179 research outputs found

    Reflections on the intuition of a cinematographer

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    Tämä opinnäytetyö tarkastelee elokuvaajan työtä intuition näkökulmasta. Sen tarkoituksena on selvittää intuitioon liittyvän teorian, ammattikentällä työskentelevien elokuvaajien haastattelujen sekä kirjoittajan omien kokemuksien kautta, mistä intuitio koostuu, millaisia kokemuksia tekijöillä on, miten sitä hyödynnetään ja miten se vaikuttaa työskentelyyn. Haastattelumateriaalin ja kirjoittajan omien kokemuksien kautta tutkitaan, mistä kuvaajan intuitio koostuu.This thesis examines the work of a cinematographer from the perspective of intuition. Through theory related to intuition, interviews with cinematographers working in the professional field, and the author’s own experiences, the thesis investigates where intuition comes from, what experiences have influenced it, how it is utilized and how it affects work. Through the interview materials and author’s experiences, the thesis explores whence the intuition of a cinematographer consists of

    Terveydenhuolto ja alkoholipolitiikka

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    Summary: Health care and alcohol policy

    In vivo biocompatibility assessment of (PTFE–PVDF–PP) terpolymer-based membrane with potential application for glaucoma treatment

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    The aim of the work was to evaluate the in vivo biological behaviour of polymeric membrane materials for glaucoma implants. The base material was biostable synthetic terpolymer (PTFE–PVDF–PP) with proved biocompability (PN-EN ISO 10993). The samples manufactured in the form a membrane were subjected to chemical and physical treatment to create an open pore system within the polymer matrix. As a porogenic phase biodegradable natrium alginate in a fibrous form was employed. The non-perforating deep sclerectomy technique was performed in a rabbit model. The clinical observations were made after 14 and 30 days. During the study clinical symptoms of a moderate degree were observed, and histopathological changes were typical for foreign body implantation. At the end stage of the study no significant difference in histopathological assessment was found between control and experimental group. Similarities observed in both groups and relatively mild histopathological changes in the tissue surrounding the implant indicate that the observed symptoms come from a deep scleral trauma caused by surgery, and not by the presence of the implant itself

    An analysis of the ABO blood group clines in Europe

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    With estimates of the fitnesses of the genotypes and selection by incompatibility for the ABO locus which seem reasonable given the state of knowledge, a computer model has been developed to replicate the clines of the A and B genes in Europe. With a fitness change in the BB and BO genotypes of as little as 0.5%, the differences in the frequencies in East and West Europe can be maintained at equilibrium. Appreciable changes in the amount of migration does not affect the equilibrium frequencies in the two areas significantly, while with no selection through incompatibility the equilibrium frequencies were changed about 5%.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/37489/1/1330310102_ftp.pd

    Mdm1/Snx13 is a novel ER–endolysosomal interorganelle tethering protein

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    Although endolysosomal trafficking is well defined, how it is regulated and coordinates with cellular metabolism is unclear. To identify genes governing endolysosomal dynamics, we conducted a global fluorescence-based screen to reveal endomembrane effector genes. Screening implicated Phox (PX) domain-containing protein Mdm1 in endomembrane dynamics. Surprisingly, we demonstrate that Mdm1 is a novel interorganelle tethering protein that localizes to endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-vacuole/lysosome membrane contact sites (MCSs). We show that Mdm1 is ER anchored and contacts the vacuole surface in trans via its lipid-binding PX domain. Strikingly, overexpression of Mdm1 induced ER-vacuole hypertethering, underscoring its role as an interorganelle tether. We also show that Mdm1 and its paralogue Ydr179w-a (named Nvj3 in this study) localize to ER-vacuole MCSs independently of established tether Nvj1. Finally, we find that Mdm1 truncations analogous to neurological disease-associated SNX14 alleles fail to tether the ER and vacuole and perturb sphingolipid metabolism. Our work suggests that human Mdm1 homologues may play previously unappreciated roles in interorganelle communication and lipid metabolism

    Kuvaajan katse – Kuvaajan tulkinnat dokumentaarisen elokuvan tekoprosessin aikana

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    Kuvaajan katse on opinnÀytetyö, joka tutkii elokuvaajan katsetta, roolia ja suhdetta dokumenttielokuvan parissa työskentelyyn

    DNA microscopy

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    HeVi-tuotannon tehostaminen sisÀlogistiikkaa kehittÀmÀllÀ

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    Insinöörityön tarkoitus oli tutkia kohdeyrityksen tuotannon prosesseja, löytÀÀ niistÀ arvoa lisÀÀmÀttömiÀ tekijöitÀ sekÀ ideoida prosessin tehokkuutta parantavia kehitysehdotuksia. Tavoitteena oli kuvata ja analysoida sisÀisten materiaalivirtojen nykytilaa. NÀiden kuvausten ja analyysien pohjalta tavoite oli ideoida tuotannon tehokkuutta parantavia kehitysehdotuksia. Projekti alkoi tuotannon sisÀisten prosessien kuvaamisella ja mittaamisella sekÀ nÀiden mittaustulosten analysoinnilla. Projekti jatkui projektia tukevan teorian tutkimisella. TÀmÀn jÀlkeen projektissa siirryttiin kehitysehdotusten ideointiin. Ideoinnin jÀlkeen nÀmÀ kehitysehdotukset testattiin kÀytÀnnössÀ. Testausten yhteydessÀ prosessi mitattiin uudelleen ja mittaustulokset analysoitiin. Projektin tuloksena syntyi vertailu nykytila-analyysin ja kehitysehdotusten testausten vÀlillÀ. Vertailun tarkoituksena oli osoittaa mahdollisten muutosten hyöty tuotannon prosesseissa niiden tehokkuuden parantamiseksi. Vertailussa nÀhdÀÀn muutosten tuoma huomattava parannus tuotannon prosessien tehokkuudessa. Työ sisÀltÀÀ materiaali, jotka on salattu kohdeyrityksen pyynnöstÀ.The purpose of this thesis was to examine the production processes of the target company, discover non-value adding activities from these processes and innovate effectiveness improving development proposals. The main aim was to illustrate and analyse the present state of the internal material flows. Based on these illustrations and analysis the main objective were to innovate development proposals which would improve effectiveness of the production processes. The project started by illustrating and measuring the internal processes and analysing these measuring results. The project then continued by searching for the project supporting theory. After this, the project continued by innovating developement proposals. After innovating, the development proposals was put in to test. Along testing, the process was measured again and the measuring results were analysed. As an outcome of the project was created a comparison between the present state analysis and the test of the development proposals. The purpose of the comparison was to indicate effectiveness improving benefits of the possible changes in production processes. In the comparison, significant improvement in the effectiveness of the production processes can be seen. This thesis includes classified material on the request of the target company
