221 research outputs found

    Energy Efficiency in the Residential Sector in the Ukraine: Achieving the Potential

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    Ensuring energy security, eradicating energy poverty, and reducing GHG emissions from the energy sector are some of the key reasons why energy efficiency will be addressed in the Ukraine. The residential sector, being among the major energy consumers in the national economy, has a large energy saving potential. Multi-storey residential buildings currently require general refurbishment, and this fact opens a window of opportunity for the implementation of energy saving measures in a cost-efficient way. This research estimates the potential energy savings from the introduction of first-priority technical measures in the Ukrainian multi-storey residential stock, and discusses the policy instruments that have to be used in order for such measures to be realized. The key finding of the study is that a major share of the existing energy saving potential of the Ukrainian residential sector can be realised via simple and first-priority technical energy saving measures, i.e. wall insulation and additional insulation of the thermal envelope, window exchange, heating metering, hot water metering, and installation of temperature regulators. The major barriers to the implementation of energy saving measures in the Ukrainian residential stock are subsidized energy prices, citizens’ energy intensive lifestyles, lack of financial capital for the introduction of energy saving measures, misplaced incentives, lack of investors’ interest in energy saving projects, lack of awareness about energy saving options amongst average dwellers and construction specialists, as well as a high rate of corruption at all levels of governance. Potential policy instruments for the Ukrainian context were identified as follows: increased energy performance standards for buildings, compulsory energy audits and labelling of buildings, compulsory installation of heating and hot water meters, increase of energy tariffs for residential users, creation of revolving funds, educational campaigns, and the promotion of ESCOs

    Biomolecules that impact phenotypic transitions in fibroblasts and macrophages

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    Macrophages and fibroblasts are intricately involved in many biological responses. The foreign body response (FBR) is orchestrated by macrophages, wherein the phenotypes of these macrophages exist plastically along a spectrum from M1, proinflammatory macrophages to M2a, anti-inflammatory, pro-wound healing macrophages, and M2c, regulatory macrophages. The timely progression of macrophages through these phenotypic changes is necessary for the resolution of this response. Interplay between M2a macrophages, myofibroblasts and M2c macrophages is responsible for the eventual resolution of this response. Following, transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) activation, fibroblasts differentiate into myofibroblasts; these cells will secrete and contract extracellular matrix (ECM) components into a fibrous capsule. Herein, a library of modified poly-L-arginine (PLR) was used to influence the fibroblast to myofibroblast transition, and it was found that small variances in chemical modification allow for or impede this process. This excessive ECM deposition is also characteristic of some cancers that undergo what is known as a desmoplastic response. Desmoplasia is most often cancer promoting. Like the FBR, this response involves M1, M2a, and M2c macrophages and myofibroblasts. Increased levels and sulfation patterns of chondroitin sulfates (CS) and their associated proteoglycans are associated with this response. Increased arginase activity, increased iNOS activity, and morphological changes, indicating phenotypic changes in macrophages, were seen when CS-A, CS-B, CS-C, and CS-E were cultured with RAW 264.7 macrophages of five different phenotypes

    Carbon accretion in unthinned and thinned young-growth forest stands of the Alaskan perhumid coastal temperate rainforest.

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    BACKGROUND: Accounting for carbon gains and losses in young-growth forests is a key part of carbon assessments. A common silvicultural practice in young forests is thinning to increase the growth rate of residual trees. However, the effect of thinning on total stand carbon stock in these stands is uncertain. In this study we used data from 284 long-term growth and yield plots to quantify the carbon stock in unthinned and thinned young growth conifer stands in the Alaskan coastal temperate rainforest. We estimated carbon stocks and carbon accretion rates for three thinning treatments (basal area removal of 47, 60, and 73 %) and a no-thin treatment across a range of productivity classes and ages. We also accounted for the carbon content in dead trees to quantify the influence of both thinning and natural mortality in unthinned stands. RESULTS: The total tree carbon stock in naturally-regenerating unthinned young-growth forests estimated as the asymptote of the accretion curve was 484 (±26) Mg C ha-1 for live and dead trees and 398 (±20) Mg C ha-1 for live trees only. The total tree carbon stock was reduced by 16, 26, and 39 % at stand age 40 y across the increasing range of basal area removal. Modeled linear carbon accretion rates of stands 40 years after treatment were not markedly different with increasing intensity of basal area removal from reference stand values of 4.45 Mg C ha-1 year-1to treatment stand values of 5.01, 4.83, and 4.68 Mg C ha-1 year-1 respectively. However, the carbon stock reduction in thinned stands compared to the stock of carbon in the unthinned plots was maintained over the entire 100 year period of observation. CONCLUSIONS: Thinning treatments in regenerating forest stands reduce forest carbon stocks, while carbon accretion rates recovered and were similar to unthinned stands. However, that the reduction of carbon stocks in thinned stands persisted for a century indicate that the unthinned treatment option is the optimal choice for short-term carbon sequestration. Other ecologically beneficial results of thinning may override the loss of carbon due to treatment. Our model estimates can be used to calculate regional carbon losses, alleviating uncertainty in calculating the carbon cost of the treatments

    Environmental factors influencing ecotonal changes in an indigenous forest in the Keiskammahoek Forest Estate, Eastern Cape, South Africa

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    This study investigates environmental factors influencing ecotonal changes in the Dontsa Forest Management Unit (FMU) of the Keiskammahoek Estate Forest which is located in the Amatole Mountains of the Eastern Cape in the Republic of South Africa. The patterns of forest edge movement were analysed to show trends of forest edge movement from 1975 to 1985, 1975 to 1992, 1975 to 2002, 1975 to 2014, 1985 to 1992, 1985 to 2002, 1985 to 2014, 1992 to 2002, 1992 to 2014 and 2002 to 2014 by digitizing and assessing the scale of forest edge movement using georeferenced aerial photographs. Belt transects were established in six sites that were selected on the basis of physiographic elements for determination of the driving forces of forest ecotonal changes. The results of the study show that the forest edge moved positive towards the grassland biome while in other sites there was contraction of the forest edge from 1975 to 2014. The findings of the study show that some forest patches moved with few individual pioneer species towards the grassland while indigenous species dominated in the ecotone area of the forest in other research sites. D whyteana, A latifolius, R melanophloes, A facultus, R prenoides, C aurea, C bispinosa, C inerme, and S martina are the plant species with high density in the forest ecotone while A latifolius, R prenoides, R melanophloes were highly distributed along the grassland area. The results also show that harvesting of Pinus patula and illegal harvesting of understory species are major factors that result in ecotonal changes of Dontsa FMU. The research sites adjacent to residential areas have experienced reduction of ecotone area as compared to the research sites in high altitude areas of the Amathole Mountains where there is less disturbance. The eastern facing aspect of the forest exhibited a high density of plants in the forest ecotone as compared to the west facing slope

    Energy Production Analysis and Optimization of Mini-Grid in Remote Areas: The Case Study of Habaswein, Kenya

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    Rural electrification in remote areas of developing countries has several challenges which hinder energy access to the population. For instance, the extension of the national grid to provide electricity in these areas is largely not viable. The Kenyan Government has put a target to achieve universal energy access by the year 2020. To realize this objective, the focus of the program is being shifted to establishing off-grid power stations in rural areas. Among rural areas to be electrified is Habaswein, which is a settlement in Kenya’s northeastern region without connection to the national power grid, and where Kenya Power installed a stand-alone hybrid mini-grid. Based on field observations, power generation data analysis, evaluation of the potential energy resources and simulations, this research intends to evaluate the performance of the Habaswein mini-grid and optimize the existing hybrid generation system to enhance its reliability and reduce the operation costs. The result will be a suggestion of how Kenyan rural areas could be sustainably electrified by using renewable energy based off-grid power stations. It will contribute to bridge the current research gap in this area, and it will be a vital tool to researchers, implementers and the policy makers in energy sector


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    COVID-19 is disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 virus which was first discovered in Wuhan, China on the end of 2019. The COVID-19 pandemic generates many sufferers to experience symptoms of depression. Natural plant has been used for a long time for various ailments, including depression. This literature review aims to describe various types of plants and their mechanisms that can be used to help deal with symptoms of depression during the COVID-19 pandemic. This article was compiled by conducting a literature search using the keywords “covid-19”, “depression”, and “natural products” on PubMed, Scopus and Cochrane Library engine searching and followed the inclusion criteria, namely, the maximum literature publications from the last 10 y in English and discuss natural products that can be used to help overcome depression during the covid-19 pandemic.  We found that thirteen medicinal plants are noteworthy to be considered as antidepressant drug candidates. The medicinal compounds need to be developed furthermore in the future since Covid-19 pandemic is not over yet. These plants have established the molecular mechanism to remedies depression and hopefully can be alternatives medicine to treat depression that have mild side effects compared to synthetic drugs


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    The authors presented in the publication reflect the directions of startups financial assistance improving, that are applicable to domestic startups and relevant in terms of international integration. The article singled out the main stages of the startups formation and systematized stages of their development. Emphasized the fact that each stage of development involves a startup investments that have certain characteristics, depending on the stage, allowing authors to create sources of funding for the development stages of such projects. Attention is paid to each of the startups financing approaches. Based on the selected authors for ways to improve, the algorithm of financial assistance startups at early stages of development and during scaling. Singled out a number of features, following which allows Ukrainian startups to integrate into the international business ecosystem successfully.Авторы в представленной публикации отражают направления совершенствования финансового обеспечения стартапов, которые являются применяемыми к отечественным стартапам и актуальными в условиях международной интеграции. В статье выделены основные этапы образования стартапов, а также систематизированы стадии их развития. Отмечено, что каждый этап развития стартапа предусматривает привлечение инвестиций, которые имеют определенную специфику, в зависимости от выбранной стадии, что позволило авторам сформировать источники финансирования по стадиям развития таких проектов. Уделено внимание каждому из подходов к финансированию стартапов. На основе выбранных авторами путей усовершенствования, предложены алгоритмы финансового обеспечения стартапов на ранних стадиях развития и на этапе масштабирования. Выделено ряд особенностей, учет которых позволяет украинским стартапам быть успешно интегрироваными в международную предпринимательскую экосистему.Автори у представленій публікації відображають напрями удосконалення фінансового забезпечення стартапів, які є застосовуваними до вітчизняних стартапів та актуальними в умовах міжнародної інтеграції. У статті виокремлено основні етапи утворення стартапів, а також систематизовано стадії їх розвитку. Наголошено на тому, що кожен етап розвитку стартапу передбачає залучення інвестицій, які мають певну специфіку, залежно від обраної стадії, що дозволило авторам сформувати джерела фінансування за стадіями розвитку таких проектів. Приділено увагу кожному з підходів до фінансування стартапів. На основі обраних авторами шляхів удосконалення, запропоновано алгоритми фінансового забезпечення стартапів на ранніх стадіях розвитку та на етапі масштабування. Виокремлено низку особливостей, врахування яких дозволяє українським стартапам бути успішно інтегрованими у міжнародну підприємницьку екосистему

    Detailed Potentiometric Study of Al3+ and Cr3+ with Malic Acid in Aqueous Solutions

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    It appeared that malic acid solubilized both Al3+ and Cr3+ in aqueous solutions at all pH-values in 0.1 M NaNO3 at 25 oC. The detailed potentiometric measurements indicated that these free tri-valent metal ions released a net of three protons (3H+’s) into the solution. Free malic acid released a net of (2H+’s) into the solution from the two carboxylates. However, in the presence of metal ions malic acid effectively releases a net of three protons (3H+’s) into the solution; two from the two carboxylates and the third from the alcoholic group. The reaction mixture of Al3+:malic acid indicated the formation of a dimeric species. The proposed structure of this dimeric species is in good agreement with what has been shown in the literature. We are presenting a dimeric species that may play an important role in malate transportation across cell membrane. Formation of the Al3+-malic acid complexes cover the span of a total of 400 mV; from +250 mV to -150 mV. The Cr3+-malic acid reaction mixture indicated the formation of a dimeric species as well