254 research outputs found

    Early Childhood Caries

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    Dental caries is one of the most common childhood diseases, and people continue to be susceptible to it throughout their lives. Although dental caries can be arrested and potentially even reversed in its early stages, it is often not self-limiting and progresses without proper care until the tooth is destroyed. Early childhood caries (ECC) is often complicated by inappropriate feeding practices and heavy infection with mutans streptococci. Such children should be targeted with a professional preventive program that includes oral hygiene instructions for mothers or caregivers, along with fluoride and diet counseling. However, these strategies alone are not sufficient to prevent dental caries in high-risk children; prevention of ECC also requires addressing the socioeconomic factors that face many families in which ECC is endemic. The aim of this paper is to systematically review information about ECC and to describe why many children are suffering from dental caries

    Quantification of Modified Tyrosines in Healthy and Diabetic Human Urine using Liquid Chromatography/Tandem Mass Spectrometry

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    The quantification of urinary oxidized tyrosines, dityrosine (DiY), nitrotyrosine (NY), bromotyrosine (BrY), and dibromotyrosine (DiBrY), was accomplished by quadruple liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS). The sample was partially purified by solid phase extraction, and was then applied to the LC/MS/MS using multiple-reaction monitoring (MRM) methods. The analysis for the DiY quantification was done first. The residual samples were further butylated with n-butanol/HCl, and the other modified tyrosines were then quantified with isotopic dilution methods. MRM peaks of the modified tyrosines (DiY, NY, BrY, and DiBrY) from human urine were measured and the elution times coincided with the authentic and isotopic standards. The amounts of modified tyrosines in healthy human urine (n = 23) were 8.8 ± 0.6 (DiY), 1.4 ± 0.4 (NY), 3.8 ± 0.3 (BrY), and 0.7 ± 0.1 (DiBrY) µmol/mol of creatinine, respectively. A comparison of the modified tyrosines with urinary 8-oxo-deoxyguanosine, pentosidine, and Nε-(hexanoyl)lysine was also performed. Almost all products, except for NY, showed good correlations with each other. The amounts of the modified tyrosines (NY, BrY, and DiBrY) in the diabetic urine were higher than those in the urine from healthy people

    Dentin Materials as Biological Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering

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    Vital tooth-derived demineralized dentin matrix (DDM) has a bone-inductive ability, while non-vital tooth-derived DDM lost it. Acid treatment for dentin provides the increase of surface area, the release of matrix-binding growth factors such as BMPs, and the decrease of the infection risk. Human autograft of vital tooth-derived DDM was achieved first in Japan 2002, while first bone autograft was noted in Italy 1820. This paper introduced dentin/bone biology and a unique clinical case, combined with two types of non-vital tooth-derived DDM (roots, granules) for lateral bone augmentation. A 63-year-old woman revealed highly atrophic mandible in 2015. Three non-vital teeth were extracted, changed in shape, demineralized in 2% HNO3, were rinsed, and were grafted immediately. The CT images at 3 months after the graft showed remarkable lateral augmentation. DDM scaffolds were received to host, and two fixtures were placed into the DDM-augmented bone. The patient was successfully restored with their own DDM scaffolds and implant surgery

    Total synthesis of TMG-chitotriomycin based on an automated electrochemical assembly of a disaccharide building block

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    The total synthesis of TMG-chitotriomycin using an automated electrochemical synthesizer for the assembly of carbohydrate building blocks is demonstrated. We have successfully prepared a precursor of TMG-chitotriomycin, which is a structurally-pure tetrasaccharide with typical protecting groups, through the methodology of automated electrochemical solution-phase synthesis developed by us. The synthesis of structurally well-defined TMG-chitotriomycin has been accomplished in 10-steps from a disaccharide building block

    Synthesis and Evaluation of 1,3a,6a-triazapentalene (TAP)-bonded system

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    A method of synthesizing a directly connected 1,3a,6a-triazapentalene (TAP) ring system as a linearly bonded aromatic system with a planar form was established. Various TAP-dimers and a 2-alkyl-TAP-trimer were synthesized and their fluorescence properties were evaluated. Although the direct connection of the TAP ring with other TAP rings did not affect the fluorescence properties in diluted solvent, TAP-dimers showed unique fluorescence properties derived from the aggregation state under highly concentrated conditions. In particular, TAP-dimer 5f showed aggregation-induced emission in highly concentrated solution, and 5b showed typical mechanochromic fluorescence in the solid state despite their compact molecular size

    Free-space optical channel estimation for physical layer security

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    We present experimental data on message transmission in a free-space optical (FSO) link at an eye-safe wavelength, using a testbed consisting of one sender and two receiver terminals, where the latter two are a legitimate receiver and an eavesdropper. The testbed allows us to emulate a typical scenario of physical-layer (PHY) security such as satellite-to-ground laser communications. We estimate information-theoretic metrics including secrecy rate, secrecy outage probability, and expected code lengths for given secrecy criteria based on observed channel statistics. We then discuss operation principles of secure message transmission under realistic fading conditions, and provide a guideline on a multi-layer security architecture by combining PHY security and upper-layer (algorithmic) security

    Ruokalaympäristön parantamista palvelumuotoilua ja katseenseurantalaitetta hyödyntäen

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    VTT toteutti katseenseurantalaitetutkimuksen. Tutkimuksen aineisto saatiin käymällä nämä videot läpi. Videoiden läpikäymisten aikana syntyi erinäisiä havainnointeja ruokalasta, ihmisten käyttäytymisestä ravintolaympäristössä ja koehenkilöiden ravitsemuksellisista tottumuksista. Lisäarvoa tutkimukselle toi taustatietolomake, joka jaettiin jokaiselle tutkimukseen osallistujalle. Tutkimustuloksia esitellään tässä opinnäytetyössä. Uusi testi haluttiin toteuttaa kokonaan uudella tavalla. Kenttäkoe katseenseurantalaseilla oli jo toteutettu, joten uusi testi haluttiin tehdä uudella innovatiivisella tavalla. Opinnäytetyöhön on sisällytetty kokeellinen osa, jossa Savonian sisustusarkkitehtiopiskelijat Maria Radova ja Anu Paananen toteuttivat ohjeistetusti kaksi 3D-mallinnusta vastaavasta tilasta. Toinen on Keltasirkun pohjakaavalla toteutettu malli, missä ongelmat ilmenevät, ja toinen 3D-mallinnus, missä on tehty lounasruokailussa havaittujen ongelmakohtien parannuksia ja optimoitu lounaslinjaston käytettävyys. Vertailemalla näitä kahta ruokalaympäristöä voidaan osoittaa palvelumuotoilun arvo tällaisten tilojen parantamisessa. Tavoitteena oli demonstroida katseenseurantaa menetelmänä tilojen ja palvelumuotoilun suunnittelussa ja optimoinnissa, tutkia reaalimaailman ja virtuaalisesti toteutettujen tilojen eroja ja yhtäläisyyksiä katseenseurannan kannalta sekä testata mm. muutosten toimivuutta. Tulokset kertovat, että palvelumuotoilulla on arvoa tällaisten tilojen suunnittelussa ja parantamisessa.VTT conducted a survey using an eye-tracker device. The study material was obtained by analyzing the recorded videos. During the video viewing, observations were made about the behavior of customers in the restaurant environment, and their nutritional habits. Supplementary data was provided for the study using the background information forms, which were distributed to each participant. The research results are presented in this thesis. VTT survey was made with eye tracker glasses so the new test was made with a new innovative way. The thesis includes an experimental part, where the interior architect students, Maria Radova and Anu Paananen, conducted two 3D models at Savonia UAS. A 3D model of the Keltasirkku restaurant was implemented using basic floor plans, illustrating where the actual problems took place, and another 3D model was designed, illustrating the improvements of communication and providing optimized lunch menus. By comparing these two dining environments, the value of service provision can be demonstrated to improve such spaces. The aim was to demonstrate catenary tracking as a method for planning and optimizing space and service design, to study the differences and similarities between the real world and virtually implemented spaces using the eye-tracker and to test, for example, the functionality of the changes. The 3D test was held in the premises of Savonia UAS. Results tell that service design has value planning and optimizing this kind of spaces