14 research outputs found

    Különböző szisztémikus herbicidek fehér fagyöngy (Viscum album) elleni hatékonyságának, illetve a fagyöngy hiperparazita kórokozójára gyakorolt antifungisztatikus hatásának vizsgálata

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    There are more than 3000 ha in Hungary infected by European mistletoe (Viscum album L.), which have currently raised. The only way to control this hemiparasite is to cut down the infected branches, while other effective control methods are unknown. Our research focused on the efficiency of herbicide control methods against V. album. We tested three herbicide agents and combinations in three concentrations during our study (glyphosate isopropylamine salt, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, methsulphuron-methil). After the pesticide treatments the phototoxic effects were studied on mistletoe shrubs and on the host trees (Acer campestre L.) too. The most efficient agent was 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, which caused the whole necrosis of mistletoe shrubs even in the lowest concentration, but low chlorosis, rarification of foliage and drying of twigs were detected on the host trees. Phaeobotriosphaeria visci, which seems suitable for biological control, appeared 3–6 months after the application of 2,4-D on the necrotic mistletoe shrubs. Therefore the effect of 2,4-D and glyphosate on the mycelial growth were examined under in vitro laboratory conditions. Even the lowest herbicide concentration caused significantly lower mycelial growth; besides higher concentrations no mycelial growth was detected. An incidental combined herbicide and spore suspension treatment is not possible, due to the antifungal effects of these pesticides.Peer reviewe

    Changes in Lithium Levels in Bees and Their Products Following Anti-Varroa Treatment

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    SIMPLE SUMMARY: Varroosis caused by the ectoparasitic mite Varroa destructor has been the biggest threat to managed bee colonies over recent decades. Chemicals available to treat the disease imply problems of resistance, inconsistent efficacy, and residues in bee products. Recently, alongside novel compounds to defeat the pest, lithium chloride has been found to be effective. In this study, we found that lithium treatments leave beeswax residue-free. The possibility of decontamination in adult bees, bee bread, and uncapped honey was revealed. On the other hand, ripe honey was found to be affected by lithium administered via feeding. Case studies are necessary to uncover the level of exposition in harvested honey to estimate its potential risk once it becomes a registered veterinary medicine. ABSTRACT: The biggest threat to beekeeping is varroosis caused by the mite Varroa destructor. Chemicals available to treat this fatal disease may present problems of resistance or inconsistent efficacy. Recently, lithium chloride has appeared as a potential alternative. To date, the amount of residue lithium treatments may leave in honeybee products is poorly understood. Honeybees were fed with 25 mM lithiated sugar syrup, which was used in earlier studies. The accumulation and elimination of the lithium were monitored in bees and their products for 22 days. Lithium concentration increased in the entire body of the bees to day 4 post-treatment and then recovered rapidly to the control level. Lithium exposure was found to affect uncapped honey in the short term (<16 days), but ripe (capped) honey measured at the end of the trial remained affected. On the other hand, lithium treatment left beeswax lithium-free. Based on these data, we propose that comprehensive research on harvested honey is needed to decide on the veterinary use of lithium

    Studia Litteraria

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    Borbély Szilárd: Térhasználat és a szövegtípus a Tempefőiben (Műhelytanulmány) – 7 Taxner-Tóth Ernő: A bécsi Magyar Hírmondó első évfolyamai. 1792–1795 – 20 Balog Edit Otilia: A női és férfivirtus diskurzusa a felvilágosodás kori társadalmi nem reprezentációjában – 54 Bodrogi Ferenc Máté: A Szinopei Diogenesz’ Dialogusai (Eszmetörténeti újraolvasó) – 71 Deb reczeni Attila: Kérdések Kazinczy ifjúkori ars poeticája, Az áldozó körül – 88 Orbán László: Kazinczy-hálózat I.: a „könyvcsináló pálya” kiépítése – 96 Dezső Kinga: „idomban s tartalmilag, testestül, lelkestül magyar” (Megjegyzések Arany János idomfogalmáról) – 122 Fütyü-Földi Klára: Címek, mottók és fejezetek a Hétköznapokban (Folklórelemek mint paratextus) – 133 Bényei Péter: Tükör, által… Az önéletírás változatai és antropológiai távlatai a Jókai-prózában (A tengerszemű hölgy; Öreg ember, nem vén ember) – 150 Tihanyi Katalin: Történeti(etlen) képzelgések egy lublói kísértetről – 182 S. Varga Pál: A valóság nyelvi megalkotottságának tudatosodása a 19. század második felének magyar elbeszélő irodalmában (Elméleti-módszertani bevezető egy szövegcsoport vizsgálatához) – 192 Imre László: A magyar szellemtörténet forrásai és feltételei – 21

    Rekreációs lehetőségek egy kézilabda edzőtáborban

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    INST: L_135A szakdolgozatom tartami része egy bevezetéssel kezdődik, amelyben önmagamat, sporttevékenységemet és szakmai területemet ismertetem. A dolgozat első felében a témával kapcsolatos legfontosabb fogalmakat írom le: rekreáció, szabadidő, egészséges életmód, prevenció, csapatépítés és a serdülőkör. A második része maga a kézilabda edzőtábor részletes bemutatása, illetve rekreációs programot ismertetése. Végezetül a várt eredményeimet foglalom össze

    The utility of the combination of the corrosion cast method and post mortem MSCT scans

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    A careful post-mortem investigation is needed to determine the cause of death of patients bearing coronary stents and to describe complications of stent implantation. The main purpose of this study was to combine post mortem methods of CT angiography and corrosion cast preparation for the visualization of coronary stenoses, coronary stents, instent restenosis, and stent occlusion. Injection-corrosion method was combined with post-mortem MSCT angiography to characterize the pathomorphological changes after stent implantation in 6 male cadaver hearts. Multi-slice computed tomography was employed to visualize the coronary artery system. For image post processing, multiplanar reconstructions, maximal intensity projections and three dimensional reconstructions were used. This study was assessing the feasibility of post mortem MSCT for intracoronary stent evaluation. We described a method for characterization of the coronary side branch stenosis caused by stent implantation. Post mortem CT imaging proved to be a feasible and highly reproducible technique for the characterization of pathological changes in the coronary system

    Conservation and herding co-benefit from traditional extensive wetland grazing

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    Wetland grazing by livestock, once widespread throughout Europe, is increasingly used in conservation management. To avoid conflicts and enable cooperation between wetland users and conservationists, habitat quality indicators relevant to both stakeholder groups would be useful. We aimed to identify which indicators of grazed wetland habitat quality are important to the two groups, and which are the preferred trends for these indicators along a grazing intensity gradient. We conducted free listing interviews with 15 conservationists and 15 herders to identify the key indicators of well managed, extensively grazed wetland habitats. To check the practical ecological relevance of these indicators, vegetation surveys were performed along a gradient from ungrazed to heavily grazed stands (45 sites) in three countries: Hungary, Romania and Serbia. Positive trends for herders included increases in useful forage grasses and decreases in tall-growing marsh species; for conservationists, increases in wetland birds, protected and threatened plant species, habitat heterogeneity, and patches of open vegetation were all positive. Grazed marshes had lower vegetation cover and height, less litter cover and fewer shrubs. The proportion of open surfaces and the frequency of rare mud species and protected species increased along the grazing intensity gradient. As grazing intensified, 73% of the 15 vegetation attributes assigned to the indicators changed in a ‘positive’ direction, half of them significantly, showing the benefits of extensive but patchy heavy grazing. Despite differences in perceived benefits, there were no opposing preferred trends for any of the studied indicators, so patchy, occasionally and locally intense or heavy wetland grazing by livestock in these landscapes was beneficial for herding and conservation alike. In the situation of mosaic-like, carefully herded extensive grazing, there was no trade-off between conservation management and utilisation