214 research outputs found

    Kokyu: a non-contact sensing system with a scalable sphere for visualization breathing

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    “禅”(Zen) is known as Japanese traditional meditation. It has recently drawn the attention of people working at Silicon Valley’s companies like Google. We have designed a novel interface to breath visualization, based on the Zen concept, by creating a scalable sphere, which change its size according to one’s breathing. This artwork: “孤球”(KOKYU: A Solitary Sphere) is composed of such a traditional meditative structure, the most advanced technology at the present day. It helps people to experience Zen meditation through a deeper spiritual feeling by looking at oneself. In other words, it allows people to feel as if they are having a conversation with themselves. Thus, getting closer to the purpose of Zen: searching for the truth of who we are. Demonstration video at YouTube: (https://youtu.be/srTeGo3buME

    A novel polyethylene glycol (PEG)-drug conjugate of Venetoclax, a Bcl-2 inhibitor, for treatment of acute myeloid leukemia (AML)

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    Background: Venetoclax (VTX) is an anticancer drug. It is a selective Bcl-2 inhibitor that is clinically used for the treatment of patients with lymphomas and leukemias. Treatment with VTX, however, is accompanied by severe adverse events such as tumor lysis syndrome and neutropenia, because VTX readily binds to serum proteins, which results in poor pharmacokinetics and poor tumor tissue concentration. To avoid such adverse events, VTX is administered using a daily or weekly ramp-up schedule that is cumbersome in clinical situations. Aims: To overcome these shortcomings, we prepared a novel polyethylene glycol (PEG)-drug conjugate of VTX (PEG-VTX) and evaluated its cytotoxic effects on acute myeloid leukemia (AML) both in vitro and in vivo. Methods and results: VTX and 4-armed PEG derivatives were covalently attached through an amide bond linker. In a series of in vitro studies, PEG-VTX selectively induced potent growth inhibition of MV4-11 human AML cells via the inducement of Bcl-2-mediated apoptosis. PEG-VTX had the effect of free VTX, presumably due to the protease-mediated release of VTX from the conjugates. In in vivo studies with AML tumor-xenograft mice models, intravenous PEG-VTX promoted sufficient tumor growth suppression. Compared with a regimen of oral free VTX, the intravenous regimen in those studies used a VTX dosage that was 15–30 times smaller for an OCI-AML-2 xenograft model and a dosing regimen that was less frequent for an MV4-11 xenograft model. The most important development, however, was the absence of weight loss related to severe side effects throughout the treatments. An increase in water solubility and the resultant hydrodynamic size of VTX via PEGylation improved the pharmacokinetics of VTX by avoiding protein interactions and lessening the extravasation from blood. The result was an increase in tumor accumulation and a decrease in the nonspecific distribution of VTX. Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that PEG-VTX could be an alternative therapeutic option for the safe and effective treatment of patients with AML

    Mechanism of delayed seed germination caused by high temperature during grain filling in rice (Oryza sativa L.)

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    High temperature during grain filling considerably reduces yield and quality in rice (Oryza sativa L.); however, how high temperature affects seed germination of the next generation is not yet well understood. Here, we report that seeds from plants exposed to high temperature during the grain filling stage germinated significantly later than seeds from unstressed plants. This delay remained even after dormancy release treatments, suggesting that it was not due to primary seed dormancy determined during grain filling. In imbibed embryos of heat-stressed seeds, expression of abscisic acid (ABA) biosynthesis genes (OsNCEDs) was higher than in those of control seeds, whereas that of ABA catabolism genes (OsABA8′OHs) was lower. In the aleurone layer, despite no change in GA signaling as evidenced by no effect of heat stress on OsGAMYB gene expression, the transcripts of α-amylase genes OsAmy1C, OsAmy3B, and OsAmy3E were significantly down-regulated in heat-stressed seeds in comparison with controls. Changes in promoter methylation levels were consistent with transcriptional changes of ABA catabolism-related and α-amylase genes. These data suggest that high temperature during grain filling results in DNA methylation of ABA catabolism-related and α-amylase gene promoters, delaying germination of heat-stressed seeds

    A novel intraperitoneal therapy for gastric cancer with DFP‐10825, a unique RNAi therapeutic targeting thymidylate synthase, in a peritoneally disseminated xenograft model

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    Purpose: In advanced gastric cancer, peritoneal dissemination is a life‐threatening mode of metastasis. Since the treatment options with conventional chemotherapy remain limited, any novel therapeutic strategy that could control such metastasis would improve the outcome of treatment. We recently developed a unique RNA interference therapeutic regimen (DFP‐10825) consisting of short hairpin RNA against thymidylate synthase (TS shRNA) and cationic liposomes. The treatment with DFP‐10825 has shown remarkable antitumor activity in peritoneally disseminated human ovarian cancer–bearing mice via intraperitoneal administration. In this study, we expanded DFP‐10825 to the treatment of peritoneally disseminated gastric cancer. Methods: DFP‐10825 was administered intraperitoneally into mice with intraperitoneally implanted human gastric cancer cells (MKN45 or NCI‐N87). Antitumor activity and host survival benefits were monitored. Intraperitoneal distribution of fluorescence‐labeled DFP‐10825 was monitored in this MKN45 peritoneally disseminated mouse model. Results: Intraperitoneal injection of DFP‐10825 suppressed tumor growth in two peritoneally disseminated cancer models (MKN45 and NCI‐N87) and increased the survival time of the MKN45 model without severe side effects. Throughout the treatment regimen, no significant body weight loss was associated with the administration of DFP‐10825. Interestingly, after intraperitoneal injection, fluorescence‐labeled DFP‐10825 retained for more than 72 hours in the peritoneal cavity and selectively accumulated in disseminated tumors. Conclusions: Intraperitoneal injection of DFP‐10825 demonstrated effective antitumor activity without systemic severe adverse effects via the selective delivery of RNAi molecules into disseminated tumors in the peritoneal cavity. Our current study indicates that DFP‐10825 could become an alternative option to improve the outcomes of patients with peritoneally disseminated gastric cancer

    Medical Treatment of Echinococcus multilocularis and New Horizons for Drug Discovery: Characterization of Mitochondrial Complex II as a Potential Drug Target

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    As an efficient drug for alveolar echinococcosis (AE) is still not available, new chemotherapy targets are necessary. The mitochondrial respiratory chain may be a good drug candidate because parasite respiratory chains are quite different from those of mammalian hosts. For example, Ascaris suum possesses an NADH‐fumarate reductase system (fumarate respiration) that is highly adapted to anaerobic environments such as the small intestine. It is composed of mitochondrial complex I (NADH‐ubiquinone reductase), complex II (succinate‐ubiquinone reductase), and rhodoquinone. We previously demonstrated that fumarate respiration is also essential in E. multilocularis. Quinazoline, a complex I inhibitor, inhibited growth of E. multilocularis larvae in vitro. These results indicate that fumarate respiration could be a target for E. multilocularis therapy. In the current chapter, we focused on complex II, which is another component of this system, because quinazoline exhibited strong toxicity to mammalian mitochondria. We evaluated the molecular and biochemical characterization of E. multilocularis complex II as a potential drug target. In addition, we found that ascofuranone, a trypanosome cyanide‐insensitive alternative oxidase inhibitor, inhibited E. multilocularis complex II at the nanomolar order. Our findings demonstrate the potential development of targeted therapy against Echinococcus complex II

    Production of the medaka derived from vitrified whole testes by germ cell transplantation

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    The medaka (Oryzias latipes) is a teleost model distinguished from other model organisms by the presence of inbred strains, wild stocks, and related species. Cryopreservation guarantees preservation of these unique biological resources. However, because of their large size, cryopreservation techniques for their eggs and embryos have not been established. In the present study, we established a methodology to produce functional gametes from cryopreserved testicular cells (TCs). Whole testes taken from medaka were cryopreserved by vitrification. After thawing, the cells dissociated from cryopreserved testicular tissues were intraperitoneally transplanted into sterile triploid hatchlings. Some cells, presumably spermatogonial stem cells, migrated into the genital ridges of recipients and resulted in the production of eggs or sperm, based on sex of the recipient. Mating of recipients resulted in successful production of cryopreserved TC-derived offspring. We successfully produced individuals from the Kaga inbred line, an endangered wild population in Tokyo, and a sub-fertile mutant (wnt4b(-/-)) from cryopreserved their TCs. This methodology facilitates semi-permanent preservation of various medaka strains

    The role of IL-18 in the modulation of matrix metalloproteinases and migration of human natural killer (NK) cells

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    AbstractIn this study, we examined whether interleukin-18 (IL-18) affects natural killer (NK) cells' migration and matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) production. We demonstrated that chemotaxis of human NK cells through basement membrane-like Matrigel was augmented by IL-18. As well, IL-18 stimulation induces the production of activated forms of matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) as well as the production of pro-MMP-2 from NK cells. We also demonstrated that MT1-MMP expression on human NK cells, which is a major activator of MMP-2, was induced by IL-18 stimulation coordinated with MMP-2 activation. These data suggest that the MT1-MMP/MMP-2 system participates in the degradation of basement membrane components and thus contributes to NK cell migration

    Evaluation of arterial anatomy in congenital clubfoot with color doppler ultrasound

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    OBJECTIVE: This investigation intended to evaluate anterior and posterior tibial arteries at the ankle joint level in congenital clubfoot, by using color Doppler ultrasound (CDU). MATERIAL AND METHOD: Twenty patients with idiopathic clubfoot were selected, from which 18 had unilateral involvement and two had bilateral involvement. Of the 18 patients with unilateral clubfoot, 16 went through surgical treatment and the other two were submitted to conservative treatment with serial casting. Of the bilateral cases, one patient was treated surgically and the other was treated with serial casting. All patients were clinically and radiographically assessed. We used the functional rating as described by Lehman. Then, CDU was applied bilaterally at the ankle joint level, trying to identify both posterior and anterior tibial arteries. RESULTS: In our present series of 20 cases with idiopathic clubfoot, in just one patient we could not identify the anterior tibial artery at the ankle joint level. In 12 patients who have had their arterial flow speeds and diameters measured by UDC, a positive correlation was found between functional level and anterior tibial artery diameter. No statistically significant differences were found between both flow speed and diameter of anterior tibial artery of the normal side, when compared to the affected side (in patients with unilateral disease). CONCLUSION: In our sample, we could not find any significant differences in arterial morphology and flow speed between the normal and the affected side. Furthermore, we noticed that the better the clinical result of clubfoot correction, the larger the diameter of anterior tibial artery in affected feet.OBJETIVO: Avaliação ultrassonográfica das artérias tibial anterior e posterior no pé torto congênito (PTC). MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foram incluídos 20 pacientes portadores de PTC idiopático compreendendo 18 casos unilaterais e dois bilaterais, sendo que 17 pacientes foram submetidos a tratamento cirúrgico e três a tratamento conservador. Todos os pacientes apresentavam pés plantígrados e foram submetidos à avaliação clínica e radiográfica, seguido pelo exame de ultrassom Doppler colorido (UDC), visando a identificação das artérias tibiais anterior e posterior na altura do tornozelo. O nível funcional foi classificado pelos critérios de Lehman. RESULTADOS: Nesta série de 20 pacientes, somente em um não foi identificada a artéria tibial anterior. Nos 12 pacientes submetidos à mensuração de fluxo e calibre pelo UDC, foi encontrada uma correlação positiva entre o grau funcional do PTC e o calibre da artéria tibial anterior. Não houve redução estatisticamente significante entre o fluxo e calibre da artéria tibial anterior do lado normal em comparação com o lado alterado (nos casos de doença unilateral). CONCLUSÕES: Não houve alteração significativa da morfologia e fluxo arterial quando comparamos os lados afetado e normal. Além disso, quanto melhor o resultado clínico da correção do PTC, maior foi o calibre da artéria tibial anterior.UNIFESP Departamento de Ortopedia e TraumatologiaUNIFESP, Depto. de Ortopedia e TraumatologiaSciEL