1,031 research outputs found

    Enumeration of PLCP-orientations of the 4-cube

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    The linear complementarity problem (LCP) provides a unified approach to many problems such as linear programs, convex quadratic programs, and bimatrix games. The general LCP is known to be NP-hard, but there are some promising results that suggest the possibility that the LCP with a P-matrix (PLCP) may be polynomial-time solvable. However, no polynomial-time algorithm for the PLCP has been found yet and the computational complexity of the PLCP remains open. Simple principal pivoting (SPP) algorithms, also known as Bard-type algorithms, are candidates for polynomial-time algorithms for the PLCP. In 1978, Stickney and Watson interpreted SPP algorithms as a family of algorithms that seek the sink of unique-sink orientations of nn-cubes. They performed the enumeration of the arising orientations of the 33-cube, hereafter called PLCP-orientations. In this paper, we present the enumeration of PLCP-orientations of the 44-cube.The enumeration is done via construction of oriented matroids generalizing P-matrices and realizability classification of oriented matroids.Some insights obtained in the computational experiments are presented as well

    Recarbonization of the Soil

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    Muonium-antimuonium conversion

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    The MACS experiment performed at PSI in the 1990s provided an yet unchallenged upper bound on the probability for a spontaneous conversion of the muonium atom, M=(μ+e−) , into its antiatom, antimuonium ¯¯¯¯¯M=(μ−e+). It comprises the culmination of a series of measurements at various accelerator laboratories worldwide. The experimental limits on the process have provided input and steering for the further development of a variety of theoretical models beyond the standard theory, in particular for models which address lepton number violating processes and matter-antimatter oscillations. Several models beyond the standard theory could be strongly disfavored. There is interest in a new measurement and improved sensitivity could be reached by exploiting the time evolution of the conversion process, e.g., at intense pulsed muonium sources

    Adult nutrition and butterfly fitness: effects of diet quality on reproductive output, egg composition, and egg hatching success

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In the Lepidoptera it was historically believed that adult butterflies rely primarily on larval-derived nutrients for reproduction and somatic maintenance. However, recent studies highlight the complex interactions between storage reserves and adult income, and that the latter may contribute significantly to reproduction. Effects of adult diet were commonly assessed by determining the number and/or size of the eggs produced, whilst its consequences for egg composition and offspring viability were largely neglected (as is generally true for insects). We here specifically focus on these latter issues by using the fruit-feeding tropical butterfly <it>Bicyclus anynana</it>, which is highly dependent on adult-derived carbohydrates for reproduction.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Adult diet of female <it>B. anynana </it>had pronounced effects on fecundity, egg composition and egg hatching success, with butterflies feeding on the complex nutrition of banana fruit performing best. Adding vitamins and minerals to a sucrose-based diet increased fecundity, but not offspring viability. All other groups (plain sucrose solution, sucrose solution enriched with lipids or yeast) had a substantially lower fecundity and egg hatching success compared to the banana group. Differences were particularly pronounced later in life, presumably indicating the depletion of essential nutrients in sucrose-fed females. Effects of adult diet on egg composition were not straightforward, indicating complex interactions among specific compounds. There was some evidence that total egg energy and water content were related to hatching success, while egg protein, lipid, glycogen and free carbohydrate content did not seem to limit successful development.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The patterns shown here exemplify the complexity of reproductive resource allocation in <it>B. anynana</it>, and the need to consider egg composition and offspring viability when trying to estimate the effects of adult nutrition on fitness in this butterfly and other insects.</p

    Preemptively Pruning Clever-Hans Strategies in Deep Neural Networks

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    Robustness has become an important consideration in deep learning. With the help of explainable AI, mismatches between an explained model's decision strategy and the user's domain knowledge (e.g. Clever Hans effects) have been identified as a starting point for improving faulty models. However, it is less clear what to do when the user and the explanation agree. In this paper, we demonstrate that acceptance of explanations by the user is not a guarantee for a machine learning model to be robust against Clever Hans effects, which may remain undetected. Such hidden flaws of the model can nevertheless be mitigated, and we demonstrate this by contributing a new method, Explanation-Guided Exposure Minimization (EGEM), that preemptively prunes variations in the ML model that have not been the subject of positive explanation feedback. Experiments demonstrate that our approach leads to models that strongly reduce their reliance on hidden Clever Hans strategies, and consequently achieve higher accuracy on new data.Comment: 18 pages + supplemen

    The effects of flour starch damage on physical dough properties of continuous mix bread

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    Call number: LD2668 .T4 1969 L67Master of Scienc


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    Головним механізмом забезпечення інноваційного розвитку економіки і сус пільства є збільшення взаємодії між освітою , наукою , бізнесом і владою на основі їх взаємної зацікавленості у співпраці . Зокрема , вища освіта повинна не тільки забез печувати відтворення висококваліфікованих професійних кадрів , а й відігравати значну роль у соціальної мобільності , нарощуванні інтелектуального потенціалу суспільства , розповсюдженні найбільш соціально значущих культурних норм і т. д. Ринок праці все більше поповнюють фахівці з вищою освітою , хоча попит на них не зажди адекватний . Подолання диспропорцій , виявлених на ринку праці , можливе наразі лише на інноваційних принципах . Інноваційна складова в трудовій поведінці працюючих передбачає необхідність поліпшення професійно -кваліфіка ційної структури персоналу , розширення номенклатури спеціальностей працюючих , зростання серед останніх фахівців з вищою освітою , а також з високим кваліфікаційним розрядом