1,539 research outputs found

    Die GKV als solidarische Bürgerversicherung

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    Zu den drängendsten Aufgaben der Gesundheitspolitik gehört eine durchgreifende Finanzierungsreform der Gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung. Welche Möglichkeiten einer nachhaltigen Finanzierung des Gesundheitswesens sind in der Diskussion? --

    Reformoption Vertragswettbewerb in der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung

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    Bisher stand bei den Reformen der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung die Finanzierungsseite im Vordergrund, nun will sich die Bundesregierung auf die Leistungsseite konzentrieren. Wie kann mehr Wettbewerb im Gesundheitswesen etabliert werden? Welche Erfahrungen wurden damit im Ausland gemacht? Welche Rolle sollen zukünftig die Kassenärztlichen Vereinigungen spielen? Was bedeutet mehr Wettbewerb im Gesundheitswesen für die gesetzlichen Krankenkassen? --

    Spiritual Dryness as a Measure of a Specific Spiritual Crisis in Catholic Priests: Associations with Symptoms of Burnout and Distress

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    Spirituality/religiosity is recognized as a resource to cope with burdening life events and chronic illness. However, less is known about the consequences of the lack of positive spiritual feelings. Spiritual dryness in clergy has been described as spiritual lethargy, a lack of vibrant spiritual encounter with God, and an absence of spiritual resources, such as spiritual renewal practices. To operationalize experiences of ``spiritual dryness'' in terms of a specific spiritual crisis, we have developed the ``spiritual dryness scale'' (SDS). Here, we describe the validation of the instrument which was applied among other standardized questionnaires in a sample of 425 Catholic priests who professionally care for the spiritual sake of others. Feelings of ``spiritual dryness'' were experienced occasionally by up to 40%, often or even regularly by up to 13%. These experiences can explain 44% of variance in daily spiritual experiences, 30% in depressive symptoms, 22% in perceived stress, 20% in emotional exhaustion, 19% in work engagement, and 21% of variance of ascribed importance of religious activity. The SDS-5 can be used as a specific measure of spiritual crisis with good reliability and validity in further studies

    Conditions for Adiabatic Spin Transport in Disordered Systems

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    We address the controversy concerning the necessary conditions for the observation of Berry phases in disordered mesoscopic conductors. For this purpose we calculate the spin-dependent conductance of disordered two-dimensional structures in the presence of inhomogeneous magnetic fields. Our numerical results show that for both, the overall conductance and quantum corrections, the relevant parameter defining adiabatic spin transport scales with the square root of the number of scattering events, in generalization of Stern's original proposal [Phys. Rev. Lett. 68, 1022 (1992)]. This could hinder a clear-cut experimental observation of Berry phase effects in diffusive metallic rings.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Communications

    Aspirin, but Not Tirofiban Displays Protective Effects in Endotoxin Induced Lung Injury

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    Background Treatment of acute lung injury (ALI) remains an unsolved problem in intensive care medicine. Recruitment of neutrophils into the lungs, regarded as a key mechanism in progression of ALI, depends on signaling between neutrophils and platelets. Consequently we explored the effect of platelet-targeted aspirin and tirofiban treatment in endotoxin induced acute lung injury Methods C57Bl/6 mice were exposed to aerosolized LPS (500 mu g/ml) for 30min and treated with Aspirin (100 mu g/g bodyweight via intraperitoneal injection, 30 min before or 1 hour after LPS inhalation) or Tirofiban (0.5 mu g/g bodyweight via tail vein injection 30 min before or 1 hour after LPS inhalation). The count of alveolar, interstitial, and intravascular neutrophils was assessed 4h later by flow cytometry. Lung permeability changes were assessed by FITC-dextran clearance and protein content in the BAL fluid. Results Aspirin both before and after LPS inhalation reduced neutrophil influx into the lung and lung permeability indicating the protective role of Aspirin in ALI. Tirofiban, however, did not alter neutrophil recruitment after LPS inhalation. Release of platelet-derived chemokines CCL5 and PF4 and neutrophil extracellular traps was reduced by Aspirin but not by Tirofiban. Conclusion Aspirin, but not Tirofiban reduces neutrophil recruitment and displays protective effects during endotoxin induced lung injury

    Decolorization of synthetic dyes by laccase immobilized on epoxy-activated carriers

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    The Myceliophthora thermophila laccase was covalently immobilized on polymethacrylate-based polymers (Sepabeads EC-EP3 and Dilbeads NK) activated with epoxy groups. The enzyme immobilized on Sepabeads EC-EP3 exhibited notable activity (203 U/g) along with remarkably improved stability towards pH, temperature and storage time, but no increased resistance to organic solvents. In addition, the immobilized laccase also showed good operational stability, maintaining 84% of its initial activity after 17 cycles of oxidation of ABTS. The immobilized biocatalyst was applied to the decolorization of six synthetic dyes. Immobilized laccase retained 41% activity in the decolorization of Methyl Green in a fixed-bed reactor after five cycles. The features of these biocatalysts are very attractive for their application on the decolorization of dyes in the textile industry in batch and continuous fixed-bed bioreactors. To our knowledge, this is the first report on immobilization of laccase on Sepabeads carriers and its efficient dyes decolorization.We thank Drs. Moreno Daminati and Paolo Caimi (Resindion) and Vyasa Rajasekar (DilComplex) for providing us Sepabeads EC-EP3 and Dilbeads NK polymers, respectively. We are grateful to Ramiro Martínez (Novozymes A/S, Spain) for DeniLite II S samples. This material is based upon work founded by Spanish MEC (Projects VEM2004-08559 and CTQ2005-08925-C02-02/PPQ); European Union (Project NMP2-CT-2006-026456) and CSIC (Project 200580M121). Spanish MEC is also thanked for the post-doctoral fellowship (SB2004-0011) of Dr. A. Kunamneni and for the Ramon y Cajal contracts of Drs. S. Camarero and M. Alcalde.This material is based upon work financed by Spanish MEC (Projects VEM2004-08559 and CTQ2005-08925-C02-02/PPQ); European Union (Project NMP2-CT-2006-026456) and CSIC (Project 200580M121). Spanish MEC is also thanked for the post-doctoral fellowship (SB2004-0011) of Dr. A. Kunamneni and for the Ramon y Cajal contracts of Drs. S. Camarero and M. Alcalde.Peer reviewe

    The relevance of private actors in the transnational sphere for just peace governance

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    "Vor dem Hintergrund der Bedeutungszunahme privater Akteure in den internationalen Beziehungen (wird im) Arbeitspapier systematisch (aufgezeigt), welche Rolle diese nicht-staatlichen Akteure in Konflikten um Anerkennung, um prozedurale oder distributive Gerechtigkeit spielen. Rebellengruppen, kriminelle Organisationen, transnationale Unternehmen, zivilgesellschaftliche Organisationen oder ethnische Diasporas - sie tragen einerseits zur Multiplikation von Gerechtigkeitsansprüchen im transnationalen Raum bei; andererseits beteiligen sie sich an neuen, innovativen Governance-Formen, um Gerechtigkeitskonflikte beizulegen. Im Working Paper wird die Frage gestellt, unter welchen Bedingungen die Einbeziehung der Gerechtigkeitsansprüche privater Akteure einer friedlichen Konfliktlösung zuträglich ist oder sie behindert. Diese Ambivalenz nichtstaatlicher Akteure wird im Hinblick auf die Begriffstrias Frieden, Governance und Gerechtigkeit konzeptionalisiert." (Autorenreferat