡፡   ጠቋሚ ቃላት፡ መሪ አርሶ አደሮች፤ የጤፍ ዝርያዎች፤ የምርጥ ዘር ምርት፤ የጤፍ ጭድ፤ የምርት ዋጋ       Abstract Tef (Eragrostis tef) is extensively cultivated by over 6.5 million smallholder farmers in Ethiopia. However, the productivity of the crop remains low mainly due to the limited use of improved technologies including seeds. In this study, three recently released and one old (as a check) tef varieties were evaluated on 254 lead farmers’ fields with the main aim of increasing farmers’ access to quality breed seeds.Each lead farmer was provided with breeder seeds of four improved tef varieties, namely Kora, Tesfa, Dagim, and Boset.The seed yield from the four tef varieties were comparable (Kora = 1.94, Tesfa = 2.31, Dagim =2.24 and Boset = 2.36 t ha-1). Given the input and output prices that prevail in the selected districts, the mean revenue was 65,355.90 Birr ha-1 while the mean production cost was 26,355.52 Birr ha-1. Among production costs, labor took for the lion’s share as it contributed to 58% of the total cost.   In general, with a benefit-cost ratio of 1.5, our technology is highly profitable and attractive to farmers if newly released tef varieties are disseminated in the seed-business-oriented method. &nbsp

    New protocol for rapid cassava multiplication in field conditions: a perspective on speed breeding

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    Despite the economic and social importance, high-yielding cassava cultivars are only released after extensive research, mainly due to the low multiplication rate. This study aimed to assess the impact of using smaller-sized seed cuttings treated with agrochemicals (8MP) compared to the conventional planting size (16 cm) on genetic parameters, agronomic performance, and the ranking of cassava clones based on yield and growth attributes. The evaluation was carried out in clonal evaluation trial (CET), preliminary yield trial (PYT), and uniform yield trials (UYT). Additionally, a new selection scheme for cassava breeding programs was proposed. A total of 169 clones were evaluated, including 154 improved clones at different stages of selection and 15 local varieties used as checks. Field trials were conducted using both sizes of propagative material (8MP and 16 cm) in each phase of the breeding program. The data were analyzed using mixed models, considering the random effects of genotype and genotype-environment interaction (G×E) to determine variances and heritabilities. Bland-Altman concordance and correlation analysis of selection indices were employed to examine the consistency in the ranking of cassava clones using different seed cutting sizes. The distribution of variance components, heritabilities, means, and range of the 8MP and 16 cm trials in different phases of the cassava breeding program exhibited remarkable similarity, thereby enabling a comparative assessment of similar genetic effects. With a selection intensity of 30%, the concordance in clone ranking was 0.41, 0.57, and 0.85 in CET, PYT, and UYT trials, respectively, when comparing the selection based on 8MP and 16 cm trials. It is worth noting that the ranking of the top 15% remained largely unchanged. Based on the findings, proposed changes in the cassava selection scheme involve increasing the number of trials starting from the CET phase, early incorporation of G×E interaction, elimination of the PYT trial, reduction of the breeding cycle from 5 to 3 years, and a decrease in the time required for variety development from 11 to 9 years. These modifications are expected to lead to cost reduction and enhance the effectiveness of cassava breeding programs

    A novel seed treatment-based multiplication approach for cassava planting material.

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    Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is an important food security crop in many parts of the developing world. The crop?s high yield potential and multitude of uses?both for nutrition and processing?render cassava a promising driver for the development of rural value chains. It is traditionally propagated from stem cuttings of up to 30 cm in length, giving a multiplication rate as low as 1:10. Propagating cassava traditionally is very inefficient, which leads to challenges in the production and distribution of quality planting material and improved cultivars, greatly limiting the impact of investments in crop breeding. The work described in the present study aimed to develop a seed treatment approach to facilitate the use of shorter seed pieces, increasing the multiplication rate of cassava and thus making the crop?s seed systems more efficient. After several tests, formulation was identified, consisting of thiamethoxam 21 g ha-1, mefenoxam 1.0 g ha-1, fludioxonil 1.3 g ha-1, thiabendazole 7.5 g ha-1 and Latex 2% as a binder. Plant growing from seed pieces treated with this formulation displayed increased crop establishment and early crop vigor, leading to an improved productivity throughout a full growing cycle. This allowed to reduce the cassava seed piece size to 8 cm with no negative effects on germination and crop establishment, leading to yields comparable to those from untreated 16 cm pieces. This, in turn, will allow to increase the multiplication ratio of cassava by a factor of up to 3. Notably, this was possible under regular field conditions and independently of any specialised treatment facilities. Compared with existing seed production protocols, the increased multiplication rates allowed for efficiency gains of between 1 to 1.9 years compared to conventional five-year cycles. We believe that the technology described here holds considerable promise for developing more reliable and remunerative delivery channels for quality cassava planting material and improved genetics

    Technology generation to dissemination:lessons learned from the tef improvement project

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    Indigenous crops also known as orphan crops are key contributors to food security, which is becoming increasingly vulnerable with the current trend of population growth and climate change. They have the major advantage that they fit well into the general socio-economic and ecological context of developing world agriculture. However, most indigenous crops did not benefit from the Green Revolution, which dramatically increased the yield of major crops such as wheat and rice. Here, we describe the Tef Improvement Project, which employs both conventional- and molecular-breeding techniques to improve tef\u2014an orphan crop important to the food security in the Horn of Africa, a region of the world with recurring devastating famines. We have established an efficient pipeline to bring improved tef lines from the laboratory to the farmers of Ethiopia. Of critical importance to the long-term success of this project is the cooperation among participants in Ethiopia and Switzerland, including donors, policy makers, research institutions, and farmers. Together, European and African scientists have developed a pipeline using breeding and genomic tools to improve the orphan crop tef and bring new cultivars to the farmers in Ethiopia. We highlight a new variety, Tesfa, developed in this pipeline and possessing a novel and desirable combination of traits. Tesfa\u2019s recent approval for release illustrates the success of the project and marks a milestone as it is the first variety (of many in the pipeline) to be released

    Sustainable and Equitable Increases in Fruit and Vegetable Productivity and Consumption are Needed to Achieve Global Nutrition Security

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    Increased intake of fruits and vegetables (F&V) is recommended for most populations across the globe. However, the current state of global and regional food systems is such that F&V availability, the production required to sustain them, and consumer food choices are all severely deficient to meet this need. Given the critical state of public health and nutrition worldwide, as well as the fragility of the ecological systems and resources on which they rely, there is a great need for research, investment, and innovation in F&V systems to nourish our global population. Here, we review the challenges that must be addressed in order to expand production and consumption of F&V sustainably and on a global scale. At the conclusion of the workshop, the gathered participants drafted the “Aspen/Keystone Declaration” (see below), which announces the formation of a new “Community of Practice,” whose area of work is described in this position paper. The need for this work is based on a series of premises discussed in detail at the workshop and summarized herein. To surmount these challenges, opportunities are presented for growth and innovation in F&V food systems. The paper is organized into five sections based on primary points of intervention in global F&V systems: (1) research and development, (2) information needs to better inform policy & investment, (3) production (farmers, farming practices, and supply), (4) consumption (availability, access, and demand), and (5) sustainable & equitable F&V food systems and supply chains