31 research outputs found

    Digital psychosocial interventions for individuals with spinal cord injury: a scoping review

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    ObjectiveTo provide an overview of the digital mental health care landscape for individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI).MethodsPubMed, PsycInfo, and PSYNDEX were searched for articles meeting the following criteria: (1) article written in English or German; (2) digital psychosocial intervention; (3) SCI only; (4) treatment of individuals with SCI and not their relatives or caregivers. Records were screened by title and abstract and records meeting the inclusion criteria were obtained for full text screening. The references of identified articles were screened to find further relevant articles. The literature search was updated before submission. Risk of Bias was assessed by using the Cochrane risk-of-bias tool for randomized trials (RoB 2) and a narrative synthesis was conducted.ResultsTen randomized-controlled trials (RCT) and ten non-randomized-controlled trials were identified and compared in this review, evaluating twelve internet- and mobile-based interventions, five smartphone apps, and three virtual reality applications. The interventions were primarily used as stand-alone aftercare programs. While some were not based on any theory, cognitive behavioral therapy mostly served as the theoretical basis for the online interventions. The extent of human support also varied greatly between the studies. The number of intervention modules ranged between 2 and 72. There were also major differences in outcome variables and effects. A meta-analytical evaluation of the data was not conducted due to heterogeneity of studies.ConclusionDigital applications to promote the psychosocial health of individuals with SCI are an emerging field of research with many treatment approaches still to come. First high quality RCT studies report promising results. Unfortunately, not all studies are of high quality or the interventions have been insufficiently adapted to the needs of people with SCI. Therefore, more research is needed to further develop applications, and to generalize and test the effects found in the long term

    Kulturbeschreibungen Bio Zierpflanzen (Geranien, Cyclamen, Capsicum, Frühjahrsviola, Schnittrosen, Schnittranunkeln, Gräser, Polsterstauden biologisch kultivieren und pflegen), die im Rahmen des BÖLN Bio Zierpflanzenprojektes erstellt wurden

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    Im Rahmen des BÖLN Bio Zierpflanzenprojektes (FKZ 11NA009) wurden acht Kulturdatenblätter/Kulturbeschreibungen für die Praxis erstellt. Diese wurden aus den Erfahrungen und Dokumentationen auf den Betrieben sowie den Erfahrungen von Spezielberatern zusammengestellt. Folgende Kulturdatenblätter wurden erstellt: •Geranien (Autoren: Andrea Servos und Lars Pirwitz) •Cyclamen (Autoren: Andrea Servos und Lars Pirwitz) •Capsicum (Autoren: Andrea Frankenberg, Mario Segler) •Frühjahrsviola (Autoren: Andrea Servos und Lars Pirwitz) •Schnittrosen (Autoren: Nicole Kern und Bernd Brüx) •Schnittranunkeln (Autoren: Nicole Kern und Bernd Brüx) •Gräser (Autoren: Nicole Kern und Klaus Bongartz) •Polsterstauden (Autoren: Nicole Kern und Klaus Bongartz

    A diversity of dusty AGN tori: Data release for the VLTI/MIDI AGN Large Program and first results for 23 galaxies

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    The AGN-heated dust distribution (the "torus") is increasingly recognized not only as the absorber required in unifying models, but as a tracer for the reservoir that feeds the nuclear Super-Massive Black Hole. Yet, even its most basic structural properties (such as its extent, geometry and elongation) are unknown for all but a few archetypal objects. Since most AGNs are unresolved in the mid-infrared, we utilize the MID-infrared interferometric Instrument (MIDI) at the Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI) that is sensitive to structures as small as a few milli-arcseconds (mas). We present here an extensive amount of new interferometric observations from the MIDI AGN Large Program (2009 - 2011) and add data from the archive to give a complete view of the existing MIDI observations of AGNs. Additionally, we have obtained high-quality mid-infrared spectra from VLT/VISIR. We present correlated and total flux spectra for 23 AGNs and derive flux and size estimates at 12 micron using simple axisymmetric geometrical models. Perhaps the most surprising result is the relatively high level of unresolved flux and its large scatter: The median "point source fraction" is 70 % for type 1 and 47 % for type 2 AGNs meaning that a large part of the flux is concentrated on scales smaller than about 5 mas (0.1 - 10 pc). Among sources observed with similar spatial resolution, it varies from 20 % - 100 %. For 18 of the sources, two nuclear components can be distinguished in the radial fits. While these models provide good fits to all but the brightest sources, significant elongations are detected in eight sources. The half-light radii of the fainter sources are smaller than expected from the size ~ L^0.5 scaling of the bright sources and show a large scatter, especially when compared to the relatively tight size--luminosity relation in the near-infrared.Comment: A&A in press; 93 pages, 63 figures, 39 tables; data available only via CD

    A Flexible, Adaptive System for Data-Stream Processing in Energy-Constrained Ad-hoc Networks

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    Today's generation of sensor networks reflect several changes in system characteristics over traditional sensor networks. These changes affect three key aspects: energy as a fundamental resource, stream data processing, and the inherently dynamic structure of the overall system. In this paper we extract and present eight distinct challenges aligned to the key aspects which need to be addressed in the future. We use data of ongoing science and research projects to extract the most important challenges. These challenges need to be tackled in order to provide the basis for a flexible and adaptive system design which supports data-stream processing in energy-constrained ad-hoc networks

    Cognitive inhibition in patients with schizophrenia. Negative priming for spatial location, stimulus identity and semantic context

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    Im Mittelpunkt der vorliegenden Arbeit steht die Untersuchunginhibitorischer Verarbeitung irrelevanter Reizaspekte im Zugeselektiver Aufmerksamkeit bei schizophrenen Patienten,Zwangserkrankten und gesunden Probanden. Kognitive Inhibitionwurde hierbei über Paradigmen des Negativen Primings (NP) auf dreiverschiedenen Verarbeitungsebenen (räumlich, identitätsspezifischund semantisch) realisiert. Beim semantischen Priming wurdezusätzlich von der elektrophysiologischen Methode derEreigniskorrelierten Potentiale (EKPs) Gebrauch gemacht.Experiment 1 stellt ein innovatives Paradigma vor, mit dem starke(identitätsspezifische) NP-Effekte erzielt werden können. DieAufgabe besteht darin, den jeweils größeren Wert zweier simultanpräsentierter Zahlen anzugeben. Während in den kritischenBedingungen der aktuelle Zielreiz entweder mit der Position desvorangegangenen Störreizes, seiner Identität, oder beidenidentisch ist, existiert in der Kontrollbedingung keine solcheÜbereinstimmung zwischen aktuellem Zielreiz und vorangegangenemStörreiz. Signifikantes identitätsbezogenes NP konnte insämtlichen Gruppen beobachtet werden. Unversehrtes inzidentellesräumliches NP konnte für gesunde Probanden und Zwangserkranktebeobachtet werden, nicht aber für schizophrene Patienten.Schizophrene Patienten scheinen demnach räumlich-inhibitorischeAspekte der selektiven Aufmerksamkeit nicht in gleicher Weise fürihre Entscheidung zu nutzen, wie dies Gesunde tun. Darüber hinauserbrachte eine Subtypisierung der Zwangserkrankten anhand ihrerPsychopathologie einen ersten Hinweis auf differentielleNP-Beeinträchtigungen in Abhängigkeit vom zeitlichen Intervalzwischen erfolgter Reaktion und nachfolgendem Reizpaar.In den Experimenten 2 und 3 wurde im Rahmen einerSatzeinkleidungsprozedur semantische Inhibition währendkontextgeleiteter Resolution lexikalischer Ambiguität untersucht.In der kritischen Inhibitionsbedingung ist das Testwort (Apfel)diskordant zur Satzbedeutung (Zweimal im Monat versagte dieBirne), gleichwohl aber semantisch assoziiert mit der nichtgebahnten Bedeutung des mehrdeutigen Satzschlusswortes. In diesemFall wurde das Testwort langsamer und fehlerhafter alssemantisch unpassend zurückgewiesen als wenn es gänzlich neutralzum vorangegangenen Satz war. Im Kontrollsatz wurde hierbei dasHomonym durch ein semantisch verwandtes Nicht-Homonym (Leuchte)ersetzt. Die verlängerte Reaktionslatenz in der diskordantengegenüber der neutralen Bedingung lässt auf eine unzureichendeDisambiguierung der Homonymbedeutungen schließen. Die Herstellungeiner hinreichenden Aktivationsdifferenz der alternativenHomonymbedeutungen hätte die Hemmung der kontextuell irrelevantenBedeutungsschattierung erfordert.Einen zusätzlichen Hinweis auf das Aktivationsniveau derkontextuell inkongruenten Homonymbedeutung erbrachte dieereigniskorrelierte N400. Diese sprachrelevante EKP-Komponente giltals inverses Maß der semantischen Integrierbarkeit eines die N400auslösenden Wortes in den übergeordneten Bedeutungszusammenhang.In beiden inkongruenten Bedingungen löste das jeweils semantischunpassende Testwort signifikante N400-Amplituden typischerCharakteristik (Negativität mit zentro-parietalem Maximum um 400 msnach Reizbeginn mit rechtshemisphärischer Betonung) aus. In derdiskordanten Bedingung war diese Negativität zudem signifikantgeringer ausgeprägt als in der neutralen. Im Einklang mit derErklärung der Verhaltensdaten führt die unzureichende Inhibitionder kontextuell unpassenden -- gleichwohl aber zum Testwortassoziierten -- Homonymbedeutung dazu, dass das Testwort einescheinbar größere semantische Nähe zur Satzbedeutung aufweist. EinMediansplit anhand der differentiellen Reaktionszeiten beiderinkongruenter Bedingungen machte deutlich, dass sich dieN400-Amplitude der diskordanten Bedingung mit zunehmenderInhibitionsleistung der negativeren N400 der neutralen Bedingungannähert.Experiment 3 zeigte schließlich, dass sich schizophrene Patientensowohl auf der Verhaltensebene als auch in Bezug auf die N400 vonden Ergebnissen der gesunden Probanden unterscheiden: So fand sichfür die Patientengruppe keine differentielleReaktionszeitverzögerung zwischen den inkongruenten Bedingungen.Vielmehr schlug sich die Interferenz zwischen Testwort und nichtinhibierter Homonymbedeutung in einer zulasten der diskordantenBedingung deutlich erhöhten Fehlerrate nieder. Hinsichtlich derN400 fand sich weder die bei gesunden Probanden beobachteteLateralisierung zugunsten der rechten Hemisphäre, noch eineAmplitudendifferenz zwischen den beiden inkongruenten Bedingungen.Zusammengenommen legen diese Befunde für die Patienten eineVeränderung des neurokognitiven Substrats nahe, durch das eineerfolgreiche Disambiguierung von Homonymie durch kontextgeleitetesemantische Inhibition überhaupt erst ermöglicht wird

    A psycho-oncological online intervention supporting partners of patients with cancer (PartnerCARE) : results from a randomized controlled feasibility trial

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    Objective Partners of cancer patients are the primary supporters and burdened at the same time. Support for partners is hitherto scarce and existing offers are rarely used. The PartnerCARE online intervention was specifically developed to address the caregiving partners' needs. This two-arm parallel randomized controlled trial (RCT) evaluates the feasibility, acceptability, and potential efficacy of PartnerCARE. Methods Sixty German-speaking partners of patients with various cancer entities were randomized into two conditions: intervention group (IG) with PartnerCARE (N = 30) or waitlist-control group (N = 30). Participants completed online questionnaires at baseline (T0), post-treatment (T1) and 4-months follow-up (T2). Feasibility and acceptability outcomes included dropout rates, use and acceptance of PartnerCARE, individual user/e-coach feedback as well as negative effects. Relevant efficacy outcomes were assessed to test for potential intervention effects. Results Recruitment success illustrates demand for and acceptability of PartnerCARE. Satisfaction with the intervention was high (Client Satisfaction Questionnaire adapted to Internet-based interventions, T1: M = 24.66, SD = 6.42) and 73.3% of participants completed the intervention. Study dropout rate was low (T1: 17%, T2: 29%). More positive than negative side effects of the intervention were identified, and negative ones were mainly related to ”intrapersonal change”. For efficacy outcomes we found effects over time, with strongest effects within the IG from T0 to T1 in psychological distress (d = 0.73, 95%-CI: [0.34; 1.12]) and anxiety (0.66, [0.26; 1.04]), but no group effects were significant at T1 and T2. Conclusions PartnerCARE is feasible, acceptable and potentially efficacious. Based on received feedback, PartnerCARE is currently undergoing further development and subsequently efficacy will be investigated in a RCT. Trial Registration: German Clinical Trial Registration: DRKS00017019. Registered on 08 April 2019

    Dyadic coping of patients with hematologic malignancies and their partners and its relation to quality of life – a longitudinal study

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    Coping with cancer can potentially modify couples' quality of life (QoL). The predictive impact of dyadic coping (DC) on QoL was investigated within patients with hematological cancer and their partners. Data were collected in a multi-centre longitudinal study (N = 208 couples). We use the SF-12 questionnaire (QoL) and the Dyadic Coping Inventory. Data were mainly analyzed with actor-partner interdependence models (APIM). Within the APIM, baseline QoL was the most significant predictor for QoL (t2). Regarding DC, there were partner effects on physical QoL (t2) and actor and partner effects on mental QoL at t2. Different subtypes of DC have intra-and/or interpersonal impact on patient's or partner's QoL. In a clinical setting, patients as well as partners should be seen as both a source of support for each other and as individuals in need of support themselves. Such awareness and targeted intervention may help couples adapt to and cope with cancer

    Tau pathology associated with level of cognitive reserve in Alzheimer’s disease.

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    TAU PATHOLOGY BURDEN ASSOCIATEDWITH LEVEL OF COGNITIVE RESERVE INALZHEIMER’S DISEASEMerle C. Hoenig1, Gerard N. Bischof1,2, Jochen Hammes1,Jennifer Faber3,4, Klaus Fliessbach4,5, Thilo van Eimeren1,2,3,Alexander Drzezga1,3,1University Hospital Cologne, Cologne,Germany;2Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine III, Juelich,Germany;3German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases,Bonn, Germany;4University Hospital Bonn, Bonn, Germany;5German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE), Bonn,Germany. Contact e-mail:[email protected]:PET studies have demonstrated that higher educatedpatients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) display greater levels ofbeta amyloid pathology than lower educated patients with equalsymptom severity, supporting the concept of cognitive reserve.Whether similar associations exist forin vivotau pathology remainselusive, although closer relations between tau-deposition andcognitive decline have been reported. Therefore, this study exam-ined differences in tau pathology load and spread in higher versuslower educated AD patients using [18F]AV-1451-PET imaging.Methods:24 patients with typical AD were grouped into a higher(HEAD) and lower educated (LEAD) group. The two groupswere matched for age and cognition measured by the Mini MentalState Examination. Additionally, a group of 14 age-matchedhealthy controls was included. [18F]AV-1451-PET scans were ac-quired to assess cerebral tau-burden. Regional tau ratios (referenceregion: cerebellum) were determined in a set of regions of interest(ROIs) which were defined according to the pathological diseasestages by Braak & Braak. The obtained tau ratios were thencompared between the groups. Furthermore, whole brain voxel-wise comparisons were conducted using Statistical ParametricMapping to determine differences in tau-distribution betweeneach AD-group and the healthy controls, respectively, as well as be-tween the two AD-groups.Results:The ROI analysis yielded tau pa-thology in regions corresponding to more advanced Braak stagesexclusively in the HEAD group, whereas tau pathology in theLEAD group was still confined to lower Braak stages. These resultswere confirmed by voxel-wise comparisons revealing higher taulevels in dorsomedial fronto-parietal cortical areas in the HEADgroup when compared to the LEAD group.Conclusions:Highlyeducated AD patients seem to be able to tolerate more tau tanglepathology than lower educated patients with comparable cognitiveimpairment in support of the cognitive reserve hypothesis. Thesecognitive reserve-related differences in disease manifestationhave crucial implications for early detection of AD, prognosisand assessment of disease progression and the monitoring of drugtreatments