65 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the appropriate time period between sampling and analyzing for automated urinalysis

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    Introduction: Preanalytical specifications for urinalysis must be strictly adhered to avoid false interpretations. Aim of the present study is to examine whether the preanalytical factor ‘time point of analysis’ significantly influences stability of urine samples for urine particle and dipstick analysis. Materials and methods: In 321 pathological spontaneous urine samples, urine dipstick (Urisys™2400, Combur-10-Test™strips, Roche Diagnostics, Mannheim, Germany) and particle analysis (UF-1000 i™, Sysmex, Norderstedt, Germany) were performed within 90 min, 120 min and 240 min after urine collection. Results: For urine particle analysis, a significant increase in conductivity (120 vs. 90 min: P < 0.001, 240 vs. 90 min: P < 0.001) and a significant decrease in WBC (120 vs. 90 min P < 0.001, 240 vs. 90 min P < 0.001), RBC (120 vs. 90 min P < 0.001, 240 vs. 90 min P < 0.001), casts (120 vs. 90 min P < 0.001, 240 vs. 90 min P < 0.001) and epithelial cells (120 vs. 90 min P = 0.610, 240 vs. 90 min P = 0.041) were found. There were no significant changes for bacteria. Regarding urine dipstick analysis, misclassification rates between measurements were significant for pH (120 vs. 90 min P < 0.001, 240 vs. 90 min P < 0.001), leukocytes (120 vs. 90 min P < 0.001, 240 vs. 90 min P < 0.001), nitrite (120 vs. 90 min P < 0.001, 240 vs. 90 min P < 0.001), protein (120 vs. 90 min P < 0.001, 240 vs. 90 min P<0.001), ketone (120 vs. 90 min P < 0.001, 240 vs. 90 min P < 0.001), blood (120 vs. 90 min P < 0.001, 240 vs. 90 min P < 0.001), specific gravity (120 vs. 90 min P < 0.001, 240 vs. 90 min P < 0.001) and urobilinogen (120 vs. 90 min, P = 0.031). Misclassification rates were not significant for glucose and bilirubin. Conclusion: Most parameters critically depend on the time window between sampling and analysis. Our study stresses the importance of adherence to early time points in urinalysis (within 90 min)

    Retarded Onchocerca volvulus L1 to L3 larval development in the Simulium damnosum vector after anti-wolbachial treatment of the human host

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The human parasite <it>Onchocerca volvulus </it>harbours <it>Wolbachia </it>endosymbionts essential for worm embryogenesis, larval development and adult survival. In this study, the development of <it>Wolbachia</it>-depleted microfilariae (first stage larvae) to infective third stage larvae (L3) in the insect vector <it>Simulium damnosum </it>was analysed.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Infected volunteers in Cameroon were randomly and blindly allocated into doxycycline (200 mg/day for 6 weeks) or placebo treatment groups. After treatment, blackflies were allowed to take a blood meal on the volunteers, captured and dissected for larval counting and DNA extraction for quantitative real-time PCR analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>PCR results showed a clear reduction in <it>Wolbachia </it>DNA after doxycycline treatment in microfilariae from human skin biopsies with > 50% reduction at one month post-treatment, eventually reaching a reduction of > 80%. Larval stages recovered from the insect vector had similar levels of reduction of endosymbiotic bacteria. Larval recoveries were analysed longitudinally after treatment to follow the kinetics of larval development. Beginning at three months post-treatment, significantly fewer L3 were seen in the blackflies that had fed on doxycycline treated volunteers. Concomitant with this, the proportion of second stage larvae (L2) was significantly increased in this group.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Doxycycline treatment and the resulting decline of <it>Wolbachia </it>endobacteria from the microfilaria resulted in retarded development of larvae in the insect vector. Thus, anti-wolbachial treatment could have an additive effect for interrupting transmission by reducing the number of L3 that can be transmitted by blackflies.</p

    Real-time PCR detection of the HhaI tandem DNA repeat in pre- and post-patent Brugia malayi infections: a study in Indonesian transmigrants

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    Background: Lymphatic filariasis caused by Wuchereria bancrofti or Brugia spp. is a public health problem in developing countries. To monitor bancroftian filariasis infections, Circulating Filarial Antigen (CFA) test is commonly used, but for brugian infections only microfilariae (Mf) microscopy and indirect IgG4 antibody analyses are available. Improved diagnostics for detecting latent infections are required. Methods: An optimized real-time PCR targeting the brugian HhaI repeat was validated with plasma from microfilariae negative Mongolian gerbils (jirds) infected with B. malayi. Plasma samples from microfilaremic patients infected with B. malayi or W. bancrofti were used as positive and negative controls, respectively. PCR results of plasma samples from a transmigrant population in a B. malayi endemic area were compared to those of life-long residents in the same endemic area; and to IgG4 serology results from the same population. To discriminate between active infections and larval exposure a threshold was determined by correlation and Receiver-Operating Characteristics (ROC) curve analyses. Results: The PCR detected HhaI in pre-patent (56 dpi) B. malayi infected jirds and B. malayi Mf-positive patients from Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. HhaI was also detected in 9/9 elephantiasis patients. In South Sulawesi 87.4% of the transmigrants and life-long residents (94% Mf-negative) were HhaI PCR positive. Based on ROC-curve analysis a threshold for active infections was set to &gt;53 HhaI copies/μl (AUC: 0.854). Conclusions: The results demonstrate that the HhaI PCR detects brugian infections with greater sensitivity than the IgG4 test, most notably in Mf-negative patients (i.e. pre-patent or latent infections)

    Reductions in microfilaridermia by repeated ivermectin treatment are associated with lower Plasmodium-specific Th17 immune responses in Onchocerca volvulus-infected individuals

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    Background: 37 million individuals are currently infected with Onchocerca volvulus (O. volvulus), a parasitic nematode that elicits various dermal manifestations and eye damage in man. Disease control is primarily based on distributing ivermectin in mass drug administration (MDA) programmes which aim at breaking transmission by eliminating microfilariae (MF), the worm's offspring. The majority of infected individuals present generalized onchocerciasis, which is characterized by hyporesponsive immune responses and high parasite burden including MF. Recently, in areas that have been part of MDA programmes, individuals have been identified that present nodules but are amicrofilaridermic (a-MF) and our previous study showed that this group has a distinct immune profile. Expanding on those findings we determined the immune responses of O. volvulus-infected individuals to a Plasmodium-derived antigen MSP-1 (merozoite surface protein-1), which is required by the parasite to enter erythrocytes. Methods: Isolated PBMCs from O. volvulus-infected individuals (164 MF+ and 46 a-MF) and non-infected volunteers from the same region (NEN), were stimulated with MSP-1 and the resulting supernatant screened for the presence of IL-5, IL-13, IFN-γ, TNF-α, IL-6, IL-17A and IL-10. These findings were then further analyzed following regression analysis using the covariates MF, ivermectin (IVM) and region. The latter referred to the Central or Ashanti regions of Ghana, which, at the time sampling, had received 8 or 1 round of MDA respectively. Results: IL-5, IL-13 and IFN-γ responses to MSP-1 were not altered between NEN and O. volvulus-infected individuals nor were any associations revealed in the regression analysis. IL-10, IL-6 and TNF-α MSP-1 responses were, however, significantly elevated in cultures from infected individuals. Interestingly, when compared to a-MF individuals, MSP-induced IL-17A responses were significantly higher in MF+ patients. Following multivariable regression analysis these IL-10, IL-6, TNF-α and IL-17A responses were all dominantly associated with the regional covariate. Conclusions: Consequently, areas with a lowered infection pressure due to IVM MDA appear to influence bystander responses to Plasmodium-derived antigens in community members even if they have not regularly participated in the therapy

    Macrofilaricidal Activity in Wuchereria bancrofti after 2 Weeks Treatment with a Combination of Rifampicin plus Doxycycline

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    Infection with the filarial nematode Wuchereria bancrofti can lead to lymphedema, hydrocele, and elephantiasis. Since adult worms cause pathology in lymphatic filariasis (LF), it is imperative to discover macrofilaricidal drugs for the treatment of the infection. Endosymbiotic Wolbachia in filariae have emerged as a new target for antibiotics which can lead to macrofilaricidal effects. In Ghana, a pilot study was carried out with 39 LF-infected men; 12 were treated with 200 mg doxycycline/day for 4 weeks, 16 were treated with a combination of 200 mg doxycycline/day + 10 mg/kg/day rifampicin for 2 weeks, and 11 patients received placebo. Patients were monitored for Wolbachia and microfilaria loads, antigenaemia, and filarial dance sign (FDS). Both 4-week doxycycline and the 2-week combination treatment reduced Wolbachia load significantly. At 18 months posttreatment, four-week doxycycline resulted in 100% adult worm loss, and the 2-week combination treatment resulted in a 50% adult worm loss. In conclusion, this pilot study with a combination of 2-week doxycycline and rifampicin demonstrates moderate macrofilaricidal activity against W. bancrofti

    Histopathological evaluation of Onchocerca volvulus nodules by microscopy and by digital image analysis for the study of macrofilaricidal drug efficacy

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    BACKGROUND: Novel drugs or drug combinations that kill or permanently sterilize adult MATERIAL AND METHODS: Two expert microscopists independently assessed 605 nodules by direct microscopy. At least two sections with two different stains hematoxylin & eosin (H&E, APR immunostain) of paraffin-embedded, ethanol-fixed whole-nodule cross-sections were analyzed. After variables were identified prone to observer discrepancies, we performed a second study to compare consolidated results for 100 nodules obtained by the two readers by microscopy and by analysis of scanned, high resolution digital images (20x magnification). The last data set analyzed was a quality panel of 100 nodules that has been previously examined by microscopy, and included additional immunostains for RESULTS: The degree of agreement between assessors varied for different parameters. Agreement for female worm counts in nodules was approximately 80%, while agreement regarding female worm viability was 98%. There were no major differences observed between results obtained by microscopy or digital images. Good agreement for important parameters was also observed for the nodules of the quality panel. CONCLUSION: Nodule analysis by experienced microscopists was reproducible with regard to important parameters such as identification of living female worms or detection of normal embryogenesis. Assessments varied more for other parameters, and we recommend continued use of two independent readers for detailed analyzes. Analysis of scanned images provided similar results to direct microscopy. This facilitates training and comparison of nodule findings by readers in different locations. Analysis of high quality digital images that can be viewed remotely should improve the quality and availability of nodule assessments that are primary endpoints for onchocerciasis clinical trials

    Emotional burnout of specialists in socio-occupational professions: contemporary views on the problem

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    Представлено сучасні підходи до проблеми вигорання у представників соціономічних професій у контексті емоційної праці, емоційного і когнітивного дисонансу. Проаналізовано й узагальнено наукову літературу з питань вигорання, визначено три основні його компоненти: емоційне і/або фізичне виснаження, зниження продуктивності праці і надмірна деперсоналізація. На основі аналізу визначень вигорання встановлено його зв’язок з емоційною працею (регуляцією і вираженням емоційних станів). Обстоюється думка, що фахівці соціономічних професій особливо вразливі до вигорання, оскільки тривалий час перебувають у стані, коли необхідно постійно контролювати свої емоції, брати на себе відповідальність і відчувати невизначеність, працюючи з іншими людьми. Емоційну працю розглянуто як предиктор вигорання у фахівців соціономічних професій. На основі аналізу літератури, присвяченої проблемам вигорання та емоційного дисонансу, висловлено припущення, що вимоги щодо емоційної праці зумовлюють різноманітність проявів синдрому виго-рання (у тому числі виснаження, цинізму, зниження продуктивності праці та погіршення самопочуття), а знання симптомів вигорання дало б змогу фахівцям соціономічних професій запобігти виникненню та загостренню цього стану.This article deals with the modern approaches to the problem of burnout of helping professionals in the context of emotional labor, emotional and cognitive dissonance. The burnout literature is reviewed, compared, and summarized. The definition of burnout is proposed including three components: emotional and/or physical exhaustion, lowered work productivity, and excessive depersonalization. Based on an analysis of the definitions of burnout, the paper focuses on the connec-tion of burnout and emotional work (regulation of feelings and emotional expression). It is also maintained a fact that helping professionals are especially vulnerable to burnout because of the necessity to control own emotions for a long time, to take responsibilities, and to feel uncertainties they encounter while working with others. The current study discussed emotional labor as a predictor of burnout of helping professionals. On the basis of the literature on burnout and emotional dissonance, the author of this article hypothesized that emotional job demands would explain variances of burnout (i.e., exhaustion and cynicism). Knowledge of abovementioned syndromes would help socionomy professionals to avoid emergence and aggravation of emotional burnout.Представлены современные подходы к проблеме выгорания у представителей социономических профессий в контексте эмоциональной труда, эмоционального и когнитивного диссонанса. Проанализированы и обобщены научную литературу по вопросам выгорания, определены три основные его компоненты: эмоциональное и / или физическое истощение, снижение производительности труда и чрезмерная деперсонализация. На основе анализа определений выгорания установлена ​​его связь с эмоциональной трудом (регуляцией и выражением эмоциональных состояний). Отстаивается мнение, что специалисты социономических профессий особенно уязвимы к выгоранию, поскольку длительное время находятся в состоянии, когда необходимо постоянно контролировать свои эмоции, брать на себя ответственность и чувствовать неопределенность, работая с другими людьми. Эмоциональный труд рассмотрен как предиктор выгорания у специалистов социономических профессий. На основе анализа литературы, посвященной проблемам выгорания и эмоционального диссонанса, высказано предположение, что требования по эмоциональной труда обусловливают разнообразие проявлений синдрома выгорания (в том числе истощения, цинизма, снижение производительности труда и ухудшение самочувствия), а знание симптомов выгорания позволило бы специалистам социономических профессий предотвратить возникновение и обострение этого состояния

    Method of analysis the main probability‐time characteristics of the computing system architectures using analytical modeling

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    В статье рассматриваются вопросы создания аналитических моделей высокопроизводительных вычислительных систем на основе одноядерных и многоядерных процессоров с помощью аппарата стохастических сетей массового обслуживания. Проводится краткий обзор технологии многоядерных процессоровThe article deals with the issues of creating analytical models of high‐performance computing systems based on single‐core and multi‐core processes using stochastic queueing networks. A brief review of multi‐core processor technology is carried out

    Doxycycline Leads to Sterility and Enhanced Killing of Female Onchocerca volvulus Worms in an Area With Persistent Microfilaridermia After Repeated Ivermectin Treatment: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind Trial

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    Background Ivermectin (IVM) has been the drug of choice for the treatment of onchocerciasis. However, there have been reports of persistent microfilaridermia in individuals from an endemic area in Ghana after many rounds of IVM, raising concerns of suboptimal response or even the emergence of drug resistance. Because it is considered risky to continue relying only on IVM to combat this phenomenon, we assessed the effect of targeting the Onchocerca volvulus Wolbachia endosymbionts with doxycycline for these individuals with suboptimal response. Methods One hundred sixty-seven patients, most of them with multiple rounds of IVM, were recruited in areas with IVM suboptimal response and treated with 100 mg/day doxycycline for 6 weeks. Three and 12 months after doxycycline treatment, patients took part in standard IVM treatment. Results At 20 months after treatment, 80% of living female worms from the placebo group were Wolbachia positive, whereas only 5.1% in the doxycycline-treated group contained bacteria. Consistent with interruption of embryogenesis, none of the nodules removed from doxycycline-treated patients contained microfilariae, and 97% of those patients were without microfilaridermia, in contrast to placebo patients who remained at pretreatment levels (P < .001). Moreover, a significantly enhanced number of dead worms were observed after doxycycline. Conclusions Targeting the Wolbachia in O. volvulus is effective in clearing microfilariae in the skin of onchocerciasis patients with persistent microfilaridermia and in enhanced killing of adult worms after repeated standard IVM treatment. Strategies can now be developed that include doxycycline to control onchocerciasis in areas where infections persist despite the frequent use of IVM