169 research outputs found


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    ndonesian state financial policies have undergone major changes since the release the Law on State Finance package in 2003 and 2004 as well as the Law on Local Government Package of 2004. The legislation has been set up clearly financial management with a transparent and accountable as well as the financial management in the region from President to the Regional Head. This implies a stronger role of the Regional Head in implementing the financial policy in the local government. The financial policy communication to local governments are often disruption whereby the policy is not communicated clearly and consistently. This study is a single case study for examining the phenomenon in which the object of research is the Semarang City Government as the only one that has been implemented government accounting standards accrual-based policy. In adequately of the financial policy’s communication about implementation of government accounting standards accrual-based policy from the central government to the local government can be overcome by the attitude of the Regional Head avoiding uncertainty (uncertainty avoidance) and has a vision for the future (confucian dynamism) so to encourage the attitude of the staff at the local government and also encourage the emergence of support from external parties to support the implementation of the financial policy of the country

    Government and Community Conflict Resolution in Gold Mining Areas without Permission of Bungo District, Jambi Province

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    Unlicensed Gold Mining in Bungo District caused prolonged conflict between the government and the community. This research is intended to analyze and describe the conflict resolution between the government and the community in the Unlicensed Gold Mining Area in Bungo District. In conducting research the Galtung Conflict Resolution theory is used with qualitative descriptive methods and Milles and Huberman data analysis techniques. The results showed that the process of resolving conflicts of gold mining without permission between the government and the community in Bungo District was carried out in several stages, namely: 1. Peacekeeping at this stage did not provide a deterrent effect for illegal gold miners, this is because during a joint operation of the TNI-POLRI and SatPOLPP occurred , gold miners have already escaped, 2. Peacemaking at this stage the Regional Government has coordinated with Rio or the village head together with the community to find solutions to the PETI problem. The solution offered by the community is the determination of a people's mining area (WPR), 3. Peacebuilding Bungo regency Regional Government through an integrated team to supervise the implementation of the PETI problem in its implementation is still constrained by social factors where the existence of changes in livelihoods that occur from generation to generation demanded on economic needs, and political factors in which there is a pattern of relations between law enforcement officials and cukong or people who facilitate gold mining without permission. To respond to the PETI problem in Bungo Regency: 1). The Bungo District Government needs to crack down on gold miners without permission, 2). Outreach will take place on the impacts of gold mining without permission, 3). Need to make a Regional Regulation (PERDA) in the management of community mining

    Evaluasi Kebijakan Sistem Informasi Administrasi Kependudukan (SIAK) Di Dinas Kependudukan Dan Pencatatan Sipil Kabupaten Semarang

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    Administration Information System (SIAK) is a system of information and communication technologies that facilitating the management of information on population administration in the Operator level and the Department of Population and Civil Registration as a single unit with the hope to improve the quality of population data that can be utilized to the maximum. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the implementation of SIAK in the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Semarang district along with the obstacles in its implementation. This study uses the approach of measuring the policy evaluation with four indicators: Input, Process, Output, and Outcome. This study uses descriptive qualitative research. Data collection techniques used in this study by the method of field studies (interviews, observation and documentation). The results showed that the assessment of the implementation of the policy in terms of Process Input, Output, and the outcome was appropriate and running well. Barriers contained in the implementation SIAK in the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Semarang district related to the amount of human resources are lacking, the adequacy of the network bandwidth is limited, the budget absorption is still low, the data anomalies and duplicate data in the database is large enough, to socialize in the community do not routinely d

    One Agency One Innovation and Study of Its Scope

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    Public service improvement measures in Indonesia assessed is slow and can’t keep the community expectations continue to increase with increasing people's income and the advance of information technology Indonesia. The Government in the framework of the implementation of the reform of the bureaucracy implement policies encourage the acceleration of the increase in the quality of public services, by requiring each of the ministries/agencies and local governments created at least one major innovation every year known as the movement of One Agency, One Innovation. The movement of One Agency, One Innovation must be a movement together in a policy framework that is understood along by all components of Good Governance. Scientific study would like to explain the concept of One Agency, One Innovation from the angle of the development of the science of public administration


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    Career management is one part discussion of human resources management. Human resources reform is a crucial element for the effectiveness of the performance of the bureaucracy. Especially for the Ministry for administrative and Bureaucratic reform of the State apparatus who have the authority to organize community resources bureaucratic apparatus. The challenge to organize community resources the apparatus must first be answered by the Ministry for administrative reform of the State apparatus and bureaucracy by making internal improvements, including revamping the management of careers. Therefore, this research aims to analyze the management career in the Ministry of utilization of State apparatus and reform the bureaucracy. This study used a qualitative approach. The data collected through the study of literature, interviews and observation. The data were analyzed using qualitative data analysis techniques, Miles and Huberman model consisting of data reduction, data display, and data verification. This research concluded that the Ministry for administrative and bureaucratic State apparatus reform (1) hiring employees through the process of recruitment of prospective civil servants abbreviated as (CPNS) and selection of high leadership position open and cannot be released from the problems in the recruitment process, two (2) places employees according the required position or desires, even though there are problems in the analysis of the position and workload analysis, (3) developing employees through learning and a learning permit, and (4) lay off employees appropriate conditions


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    Peningkatan jumlah penduduk dari tahun ke tahun tentu akan berdampak terhadap peningkatan volume sampah yang dihasilkan. Permasalahan sampah menjadi isu utama bagi sebuah kota. Kabupaten Batang setiap tahun selalu mengalami kenaikan jumlah volume sampah. Apabila dalam pelayanan pengelolaan sampah tidak dilakukan dengan baik, maka dikhawatirkan akan terjadi penumpukan timbunan sampah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk analisis kualitas pelayanan Dinas Lingkungan Hidup dalam pengelolaan sampah di Kabupaten Batang. Apakah kualitas pelayanan yang diberikan tersebut sudah sesuai dengan harapan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif dan pendekatan deskriptif. Data yang digunakan berdasarkan observasi, pengamatan langsung dan studi pustaka dari beberapa sumber. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, kualitas pelayanan pengelolaan sampah di Kabupaten Batang belum berjalan dengan baik. Terdapat dimensi yang sudah dinilai cukup baik yaitu assurance dan empaty. Namun, masih terdapat dimensi  kualitas pelayanan yang perlu diperhatikan dan diperbaiki yaitu tangibles, reability, responsiveness

    Evaluasi Dampak Kebijakan Pengelolaan Wilayah Pesisir Dan Laut Di Kabupaten Rembang

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    Rembang is an area located on the north coast of Central Java. The potential of coastal and marine areas in Rembang considerable, but so far there is damage to the environment and utilization is not optimal. Based on this background problem that arises is How pengeolaan policy impact coastal and marine areas in Rembang? How to constraints in the policy management of coastal areas and the sea in Rembang. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of the policy management of coastal and marine areas in Rembang. In addition to knowing the constraints in the policy management of coastal and marine areas in Rembang. Based on the research that the policy management of coastal and marine areas in Rembang having an impact on people\u27s lives, but not optimal and equitable perceived by the public. Not optimal goal and the impact felt by the target group due to some constraints in the implementation of policies such as kuragnya coordination and collaboration among relevant agencies, lack of understanding of personnel, lack of dissemination of relevant SKPD or of society such as the low level of education of coastal communities, the lack of awareness and the community\u27s participation. Under these conditions, the authors provide suggestions for the government to undertake intensive socialization, improved understanding of the content of the policy apparatus, increasing the level of education of coastal communities. Then for the community to increase participation and to change the mindset that tends to badly in the costal management and marine

    Bureaucratic Structure Aspect in Implementation of Indonesian Finance Policy About Accrual Based Accounting in Local Government

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    Financial managementisan importantpartof thepublic administration. Implementation of Finance Policy of Indonesian Government about transparencyandaccountabilityin thefinancial managementsystemis connectedbythe financial report. Accrual-based financialreport has become ahallmarkof modernmanagement but its implementation is not easy. Transition from current accounting based to accrual based needs big changes and long terms project .The problems of accrual based implementation are more difficult in local governmen


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    Penerimaan negara yang didapat dari sektor pertambangan mengalami peningkatan setiap tahunnya dan memiliki kontribusi mencapai hampir 10 % dari total Anggaran Pendapatan Belanja Negara (APBN). Namun, sektor pertambangan tidak lepas dari dampak negatif terhadap lingkungan dan khususnya kaitannya dengan kebijakan otonomi daerah yang memberikan kekuasaan kepada Daerah untuk memaksimalkan pendapatan melalui sektor pertambangan. Dinas Pertambangan dan Energi Provinsi dibebani amanah besar sebagai pengelola kegiatan sektor pertambangan untuk ruang lingkup satu provinsi, yang tentu saja bukan perkara mudah, sehingga menarik untuk dikaji bagaimana implementasi terhadap kebijakan tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan 1) mengkaji implementasi kebijakan pada Dinas Pertambangan dan Energi Provinsi Lampung di Kota Bandar Lampung 2) mengidentifikasi faktor pendukung dan penghambat implementasi kebijakan 3) merumuskan strategi untuk mencapai pengelolaan pertambangan yang berkelanjutan. Untuk menjawab tujuan pada poin (1) dan (2) digunakan metode analisis data Miles dan Huberman, dan untuk menjawab tujuan pada poin (3) digunakan metode analisis SWOT. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) Implementasi kebijakan telah sampai pada kegiatan evaluasi Izin Usaha Pertambangan (IUP) dan pemprosesan permohonan izin baru. Untuk implementasi kebijakan pengawasan pertambangan menunjukkan hasil yang belum optimal dengan indikasi adanya kegiatan penambangan tanpa izin (PETI) yang berdampak buruk terhadap lingkungan dan menurunnya ketaatan pelaporan kegiatan pengelolaan lingkungan pasca kebijakan diberlakukan. 2) Faktor pendukung implementasi kebijakan adalah a) Adanya petunjuk pelaksanaan yang jelas dalam pelaksanaan kebijakan, b) Pembentukan UPTD yang bertugas membantu fungsi dinas, c) SOP pelayanan perizinan yang melibatkan forum BKPRD Kota. Faktor penghambat implementasi adalah a) Dukungan sumberdaya (Personil, anggaran, fasilitas) yang terbatas, b) Fungsi koordinasi yang lemah, c) Sikap pembiaran top management terhadap tidak optimalnya fungsi UPTD, d) Tupoksi UPTD dan Bidang Pertambangan Umum yang tumpang tindih. 3) strategi yang dapat dilakukan adalah ketegasan dari pemerintah untuk memberantas PETI yang sangat merusak lingkungan dan memaksa perusahaan untuk memenuhi kewajibannya sesuai ketentuan perundangan yang berlaku, dengan penegakan hukum dan pemberian sanksi tegas bagi pemegang IUP yang tidak memenuhi kewajibannya. Kata Kunci : Implementasi, Pertambangan Berkelanjutan, Strategi Pengelolaan, SWOT The State revenue obtained from the mining sector has increased every year and has contributions reaching nearly 10% of the State Budget total. However, the mining sector unavoidable with the negative impacts on the environment and in particular to do with the autonomous region policies which gives the power to the regions to maximize income through mining sector. The Lampung Provincial Mining and Energy Department vested with the great mandate as the mining Manager to the scope of one province, which of course is not easy, so it is interesting to review how the implementation against the policy. This research aims to 1) assess implementation of the policy at the Lampung Provincial Mining and Energy Department in the city of Bandar Lampung 2) identify factors supporting and restricting the policy implementation policy 3) formulating strategies to achieve mining sustainable management. To answer the purpose in points (1) and (2) used Miles and Huberman data analysis methods, and to answer the purpose in points (3) used a SWOT analysis method. The results showed that 1) implementation of the policy have come to the mining permit evaluation activities and a new permit application processing. For the implementation of the supervision policy shows a not optimal results with indication of the emerge of illegal mining and declining observance of environmental management activities reporting post policies enforced. 2) the endowments policy implementation factor was a) the existence of clear guidelines in the implementation of the policy, b) formation of the Technical Implementation Unit (TIU) in charge of helping the Department, c) SOP service licensing involving BKPRD forum. Factors restricting implementation is a) Limited support resources (personnel, budget, facilities) b) feeble coordination Functions, c) top management's attitude issues towards not optimal TIU function d) The overlap of authorities 3) Recommendation strategy is the determination of the government to eradicate illegal mining which extremely damage the environment and forcing the company to meet its obligations under the provisions of legislation, with law enforcement and sanctions expressly for mining permits holders which do not meet their obligations. Keywords: Sustainable Mining, Management Strategy, SWOT Analysi
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