287 research outputs found

    Liquidity management operations at the National Bank of Hungary

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    Central banks’ liquidity management plays a crucial role in the implementation of monetary policy. In most countries central banks influence short term interest rates through determining the equilibrium conditions of supply and demand in the market for bank reserves (liquidity). This article describes the liquidity management practice of the National Bank of Hungary in the period of 1998-2001. This period is characterized by two particular circumstances. First, there is a substantial liquidity surplus, therefore the Bank influences market interest rates using the liabilities side instruments of its balance sheet. Second, as a result of the narrow-band exchange rate regime and the fact that the Treasury Account is held with the Bank, the amount of liquidity is highly volatile and hard to forecast. The article explains how the Bank forecasts liquidity and the movements of overnight interest rate in these circumstances, and it describes the development of monetary policy instruments applied by the bank.monetary policy instruments, central bank liquidity management, interbank markets.

    SOD activity of immobilized enzyme mimicking complexes

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    A binuclear, imidazolato-bridged, possible superoxide dismutase-mimicking complex (Cu(II)-diethylenetriamino-μ-imidazolato-Zn(II)-tris-aminoethylamine-triperchlorate) was prepared and immobilized on silica gel or among the layers of montmorillonite. The superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity of the complex before and after immobilization was studied by a SOD assay. It was found that the SOD activity of the host-free complex decreased somewhat when montmorillonite was the host, however, using silica gel as host it increased

    A new Fridericia species (Clitellata, Enchytraeidae) and the enchytraeid fauna of the Őrség National Park (Hungary).

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    The enchytraeid fauna of the Őrség National Park (Western Hungary), hitherto unknown, was investigated in this study. 14 enchytraeid genera including 47 species and one other annelid worm (Hrabeiella periglandulata) were identified. One enchytraeid species was found to be new to science and is described in this paper as Fridericia zicsii sp. nov. The new species is distinguishable based on both morphological characters and molecular data (mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I, nuclear histone 3 genes and nuclear ribosomal ITS region sequences) from similar species. The enchytraeid fauna of Őrség NP indicated well the subalpine nature of this area. The most species-rich site was the hay meadow (32 species) and interestingly, the species number in the Sphagnum bog of Szőce was unusually high (19 species)

    Od Ruhra do Bospora, europski gradovi kulture 2010. godine - Essen, Pečuh, Carigrad (Istanbul)

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    During the 25 year old history of the prestigious title European Capital of Culture it will be added by a new component in the year 2010, as three cities get the opportunity to introduce their values. Essen, Pécs and Istanbul are significant pillars of a cultural axis running throughout Europe, whose development took place in distinct times along different historical, geographical conditions. Different nationalities are present as mediators and links between them who influenced decisively the development of these cities and their change of economic importance. Our fundamental aim is to emphasise the similarities and list all significant details related to the ECC priorities as the possibility of sustainability and liveability. Introducing the similarities and differences in financing, the implementation and variation of projects, emphasizing cooperation experienced in communication and certain program sets is a fundamental element of our present research. At the same time, common goals, various methods - that originate in cultural differences - by all means can teach us the lesson.Godina 2010. je u mnogim aspektima posebna godina, obzirom na promjene u izboru kriterija u prethodnom periodu, proširen krug mogućih kandidata za titulu grada kulture, pa je to i omogućilo da i Istanbul, grad koji praktički simbolizira cijelu Tursku, može biti među dobitnicima ovog priznanja. Iako sva tri ova grada zadovoljavaju ciljeve i očekivanja koja se traže od nositelja ove laskave titule europskog grada kulture, u nekoliko aspekata ima mjesta i kritici. Jedan od najvažnijih može se sagledati kroz financiranje. Ipak, korijen problema u nedostatku financijskih sredstava ima različite uzroke: dok kod Essena financiranje preko sponzora nikad nije pristiglo u blagajnu grada, kod Istanbula je problem i zastoj nastao zbog središnje vlade. U Pečuhu - gdje je također značajni dio financiranja problematičan zbog privatnih financijskih sponzorstava - izvanredni troškovi su rezultirali kašnjenjima ili polovičnim nužnim rješenjima. Ova se situacija sve više i pogoršava, u svjetlu rastuće svjetske ekonomske krize iz 2009. Ovi su čimbenici i često vidljiva neorganiziranost prouzročili zastoje u provedbi kulturnih programa, a što je tipično za sva tri europska grada kulture. Ne namjeravamo ovdje davati nikakva proročanstva i zloguke prognoze, ali bi se moglo desiti da ostane više od jednog neostvarenog ili nezavršenog projekta u 2010.godini. Također je politika bila od utjecaja u mnogim aspektima u kreiranju, planiranju i izvršenju kulturnih projekata, posebno kod Mađarske i Turske, što je uvelike i definiralo financiranje. Čak se to pokazalo jako ozbiljnim u slučaju Istanbula, obzirom da je turska savezna vlada u mnogim slučajevima isključila civilni sektor iz odluka koje su se ticale samih projekata. Nesretna serija s Pečuhom je započela u ljeto 2006.godine, kad je gradonačelnik teško stradao u prometnoj nesreći, završio u komi i bez mogućnosti donošenja odluka, što je izazvalo veliki publicitet. Njegov je nasljednik kasnije umro od bolesti 2009. godine. Nakon ovih nemilih događaja, grad Pečuh jedno vrijeme nije imao gradonačelnika pa je, sukladno tome, dosta odluka vezanih za europski grad kulture kasnilo i bilo odgađano. U međuvremenu je zbog stalnih izmjene u vodstvu gradskog organizacijskog centra za grad kulture 2010. godine, od jeseni 2008. godine - nakon što je šesti po redu direktor organizacijskog centra napustio funkciju - ta najviša menadžerska funkcija i ukinuta. Od prvobitno zacrtanih kriterija, potrebnih za proglašenje nekog grada gradom kulture, ostala je samo kulturna raznolikost kao veza između ova tri grada, a gradovi su se utopili u mješavinu i šarenilo nacija s vidljivom programskom kavalkadom. Stoga se pojam europskog grada kulture sveo na jednu seriju festivala u tim gradovima. Suradnja između europskih gradova kulture samo je formalna, zapinje na stupnju potrebnog protokola, a stanovnicima je nevidljiva jer je i tako mala suradnja slabo predstavljena i iskomunicirana. Ove tri strane održavaju tek bilateralne, asimetrične odnose, a čak i to prilično neredovito. Unatoč činjenici da su osvajači titule europskog grada kulture izradili dugoročne strategije, upitna je održivost tih projekata. To znači da je u Pečuhu razvoj kulturne infrastrukture u osnovi suprotan očekivanjima Europske Unije, a još gore, iza sebe ostavlja neiskorištenima neke kulturne građevine i objekte (konferencijska i koncertna dvorana). Što se tiče razvoja Istanbula, on se ponekad čini malo predimenzioniran u odnosu na titulu europskog kulturnog grada, ali u usporedbi s velegradom od 12 milijuna stanovnika, to nije ni približno tako. Oni to namjeravaju predstaviti kroz - u velikoj mjeri ekonomsku - snagu i težinu Turske u okviru Europe i turske kandidature za članstvo u Europskoj Uniji. Velika privlačna snaga turizma najvećeg grada na kontinentu - neovisno o 2010. godini - uvijek osigurava daljnju održivost projekata Istanbula, bez obzira na činjenicu da su njihovi planovi malo preambiciozni. Tipični oblik ulaganja u pokrajinu Ruhr - gdje se koristi već postojeća infrastruktura - uglavnom u prvobitnoj industrijskoj funkciji - građevine, ispunjene veoma bogatim i živim programima. Sukladno tome, grad Essen u Ruhru ima tek par mogućih problema, u smislu održavanja i budućeg iskorištavanja

    Two new species of Fridericia (Annelida: Enchytraeidae) from Hungarian caves

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    Cave research in Hungary has developed a lot in the last decade. As a part of this progress, enchytraeid specimens were collected from Hungarian caves and were subsequently characterized by comparative morphological and molecular taxonomic analyses. Molecular phylogenetic studies based on ITS, CO1 and H3 sequences and morphological results confirmed that these specimens represented two species new to science. The descriptions of Fridericia baradlana sp. nov. and Fridericia spelaeophila sp. nov. are presented in this paper

    Hypothalamic POMC neurons promote cannabinoid-induced feeding

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