178 research outputs found

    ERP measures of math anxiety:how math anxiety affects working memory and mental calculation tasks?

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    There have been several attempts to account for the impact of Mathematical Anxiety (MA) on brain activity with variable results. The present study examines the effects of MA on ERP amplitude during performance of simple arithmetic calculations and working memory tasks. Data were obtained from 32 university students as they solved four types of arithmetic problems (one- and two-digit addition and multiplication) and a working memory task comprised of three levels of difficulty (1, 2, and 3-back task). Compared to the Low-MA group, High-MA individuals demonstrated reduced ERP amplitude at frontocentral (between 180-320 ms) and centroparietal locations (between 380-420 ms). These effects were independent of task difficulty/complexity, individual performance, and general state/trait anxiety levels. Results support the hypothesis that higher levels of self-reported MA are associated with lower cortical activation during the early stages of the processing of numeric stimuli in the context of cognitive tasks

    A semi-simulated EEG/EOG dataset for the comparison of EOG artifact rejection techniques

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    Artifact rejection techniques are used to recover the brain signals underlying artifactual electroencephalographic (EEG) segments. Although over the last few years many different artifact rejection techniques have been proposed (http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/JSEN.2011.2115236[1], http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.clinph.2006.09.003[2], http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/e16126553[3]), none has been established as a gold standard so far, because assessing their performance is difficult and subjective (http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ITAB.2009.5394295[4], http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bspc.2011.02.001[5], http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-89208-3_300. [6]). This limitation is mainly based on the fact that the underlying artifact-free brain signal is unknown, so there is no objective way to measure how close the retrieved signal is to the real one. This article solves the aforementioned problem by presenting a semi-simulated EEG dataset, where artifact-free EEG signals are manually contaminated with ocular artifacts, using a realistic head model. The significant part of this dataset is that it contains the pre-contamination EEG signals, so the brain signals underlying the EOG artifacts are known and thus the performance of every artifact rejection technique can be objectively assessed

    The Impact of Math Anxiety on Working Memory:A Cortical Activations and Cortical Functional Connectivity EEG Study

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    Mathematical anxiety (MA) is defined as a feeling of tension, apprehension, or fear that interferes with mathematical performance in various daily or academic situations. Cognitive consequences of MA have been studied a lot and revealed that MA seriously affects solving the complex problem due to the corruption of working memory (WM). The corruption of WM caused by MA is well documented in behavioral level, but the involved neurophysiological processes have not been properly addressed, despite the recent attention drawn on the neural basis of MA. This is the second part of our study that intents to investigate the neurophysiological aspects of MA and its implications to WM. In the first study, we saw how MA affects the early stages of numeric stimuli processes as the WM indirectly using event-related potentials in scalp electroencephalographic (EEG) signals. This paper goes one step further to investigate the cortical activations, obtained by the multichannel EEG recordings as well as the cortical functional networks in three WM tasks with increasing difficulty. Our results indicate that the high-math anxious (HMA) group activated more areas linked with negative emotions, pain, and fear, while the low-math anxious (LMA) group activated regions related to the encoding and retrieval processes of the WM. Functional connectivity analysis also reveals that the LMAs' brain has got more structured cortical networks with increased connectivity in areas related to WM, such as the frontal cortex, while the HMAs' brain has a more diffused and unstructured network, superimposing the evidence that the structured processes of WM are corrupted

    Source Detection and Functional Connectivity of the Sensorimotor Cortex during Actual and Imaginary Limb Movement:A Preliminary Study on the Implementation of eConnectome in Motor Imagery Protocols

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    Introduction . Sensorimotor cortex is activated similarly during motor execution and motor imagery. The study of functional connectivity networks (FCNs) aims at successfully modeling the dynamics of information flow between cortical areas. Materials and Methods . Seven healthy subjects performed 4 motor tasks (real foot, imaginary foot, real hand, and imaginary hand movements), while electroencephalography was recorded over the sensorimotor cortex. Event-Related Desynchronization/Synchronization (ERD/ERS) of the mu-rhythm was used to evaluate MI performance. Source detection and FCNs were studied with eConnectome. Results and Discussion . Four subjects produced similar ERD/ERS patterns between motor execution and imagery during both hand and foot tasks, 2 subjects only during hand tasks, and 1 subject only during foot tasks. All subjects showed the expected brain activation in well-performed MI tasks, facilitating cortical source estimation. Preliminary functional connectivity analysis shows formation of networks on the sensorimotor cortex during motor imagery and execution. Conclusions . Cortex activation maps depict sensorimotor cortex activation, while similar functional connectivity networks are formed in the sensorimotor cortex both during actual and imaginary movements. eConnectome is demonstrated as an effective tool for the study of cortex activation and FCN. The implementation of FCN in motor imagery could induce promising advancements in Brain Computer Interfaces

    Towards a Novel Way to Predict Deficits After a Brain Lesion: A Stroke Example

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    Many studies have addressed the relations between different human brain regions and their role in cognitive, motor and sensory functions in patients that have suffered a brain lesion (stroke, traumatic brain injury, tissue removal). Nowadays, it is well established that the brain works as a network and the symptoms in a person are a combination of the direct impact of the lesion in a single region and its connectivity with other healthy brain regions. The aim of the present study is the development of a user-friendly desktop application to predict the induced cognitive deficits in patients who have suffered a brain lesion. The herein presented application is based on Neurosynth platform, and takes as an input a MRI mask that describes a lesion. Then our software exploits the knowledge that already exists in Neurosynth platform, so as to predict the potential deficits by grouping the Neurosynth's terms that have increased Z scores with our mask. In addition, we have embedded two types of visualization methods: One to present the slices of the brain mask and another to show the 3D volume of the mask into 3D semitransparent human brain. The added value of the presented application is that it may give us a clue about which mechanisms are probably affected by a lesion in a specific region, while in the future it could provide neurosurgeons with insightful knowledge helping them in the plannification of a forthcoming surgical procedure. The proposed software was tested on 7 stroke patients, predicting accurately the 91% of the measured deficits found during a neuropsychological assessment

    Math anxiety:brain cortical network changes in anticipation of doing mathematics

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    Following our previous work regarding the involvement of math anxiety (MA) in math-oriented tasks, this study tries to explore the differences in the cerebral networks' topology between self-reported low math-anxious (LMA) and high math-anxious (HMA) individuals, during the anticipation phase prior to a mathematical related experiment. For this reason, multichannel EEG recordings were adopted, while the solution of the inverse problem was applied in a generic head model, in order to obtain the cortical signals. The cortical networks have been computed for each band separately, using the magnitude square coherence metric. The main graph theoretical parameters, showed differences in segregation and integration in almost all EEG bands of the HMAs in comparison to LMAs, indicative of a great influence of the anticipatory anxiety prior to mathematical performance

    Functional connectivity analysis of cerebellum using spatially constrained spectral clustering

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    The human cerebellum contains almost 50% of the neurons in the brain, although its volume does not exceed 10% of the total brain volume. The goal of this study is to derive the functional network of the cerebellum during the resting-state and then compare the ensuing group networks between males and females. Toward this direction, a spatially constrained version of the classic spectral clustering algorithm is proposed and then compared against conventional spectral graph theory approaches, such as spectral clustering, and N-cut, on synthetic data as well as on resting-state fMRI data obtained from the Human Connectome Project (HCP). The extracted atlas was combined with the anatomical atlas of the cerebellum resulting in a functional atlas with 46 regions of interest. As a final step, a gender-based network analysis of the cerebellum was performed using the data-driven atlas along with the concept of the minimum spanning trees. The simulation analysis results confirm the dominance of the spatially constrained spectral clustering approach in discriminating activation patterns under noisy conditions. The network analysis results reveal statistically significant differences in the optimal tree organization between males and females. In addition, the dominance of the left VI lobule in both genders supports the results reported in a previous study of ours. To our knowledge, the extracted atlas comprises the first resting-state atlas of the cerebellum based on HCP data

    Automatic recognition of personality profiles using EEG functional connectivity during emotional processing

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    Personality is the characteristic set of an individual’s behavioral and emotional patterns that evolve from biological and environmental factors. The recognition of personality profiles is crucial in making human−computer interaction (HCI) applications realistic, more focused, and user friendly. The ability to recognize personality using neuroscientific data underpins the neurobiological basis of personality. This paper aims to automatically recognize personality, combining scalp electroencephalogram (EEG) and machine learning techniques. As the resting state EEG has not so far been proven efficient for predicting personality, we used EEG recordings elicited during emotion processing. This study was based on data from the AMIGOS dataset reflecting the response of 37 healthy participants. Brain networks and graph theoretical parameters were extracted from cleaned EEG signals, while each trait score was dichotomized into low- and high-level using the k-means algorithm. A feature selection algorithm was used afterwards to reduce the feature-set size to the best 10 features to describe each trait separately. Support vector machines (SVM) were finally employed to classify each instance. Our method achieved a classification accuracy of 83.8% for extraversion, 86.5% for agreeableness, 83.8% for conscientiousness, 83.8% for neuroticism, and 73% for openness

    Historical public parks : investigating contemporary visitor needs

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    Worldwide, several large-scale historical gardens have been adapted to social needs and became public parks. Historical parks, designed in a different era and often subjected to pressures for development, raise concerns in meeting contemporary visitor needs, rendering them vulnerable to private interests. The main purpose of this paper was to determine whether a historical park designed in a different era can meet today’s visitor needs. The National Garden (NG) in Athens, Greece, a well-protected historical park, was selected as a case study. A questionnaire survey addressed to the visitors of the NG was undertaken on the basis of the main components of park design, factors affecting visitation, and visitor perceptions of involvement in park management. A descriptive and regression analysis was applied. Even though the NG was not originally designed as a public park but as a garden, overall results showed it satisfies its visitor’s needs. The planting and associated tranquility are the most liked characteristics of the NG that are inextricably linked with its original design as a private garden. The main qualitative traits of plants that people like were found in the NG plant species. Suggested improvements to fulfill further contemporary visitor’s needs have to be considered carefully and must comply with the statutory measures that protect the NG and associated wildlife habitat. As in many urban parks, concerns for safety and cleanliness and willingness to volunteer in park maintenance were also expressed by visitors of the NG. This study illustrates that historical gardens designed many years ago and transformed into public parks can protect and conserve the historical and cultural heritage and concomitantly meet today’s visitor needs. Further research is suggested to study other historical parks