593 research outputs found


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    Development of residential sites, especially those found in the vicinity of large urban agglomerations, requires attention also in terms of connecting to media such as potable water, electricity and natural gas. In this context, the planned efforts of development of the area may also be included into the zoning plan of the respective municipality/city in the form of public works. In the present article the authors analysed impact of the development of choice on the operation of a high-pressure pipeline. Calculations were carried out for existing site high-pressure gas service pipeline to examine the pressure gradient from the main branch of the distribution pipeline to existing regulating stations. Subsequently, authors analysed possibilities of site development for the municipality of Vajkovce in accordance with documents: “Principles for the design of distribution systems with a working pressure up to 400 kPa (TPP 702 07)” of 2006 and “Technical conditions of SPP - distribúcia, a.s.” of 2012. Alternatives were proposed for the development in accordance with the zoning plan and potential construction of an industrial park / other specialpurpose facilities

    Improvement of electrophoresis performance by spectral analysis

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    This paper describes a new design of standard agarose gel electrophoresis procedure for nucleic acids analysis. The electrophoresis was improved by using the real-time spectral analysis of the samples to increase its performance. A laser beam illuminated the analysed sample at wavelength with the highest absorption of gel components. Thus, DNA band is detected well before it may exits a gel plate. A modified horizontal electrophoresis device was designed, developed and tested.Keywords: Horizontal electrophoresis, laser, spectral analysis, agarose ge

    Osteonecrosis of the Jaws

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    Osteonecrosis of the jaw is a very severe complication in patients using antiresorptive drugs, which have been widely applied for the last 10 years. It has prompted an increase in number of negative complications such as significantly restricted food intake, reduced quality of life with a negative impact on the general health status of the patient as a whole. The negative influence of antiresorptive drugs on jaw bones is still not precisely known and is the subject of research. More than 30% of patients with rheumatic diseases develop osteonecrotic lesions in the jaws due to a relation with bisphosphonates, corticosteroids or other antiangiogenic treatment administered orally or parenterally. The treatment is often protracted, variable and very complicated. The clinical symptoms and treatment possibilities are presented, and, based on the clinical results, compared with many investigative researches and multicenter studies all over the world. Preventive measures are often consistent with other studies, where precautions such as radical dental treatment were observed, especially before antiresorptive treatment initiation. Despite the clinical results, which widely differ, the best way to prevent the osteonecrosis of the jaw is a necessary interdisciplinary approach and further research

    Elektrokemijsko određivanje metalotioneina kod domaće peradi

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    Metallothionein (MT) belongs to group of intracellular, low-molecular and cysteine-rich proteins with a molecular weight from 6 to 10 kDa. Owing to their high affinity to heavy metals (Zn, Cd, As, etc.) their main role is homeostatic control and detoxification of metal ions in an organism. In the present work we aimed at suggesting and utilizing electroanalytical techniques to determine content of MT in the blood serum of domestic fowls. Electrochemical measurements were performed with an AUTOLAB Analyser connected to VA-Stand 663, using a standard cell with three electrodes. Particularly, MT was detected by adsorptive transfer stripping technique in connection with differential pulse voltammetry. The detection limit of MT was estimated down to 100 fM (standards only) or down to 100 pM measured in the presence of blood serum. The average content of MT was 21.3 µM. The MT level in hens was about 25 % higher than in cocks. This phenomenon can be related to higher demands on the content of this protein in hens due the requirement for ion transport to form eggshell.Metalotionein (MT) pripada grupi intracelularnih proteina male molekularne mase bogatih cisteinom, s molekularnom masom od 6 do 10 kDa. Zbog njihovog afiniteta prema teškim metalima (Zn, Cd, As, itd.) njihova glavna uloga je homeostatska kontrola i detoksifikacija iona metala u organizmu. U ovom radu predlažu se elektroanalitičke tehnike za određivanje sadržaja MT u krvnom serumu domaće peradi. Elektrokemijska mjerenja izvršena su uređajem AUTOLAB Analyser povezanim s VA-Stand 663, koristeći standardnu ćeliju s tri elektrode. Osim toga MT je određivan tehnikom adsorptivnog transfera, povezanoj s voltmetrijom diferencijalnog pulsa. Granica detekcije MT je procjenjivana do 100 fM (samo standardi) ili do 100 pM, mjereno u prisutnosti krvnog seruma. Prosječni sadržaj MT bio je 21.3 µM. Razina MT kod kokoši bila je otprilike 25% viša nego kod pijetlova. Ta pojava može se objasniti većom potrebom za ovim proteinom kod kokoši zbog transporta iona prilikom stvaranja ljuske jajeta

    Preparation and Properties of Various Magnetic Nanoparticles

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    The fabrications of iron oxides nanoparticles using co-precipitation and gadolinium nanoparticles using water in oil microemulsion method are reported in this paper. Results of detailed phase analysis by XRD and Mössbauer spectroscopy are discussed. XRD analysis revealed that the crystallite size (mean coherence length) of iron oxides (mainly γ-Fe2O3) in the Fe2O3 sample was 30 nm, while in Fe2O3/SiO2 where the ε-Fe2O3 phase dominated it was only 14 nm. Gd/SiO2 nanoparticles were found to be completely amorphous, according to XRD. The samples showed various shapes of hysteresis loops and different coercivities. Differences in the saturation magnetization (MS) correspond to the chemical and phase composition of the sample materials. However, we observed that MS was not reached in the case of Fe2O3/SiO2, while for Gd/SiO2 sample the MS value was extremely low. Therefore we conclude that only unmodified Fe2O3 nanoparticles are suitable for intended biosensing application in vitro (e.g. detection of viral nucleic acids) and the phase purification of this sample for this purpose is not necessary

    The Impact of Pandemic Management on the Quality of Life of Slovak Dentists

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    Pandemic management increases the burden on healthcare workers to provide care and also affects their personal lives, with dentists being at particular risk. Therefore, we aim to describe the quality of life (QoL) and limitations experienced due to pandemic management-related measures (PanMan), as well as to assess the association of PanMan with QoL during the first lockdown after the coronavirus outbreak. We obtained data from 500 dentists (33.2% males, M/SD = 43.8) registered with the Slovak Chamber of Dentists using an online questionnaire. We categorized PanMan as the availability of personal protective equipment (PPE) and the ability to implement anti-pandemic measures, information overload, pandemic-related limitations and QoL in terms of their impact on family life and activities, housekeeping, relationships with relatives, financial situation and mental well-being. PanMan mainly affected financial situation, mental well-being and housekeeping. Factors contributing most towards the worsening of QoL were information overload (odds ratio/95% confidence interval, OR/CI: 5.79/2.64-12.71) and several pandemic-related limitations. These consisted of (OR/CI): a lack of PPE (5.17/2.48-10.77), infection risks in the work environment (3.06/1.57-5.95), obligatory safety measures (3.02/1.47-6.21), lack of staff (2.85/1.30-6.25) and client concerns (3.56/1.70-7.49). Pandemic management has led to a considerable worsening of dentists' QoL
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