454 research outputs found

    Importance of ocean mesoscale variability for air-sea interactions in the Gulf of Mexico

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    Mesoscale variability of currents in the Gulf of Mexico (GoM) can affect oceanic heat advection and air-sea heat exchanges, which can influence climate extremes over North America. This study is aimed at understanding the influence of the oceanic mesoscale variability on the lower atmosphere and air-sea heat exchanges. The study contrasts global climate model (GCM) with 0.1° ocean resolution (high resolution; HR) with its low-resolution counterpart (1° ocean resolution with the same 0.5° atmosphere resolution; LR). The LR simulation is relevant to current generation of GCMs that are still unable to resolve the oceanic mesoscale. Similar to observations, HR exhibits positive correlation between sea surface temperature (SST) and surface turbulent heat flux anomalies, while LR has negative correlation. For HR, we decompose lateral advective heat fluxes in the upper ocean into mean (slowly varying) and mesoscale-eddy (fast fluctuations) components. We find that the eddy flux divergence/convergence dominates the lateral advection and correlates well with the SST anomalies and air-sea latent heat exchanges. This result suggests that oceanic mesoscale advection supports warm SST anomalies that in turn feed surface heat flux. We identify anticyclonic warm-core circulation patterns (associated Loop Current and rings) which have an average diameter of ~350 km. These warm anomalies are sustained by eddy heat flux convergence at submonthly time scales and have an identifiable imprint on surface turbulent heat flux, atmospheric circulation, and convective precipitation in the northwest portion of an averaged anticyclone. ©2017. American Geophysical Union

    Assessment of Conventional Density Functional Schemes for Computing the Polarizabilities and Hyperpolarizabilities of Conjugated Oligomers: An Ab Initio Investigation of Polyacetylene Chains

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    DFT schemes based on conventional and less conventional exchange-correlation (XC) functionals have been employed to determine the polarizability and second hyperpolarizability of π-conjugated polyacetylene chains. These functionals fail in one or more of several ways: (i) the correlation correction to α is either much too small or in the wrong direction, leading to an overestimate; (ii) γ is significantly overestimated; (iii) the chain length dependence is excessively large, particularly for γ and for the more alternant system; and (iv) the bond length alternation effects on γ are either underestimated or qualitatively incorrect. The poor results with the asymptotically correct van Leeuwen-Baerends XC potential show that the overestimations are not related to the asymptotic behavior of the potential. These failures are described in terms of the separate effects of the exchange and the correlation parts of the XC functionals. They are related to the short-sightedness of the XC potentials which are relatively insensitive to the polarization charge induced by the external electric field at the chain ends. © 1998 American Institute of Physics

    Thermal seasons in northern Europe in projected future climate

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    Global warming acts to prolong thermal summers and shorten winters. In this work, future changes in the lengths and timing of four thermal seasons in northern Europe, with threshold temperatures 0 and 10 degrees C, are derived from bias-adjusted output data from 23 CMIP5 global climate models. Three future periods and two Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) scenarios are discussed. The focus is on the period 2040-2069 under RCP4.5, which approximately corresponds to a 2 degrees C global warming relative to the preindustrial era. By the period 2040-2069, the average length of the thermal summer increases by nearly 30 days relative to 1971-2000, and the thermal winter shortens by 30-60 days. The timing of the thermal springs advances while autumns delay. Within the model ensemble, there is a high linear correlation between the modelled annual-mean temperature increase and shifts in the thermal seasons. Thermal summers lengthen by about 10 days and winters shorten by 10-24 days per 1 degrees C of local warming. In the mid-21st century, about two-thirds of all summers (winters) are projected to be very long (very short) according to the baseline-period standards, with an anomaly greater than 20 days relative to the late-20th century temporal mean. The proportion of years without a thermal winter increases remarkably in the Baltic countries and southern Scandinavian peninsula. Implications of the changing thermal seasons on nature and human society are discussed in a literature review.Peer reviewe

    The importance of Southern Ocean frontal systems for the improvement of body condition in southern elephant seals

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    Funding: Natural Environment Research Council, Grant/Award Numbers: NE/E018289/1, NE/L501852/1 NER/D/S/2002/00426; Scottish Funding Council, Grant/Award Number: HR09011.1. As top predators, it has been suggested that southern elephant seals serve as sentinels of ecosystem status to inform management and conservation.2. This is because southern elephant seals annually undertake two large‐scale foraging migrations for 2–3 and 7–8 months to replenish resources after fasting during breeding and moulting and often rely on dynamic macroscale latitudinal fronts to provide favourable foraging through aggregating prey.3. Yet it is largely unknown whether southern elephant seals respond to changes in frontal systems over the years, whether their foraging success is associated with specific frontal systems shifts, and how flexible southern elephant seals populations are in behaviourally adapting to changes in frontal systems.4. This study examines the relationship between frontal systems and the resource acquisition of 64 southern elephant seals during four post‐moult and three post‐breeding migrations between 2005 and 2010.5. Satellite‐relay‐data‐loggers provided in situ measurements concurrent with >27,500 dive profiles to define fronts and interfrontal zones between the Subtropical Frontal Zone and the Southern Boundary of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. For >430,000 in situ measurements water mass properties could be identified.6. Generally, southern elephant seals associate more frequently with more southerly, higher‐latitude fronts/zones. Body condition improvements related to a given frontal system or water mass vary strongly according to year, season, month and sex.7. The variability in body condition improvements is higher in some frontal systems than in others, probably owing to shifts in the Subantarctic and Polar Front.8. During a migration, some individuals stay within ≤3 frontal systems, whilst others change between several frontal systems and primarily improve their body condition in upper ocean waters.9. Southern elephant seals do not trace particular water masses across frontal systems, and both surface and deep foraging strategies are used.10. This suggests that southern elephant seals do not target particular water masses but adjust foraging and movement strategies to exploit boundary areas at which mixing and prey aggregation is high.11. The large behavioural plasticity towards the spatio‐temporal variability in the different oceanographic regions they encounter could indicate resilience against environmental changes.PostprintPeer reviewe