8 research outputs found

    Functionality of Two Origins of Replication in Vibrio cholerae Strains With a Single Chromosome

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    Chromosomal inheritance in bacteria usually entails bidirectional replication of a single chromosome from a single origin into two copies and subsequent partitioning of one copy each into daughter cells upon cell division. However, the human pathogen Vibrio cholerae and other Vibrionaceae harbor two chromosomes, a large Chr1 and a small Chr2. Chr1 and Chr2 have different origins, an oriC-type origin and a P1 plasmid-type origin, respectively, driving the replication of respective chromosomes. Recently, we described naturally occurring exceptions to the two-chromosome rule of Vibrionaceae: i.e., Chr1 and Chr2 fused single chromosome V. cholerae strains, NSCV1 and NSCV2, in which both origins of replication are present. Using NSCV1 and NSCV2, here we tested whether two types of origins of replication can function simultaneously on the same chromosome or one or the other origin is silenced. We found that in NSCV1, both origins are active whereas in NSCV2 ori2 is silenced despite the fact that it is functional in an isolated context. The ori2 activity appears to be primarily determined by the copy number of the triggering site, crtS, which in turn is determined by its location with respect to ori1 and ori2 on the fused chromosome

    Changes in everyday life after discharge from day care rehabilitation

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    Community-based day care that provides rehabilitation (DCR) targets elderly people with physical disabilities. The goal of these programmes is mainly to improve physical ability in order to enable participants to remain in their ordinary homes. Knowledge of the outcomes of DCR is limited as well as knowledge of what it is that makes a difference for the individual. The aim of this study was to describe what changes in everyday life elderly persons experienced after discharge from a community-based day care rehabilitation centre and to give possible explanations for these changes. Fifteen elderly people were interviewed after that they had been discharged from DCR. A narrative approach was used for analysing the interview data. Four case stories constitute the findings, each of them with unique descriptions of changes in everyday life as well as possible explanations for these changes. The first case story described resumption of daily activities that made the days more eventful and meaningful. The second described how everyday life became an arena for exercising, which create confidence for the future. The third described how an increased sense of certainty and security in the movements led to an increased appetite for life. Finally, the fourth case story described both the stay at the DCR centre and the promise of a new period there as uplifting that made the days easier. Concerning possible explanations for these changes, the findings indicate that it was a combination of several events that together contributed to the changes. Examples were physical training, counselling about how to live in an active and healthy lifestyle, and socialisation with other patients in formal as well as in informal sessions

    Additional file 1: of Development of real-time reverse transcriptase qPCR assays for the detection of Punta Toro virus and Pichinde virus

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    Absolute quantification of PTV and PICV RNA molecules using dd PCR. Viral cell culture supernatants spiked in water at specific PFU/ml were 10-fold serially diluted, extracted, and tested using the QX200 digital droplet system. Log10 transformation of PFU/ml of the spiked dilutions versus counts/Îźl determined by ddPCR are graphed. Linear regression analysis along with slope, R square value, and equation are shown. (PDF 112 kb

    Identification of genomic signatures for the design of assays for the detection and monitoring of anthrax threats

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    Sequences that are present in a given species or strain while absent from or different in any other organisms can be used to distinguish the target organism from other related or un-related species. Such DNA signatures are particularly important for the identification of genetic source of drug resistance of a strain or for the detection of organisms that can be used as biological agents in warfare or terrorism. Most approaches used to find DNA signatures are laboratory based, require a great deal of effort and can only distinguish between two organisms at a time. We propose a more efficient and cost-effective bioinformatics approach that allows identification of genomic fingerprints for a target organism. We validated our approach using a custom microarray, using sequences identified as DNA fingerprints of Bacillus anthracis. Hybridization results showed that the sequences found using our algorithm were truly unique to B. anthracis and were able to distinguish B. anthracis from its close relatives B. cereus and B. thuringiensis. 1

    Reorganized Genomic Taxonomy of Francisellaceae Enables Design of Robust Environmental PCR Assays for Detection of Francisella tularensis

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    In recent years, an increasing diversity of species has been recognized within the family Francisellaceae. Unfortunately, novel isolates are sometimes misnamed in initial publications or multiple sources propose different nomenclature for genetically highly similar isolates. Thus, unstructured and occasionally incorrect information can lead to confusion in the scientific community. Historically, detection of Francisella tularensis in environmental samples has been challenging due to the considerable and unknown genetic diversity within the family, which can result in false positive results. We have assembled a comprehensive collection of genome sequences representing most known Francisellaceae species/strains and restructured them according to a taxonomy that is based on phylogenetic structure. From this structured dataset, we identified a small number of genomic regions unique to F. tularensis that are putatively suitable for specific detection of this pathogen in environmental samples. We designed and validated specific PCR assays based on these genetic regions that can be used for the detection of F. tularensis in environmental samples, such as water and air filters