9 research outputs found

    Source areas and effect of wet deposition on particles detected at SMEAR II measurement station as studied with FLEXPART

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    Aerosol particles are one of the most studied phenomena of modern days because their concretion and chemical compositions affect, both directly and indirectly, many aspects of society, for example, human health. The source areas of the particles affects their chemical composition and concentration and thus it is important to know where aerosols originate. In addition to the source areas of particles, it is important to understand the processes that affect the particles during transport through the atmosphere, for example, wet deposition. The aims of the thesis were to find out the characteristics in the source areas (1) and the effect of wet deposition (2) on the particles detected at SMEAR II (Hyytiälä, Finland) measurement station. Both aims were studied with the FLEXPART model and to study the first aim also the Hysplit model was used. FLEXPART is a Lagrangian particle dispersion model and Hysplit is traditional trajectory model. The both aims were studied with 14 case studies and each case study was studied with 96 hour backward in time simulations. The Hysplit simulations were made for each case study once and the FLEXPART simulations were made for each case study three times. The 14 case studies were selected based on observation made at the measurement station SMEAR II during the time period between February and April 2014. The case studies were divided into two classes: cloud and aerosol cases and the general characteristics of the cloud and aerosol cases were compared to each other. The extent and location of the source areas between FLEXPART and Hysplit were compared to define to source areas of the particles. The effect of wet deposition in the FLEXPART simulations was studied by comparing two simulation types: with default and with modified wet deposition parameterizations. The results of the thesis suggest that the measurement altitude, i.e. the release altitude in backward in time simulation, has a significant effect on the source areas of particles. The results also indicates that in cloud cases the particles originate more wider area than in aerosol cases. In cloud cases most of the trajectories come from South or South-West whereas in the aerosol cases most of the trajectories come from North or North-West which indicates that the source area of the particles could be in the background causing different interesting observations. The results suggest that wet deposition has a major role both in the amount of the mass and in the source areas of the particles detected in SMEAR II (Hyytiälä, Finland), especially in low pressure and cyclone situations, i.e. in cloud cases. Also the result indicates that the amount of scavenged mass is much higher in-cloud than below-cloud.Aerosolipartikkelit ovat yksi nykypäivän tutkituimpia tutkimusaiheita ilmakehätieteiden saralla, koska niiden pitoisuus ja koostumus vaikuttavat moniin ihmiselämän osa-alueisiin, kuten terveyteen, sekä suoraan että välillisesti. Aerosolien lähdealueet vaikuttavat niiden kemiallisen koostumukseen ja pitoisuuteen, minkä takia partikkeleiden lähdealueiden ja niihin vaikuttavien tekijöiden tunteminen on tärkeää. Lähdealuieden lisäksi myös ilmakehässä tapahtuvien, partikkeleiden kuljetukseen liittyvien, prosessien tunteminen on tärkeää. Yksi tälläinen prosessi on esimerkiksi partikkeleiden märkälaskeuma. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena oli tutkia partikkeleiden lähdealueiden yleispiirteitä (1) sekä märkälaskeuman vaikutustusta SMEAR II mittausasemalla (Hyytiälä, Suomi) havaittuihin partikkeleihin. Tavoitteiden tutkimuseen käytettiin FLEXPART ja Hysplit malleja. FLEXPART on partikkeleiden leviämistä kuvaava malli ja Hysplit on perinteinen trajektorimalli. Tavoitteita tutkitiin tekemällä 96 tunnin pituisia ajassa taaksepäin laskettuja simulaatioita 14 eri tapaustutkimukselle. Jokainen tapaustutkimus simuloitiin kerran Hysplitillä ja kolmesti FLEXPART:lla. Tutkitut 14 tapaustutkimusta valittiin SMEAR II asemalla helmi-huhtikuussa 2014 tehtyjen mielenkiintoisten havaintojen perusteella. Tapaustutkimukseen jaoteltiin pilvitapauksiin ja aerosolitapauksiin, minkä jälkeen näiden kahden eri luokan yleispiirteitä vertailtiin keskenään. Partikkeleiden lähdealueiden määrittämiseksi FLEXPAR ja Hysplit simulaatioiden mallintamia partikkeleiden lähdealueiden laajuuksia ja sijainteja vertailtiin toisiinsa. Märkälaskeuman vaikutuksen tutkimiseksi simulaatioissa käytettiin kahta eri märkälaskeuman parametrisointitapaa: oletustapaa sekä muunneltua tapaa. Tämän tutkimuksen tulokset esittävät, että partikkeleiden mittauskorkeudella, eli takaisinpäin ajassa tehtävän simulaation kannalta tarkasteltuna vapautuskorkeudella, on huomattava vaikutus partikkeleiden lähdealueiseen. Tuloksesten perusteella pilvitapauksissa partikkeleiden lähdealue on paljon laajempi kuin aerosolitapauksissa. Pilvitapauksissa suurin osa trajektoreista kulki SMEAR II etelään tai lounaaseen, kun taas aerosoltapauksissa suurin osa trajektoreista kulki asemalta katsottuna pohjoiseen tai luoteeseen. Tämä viittaa siihen, että partikkeleiden lähdealueella voi olla vaikutusta pilvi- ja aerosolitapausten kaltaisiin havaintoihin. Tulokset esittävät, että märkälaskeumalla on huomattava vaikutus SMEAR II asemalla havaittaviin partikkeleihin erityisesti matalapainetilanteissa, joita havaittiin pilvitapausten aikana. Tulokset myös osoittavat märkälaskeuman olevan suurempaa pilven sisällä kuin sen alapuolella

    CH4_4 Fluxes Derived from Assimilation of TROPOMI XCH4_4 in CarbonTracker Europe-CH4_4: Evaluation of Seasonality and Spatial Distribution in the Northern High Latitudes

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    Recent advances in satellite observations of methane provide increased opportunities for inverse modeling. However, challenges exist in the satellite observation optimization and retrievals for high latitudes. In this study, we examine possibilities and challenges in the use of the total column averaged dry-air mole fractions of methane (XCH4_4) data over land from the TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) on board the Sentinel 5 Precursor satellite in the estimation of CH4 fluxes using the CarbonTracker Europe-CH4_4 (CTE-CH4_4) atmospheric inverse model. We carry out simulations assimilating two retrieval products: Netherlands Institute for Space Research’s (SRON) operational and University of Bremen’s Weighting Function Modified Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (WFM-DOAS). For comparison, we also carry out a simulation assimilating the ground-based surface data. Our results show smaller regional emissions in the TROPOMI inversions compared to the prior and surface inversion, although they are roughly within the range of the previous studies. The wetland emissions in summer and anthropogenic emissions in spring are lesser. The inversion results based on the two satellite datasets show many similarities in terms of spatial distribution and time series but also clear differences, especially in Canada, where CH4_4 emission maximum is later, when the SRON’s operational data are assimilated. The TROPOMI inversions show higher CH4_4 emissions from oil and gas production and coal mining from Russia and Kazakhstan. The location of hotspots in the TROPOMI inversions did not change compared to the prior, but all inversions indicated spatially more homogeneous high wetland emissions in northern Fennoscandia. In addition, we find that the regional monthly wetland emissions in the TROPOMI inversions do not correlate with the anthropogenic emissions as strongly as those in the surface inversion. The uncertainty estimates in the TROPOMI inversions are more homogeneous in space, and the regional uncertainties are comparable to the surface inversion. This indicates the potential of the TROPOMI data to better separately estimate wetland and anthropogenic emissions, as well as constrain spatial distributions. This study emphasizes the importance of quantifying and taking into account the model and retrieval uncertainties in regional levels in order to improve and derive more robust emission estimates

    Evaluation and Analysis of the Seasonal Cycle and Variability of the Trend from GOSAT Methane Retrievals

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    Methane (CH_4) is a potent greenhouse gas with a large temporal variability. To increase the spatial coverage, methane observations are increasingly made from satellites that retrieve the column-averaged dry air mole fraction of methane (XCH_4). To understand and quantify the spatial differences of the seasonal cycle and trend of XCH_4 in more detail, and to ultimately help reduce uncertainties in methane emissions and sinks, we evaluated and analyzed the average XCH_4 seasonal cycle and trend from three Greenhouse Gases Observing Satellite (GOSAT) retrieval algorithms: National Institute for Environmental Studies algorithm version 02.75, RemoTeC CH_4 Proxy algorithm version 2.3.8 and RemoTeC CH_4 Full Physics algorithm version 2.3.8. Evaluations were made against the Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON) retrievals at 15 TCCON sites for 2009–2015, and the analysis was performed, in addition to the TCCON sites, at 31 latitude bands between latitudes 44.43°S and 53.13°N. At latitude bands, we also compared the trend of GOSAT XCH_4 retrievals to the NOAA’s Marine Boundary Layer reference data. The average seasonal cycle and the non-linear trend were, for the first time for methane, modeled with a dynamic regression method called Dynamic Linear Model that quantifies the trend and the seasonal cycle, and provides reliable uncertainties for the parameters. Our results show that, if the number of co-located soundings is sufficiently large throughout the year, the seasonal cycle and trend of the three GOSAT retrievals agree well, mostly within the uncertainty ranges, with the TCCON retrievals. Especially estimates of the maximum day of XCH_4 agree well, both between the GOSAT and TCCON retrievals, and between the three GOSAT retrievals at the latitude bands. In our analysis, we showed that there are large spatial differences in the trend and seasonal cycle of XCH_4. These differences are linked to the regional CH_4 sources and sinks, and call for further research

    Oulunkylän Kuntoutussairaalan henkilökunnan kokemuksia työhyvinvoinnista

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli tutkia Oulunkylän kuntoutussairaalan henkilökunnan kokemuksia työhyvinvoinnista. Lisäksi työssä pyrittiin saamaan selville, kuinka kokemukset työhyvinvoinnista eroavat iältään vanhempien ja nuorempien hoitajien välillä. Tavoitteena oli selvittää, mitkä asiat vaikuttavat positiivisesti työhyvinvointikokemukseen sekä mitkä asiat puolestaan negatiivisesti. Opinnäyteyö toteutettiin toimeksiantona Oulunkylän Kuntoutussairaalalle. Tutkimus toteutettiin kvantitatiivisena sekä kvalitatiivisena tutkimuksena kyselylomakkeen muodossa. Kohderyhmäksi valikoitui kahden osaston hoitohenkilökunta. Vastaajina oli niin lähihoitajia, kuin sairaanhoitajia. Teoriaosuus painottuu työhyvinvointiin ja siihen vaikuttaviin tekijöihin. Hyvinvoiva työntekijä jaksaa työssään paremmin. Vastuu työhyvinvoinnista ja hyvästä työkyvystä on itse työntekijällä sekä työnantajalla. Työhyvinvointiin positiivisesti vaikuttavia tekijöitä ovat muun muassa hyvä ja kannustava ilmapiiri, työaikaergonomia sekä jatkuva mahdollisuus kehittyä työntekijänä. Opinnäytetyön haastattelukysymykset peilautuvat teoriaosuuteen. Kysymykset on laadittu perustuen teoriaosuudessa ilmeneviin keskeisiin työhyvinvointiin vaikuttaviin asioihin. Vastauksissa nousi esille, ettei ikääntyminen vaikuttanut merkittävästi vastaajien kokemuksiin työhyvinvoinnista. Lisäksi, vastoin useita tutkimustuloksia, vuorotyötä ei koettu erityisen kuormittavaksi. Tutkimus antaa hyvän kuvan siitä, kuinka sairaalan hoitajat kokevat työhyvinvointinsa. Kysymyksissä oltaisiin voitu painottaa enemmän ikääntymisen vaikutuksia työhyvinvointiin ja näin ollen saada lisää tietoa ikääntymisen mahdollisista vaikutuksista.The purpose of this thesis is to study the well-being at work of the staff of Oulunkylä Rehabilitation Hospital. In addition, this thesis tries to find out different views on well-being at work between the older and younger nurses. The goal of this thesis is to examine the positive and negative factors that affect the well-being at work. This thesis was done as an assignment for the Oulunkylä Rehabilitation Hospital. The study was done as a quantative and qualitative research in a form of a questionnaire. The staff of two departments were selected as target group. The theory emphasises well-being at work and the releated factors. An affluent employee manages better at work. Employees and the employer are both responsible for the well-being at work. The well-being at work is affected by a positive atmosphere, flexible work time and a possibility to develop yourself as an employee. The questions of the questionnaire are based on the theory of the thesis. As a result it can be stated that the age is not a crucial factor affecting the well-being at work. In addition, shift work was not seen as hard as in many other research results. The thesis gives a good impression on how the nursing staff experiences well-being at work. In the questions aging could have had a bigger role so that more age relating factors, that have an effect on well-being at work, could be seen

    Työmotivaatio Eckerö Linen MS Nordlandialla

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli tutkia, mitkä tekijät motivoivat Eckerö Linen M/S Nordlandian työntekijöitä ja kuinka motivoituneita he ovat työssään. Kyselyn avulla selvitettiin työmotivaation nykyinen taso. Opinnäytetyön teoreettinen viitekehys muodostuu motivaatiota ja työmotivaatiota käsittelevistä teorioista, joiden avulla on mahdollista löytää vastaukset tutkimusongelmiin. Tutkimusongelmiin pyrittiin löytämään vastauksia neljän eri työmotivaatioon vaikuttavan tekijän kautta, jotka ovat työn sisältö, työilmapiiri, esimiestyö ja palkitseminen. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin kvantitatiivista eli määrällistä tutkimusmenetelmää. Kyselylomakkeita jaettiin kaiken kaikkiaan 40 eri osastoilla työskenteleville työntekijöille. Kyselyyn vastasi yhteensä 33 henkilöä, jolloin vastausprosentiksi muodostui 82,5 %. Kyselylomake koostui 30 väittämästä ja kolmesta avoimesta kysymyksestä. Tutkimustulosten mukaan M/S Nordlandian henkilöstö on motivoitunut työhönsä. Työntekijät pitävät työn sisältöä mielekkäänä ja merkityksellisenä. Työilmapiiri koetaan hyvänä ja työntekijät tulevat keskenään hyvin toimeen. Tutkimuksen mukaan työntekijät pitävät esimiehiään luotettavina ja esimerkillisinä. Työntekijät ovat tyytyväisiä palkkaansa ja palkitsemisen koetaan vaikuttavan työhön positiivisesti. Vastausten mukaan noin puolet vastaajista kokevat pystyvänsä kehittymään työssään, mutta työntekijät eivät koe etenemismahdollisuuksiaan kovin hyvinä. Lisäksi palkitsemistapoihin ei olla kovin tyytyväisiä eli niissä olisi parantamisen varaa.The purpose of this thesis was to study the factors that have motivated the employees of Eckerö Line M/S Nordlandia and how motivated they are in their work. The theoretical part is based on motivation and work motivation theories. These will help in finding answers to the research problem. The objective was to get answers to the research problems using four different factors, which are the content of work, work atmosphere, leadership and rewarding. The quantitative method was used when carrying out the survey. 40 questionnaires were given to the employees who work in different departments. All in all 33 persons answered the questionnaire and the response rate was 82.5 %. The questionnaire consisted of three open questions and 30 statements. According to the results the personnel of M/S Nordlandia is motivated in their work. The employees found the content of the work meaningful and relevant. The work atmosphere was good and the employees got along well with each other. The results show that the employees regarded their supervisor reliable and exemplary. The employees were pleased with the salary and rewarding affected their work positively. According to the responses half of the respondents feel that they have a chance to develop in their work but they think they do not have a possibility to be promoted in their work. In addition they are not satisfied with the rewarding

    CH<sub>4</sub> Fluxes Derived from Assimilation of TROPOMI XCH<sub>4</sub> in CarbonTracker Europe-CH<sub>4</sub>:Evaluation of Seasonality and Spatial Distribution in the Northern High Latitudes

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    Recent advances in satellite observations of methane provide increased opportunities for inverse modeling. However, challenges exist in the satellite observation optimization and retrievals for high latitudes. In this study, we examine possibilities and challenges in the use of the total column averaged dry-air mole fractions of methane ((Formula presented.)) data over land from the TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) on board the Sentinel 5 Precursor satellite in the estimation of (Formula presented.) fluxes using the CarbonTracker Europe- (Formula presented.) (CTE- (Formula presented.)) atmospheric inverse model. We carry out simulations assimilating two retrieval products: Netherlands Institute for Space Research’s (SRON) operational and University of Bremen’s Weighting Function Modified Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (WFM-DOAS). For comparison, we also carry out a simulation assimilating the ground-based surface data. Our results show smaller regional emissions in the TROPOMI inversions compared to the prior and surface inversion, although they are roughly within the range of the previous studies. The wetland emissions in summer and anthropogenic emissions in spring are lesser. The inversion results based on the two satellite datasets show many similarities in terms of spatial distribution and time series but also clear differences, especially in Canada, where (Formula presented.) emission maximum is later, when the SRON’s operational data are assimilated. The TROPOMI inversions show higher (Formula presented.) emissions from oil and gas production and coal mining from Russia and Kazakhstan. The location of hotspots in the TROPOMI inversions did not change compared to the prior, but all inversions indicated spatially more homogeneous high wetland emissions in northern Fennoscandia. In addition, we find that the regional monthly wetland emissions in the TROPOMI inversions do not correlate with the anthropogenic emissions as strongly as those in the surface inversion. The uncertainty estimates in the TROPOMI inversions are more homogeneous in space, and the regional uncertainties are comparable to the surface inversion. This indicates the potential of the TROPOMI data to better separately estimate wetland and anthropogenic emissions, as well as constrain spatial distributions. This study emphasizes the importance of quantifying and taking into account the model and retrieval uncertainties in regional levels in order to improve and derive more robust emission estimates.</p

    Monitoring Greenhouse Gases from Space

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    The increase in atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations of CO2 and CH4, due to human activities, is the main driver of the observed increase in surface temperature by more than 1 °C since the pre-industrial era. At the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference held in Paris, most nations agreed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to limit the increase in global surface temperature to 1.5 °C. Satellite remote sensing of CO2 and CH4 is now well established thanks to missions such as NASA’s OCO-2 and the Japanese GOSAT missions, which have allowed us to build a long-term record of atmospheric GHG concentrations from space. They also give us a first glimpse into CO2 and CH4 enhancements related to anthropogenic emission, which helps to pave the way towards the future missions aimed at a Monitoring &amp; Verification Support (MVS) capacity for the global stock take of the Paris agreement. China plays an important role for the global carbon budget as the largest source of anthropogenic carbon emissions but also as a region of increased carbon sequestration as a result of several reforestation projects. Over the last 10 years, a series of projects on mitigation of carbon emission has been started in China, including the development of the first Chinese greenhouse gas monitoring satellite mission, TanSat, which was successfully launched on 22 December 2016. Here, we summarise the results of a collaborative project between European and Chinese teams under the framework of the Dragon-4 programme of ESA and the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) to characterize and evaluate the datasets from the TanSat mission by retrieval intercomparisons and ground-based validation and to apply model comparisons and surface flux inversion methods to TanSat and other CO2 missions, with a focus on China

    Evaluation and Analysis of the Seasonal Cycle and Variability of the Trend from GOSAT Methane Retrievals

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    Methane ( CH 4) is a potent greenhouse gas with a large temporal variability. To increase the spatial coverage, methane observations are increasingly made from satellites that retrieve the column-averaged dry air mole fraction of methane (XCH 4). To understand and quantify the spatial differences of the seasonal cycle and trend of XCH 4 in more detail, and to ultimately help reduce uncertainties in methane emissions and sinks, we evaluated and analyzed the average XCH 4 seasonal cycle and trend from three Greenhouse Gases Observing Satellite (GOSAT) retrieval algorithms: National Institute for Environmental Studies algorithm version 02.75, RemoTeC CH 4 Proxy algorithm version 2.3.8 and RemoTeC CH 4 Full Physics algorithm version 2.3.8. Evaluations were made against the Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON) retrievals at 15 TCCON sites for 2009&#8211;2015, and the analysis was performed, in addition to the TCCON sites, at 31 latitude bands between latitudes 44.43&#176;S and 53.13&#176;N. At latitude bands, we also compared the trend of GOSAT XCH 4 retrievals to the NOAA&#8217;s Marine Boundary Layer reference data. The average seasonal cycle and the non-linear trend were, for the first time for methane, modeled with a dynamic regression method called Dynamic Linear Model that quantifies the trend and the seasonal cycle, and provides reliable uncertainties for the parameters. Our results show that, if the number of co-located soundings is sufficiently large throughout the year, the seasonal cycle and trend of the three GOSAT retrievals agree well, mostly within the uncertainty ranges, with the TCCON retrievals. Especially estimates of the maximum day of XCH 4 agree well, both between the GOSAT and TCCON retrievals, and between the three GOSAT retrievals at the latitude bands. In our analysis, we showed that there are large spatial differences in the trend and seasonal cycle of XCH 4. These differences are linked to the regional CH 4 sources and sinks, and call for further research