1,222 research outputs found

    Formation of Giant Planets by Concurrent Accretion of Solids and Gas inside an Anti-Cyclonic Vortex

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    We study the formation of a giant gas planet by the core--accretion gas--capture process, with numerical simulations, under the assumption that the planetary core forms in the center of an anti-cyclonic vortex. The presence of the vortex concentrates particles of centimeter to meter size from the surrounding disk, and speeds up the core formation process. Assuming that a planet of Jupiter mass is forming at 5 AU from the star, the vortex enhancement results in considerably shorter formation times than are found in standard core--accretion gas--capture simulations. Also, formation of a gas giant is possible in a disk with mass comparable to that of the minimum mass solar nebula.Comment: 27 pages, 4 figures, ApJ in pres

    Thermal and electromagnetic radiation from dust structures

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    Dust particle behavior as possible structured arrays for thermal and electromagnetic radiators in space environment

    Large-scale Vortices in Protoplanetary Disks: On the observability of possible early stages of planet formation

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    We investigate the possibility of mapping large-scale anti-cyclonic vortices, resulting from a global baroclinic instability, as pre-cursors of planet formation in proto-planetary disks with the planned Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA). On the basis of three-dimensional radiative transfer simulations, images of a hydrodynamically calculated disk are derived which provide the basis for the simulation of ALMA. We find that ALMA will be able to trace the theoretically predicted large-scale anti-cyclonic vortex and will therefore allow testing of existing models of this very early stage of planet formation in circumstellar disks.Comment: Accepted by ApJ (Letters section). A preprint version with high-quality figures can be downloaded from http://spider.ipac.caltech.edu/staff/swolf/homepage/public/preprints/ vortex.ps.g

    Application of dust for space structures

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    Physical properties and applications of dust structures in space technolog

    Tracing planet-induced structures in circumstellar disks using molecular lines

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    Circumstellar disks are considered to be the birthplace of planets. Specific structures like spiral arms, gaps, and cavities are characteristic indicators of planet-disk interaction. Investigating these structures can provide insights into the growth of protoplanets and the physical properties of the disk. We investigate the feasibility of using molecular lines to trace planet-induced structures in circumstellar disks. Based on 3D hydrodynamic simulations of planet-disk interactions, we perform self-consistent temperature calculations and produce N-LTE molecular line velocity-channel maps and spectra of these disks using our new N-LTE line radiative transfer code Mol3D. Subsequently, we simulate ALMA observations using the CASA simulator. We consider two nearly face-on inclinations, 5 disk masses, 7 disk radii, and 2 different typical pre-main-sequence host stars (T Tauri, Herbig Ae). We calculate up to 141 individual velocity-channel maps for five molecules/isotopoloques in a total of 32 rotational transitions to investigate the frequency dependence of the structures indicated above. We find that the majority of protoplanetary disks in our parameter space could be detected in the molecular lines considered. However, unlike the continuum case, gap detection is not straightforward in lines. For example, gaps are not seen in symmetric rings but are masked by the pattern caused by the global (Keplerian) velocity field. We identify specific regions in the velocity-channel maps that are characteristic of planet-induced structures. Simulations of high angular resolution molecular line observations demonstrate the potential of ALMA to provide complementary information about the planet-disk interaction as compared to continuum observations. In particular, the detection of planet-induced gaps is possible under certain conditions.(abridged)Comment: 19 pages, 19 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    The effect of stellar feedback on the formation and evolution of gas and dust tori in AGN

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    Recently, the existence of geometrically thick dust structures in Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) has been directly proven with the help of mid-infrared interferometry. The observations are consistent with a two-component model made up of a geometrically thin and warm central disk, surrounded by a colder, fluffy torus component. In an exploratory study, we investigate one possible physical mechanism, which could produce such a structure, namely the effect of stellar feedback from a young nuclear star cluster on the interstellar medium in centres of AGN. The model is realised with the help of the hydrodynamics code TRAMP. We follow the evolution of the interstellar medium by taking discrete mass loss and energy ejection due to stellar processes, as well as optically thin radiative cooling into account. In a post-processing step, we calculate observable quantities (spectral energy distributions and images) with the help of the radiative transfer code MC3D. The interplay between injection of mass, supernova explosions and radiative cooling leads to a two-component structure made up of a cold geometrically thin, but optically thick and very turbulent disk residing in the vicinity of the angular momentum barrier, surrounded by a filamentary structure. The latter consists of cold long radial filaments flowing towards the disk and a hot tenuous medium in between, which shows both inwards and outwards directed motions. This modelling is able to reproduce the range of observed neutral hydrogen column densities of a sample of Seyfert galaxies as well as the relation between them and the strength of the silicate 10 micron spectral feature. Despite being quite crude, our mean Seyfert galaxy model is even able to describe the SEDs of two intermediate type Seyfert galaxies observed with the Spitzer Space Telescope.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures, accepted by MNRAS, high resolution version can be downloaded from: http://www.mpe.mpg.de/~mschartm/papers/schartmann_2008b.pd

    Gaps, Rings, and Non-Axisymmetric Structures in Protoplanetary Disks - From Simulations to ALMA Observations

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    Recent observations by the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) of disks around young stars revealed distinct asymmetries in the dust continuum emission. In this work we want to study axisymmetric and non-axisymmetric structures, evocated by the magneto-rotational instability in the outer regions of protoplanetary disks. We combine the results of state-of-the-art numerical simulations with post-processing radiative transfer (RT) to generate synthetic maps and predictions for ALMA. We performed non-ideal global 3D MHD stratified simulations of the dead-zone outer edge using the FARGO MHD code PLUTO. The stellar and disk parameters are taken from a parameterized disk model applied for fitting high-angular resolution multi-wavelength observations of circumstellar disks. The 2D temperature and density profiles are calculated consistently from a given surface density profile and Monte-Carlo radiative transfer. The 2D Ohmic resistivity profile is calculated using a dust chemistry model. The magnetic field is a vertical net flux field. The resulting dust reemission provides the basis for the simulation of observations with ALMA. The fiducial model develops a large gap followed by a jump in surface density located at the dead-zone outer edge. The jump in density and pressure is strong enough to stop the radial drift of particles. In addition, we observe the generation of vortices by the Rossby wave instability (RWI) at the jumps location close to 60 AU. The vortices are steadily generated and destroyed at a cycle of 40 local orbits. The RT results and simulated ALMA observations predict the feasibility to observe such large scale structures appearing in magnetized disks without having a planet.Comment: Language update, added comments, added citations, in press. (A&A