6 research outputs found

    The frequency of genetic rearrangements during carrot (Daucus carota) somati embryogenesis is dependent on 2,4-D levels and diminished in its absence

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    For quantification of genetic variations occurring in plant tissue cultures, DNA sequence alterations and replicon- size changes were monitored through subsequent phases of the model carrot tissue culture system, from the 2,4-D-induced proembryiogenic cell cultures to regenerated plantlets, by RAPD and flow cytometry techniques. Banding patterns of random amplified DNA fragments and ploidy-level distributions of cultured cells were significantly different in the presence and in the absence of 2,4-D. In addition, there were marked differences between the cells induced with lower (1.0 mg/l) and higher (2.5 mg/l) doses of 2,4-D. Among those samples that were cultured in the absence of 2,4-D, the epicotyl (C2), hypocotyl control (H1) and the morphologically normal regenerants (IV2) showed identical banding patterns overlapping with the true-to-type seedling controls (N1, N2). In contrast, treatment of starting explants (H2) with 1.0 mg/l 2,4-D resulted in a marked 82% increase in the number of amplified fragments associated with an appearance of cell lines possessing unusual haploid-like and aneuploid-like DNA contents. The induction with 2.5 mg/l 2,4-D resulted in even greater increase in the number of DNA fragments (~100%) amplified from proembryiogenic cell cultures, while it had no further effect on ploidiy-level distributions compared to the treatment with 1.0 mg/l 2,-D. After the withdrawal of the synthetic auxin, banding patterns and ploidy-level distributions were gradually shifted back to the levels of controls resulting in true-to-type regenerants. Conclusions are in short, the combined use of RAPD and flow cytometry can make quantification of genetic variations typical of dedifferentiated plant cells possible. Quantification opens the window for comprehensive evaluation of different methods, treatments and bioactive compounds

    Assessing the experience of using synthetic cannabinoids by means of interpretative phenomenological analysis

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    BACKGROUND: New psychoactive substances (NPS) have been increasingly consumed by people who use drugs in recent years, which pose a new challenge for treatment services. One of the largest groups of NPS is synthetic cannabinoids (SCs), which are intended as a replacement to cannabis. While there is an increasing body of research on the motivation and the effects associated with SC use, little is known about the subjective interpretation of SC use by the people who use drugs themselves. The aim of this study was to examine the experiences and personal interpretations of SC use of users who were heavily dependent on SC and are in treatment. METHODS: A qualitative research method was applied in order to explore unknown and personal aspects of SC use. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with six participants who had problematic SC use and entered treatment. The research was conducted in Hungary in 2015. We analyzed data using interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA). RESULTS: Participants perceived SCs to be unpredictable: their initial positive experiences quickly turned negative. They also reported that SCs took over their lives both interpersonally and intrapersonally: the drug took their old friends away, and while initially it gave them new ones, in the end it not only made them asocial but the drug became their only friend, it hijacked their personalities and made them addicted. CONCLUSIONS: Participants experienced rapid development of effects and they had difficulties interpreting or integrating these experiences. The rapid alteration of effects and experiences may explain the severe psychopathological symptoms, which may be important information for harm reduction and treatment services. Since, these experiences are mostly unknown and unpredictable for people who use SCs, a forum where they could share their experiences could have a harm reducing role. For a harm reduction point of view of SCs, which are underrepresented in literature, it is important to emphasize the impossibility of knowing the quantity, purity, or even the number of different SC compounds in a particular SC product. Our study findings suggest that despite the adverse effects, including a rapid turn of experiences to negative, rapid development of addiction and withdrawal symptoms of SCs, participants continued using the drug because this drug was mostly available and cheap. Therefore, a harm reduction approach would be to make available and legal certain drugs that have less adverse effects and could cause less serious dependence and withdrawal symptoms, with controlled production and distribution (similarly to cannabis legalization in the Netherlands)

    Kereskedelmi forgalomban kapható húskészítmények elemtartalmának vizsgálata

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    Diplomadolgozatomban a húsok táplálkozásban betöltött szerepét, a magyar fogyasztók körében népszerűnek számító termékcsoportot és a rá vonatkozó hazai követelményeket, a vizsgált elemek szervezetre gyakorolt hatását mutattam be, illetve az elemtartalomra vonatkozó vizsgálatokat végeztem el.MSc/MAélelmiszerbiztonsági és -minőségi mérnök

    Introduction to the governmental ASP system

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    Dolgozatomban szeretném bemutatni az önkormányzati szektorban újonnan megjelent ASP rendszer bevezetését, használatát, előnyeit és a változásokkal járó nehézségek leküzdését. A szakirodalmi rész keretein belül bemutatom az ASP Központ létrehozására vonatkozó projektet, az önkormányzatok csatlakozási felhívását, valamint az elektronikus közigazgatás fejlődését és lehetőségeit.MSc/MAszámvitelK

    Connection between LOHAS consumer values and the healthiness of functional food

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    A szakdolgozatom első részében bemutatom a LOHAS fogyasztói csoportot és a legfontosabb tudnivalóit. A második részben a funkcionális élelmiszerekkel kapcsolatos ismereteket foglaltam össze. Végezetül a két téma között megkerestem a közös pontokat és ennek alapján párhuzamot vontam közöttük.BSc/BAKereskedelem és marketin

    Aflatoxinogén és atoxinogén Aspergillus flavus törzsek kolonizációs képességének vizsgálata szemeskukoricán

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    Szakdolgozatomat a mezőgazdaságban jelenlévő és jelentős kártételt okozó penészgombák és anyagycseretermékeik köré építettem. A dolgozat irodalmi részének középpontjában a mikotoxinok és az aflatoxinok általános jellemzői állnak. Emellett foglalkozik a Aspergillus nemzetséggel, valamint a kukorica és az Aspergillus flavus kölcsönhatásáról a növény védelmi mechanizmusának tükrében. A vizsgálat aflatoxinogén és atoxinogén Aspergillus flavus törzsek kolonizációs képességére vonatkozott. Mátrixként különböző kukorica hibrideket használtam. A vizsgálati eredményekből a kukorica hibridek ellenállóképességére is vonatkoztatni lehet.BSc/BAélelmiszermérnök