9 research outputs found

    Magyar táplálkozáskultúra Európában az ezredfordulón: Néprajzi vizsgálat (három generáció, c. 1920-2005) = Hungarian foodways in European context at the turn of the millennium: an ethnological approach c. 1920-2005

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    Magyar táplálkozáskultúra Európában az ezredfordulón. Néprajzi vizsgálat Az 1960-es évektől a táplálkozáskultúra gyors átalakulásának vagyunk tanúi. a szétfejlődése mára különösen felgyorsult. Az étkezési szokások társadalmi összképe, az újítások diffúziója, a korábban megszokottak érvénye rendkívül szórt formákat, átmeneti állapotot mutat. Szegmensei keresztbe metszik a társadalmi csoportokat. Ez a vizsgálat a fiatal generációkra koncentrált, valamint az innovációkra a teljes társadalomban. Az étkezési szokások piackutatása jó hátteret kínál kvalitatív néprajzi felmérések értelmezéséhez is. A néprajztudomány?európai etnológia?kulturális antropológia ma a teljes társadalomra, a mindennapi kultúra ?hagyományos? és új elemeire egyaránt figyel. A projekt a következő kérdésköröket vizsgálta: a napi étkezések; étkezés otthon és házon kívül; élelmiszerpiac; hagyományos és új élelmiszerek, ételek, konyhaeszközök; fűszerezés, ízlésirány; asztal és társadalmi kapcsolatok; sajátos motivációk, helyzetek, kínálatok (egészségtudat, bioélelmiszer, vegetarianizmus, új vallási közösségek, egzotikus konyhák; étel és identitás, regionális reprezentéció. Az értelmezést európai kutatási eredmények is segítik. A kutatás bázisát a Pécsi Tudományegyetem Néprajz-Kulturális Antropológia Doktori Programja és azonos nevű Tanszéke nyújtotta. Résztvevők: Barabás M., Farkas J., Sz.-Juhász K., K.-Báti A., Kisbán E. (témavezető), Kiss K.Zs., Kuti Klára (vezető kutató), Nagy R., Nyisztor T. Közreműködött Csovcsics E., Farkas A.R., Ferencz Angela. | Recent Hungarian Foodways in European Perspective Since the 1950s Hungary has experienced unprecedentedly rapid social and economic change (agricultural population 49% in 1949, 1,5% in 2005). With modernization of the period, ways of life, including foodways, have differentiated widely; recent intersections cross income-, status-, educational-, urban/rural- and age groups. The actual overall picture of foodways is a very scattered, transitory one. With qualitative research on segments, this project focused on the young generations on the one hand and cross-social innovations and mentalities towards them on the other. As new quantitative background data national food marketing statistics have become available in the last few years. Key topics of the project were: meals; eating at home/eating out; recent food markets, traditional/new foodstuffs, dishes, equipment; seasoning, taste; change in function (from traditional domestic processing to mainly social occasions); special motivations such as health consciousness/ecological food/vegetarianism; specific groups and/or ethnic food (ecological villages, religious communities, Near Eastern foodways, Mediterranean food); self-representation by local dishes. European research provides a background for international interpretation. The base for the research was the Dept. of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropolgy at the University Pécs and its Doctoral Program. Active participants M.Barabás, A.K.Báti, J.Farkas, K.Sz.Juhász, E.Kisbán (head), K.Zs.Kiss, K.Kuti (senior researcher), R.Nagy, T.Nistor (R). The results include three PhD theses

    A világ természetvédelmének története 1986 és 1990 között (védett területek alapítása)

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    Az előző elemzett időszak (1981–1985) óta 5776 védett terület alapítása történt a világon. A cikkben közölt adatok az IUCN kategóriarendszerébe sorolt védett területekre vonatkoznak. A jelenleg vizsgált időszakban az alapított területek 47,5%-a a IV. IUCN kategóriába tartozik (védett táj). Az IUCN adatbázisa szerint a legtöbb területet 1986 és 1990 között Németország alapította (846 területet). 1990-ig az idő előrehaladtával a védett területek száma nem nőtt, de a nemzeti kategóriák egyre többfélék lettek. Az előző időszakhoz képest a nemzeti kategóriák száma 278 lett 1986 és 1990 között. A területnagyságok eloszlása az előző időszakhoz hasonlóan alakult; többségük (47,7%) 0 és 99 ha közötti méretű, bár az összes védett terület kiterjedésének ez 0,036%-a. Magyarországról 37 védett természeti terület került fel az IUCN listájára. Ekkor alakult a Gödöllői dombság tájvédelmi körzet, ezen kívül még 8 tájvédelmi körzet és 28 természetvédelmi terület. Megállapíthatjuk, hogy az előző öt évhez képest 1986 és 1990 között csökkent az alapított védett területek száma: 6174-ről 4412-re. Ebben az időszakban a természetvédelem történelmi eseményei közül kiemelkedik a latin-amerikai La Amistad Nemzeti Park és a madagaszkári Mantadia Nemzeti Park, melyek ma a világörökség részei, a srí-lankai Somawathiya Nemzeti Park, ahol állítólag Buddha egyik fogát őrzik, az amerikai Great Basin Nemzeti Park a több mint 5000 éves fenyőfáival, az algériai Tassili n'Ajjer Nemzeti Park az ősi sziklarajzaival, az ausztráliai Karácsony Sziget Nemzeti Park az endemikus fajaival

    Intracardiac hemostasis and fibrinolysis parameters in patients with atrial fibrillation

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    Aims. To identify intracardiac hemostasis or fibrinolysis abnormalities, which are associated with atrial fibrillation (AF) and increase the risk of thromboembolism. Patients and Methods. Patient group consisted of 24 patients with AF and control group included 14 individuals with other supraventricular tachycardia undergoing transcatheter radiofrequency ablation. Blood samples were drawn from the femoral vein (FV), left atrium (LA), and left atrial appendage (LAA) before the ablation procedure. Fibrinogen, factor VIII (FVIII) and factor XIII activity, von Willebrand factor (VWF) antigen, thrombin-antithrombin (TAT) complex, quantitative fibrin monomer (FM), plasminogen, α2-plasmin inhibitor, plasmin-α2-antiplasmin (PAP) complex, PAI-1 activity, and D-dimer were measured from all samples. Results. Levels of FVIII and VWF were significantly elevated in the FV and LA of AF patients as compared to controls. TAT complex, FM, PAP complex, and D-dimer levels were significantly elevated in the LA as compared to FV samples in case of both groups, indicating a temporary thrombotic risk associated with the catheterization procedure. Conclusions. None of the investigated hemostasis or fibrinolysis parameters showed significant intracardiac alterations in AF patients as compared to non-AF controls. AF patients have elevated FVIII and VWF levels, most likely due to endothelial damage, presenting at both intracardiac and systemic level

    Stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes identify nuanced dietary changes from the Bronze and Iron Ages on the Great Hungarian Plain

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    The Great Hungarian Plain (GHP) served as a geographic funnel for population mobility throughout prehistory. Genomic and isotopic research demonstrates non-linear genetic turnover and technological shifts between the Copper and Iron Ages of the GHP, which influenced the dietary strategies of numerous cultures that intermixed and overlapped through time. Given the complexities of these prehistoric cultural and demographic processes, this study aims to identify and elucidate diachronic and culture-specific dietary signatures. We report on stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios from 74 individuals from nineteen sites in the GHP dating to a ~ 3000-year time span between the Early Bronze and Early Iron Ages. The samples broadly indicate a terrestrial C 3 diet with nuanced differences amongst populations and through time, suggesting exogenous influences that manifested in subsistence strategies. Slightly elevated δ 15 N values for Bronze Age samples imply higher reliance on protein than in the Iron Age. Interestingly, the Füzesabony have carbon values typical of C 4 vegetation indicating millet consumption, or that of a grain with comparable δ 13 C ratios, which corroborates evidence from outside the GHP for its early cultivation during the Middle Bronze Age. Finally, our results also suggest locally diverse subsistence economies for GHP Scythians

    An integrative skeletal and paleogenomic analysis of stature variation suggests relatively reduced health for early european farmers

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    Human culture, biology, and health were shaped dramatically by the onset of agriculture ∼12,000 y B.P. This shift is hypothesized to have resulted in increased individual fitness and population growth as evidenced by archaeological and population genomic data alongside a decline in physiological health as inferred from skeletal remains. Here, we consider osteological and ancient DNA data from the same prehistoric individuals to study human stature variation as a proxy for health across a transition to agriculture. Specifically, we compared “predicted” genetic contributions to height from paleogenomic data and “achieved” adult osteological height estimated from long bone measurements for 167 individuals across Europe spanning the Upper Paleolithic to Iron Age (∼38,000 to 2,400 B.P.). We found that individuals from the Neolithic were shorter than expected (given their individual polygenic height scores) by an average of −3.82 cm relative to individuals from the Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic (P = 0.040) and −2.21 cm shorter relative to post-Neolithic individuals (P = 0.068), with osteological vs. expected stature steadily increasing across the Copper (+1.95 cm relative to the Neolithic), Bronze (+2.70 cm), and Iron (+3.27 cm) Ages. These results were attenuated when we additionally accounted for genome-wide genetic ancestry variation: for example, with Neolithic individuals −2.82 cm shorter than expected on average relative to pre-Neolithic individuals (P = 0.120). We also incorporated observations of paleopathological indicators of nonspecific stress that can persist from childhood to adulthood in skeletal remains into our model. Overall, our work highlights the potential of integrating disparate datasets to explore proxies of health in prehistory.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Experimental Arthritis Inhibits Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis in Mice

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    Background: Adult-born neurons of the hippocampal dentate gyrus play a role in specific forms of learning, and disturbed neurogenesis seems to contribute to the development of neuropsychiatric disorders, such as major depression. Neuroinflammation inhibits adult neurogenesis, but the effect of peripheral inflammation on this form of neuroplasticity is ambiguous. Objective: Our aim was to investigate the influence of acute and chronic experimental arthritis on adult hippocampal neurogenesis and to elucidate putative regulatory mechanisms. Methods: Arthritis was triggered by subcutaneous injection of complete Freund’s adjuvant (CFA) into the hind paws of adult male mice. The animals were killed either seven days (acute inflammation) or 21 days (chronic inflammation) after the CFA injection. Behavioral tests were used to demonstrate arthritis-related hypersensitivity to painful stimuli. We used in vivo bioluminescence imaging to verify local inflammation. The systemic inflammatory response was assessed by complete blood cell counts and by measurement of the cytokine/chemokine concentrations of TNF-α, IL-1α, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, KC and MIP-2 in the inflamed hind limbs, peripheral blood and hippocampus to characterize the inflammatory responses in the periphery and in the brain. In the hippocampal dentate gyrus, the total number of newborn neurons was determined with quantitative immunohistochemistry visualizing BrdU- and doublecortin-positive cells. Microglial activation in the dentate gyrus was determined by quantifying the density of Iba1- and CD68-positive cells. Results: Both acute and chronic arthritis resulted in paw edema, mechanical and thermal hyperalgesia. We found phagocytic infiltration and increased levels of TNF-α, IL-4, IL-6, KC and MIP-2 in the inflamed hind paws. Circulating neutrophil granulocytes and IL-6 levels increased in the blood solely during the acute phase. In the dentate gyrus, chronic arthritis reduced the number of doublecortin-positive cells, and we found increased density of CD68-positive macrophages/microglia in both the acute and chronic phases. Cytokine levels, however, were not altered in the hippocampus. Conclusions: Our data suggest that acute peripheral inflammation initiates a cascade of molecular and cellular changes that eventually leads to reduced adult hippocampal neurogenesis, which was detectable only in the chronic inflammatory phase

    Tuberculosis in prehistory in eastern central Europe (Hungary) – Chronological and geographical distribution

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    Tuberculosis (TB) has long been a major scourge of humankind. Paleopathological and paleomicrobiological studies have revealed the past presence of the disease on a large spatial and temporal scale. The antiquity of the disease has extensively been studied in the Carpathian Basin, given its dynamic population and cultural changes since prehistory. These studies, however, have mainly focused on the populations living during the Common Era. The aim of this paper is to present the published and the recently discovered cases of prehistoric TB, from the Neolithic (6000–4500/4400 BCE) to the Bronze Age (2600/2500-800 BCE) Central Carpathian Basin (Hungary). We summarize 18 published cases and present new cases dating to the Neolithic period and introduce 3 newly discovered Bronze Age cases of TB. Despite extensive research, TB has not yet been identified from the Copper and Iron Ages in the Carpathian Basin. Considering the state of TB research, and supplemented by our prehistoric dataset, the spatio-temporal pattern of the disease can be further elucidated, thus advancing future molecular and paleopathological studies. Our dataset offers comprehensive spatial and temporal information on the spread of the disease in the Carpathian Basin, along with a detailed biological profile of the demonstrated cases and extensive paleopathological descriptions of the observed lesions, complemented by photographic evidence. This invaluable resource paves the way for enhanced understanding and progress in the field

    Novel Noninvasive Paraclinical Study Method for Investigation of Liver Diseases

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    Based on a prior university patent, the authors developed a novel type of bioimpedance-based test method to noninvasively detect nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). The development of a new potential NAFLD diagnostic procedure may help to understand the underlying mechanisms between NAFLD and severe liver diseases with a painless and easy-to-use paraclinical examination method, including the additional function to detect even the earlier stages of liver disease. The aim of this study is to present new results and the experiences gathered in relation to NAFLD progress during animal model and human clinical trials