5 research outputs found


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    Frozen berries have a number of undeniable advantages: they do not require additional preparation costs, are almost ready to eat, and most importantly, thanks to modern technologies, they retain almost twice as much nutrients as with other canning methods. Increasingly, there are risks associated with internal and external factors, as well as problems with excess yields that threaten not to sell the product fresh. short shelf life immediately after harvest, which increases the critical dependence on market prices. One of the progressive technological methods of processing fruit and berry products is quick freezing. The use of such freezing gives, first of all, a low degree of product damage, minimally reduces the biological value and taste characteristics, and the use of freezing does not significantly affect the quality of the thawed product.The main task of an industrial or commercial line for shock freezing of berries is to ensure almost instantaneous preservation of the product, which will retain all its nutritional value and taste. This is usually achieved by rapidly chilling the berries to -18 °C. By far the best option for extending the shelf life of freshly cooked food is to freeze it quickly. There are various options, but the best known is the freezing technology. For instant freezing without crystallization, it is necessary to provide a temperature of -5 ...- 18 °C. Experimental data were obtained during research. The temperature regime of storage of currants with the preservation of quality indicators using a freezing device is also considered. When frozen quickly, the berries should be blown from all sides or literally float in a stream of frosty air of the appropriate temperature. The duration of this process depends on the type and size of the berries, as well as on the intensity of the cooling air flow. The current direction in the field of research of frozen berries is the preservation of consumer properties of berries after freezin


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    The aim of the work is the development of recipes of fresh-mixes with the balanced potassium-protein composition and expressed cardio- and protective properties. For creating recipes of cardio-protective fresh mixes, there was used linear programming in MS Excel redactor. The target function was the balanced P-protein composition. The potassium content was 148-190 g for 100 g of the ready beverage that covers in average 6-8 % of the daily potassium need in patients with cardio-vascular diseases. At the expanse of introducing glutin, beverages contain oxylizin and oxyproline in concentration 0,15…0,2 %. The energetic value of developed fresh-mixes was 58,8-64,6 kcal. There was determined biological activity of developed beverages by the index of non-enzymatic oxidation of NAD·Н2 to NAD. At the development of beverages, there was fixed the effect of synergism at the expanse of introducing the spicy-aromatic raw material – turmeric and the protein one – glutin. ALST test, based on changing microbiological and sensory indices at storage, demonstrated the optimal storage term 5 days at the temperature (5±1) °С in a hermetic package. Fresh-mixes, enriched with potassium and easily assimilated protein were developed for the first time. They can not only satisfy needs in these nutrients but favor production of own protein of the connective tissue, for keeping the healthy condition of the cardiac muscle.&nbsp

    Розробка рецептури і оцінка якості імуностимулюючих фреш-міксів зі збалансованим калій-білковим складом

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    Using the methods of mathematical modeling, we developed formulations for the immunostimulating fresh-mixes. We determined the percentage of plant raw materials, which corresponds to maximum potassium content in the formulation and the content of glutin within 1…5 %. In this case, the content of oxylizine and hydroxyproline, the source of which is glutin, was regulated within a range of 0.15… 0.2 g/100 g. The limiting value in mathematical modeling of the developed formulations was an energy value in fresh-mixes, which amounted to 60 kcal.We determined biological activity of the obtained drinks. The fresh-mix "Potasium mix" has a biological activity of 250 standard units, "Potasium-mix plus" – 1,596 standard units. When developing the fresh-mix "Potasium-mix plus", we established the synergistic effect through the introduction to the formulation of the fresh-mix of spicy-aromatic raw material, turmeric, and the raw material of protein nature − glutin.Assessment of the quality of these products showed that the weight of significance of the fresh-mixes "Potasium-mix" and "Potasium-mix рlus " amounted to 0.94 and 0.98 units, respectively.By employing the ALST test, we identified storage conditions for the developed fresh-mixes. It was established that when storing the beverages can be stored for 5 days at a temperature of (5±1) °C in an air-tight container without changes in microbiological and sensory indicatorsС помощью методов математического моделирования разработаны рецептуры иммуностимулирующих фреш-миксов. Оптимизацию рецептурного состава проводили по содержанию белка и калия. Определены биологическая активность полученных напитков, содержание основных пищевых нутриентов и проведена товароведная оценка качества данных продуктов. Используя тест ALST, определены условия хранения разработанных фреш-миксовЗа допомогою методів математичного моделювання розроблено рецептури імуностимулюючих фреш-міксів. Оптимізацію рецептурного складу проводили за вмістом білку та калію. Визначено біологічну активність отриманих напоїв, вміст основних харчових нутріентів та проведена товарознавча оцінка якості даних продуктів. Використовуючи тест ALST визначено умови зберігання розроблених фреш-міксі

    Optymalizacja parametrów wibracyjnej suszarki do soi

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    This paper proposes a method to determine the optimal parameters for the drying of soybean using a kinematic vibration dryer. Among the main parameters of the investigated vibroconveyor are heat and mass transfer, physical and mechanical. The paper presents a mathematical model of the dependence of parameters of the soybean drying process of soybean built based on experimental data obtained by organizing an effective experiment plan with a sufficiently large number of factor levels. To determine the rational parameters for drying soybean, it is important to build the most accurate and adequate mathematical model, which will determine the most accurate values of the required parameters. For this purpose, it is recommended to conduct an experiment with as many levels of factors as possible. The article proposes an experiment established on a dedicated balanced orthogonal plan, which is optimal according to the D-efficiency criterion. Based on the experimental data, an adequate mathematical model of the dependence of the drying characteristics of soybean (moisture of the processed material (%), temperature inside the product layer (°С) on the parameters – vibration amplitude (mm), distance from the conveyor surface (mm), radiation power (Wt), weight (g·min-1). Following the analysis of the constructed mathematical model, optimal parameters of the developed vibroconveyor infrared dryer were substantiated. The main characteristics of the vibroconveryor mechanism of interoperational transportation of bulk products in the working area were also determined, and a technical and economic analysis of the developed oscillatory system was conducted.W pracy zaproponowano metodę wyznaczania optymalnych parametrów suszenia soi za pomocą suszarki z funkcją kinematycznego wzbudzania drgań. Główne parametry badanego urządzenia to wymiana ciepła i masy oraz właściwości fizyczne i mechaniczne. W celu przeprowadzenia badań zbudowano model matematyczny zależności między wskaźnikami procesu suszenia soi na podstawie danych doświadczalnych uzyskanych poprzez zorganizowanie efektywnego schematu doświadczenia z odpowiednio dużą liczbą poziomów czynników. By określić racjonalne parametry suszenia soi należy zbudować jak najdokładniejszy i adekwatny model matematyczny, który wyznaczy najdokładniejsze wartości wymaganych parametrów. W artykule zaproponowano przeprowadzenie eksperymentu na specjalnie skonstruowanym zrównoważonym planie ortogonalnym, optymalnym według kryterium Defektywności. Na podstawie danych eksperymentalnych opracowano odpowiedni model matematyczny zależności charakterystyki suszenia soi (wilgotność przetwarzanego materiału (%), temperatura wewnątrz warstwy produktu (°С) od parametrów - amplitudy drgań (mm), odległości od powierzchni przenośnika taśmowego (mm), mocy promieniowania (Wt), masy (g·min-1). Analiza zaproponowanego modelu matematycznego pozwoliła uzasadnić optymalne parametry opracowanej wibrosuszarki na podczerwień, główne cechy mechanizmu wibracyjno-falowego do transportu produktów sypkich w obszarze roboczym oraz przeprowadzić analizę techniczno-ekonomiczną opracowanego systemu oscylacyjnego