74 research outputs found

    GTPase-activating protein Rasal1 associates with ZAP-70 of the TCR and negatively regulates T-cell tumor immunity.

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    Immunotherapy involving checkpoint blockades of inhibitory co-receptors is effective in combating cancer. Despite this, the full range of mediators that inhibit T-cell activation and influence anti-tumor immunity is unclear. Here, we identify the GTPase-activating protein (GAP) Rasal1 as a novel TCR-ZAP-70 binding protein that negatively regulates T-cell activation and tumor immunity. Rasal1 inhibits via two pathways, the binding and inhibition of the kinase domain of ZAP-70, and GAP inhibition of the p21ras-ERK pathway. It is expressed in activated CD4 + and CD8 + T-cells, and inhibits CD4 + T-cell responses to antigenic peptides presented by dendritic cells as well as CD4 + T-cell responses to peptide antigens in vivo. Furthermore, siRNA reduction of Rasal1 expression in T-cells shrinks B16 melanoma and EL-4 lymphoma tumors, concurrent with an increase in CD8 + tumor-infiltrating T-cells expressing granzyme B and interferon γ-1. Our findings identify ZAP-70-associated Rasal1 as a new negative regulator of T-cell activation and tumor immunity

    Immune adaptor protein SKAP1 (SKAP-55) forms homodimers as mediated by the N-terminal region.

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    OBJECTIVE: Immune cell adaptor protein SKAP1 couples the antigen-receptor (TCR/CD3) with the activation of LFA-1 adhesion in T-cells. Previous work by ourselves and others have shown that SKAP1 can directly bind to other adaptors such as ADAP and RapL. However, it has been unclear whether SKAP1 can form homodimers with itself and the regions within SKAP1 that mediated homodimer formation. RESULTS: Here, we show that SKAP1 and SKAP2 form homodimers in cells. Homodimer formation of immune adaptor protein SKAP1 (SKAP-55) are mediated by residues A17 to L21 in the SKAP1 N-terminal region. SKAP1 dimer formation was not needed for its binding to RapL. These data indicate that the pathway linking SKAP1 to RapL is not dependent on the homo-dimerization of SKAP1

    Tumor inhibition by genomically integrated inducible RNAi-cassettes

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    RNA interference (RNAi) has emerged as a powerful tool to induce loss-of-function phenotypes by post-transcriptional silencing of gene expression. In this study we wondered whether inducible RNAi-cassettes integrated into cellular DNA possess the power to trigger neoplastic growth. For this purpose inducible RNAi vectors containing tetracycline (Tet)-responsive derivatives of the H1 promoter for the conditional expression of short hairpin RNA (shRNA) were used to target human polo-like kinase 1 (Plk1), which is overexpressed in a broad spectrum of human tumors. In the absence of doxycycline (Dox) HeLa clones expressing TetR, that carry the RNAi-cassette stably integrated, exhibited no significant alteration in Plk1 expression levels. In contrast, exposure to Dox led to marked downregulation of Plk1 mRNA to 3% and Plk1 protein to 14% in cell culture compared to mismatch shRNA/Plk1-expressing cells. As a result of Plk1 depletion cell proliferation decreased to 17%. Furthermore, for harnessing RNAi for silencing disease-related genes in vivo we transplanted inducible RNAi-HeLa cells onto nude mice. After administration of Dox knockdown of Plk1 expression was observed correlating to a significant inhibition of tumor growth. Taken together, our data revealed that genomically integrated RNAi-elements are suitable to hamper tumor growth by conditional expression of shRNA

    Modulation of the Allosteric Communication between the Polo-Box Domain and the Catalytic Domain in Plk1 by Small Compounds

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    The Polo-like kinases (Plks) are an evolutionary conserved family of Ser/Thr protein kinases that possess, in addition to the classical kinase domain at the N-terminus, a C-terminal polo-box domain (PBD) that binds to phosphorylated proteins and modulates the kinase activity and its localization. Plk1, which regulates the formation of the mitotic spindle, has emerged as a validated drug target for the treatment of cancer, because it is required for numerous types of cancer cells but not for the cell division in noncancer cells. Here, we employed chemical biology methods to investigate the allosteric communication between the PBD and the catalytic domain of Plk1. We identified small compounds that bind to the catalytic domain and inhibit or enhance the interaction of Plk1 with the phosphorylated peptide PoloBoxtide in vitro. In cells, two new allosteric Plk1 inhibitors affected the proliferation of cancer cells in culture and the cell cycle but had distinct phenotypic effects on spindle formation. Both compounds inhibited Plk1 signaling, indicating that they specifically act on Plk1 in cultured cells.Fil: Raab, Monika. Goethe Universitat Frankfurt; AlemaniaFil: Sanhaji, Mourad. Goethe Universitat Frankfurt; AlemaniaFil: Pietsch, Larissa. German Cancer Research Center; Alemania. Goethe Universitat Frankfurt; AlemaniaFil: Béquignon, Isabelle. Goethe Universitat Frankfurt; AlemaniaFil: Herbrand, Amanda K.. Goethe Universitat Frankfurt; AlemaniaFil: Süß, Evelyn. Goethe Universitat Frankfurt; AlemaniaFil: Gande, Santosh L.. German Cancer Research Center; Alemania. Goethe Universitat Frankfurt; AlemaniaFil: Caspar, Birgit. Goethe Universitat Frankfurt; AlemaniaFil: Kudlinzki, Denis. Goethe Universitat Frankfurt; Alemania. German Cancer Research Center; AlemaniaFil: Saxena, Krishna. Goethe Universitat Frankfurt; AlemaniaFil: Sreeramulu, Sridhar. Goethe Universitat Frankfurt; AlemaniaFil: Schwalbe, Harald. Goethe Universitat Frankfurt; Alemania. German Cancer Research Center; AlemaniaFil: Strebhardt, Klaus. Goethe Universitat Frankfurt; Alemania. German Cancer Research Center; AlemaniaFil: Biondi, Ricardo Miguel. German Cancer Research Center; Alemania. Goethe Universitat Frankfurt; Alemania. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigación en Biomedicina de Buenos Aires - Instituto Partner de la Sociedad Max Planck; Argentin

    Toxicity modelling of Plk1-targeted therapies in genetically engineered mice and cultured primary mammalian cells

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    High attrition rates of novel anti-cancer drugs highlight the need for improved models to predict toxicity. Although polo-like kinase 1 (Plk1) inhibitors are attractive candidates for drug development, the role of Plk1 in primary cells remains widely unexplored. Therefore, we evaluated the utility of an RNA interference-based model to assess responses to an inducible knockdown (iKD) of Plk1 in adult mice. Here we show that Plk1 silencing can be achieved in several organs, although adverse events are rare. We compared responses in Plk1-iKD mice with those in primary cells kept under controlled culture conditions. In contrast to the addiction of many cancer cell lines to the non-oncogene Plk1, the primary cells' proliferation, spindle assembly and apoptosis exhibit only a low dependency on Plk1. Responses to Plk1-depletion, both in cultured primary cells and in our iKD-mouse model, correspond well and thus provide the basis for using validated iKD mice in predicting responses to therapeutic interventions

    Targeting cyclin B1 inhibits proliferation and sensitizes breast cancer cells to taxol

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    Background Cyclin B1, the regulatory subunit of cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (Cdk1), is essential for the transition from G2 phase to mitosis. Cyclin B1 is very often found to be overexpressed in primary breast and cervical cancer cells as well as in cancer cell lines. Its expression is correlated with the malignancy of gynecological cancers. Methods In order to explore cyclin B1 as a potential target for gynecological cancer therapy, we studied the effect of small interfering RNA (siRNA) on different gynecological cancer cell lines by monitoring their proliferation rate, cell cycle profile, protein expression and activity, apoptosis induction and colony formation. Tumor formation in vivo was examined using mouse xenograft models. Results Downregulation of cyclin B1 inhibited proliferation of several breast and cervical cancer cell lines including MCF-7, BT-474, SK-BR-3, MDA-MB-231 and HeLa. After combining cyclin B1 siRNA with taxol, we observed an increased apoptotic rate accompanied by an enhanced antiproliferative effect in breast cancer cells. Furthermore, control HeLa cells were progressively growing, whereas the tumor growth of HeLa cells pre-treated with cyclin B1 siRNA was strongly inhibited in nude mice, indicating that cyclin B1 is indispensable for tumor growth in vivo. Conclusion Our data support the notion of cyclin B1 being essential for survival and proliferation of gynecological cancer cells. Concordantly, knockdown of cyclin B1 inhibits proliferation in vitro as well as in vivo. Moreover, targeting cyclin B1 sensitizes breast cancer cells to taxol, suggesting that specific cyclin B1 targeting is an attractive strategy for the combination with conventionally used agents in gynecological cancer therapy

    Adaptor SKAP-55 Binds p21ras Activating Exchange Factor RasGRP1 and Negatively Regulates the p21ras-ERK Pathway in T-Cells

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    While the adaptor SKAP-55 mediates LFA-1 adhesion on T-cells, it is not known whether the adaptor regulates other aspects of signaling. SKAP-55 could potentially act as a node to coordinate the modulation of adhesion with downstream signaling. In this regard, the GTPase p21ras and the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathway play central roles in T-cell function. In this study, we report that SKAP-55 has opposing effects on adhesion and the activation of the p21ras -ERK pathway in T-cells. SKAP-55 deficient primary T-cells showed a defect in LFA-1 adhesion concurrent with the hyper-activation of the ERK pathway relative to wild-type cells. RNAi knock down (KD) of SKAP-55 in T-cell lines also showed an increase in p21ras activation, while over-expression of SKAP-55 inhibited activation of ERK and its transcriptional target ELK. Three observations implicated the p21ras activating exchange factor RasGRP1 in the process. Firstly, SKAP-55 bound to RasGRP1 via its C-terminus, while secondly, the loss of binding abrogated SKAP-55 inhibition of ERK and ELK activation. Thirdly, SKAP-55−/− primary T-cells showed an increased presence of RasGRP1 in the trans-Golgi network (TGN) following TCR activation, the site where p21ras becomes activated. Our findings indicate that SKAP-55 has a dual role in regulating p21ras-ERK pathway via RasGRP1, as a possible mechanism to restrict activation during T-cell adhesion

    Die Biologie der Onkogene

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    Onkogene wurden zuerst als dominante, maligne transformierende Gene in den Genomen von Retroviren identifiziert. In normalen Zellen existieren eng verwandte Gene, die phylogenetisch hochkonserviert sind und wichtige regulatorische Funktionen bei Differenzierung und Wachstum haben. Diese Gene werden als Proto-Onkogene bezeichnet. Onkogene haben häufig ähnliche, Jedoch aberrante enzymatische oder regulatorische Aktivitäten wie die normalen Gene. Sie werden in verschiedene Klassen eingeteilt (Proteinkinasen, GTP-bindende Proteine, Wachstumsfaktor-Analoga, nukleare Proteine, Wachstumsfaktor-Rezeptor-Analoga). Die normalen Funktionen der Proto-Onkogene werden schon ansatzweise verstanden. So regeln beispielsweise die Analoga der Tyrosinkinase-Onkogene unter anderem die Hämatopoese. Ein neuer Vertreter dieser Gruppe wurde von uns isoliert und als c-tkl bezeichnet. Onkogene treten in malignen Geweben auch unabhängig von Retroviren auf. Mit DNA aus Tumoren gelang es in Transfektionsexperimenten, normale Zellen zu transformieren. Die Analyse zeigte, daß ein Onkogen in die Zellen eingeschleust worden war, das man schon von Experimenten mit Retroviren kannte. Gene, die das Transformations-Potential der Onkogene inhibieren, werden als Tumor-Suppressor-Gene bezeichnet und stellen einen neuen Zweig der Krebsforschung dar. Insgesamt ist die Entstehung einer Krebszelle immer an eine oder mehrere genetische Veränderungen gebunden, die ein regulatorisch wichtiges normales Gen funktionell ändern oder es zur falschen Zeit, in der falschen Zelle oder in der falschen Menge exprimieren. Diese genetische Änderung kann angeboren sein, sie kann durch die Infektion mit Viren, durch Strahlen, durch chemische Karzinogenese oder durch spontane Mutation erfolgen. Die Tatsache, daß heute eine Vielzahl von Genen bekannt ist, deren Veränderung Krebs induziert, läßt für die Zukunft eine wesentlich verbesserte Tumor-Diagnostik und eine spezifischere Therapie erwarten. Die systematische Aufklärung der Genome höherer Organismen dürfte für das Studium der Tumor-Suppressorgene und der Onkogene neue Erkenntnisse liefern.Oncogenes were originally discovered as single, dominantly transforming genes in the genomes of acutely transforming retroviruses. Proto-oncogenes are genes within normal cells, which are closely related to oncogenes. They exhibit normal metabolic functions in cells, but when altered genetically can act äs transforming genes (oncogenes). According to their biochemical functions, oncogenes are subdivided into different classes (protein kinases, GTP-binding proteins, growth-factor-analoga, nuclear proteins and analpga of hormone receptors). Recently, we isolated a new member of the tyrosine kinase tamily. Among other functions, this group of enzymes plays a key-role in the regulation of hematopoesis. The new gene was named c-tkl. Oncogenes are present in cancer cells also without infection by a retrovirus. While retroviral infection will introduce an aberrant gene, carcinogenesis without retroviruses occurs through alterations of the proto-oncogenes present within the cell. During the past years, anti-oncogenes were discovered. These recessive genes inhibit the transforming potential of oncogenes and failure of their function results in a cancer cell. Carcinogenesis is thus viewed äs the expression of either functionally altered genes, or the expression of a protooncogene at the wrong time, within the wrong cell or at a wrong ämount The genomic alterations leading to such changes can be inherited, introduced by viral infection; induced by chemical carcinogenesis, spontaneous mutation or radiation. It can be expected that the study of the genomes of higher organisms will shed further light on the function of tumor-suppressor genes äs well äs on proto-oncogenes and that knowledge of the genes leading to a cancer cell will greatly improve cancer diagnostic and eventually also therapy
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