5 research outputs found

    An assessment of attitudes towards plastics and bioplastics in Europe.

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    Over the last 50 years, conventional fossil-based plastics have become an integral part of our everyday lives. Apart from their low production costs, this is due to a number of their unique properties, including durability, strength, lightness, electrical and thermal insulation, resistance to chemicals and corrosion. The production of plastics has increased from 1.5 million metric tons in 1950 to 359 million metric tons in 2018. Of this total, 61.8 million metric tons were produced in Europe. There are various problems associated with plastic use and disposal that pose a serious threat to both the physical environment and human health. Since public behaviour plays a key role when it comes to the use of plastic, this paper reports on a study that focused on an assessment of attitudes towards plastics and bioplastics in Europe. The results showed that packaging is the most frequent modality of plastic used among participants. In addition, majority of participants are aware that plastic waste can affect environment and human health and therefore segregate and properly dispose plastics. Also, even though most respondents were aware of the environmental problems related to plastic use and showed a positive inclination towards using bioplastic materials, their limited availability and lack of relevant information about bioplastics pose a problem for wider use. Departing from the assumption that the public attitude is a determining factor in the consumption of plastics as a whole and bioplastics in particular, this paper also sheds some light on the current situation, identifying some trends and information gaps which should be addressed in order to encourage a more rational use of plastics in Europe

    Temporal trends in nitrogen concentrations in Estonian rivers

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    The nutrient content in streams and rivers depend on many interacting processes such as hydro-geographical conditions and land use practices. The aim of this study was to investigate the current status of Estonian rivers and determine any trends in the concentrations of total nitrogen (TN) and nitrate-nitrogen (NO3 -N) between 1992 and 2013. This study involved 43 monitoring sites and 32 rivers in Estonia. The temporal trends were assessed using the partial MannKendall (PMK) test, which was adapted to account for the influence of water discharge. Most of the studied streams and sites did not show any trend in nitrogen concentrations. The statistically significant downward trend in TN was identified at 13 monitoring stations and upward trend at four monitoring sites. The results for NO3 -N showed a statistically significant downward trend at three sampling sites while the upward trend was found at nine monitoring stations, particularly at four sites located within the nitrate vulnerable zone (NVZ). Overall, the increasing nitrate content in surface waters can most probably be attributed to the intensification of agricultural activities in rivers catchments during the last ten years. However, there are still many uncertainties in nutrient loss processes. Thus, the national monitoring programmes should be further developed

    Blockchain and European Higher Education Systems: A snapshot on the diffusion process of Blockchain Innovation into European Academia

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    +Comparative study of Blockchain in Higher Education Systems ofEstonia, Germany, Greece, the Netherlands, and Spain. This comparative study of Blockchain in Higher Education Systems of Estonia, Germany,Greece, the Netherlands, and Spain is part of the BlockWASTE project, whichis an EU funded Erasmus Plus project. The project aims to address the interoperabilitybetween waste management and blockchain technology and promote its propertreatment through educational training, so that the data collectaed is shared within asafe environment, where there is no room for uncertainty and mistrust between allparties involvedFor this purpose, the objectives of the BlockWASTE project are as follows:• To conduct research on solid waste generated in cities and the way it is managed,so that it can be used to create an information base of good practicesthat allows waste management units to reintroduce waste into the valuechain, promoting the idea of Intelligent Circular Cities.• To identify the benefits of the Blockchain Technology within the municipalwaste management (MSW) process.• To create a study plan that allows the training of teachers and professionalsof organizations and companies of the sector, in the overlap of the fields ofWaste Management, Circular Economy and Blockchain Technology.• To develop an interactive tool based on Blockchain Technology, which willmake it possible to put into practice the management of data obtained fromurban waste, thus visualizing the way in which the data is implemented in theBlockchain and enabling users to evaluate different forms of management

    Consumer attitudes and concerns with bioplastics use: An international study.

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    The world production of plastic exceeded 360 million tonnes in 2020 alone, a considerable amount of which is not properly disposed of. The significant pressures and damages posed by conventional plastic to human and environmental health suggest that alternatives are urgently needed. One of them is "bioplastic", which is defined as bio-based plastic that is (or not) biodegradable. This paper reports on a study on the perceptions of bioplastics among consumers in 42 countries to identify their levels of information and concerns. The results suggest that most respondents have positive expectations regarding the future of bioplastics to replace conventional plastics fully or partially, especially for food containers, kitchenware, and boxes and bags for packaging. They also reported that the low costs and increased availability of bioplastic products on the market are likely to be the main drivers for their wide-scale adoption. However, many participants are unsure whether they would buy bio-based and biodegradable products if they are expensive. Overall, whereas a rather positive attitude to bioplastics has been identified, greater efforts are needed to address the many information needs of consumers towards upscaling the adoption of bioplastics. Relevant policies are therefore needed to encourage investments in the large-scale manufacture and market uptake of bioplastics. The paper reports on an initial study of consumer behavior, in a sample of countries spread across all geographical regions

    Food Recognition and Food Waste Estimation Using Convolutional Neural Network

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    In this study, an evaluation of food waste generation was conducted, using images taken before and after the daily meals of people aged between 20 and 30 years in Serbia, for the period between 1 January and 31 April in 2022. A convolutional neural network (CNN) was employed for the tasks of recognizing food images before the meal and estimating the percentage of food waste according to the photographs taken. Keeping in mind the vast variates and types of food available, the image recognition and validation of food items present a generally very challenging task. Nevertheless, deep learning has recently been shown to be a very potent image recognition procedure, while CNN presents a state-of-the-art method of deep learning. The CNN technique was implemented to the food detection and food waste estimation tasks throughout the parameter optimization procedure. The images of the most frequently encountered food items were collected from the internet to create an image dataset, covering 157 food categories, which was used to evaluate recognition performance. Each category included between 50 and 200 images, while the total number of images in the database reached 23,552. The CNN model presented good prediction capabilities, showing an accuracy of 0.988 and a loss of 0.102, after the network training cycle. The average food waste per meal, in the frame of the analysis in Serbia, was 21.3%, according to the images collected for food waste evaluation