55 research outputs found

    Ami összeköt - jótékony szakmafejlesztés : [absztrakt]

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    O transparentności uzasadnień konstytucyjnych. Analiza tekstowa orzecznictwa węgierskiego Trybunału Konstytucyjnego

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    The analysis of constitutional interpretation has received much attention in recent years. This article is a contribution to research using text mining methods to account for markers of constitutional reasoning in big data-sized text corpora. We examine how often the Hungarian Constitutional Court (the HCC) reflected on the various methods of interpretation. For this purpose, we have created a complex corpus covering all HCC decisions and orders between 1990 and 2021. We found evidence that the methodological practice of the HCC is not self-reflexive in general as only 44% of its decisions make a reference to at least one method of interpretation. We also show that the self-reflexive nature is even more prevalent (in fact, ubiquitous) in 100 doctrinally important decisions from the 30 years of jurisprudence in question. While this study is a first step towards the quantitative analysis of the reasoning of the constitutional judiciary, further mixed methods research is needed to account for intertemporal changes in such data and to refine the measurement of constitutional interpretation.W ostatnich latach analiza interpretacji konstytucyjnej cieszy się dużym zainteresowaniem. Niniejszy artykuł stanowi wkład do badań z wykorzystaniem metod analizy tekstowej (text mining) celem wyjaśnienia znaczników uzasadnień konstytucyjnych w materiale tekstowym o charakterze big data. Badamy, jak często węgierski Trybunał Konstytucyjny (WTK) rozważał różne metody interpretacji. W tym celu zgromadziliśmy materiał obejmujący wszystkie decyzje i postanowienia WTK z lat 1990–2021. Znaleźliśmy dowody na to, że praktyka metodologiczna WTK generalnie nie jest autorefleksyjna, ponieważ w 44% decyzji powołuje się co najmniej na jedną metodę interpretacji. Wykazujemy także, że autorefleksyjny charakter jest nawet przeważający (wręcz wszechobecny) w 100 doktrynalnie istotnych decyzjach z omawianego 30-lecia orzecznictwa. Chociaż opracowanie stanowi pierwszy krok w kierunku ilościowej analizy rozumowania sądownictwa konstytucyjnego, potrzebne są dalsze badania metodami mieszanymi, aby uwzględnić międzyokresowe zmiany takich danych i udoskonalić pomiar interpretacji konstytucyjnej


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    Nanoparticles provide new opportunities for drug delivery and human therapy. To fulfill the therapeutical potential of nanoparticles two major aspects, toxicity and penetration across barriers of the body need to be studied. Different ex vivo and in vitro cell culture based models of the skin, nasal, lung, intestinal and blood-brain barriers have been established in our laboratory that can be used for both purposes. Three different types of nanoparticles were tested on the different models. Amorphous nanoparticles from the antiinflammatory drug meloxicam were obtained by by co-grinding with polyvinylpyrrolidone. Nanosized bilayered vesicles of non-ionic surfactants bearing glucose and amino acid ligands were prepared to specifically target solute carriers on the blood-brain barrier [1]. Poly(ferrocenyl silane) redox responsive polymer nanocarriers were also studied [2]. Several methods were applied parallelly to measure the toxicity of nanoparticles. In addition to colorimetric tests like MTT dye reduction assay, release of the cytoplasmic enzyme lactate dehydrogenase cellular events were also monitored in real time. By measuring impedance across microelectrodes covered with cells quantitative information on cell viability and intercellular adherence indicating paracellular permeability could be obtained. Co-culture models of the barriers prepared from primary cultures or human cell lines [3] served for permeability experiments to test the penetration of nanocarriers across cell layers. In the case of the blood-brain barrier a kinetic in vivo study in mice was also performed by near infrared fluorescence time-domain optical imaging. The results indicate that (i) toxicity measurements are very important to obtain the optimal dose of nanoparticles on living cells, (ii) nanonization of drugs can improve drug dissolution, absorption and pharmacokinetics, (iii) targeting of microvesicles increases their penetration across barriers

    Janus Kinase Inhibitors Improve Disease Activity and Patient-Reported Outcomes in Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of 24,135 Patients

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    Pain, fatigue, and physical activity are major determinants of life quality in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitors have emerged as effective medications in RA and have been reported to exert direct analgesic effect in addition to reducing joint inflammation. This analysis aims to give an extensive summary of JAK inhibitors especially focusing on pain and patient reported outcomes (PRO). MEDLINE, CENTRAL, Embase, Scopus, and Web of Science databases were searched on the 26 October 2020, and 50 randomized controlled trials including 24,135 adult patients with active RA met the inclusion criteria. JAK inhibitors yielded significantly better results in all 36 outcomes compared to placebo. JAK monotherapy proved to be more effective than methotrexate in 9 out of 11 efficacy outcomes. In comparison to biological disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs, JAK inhibitors show statistical superiority in 13 of the 19 efficacy outcomes. Analgesic effect determined using the visual analogue scale and American College of Rheumatology (ACR) 20/50/70 response rates was significantly greater in the JAK group in all comparisons, and no significant difference regarding safety could be explored. This meta-analysis gives a comprehensive overview of JAK inhibitors and provides evidence for their superiority in improving PROs and disease activity indices in RA

    Genotyping Mycoplasma hyorhinis by multi-locus sequence typing and multiple-locus variable-number tandem-repeat analysis

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    Mycoplasma hyorhinis is a swine pathogen bacterium, which causes significant economic losses. The infection spreads through direct contact between the animals. Powerful genotyping methods like PCR based multi-locus sequence typing (MLST) and multiple-locus variable-number tandem-repeat analysis (MLVA) are necessary to monitor the infections and to conduct epidemiological investigations; hence supporting the control of the disease. The aims of the present study were to examine M. hyorhinis isolates originating mainly from Hungary with MLST and MLVA developed in the study, and to compare the results of the two typing methods. To characterize 39 M. hyorhinis isolates and the type strain (NCTC 10,130), six house-keeping genes were selected for MLST and six tandem-repeat regions were chosen for MLVA. We were able to differentiate 31 sequence types and 37 genotypes within the 40 analyzed isolates by the MLST and the MLVA, respectively. With the combination of the two newly developed assays all examined isolates were distinguished with the exception of the ones originating from the same animal. The developed MLST assay provided a robust and high resolution phylogenetic tree, while the MLVA system is suitable for the differentiation of closely related isolates from the same farm, hence the assay is appropriate for epidemiologic studies

    A vackinációs szándék megértése különféle társas és társadalmi közegekben

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    A kutatás általános célja az volt, hogy bővítse ismereteinket a vakcinációs szándékot és más egészségügyi magatartást befolyásoló társas (és társadalmi) tényezőkről. Az elsődleges célunk az egyénnél nagyobb elemzési egység kifejlesztése, alkalmazása és hasznosságának értékelése volt gépi tanulási szemléletben. A kutatásunk megfigyeléses, keresztmetszeti vizsgálat volt. A kérdőív-adatokat 2022. november 15. – 2022. november 26. között gyűjtöttük egy online platformon keresztül. CAWI interjúkészítést alkalmaztunk. A kérdőív összesen 169 kérdésből állt. A kérdőív nyelve magyar volt. A teljes kérdőív, valamint a kvótás mintavételi terv és az adatállomány a mellékletben található. Az Egészségügyi Tudományos Tanács Tudományos és Kutatásetikai Bizottsága (ETT-TUKEB:BMEÜ/2422-1/2022/EKU, dátum: 2022. október 4.) és a Társadalomtudományi Kutatóközpont Etikai Bizottsága (FOIG-1/130-24/2022, dátum: 2022. október 28.) egyaránt jóváhagyta a kérdőíves kutatást. Ezen felül az adatgyűjtést az Open Science Frameworkben is előzetesen regisztráltuk (hyperlink: https://osf.io/zwktc ). Az adatgyűjtés során adatvédelmi incidens nem történt. A kutatást és az adatgyűjtést a Magyar Tudományos Akadémia poszt-COVID-jelenségek nagy kockázatú kutatási támogatásában részesült (PC2022 II-5/2022)