1,382 research outputs found

    TeV Gamma Rays from Geminga and the Origin of the GeV Positron Excess

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    The Geminga pulsar has long been one of the most intriguing MeV-GeV gamma-ray point sources. We examine the implications of the recent Milagro detection of extended, multi-TeV gamma-ray emission from Geminga, finding that this reveals the existence of an ancient, powerful cosmic-ray accelerator that can plausibly account for the multi-GeV positron excess that has evaded explanation. We explore a number of testable predictions for gamma-ray and electron/positron experiments (up to ~100 TeV) that can confirm the first "direct" detection of a cosmic-ray source.Comment: 4 pages and 3 figures; Minor revisions, accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    A Survey About Nothing: Monitoring a Million Supergiants for Failed Supernovae

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    Extragalactic transient searches have historically been limited to looking for the appearance of new sources such as supernovae. It is now possible to carry out a new kind of survey that will do the opposite, that is, search for the disappearance of massive stars. This will entail the systematic observation of galaxies within a distance of 10 Mpc in order to watch ~10^6 supergiants. Reaching this critical number ensures that something will occur yearly, since these massive stars must end their lives with a core collapse within ~10^6 years. Using deep imaging and image subtraction it is possible to determine the fates of these stars whether they end with a bang (supernova) or a whimper (fall out of sight). Such a survey would place completely new limits on the total rate of all core collapses, which is critical for determining the validity of supernova models. It would also determine the properties of supernova progenitors, better characterize poorly understood optical transients, such as eta Carina-like mass ejections, find and characterize large numbers of Cepheids, luminous blue variables and eclipsing binaries, and allow the discovery of any new phenomena that inhabit this relatively unexplored parameter space.Comment: final version, 7 pages, 5 figures, ApJ in pres

    Void structure of O⁺ ions in the inner magnetosphere observed by the Van Allen Probes

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    The Van Allen Probes Helium Oxygen Proton Electron instrument observed a new type of enhancement of O⁺ ions in the inner magnetosphere during substorms. As the satellite moved outward in the premidnight sector, the flux of the O⁺ ions with energy ~10 keV appeared first in the energy-time spectrograms. Then, the enhancement of the flux spread toward high and low energies. The enhanced flux of the O⁺ ions with the highest energy remained, whereas the flux of the ions with lower energy vanished near apogee, forming what we call the void structure. The structure cannot be found in the H⁺ spectrogram. We studied the generation mechanism of this structure by using numerical simulation. We traced the trajectories of O⁺ ions in the electric and magnetic fields from the global magnetohydrodynamics simulation and calculated the flux of O⁺ ions in the inner magnetosphere in accordance with the Liouville theorem. The simulated spectrograms are well consistent with the ones observed by Van Allen Probes. We suggest the following processes. (1) When magnetic reconnection starts, an intensive equatorward and tailward plasma flow appears in the plasma lobe. (2) The flow transports plasma from the lobe to the plasma sheet where the radius of curvature of the magnetic field line is small. (3) The intensive dawn-dusk electric field transports the O⁺ ions earthward and accelerates them nonadiabatically to an energy threshold; (4) the void structure appears at energies below the threshold

    A reduced version of the NMC DERF 2 data set

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    The National Meterological Center (NMC) Dynamical Extended Range Forecast (DERF 2) data represents a major computational effort to better ascertain the potential for extended range forecasts and to develop a strategy for performing operational extended range forecasts using dynamical models. A major stumbling block for using this data has been the sheer volume of data that must be processed to perform even simple calculations. The product of the data reduction described is a manageable data set that fits comfortably on five magnetic tapes or on one compact disc. The document outlines the data reduction process of the second phase of DERF data. It contains the description of the fields and the resolution of both the original and final fields. In order to assist the users of this data set, maps of selected fields, using both the original truncation at rhomboidal 30 and the truncation of the final data at triangular 20, are displayed

    In situ observations from STEREO/PLASTIC: a test for L5 space weather monitors

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    Stream interaction regions (SIRs) that corotate with the Sun (corotating interaction regions, or CIRs) are known to cause recurrent geomagnetic storms. The Earth's L5 Lagrange point, separated from the Earth by 60 degrees in heliographic longitude, is a logical location for a solar wind monitor – nearly all SIRs/CIRs will be observed at L5 several days prior to their arrival at Earth. Because the Sun's heliographic equator is tilted about 7 degrees with respect to the ecliptic plane, the separation in heliographic latitude between L5 and Earth can be more than 5 degrees. In July 2008, during the period of minimal solar activity at the end of solar cycle 23, the two STEREO observatories were separated by about 60 degrees in longitude and more than 4 degrees in heliographic latitude. This time period affords a timely test for the practical application of a solar wind monitor at L5. We compare in situ observations from PLASTIC/AHEAD and PLASTIC/BEHIND, and report on how well the BEHIND data can be used as a forecasting tool for in situ conditions at the AHEAD spacecraft with the assumptions of ideal corotation and minimal source evolution. Preliminary results show the bulk proton parameters (density and bulk speed) are not in quantitative agreement from one observatory to the next, but the qualitative profiles are similar

    Exaptation traits for megafaunal Mutualisms as a factor in plant domestication

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    Megafaunal extinctions are recurring events that cause evolutionary ripples, as cascades of secondary extinctions and shifting selective pressures reshape ecosystems. Megafaunal browsers and grazers are major ecosystem engineers, they: keep woody vegetation suppressed; are nitrogen cyclers; and serve as seed dispersers. Most angiosperms possess sets of physiological traits that allow for the fixation of mutualisms with megafauna; some of these traits appear to serve as exaptation (preadaptation) features for farming. As an easily recognized example, fleshy fruits are, an exaptation to agriculture, as they evolved to recruit a non-human disperser. We hypothesize that the traits of rapid annual growth, self-compatibility, heavy investment in reproduction, high plasticity (wide reaction norms), and rapid evolvability were part of an adaptive syndrome for megafaunal seed dispersal. We review the evolutionary importance that megafauna had for crop and weed progenitors and discuss possible ramifications of their extinction on: (1) seed dispersal; (2) population dynamics; and (3) habitat loss. Humans replaced some of the ecological services that had been lost as a result of late Quaternary extinctions and drove rapid evolutionary change resulting in domestication.Introduction Lost Seed-Dispersal Services - Small-Seeded Grains and Legumes - Large Fleshy Fruiting Plants Loss of Herbivory and Disturbance Regimes Plant Domestication - Exaptation Traits Supporting Domestication Anthropogenic Ecosystem Service

    Theory of Interaction of Memory Patterns in Layered Associative Networks

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    A synfire chain is a network that can generate repeated spike patterns with millisecond precision. Although synfire chains with only one activity propagation mode have been intensively analyzed with several neuron models, those with several stable propagation modes have not been thoroughly investigated. By using the leaky integrate-and-fire neuron model, we constructed a layered associative network embedded with memory patterns. We analyzed the network dynamics with the Fokker-Planck equation. First, we addressed the stability of one memory pattern as a propagating spike volley. We showed that memory patterns propagate as pulse packets. Second, we investigated the activity when we activated two different memory patterns. Simultaneous activation of two memory patterns with the same strength led the propagating pattern to a mixed state. In contrast, when the activations had different strengths, the pulse packet converged to a two-peak state. Finally, we studied the effect of the preceding pulse packet on the following pulse packet. The following pulse packet was modified from its original activated memory pattern, and it converged to a two-peak state, mixed state or non-spike state depending on the time interval

    Sparse and Dense Encoding in Layered Associative Network of Spiking Neurons

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    A synfire chain is a simple neural network model which can propagate stable synchronous spikes called a pulse packet and widely researched. However how synfire chains coexist in one network remains to be elucidated. We have studied the activity of a layered associative network of Leaky Integrate-and-Fire neurons in which connection we embed memory patterns by the Hebbian Learning. We analyzed their activity by the Fokker-Planck method. In our previous report, when a half of neurons belongs to each memory pattern (memory pattern rate F=0.5F=0.5), the temporal profiles of the network activity is split into temporally clustered groups called sublattices under certain input conditions. In this study, we show that when the network is sparsely connected (F<0.5F<0.5), synchronous firings of the memory pattern are promoted. On the contrary, the densely connected network (F>0.5F>0.5) inhibit synchronous firings. The sparseness and denseness also effect the basin of attraction and the storage capacity of the embedded memory patterns. We show that the sparsely(densely) connected networks enlarge(shrink) the basion of attraction and increase(decrease) the storage capacity

    Excitation of EMIC waves detected by the Van Allen Probes on 28 April 2013

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    Abstract We report the wave observations, associated plasma measurements, and linear theory testing of electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) wave events observed by the Van Allen Probes on 28 April 2013. The wave events are detected in their generation regions as three individual events in two consecutive orbits of Van Allen Probe-A, while the other spacecraft, B, does not detect any significant EMIC wave activity during this period. Three overlapping H+ populations are observed around the plasmapause when the waves are excited. The difference between the observational EMIC wave growth parameter (Eh) and the theoretical EMIC instability parameter (Sh) is significantly raised, on average, to 0.10 ± 0.01, 0.15 ± 0.02, and 0.07 ± 0.02 during the three wave events, respectively. On Van Allen Probe-B, this difference never exceeds 0. Compared to linear theory (Eh\u3eSh), the waves are only excited for elevated thresholds

    Cosmic Neutrinos and the Energy Budget of Galactic and Extragalactic Cosmic Rays

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    Although kilometer-scale neutrino detectors such as IceCube are discovery instruments, their conceptual design is very much anchored to the observational fact that Nature produces protons and photons with energies in excess of 10^{20} eV and 10^{13} eV, respectively. The puzzle of where and how Nature accelerates the highest energy cosmic particles is unresolved almost a century after their discovery. We will discuss how the cosmic ray connection sets the scale of the anticipated cosmic neutrino fluxes. In this context, we discuss the first results of the completed AMANDA detector and the science reach of its extension, IceCube.Comment: 13 pages, Latex2e, 3 postscript figures included. Talk presented at the International Workshop on Energy Budget in the High Energy Universe, Kashiwa, Japan, February 200