87 research outputs found

    Johann Misch Astrophilus „SzegĂ©nyek patikĂĄja” mƱve magyarul. Egy elveszett vagy lappangĂł könyv mĂĄsolt, teljes kĂ©zirata 1660-bĂłl = Johann Misch Astrophilus’ book “Medicina Pauperum” in Hungarian. Copy of a lost or hidden book from 1660

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    A XV. szĂĄzadban az orvosok Ă©s a gyĂłgyszertĂĄrak csak kĂ©zzel Ă­rott, mĂĄsolt receptkönyveket hasznĂĄltak. A könyvnyomtatĂĄs kezdetĂ©n azonnal nĂ©pszerƱ lett a receptgyƱjtemĂ©nyek kiadĂĄsa is, amelyek eltĂ©rƑ szerkezetƱ Ă©s eredetƱ gyĂłgyszeres vagy orvosi könyvekben jelentek meg, mintegy a hivatalos gyĂłgyszerkönyvek elƑfutĂĄrakĂ©nt. A „SzegĂ©nyek patikĂĄja” (Medicina Pauperum) cĂ­mmel a XVI. szĂĄzadtĂłl kezdve jelentek meg olyan könyvek, amelyek a mƱvelt emberek segĂ­tsĂ©gĂ©re szolgĂĄltak, hogy magukat Ă©s az udvarnĂ©pet, cselĂ©dsĂ©get, környezetĂŒket betegsĂ©g esetĂ©n ellĂĄthassĂĄk. Az elsƑ, kimondottan a „Medicina Pauperum” tĂ©makörĂ©be, mƱfajĂĄba tartozĂł mƱ ismereteink szerint magyarul 1660-ban jelent meg, Ă©s az eddigi forrĂĄsok, dokumentumok, illetve kutatĂĄsok alapjĂĄn csak töredĂ©kesen maradt fenn, „SzegĂ©nyek patikĂĄja” cĂ­mmel, ismeretlen szerzƑtƑl. A ritka vĂ©letlen bekövetkezett, Ă©s az elveszettnek hitt „könyv” elƑkerĂŒlt kĂ©ziratos, „mĂĄsolt” formĂĄban, 97×139 mm mĂ©retƱ, kenderzsineg bordĂĄkra fƱzött, körĂŒlvĂĄgott, kötetlen ĂĄllapotban. A töredĂ©kkĂ©nt ismert nyomtatott könyv hiĂĄnytalanul, kĂ©zĂ­rĂĄsban maradt rĂĄnk, összesen 318 oldalon, hĂ©t jĂłl elkĂŒlönĂ­thetƑ rĂ©szbƑl ĂĄllva. A kutatĂĄsok alapjĂĄn feltĂ©telezhetƑ, hogy a szerzƑ a Nagyszombaton dolgozott Ă©s Ă©lt Johann Misch Astrophilus. Az iniciĂĄlĂ© Ă©s a cifrĂĄk, valamint a betƱtĂ­pusok Ă©s a vĂ­zjel vizsgĂĄlata alapjĂĄn feltĂ©telezhetƑ, hogy az eredeti könyvet a lƑcsei Brewer-nyomdĂĄban nyomtattĂĄk. A kĂ©zirat bekötĂ©sre kerĂŒlt. A tovĂĄbbi szĂ©les körƱ kutatĂĄshoz hasonmĂĄs kiadĂĄs kĂ©szĂŒl az eredeti digitalizĂĄlĂĄsĂĄval Ă©s nagyĂ­tĂĄsĂĄval, szĂĄmozott pĂ©ldĂĄnyokban. Orv. Hetil., 2011, 152, 1093–1097. | Doctors and pharmacies in the 15th Century only used handwritten copies of the prescription collections available in their time. At the beginning of book printing the publishing of prescription collections immediately became popular. They could be found on the pages of medical and pharmaceutical books of many various editions with different structure and origin, as the forerunner of the official pharmacopoeias. From the 16th Century onwards books with the title “Medicina Pauperum” were published which helped the educated people to tend to themselves, the household, the servants and their immediate surroundings case of an illness. The first work specifically on the topic or of genre of the “Medicina Pauperum” according to our knowledge appeared in Hungarian in the year 1660 and currently seems to survived only in fragments under the title of “Medicina Pauperum”, from an unknown author. A rare incident occurred in the present days as a “book” believed to be lost for us turned up from thin air. It is a “copied” manuscript in the size of 97×139 mm attached to the ribs with hemp cord, cropped around and in an unbound state. The book known before only in fractions is now available entirety handwritten on 318 pages, distributed to seven distinct parts. The research of its origin suggests that the author lived and worked in Nagyszombat and was called Johann Misch Astrophilus. The identification of the printing office was possible thanks to the examination of the initials and the gaudily, as well as the fonts and the watermark. By these results the printing very likely occurred in the Brewer Printing Press in LƑcse. For the possibility of more extensive research and value preservation the manuscript was bounded. The facsimile edition contains the magnified and digitalized pages of the original one and is published in numbered issues. Orv. Hetil., 2011, 152, 1093–1097

    Effects of humic acid on green flesh pepper forcint

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    The natural humic acid can be a helper factor among others of plant germination, water and nutrient uptake. Moreover it helps to improve root-growing and increase stress tolerance. Products of humic acid extracts and also granulated forms can be essential accessory in integrated vegetable growing. In our experiment a provocative test of Humic acid (Huminit¼ with 50 m/m % humic acid active substance) was set. It was used in 3 of 4 treatments in ratios of 0,3 kg/m3 ; 0,75kg/m3 and 1,5kg/m3 in 4 repeats. The control didn’t get any humic acid. All of the treatments got the same amounts of water and N-P-K solution that was irrigated by water. Ratio of NPK was defined by phenological phase. The green hot pepper variety was the Capsicum annuum ‘Rush’. Planting time was on 20th of June 2010, pepper was planted in twin rows (90+60x35 cm), and plants were planted to small containers (9 liters of media/container). Plants were pruned to two stem. The treatments were mixes of substrates. The peppers were harvested in every 10-15 days. Measurements: weight of harvested fruits that was measured after classification (4 groups: extra, I. class, II. class, wastrel); weight, diameter of shoulder, and length of one pepper; height of plants, chlorophyll content (in SPAD) of peppers. Difference of peppers wasn’t significant between treatments, although a small increasing of values of highest concentration of humic acid was noticed in heights and weights. Any difference of measured SPAD values wasn’t found

    One Size Fits All? Gender Differences in the Effect of Subjective Feedback

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    A formatervezƑ felelƑssĂ©ge a környezetvĂ©delemben

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    Napjaink Ă©getƑ Ă©s megkerĂŒlhetetlen problĂ©mĂĄja a környezetszennyezĂ©s. BĂĄtran kijelenthetjĂŒk, hogy az utolsĂł utĂĄni pillanatban vagyunk: a Föld bioszfĂ©rĂĄja a benne Ă©lƑk szĂĄmĂĄra egyre kevĂ©sbĂ© alkalmas Ă©lettĂ©rĂ© vĂĄlik. Napi szinten sokkolnak minket azok az audiĂĄlis Ă©s vizuĂĄlis impulzusok, melyek az interneten Ă©s egyĂ©b mĂ©dia alapĂș forrĂĄsokbĂłl Ă©rnek minket, mint a globĂĄlis felmelegedĂ©s jelensĂ©gĂ©bƑl fakadĂł problĂ©mĂĄk, pĂ©ldĂĄul az Északi-sark olvadĂł gleccserei, az eltƱnƑ ĂĄllatfajok, a mindent ellepƑ mƱanyag telepek, a „Föld tĂŒdejĂ©nek”, azaz az esƑerdƑk pusztĂ­tĂĄsĂĄnak eredmĂ©nyekĂ©nt keletkezett mĂ©rgezƑ levegƑ, Ă©s mĂ©g hosszasan sorolhatnĂĄnk a jĂłl ismert katasztrofĂĄlis helyzeteket. LeendƑ mĂ©rnökkĂ©nt ezeknek a problĂ©mĂĄknak a megoldĂĄsĂĄra kutatom a vĂĄlaszt a tervezĂ©si folyamatokban

    Measuring health-related quality of life in Hungarian children with heart disease: psychometric properties of the Hungarian version of the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventoryℱ 4.0 Generic Core Scales and the Cardiac Module

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Objectives</p> <p>The aim of the study was to investigate the psychometric properties of the Hungarian version of the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventoryℱ (PedsQLℱ) Generic Core Scales and Cardiac Module.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The PedsQLℱ 4.0 Generic Core Scales and the PedsQLℱ 3.0 Cardiac Module was administered to 254 caregivers of children (aged 2-18 years) and to 195 children (aged 5-18 years) at a pediatric cardiology outpatient unit. A postal survey on a demographically group-matched sample of the general population with 525 caregivers of children (aged 2-18 years) and 373 children (aged 5-18 years) was conducted with the PedsQLℱ 4.0 Generic Core Scale. Responses were described, compared over subgroups of subjects, and were used to assess practical utility, distributional coverage, construct validity, internal consistency, and inter-reporter agreement of the instrument.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The moderate scale-level mean percentage of missing item responses (range 1.8-2.3%) supported the feasibility of the Generic Core Scales for general Hungarian children. Minimal to moderate ceiling effects and no floor effects were found on the Generic Core Scales. We observed stronger ceiling than floor effects in the Cardiac Module. Most of the scales showed satisfactory reliability with Cronbach's α estimates exceeding 0.70. Generally, moderate to good agreement was found between self- and parent proxy-reports in the patient and in the comparison group (intraclass correlation coefficient range 0.52-0.77), but remarkably low agreement in the perceived physical appearance subscale in the age group 5-7 years (0.18) and for the treatment II scale (problems on taking heart medicine) scale of the Cardiac Module in children aged 8-12 years (0.39). Assessing the construct validity of the questionnaires, statistically significant difference was found between the patient group and the comparison group only in the Physical Functioning Scale scores (p = 0.003) of the child self-report component, and in Physical (p = 0.022), Emotional, (p = 0.017), Psychosocial Summary (p = 0.019) scores and in the total HRQoL (health-related quality of life) scale score (p = 0.034) for parent proxy-report.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The findings generally support the feasibility, reliability and validity of the Hungarian translation of the PedsQLℱ 4.0 Generic Core Scales and the PedsQLℱ 3.0 Cardiac Module in Hungarian children with heart disease.</p

    Measuring statistical learning by eye-tracking

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    Statistical learning—the skill to pick up probability-based regularities of the environment—plays a crucial role in adapting to the environment and learning perceptual, motor, and language skills in healthy and clinical populations. Here, we developed a new method to measure statistical learning without any manual responses. We used the Alternating Serial Reaction Time (ASRT) task, adapted to eye-tracker, which, besides measuring reaction times (RTs), enabled us to track learning-dependent anticipatory eye movements. We found robust, interference-resistant learning on RT; moreover, learning-dependent anticipatory eye movements were even more sensitive measures of statistical learning on this task. Our method provides a way to apply the widely used ASRT task to operationalize statistical learning in clinical populations where the use of manual tasks is hindered, such as in Parkinson’s disease. Furthermore, it also enables future basic research to use a more sensitive version of this task to measure predictive processing
