35 research outputs found

    Generating Similar Graphs From Spherical Features

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    We propose a novel model for generating graphs similar to a given example graph. Unlike standard approaches that compute features of graphs in Euclidean space, our approach obtains features on a surface of a hypersphere. We then utilize a von Mises-Fisher distribution, an exponential family distribution on the surface of a hypersphere, to define a model over possible feature values. While our approach bears similarity to a popular exponential random graph model (ERGM), unlike ERGMs, it does not suffer from degeneracy, a situation when a significant probability mass is placed on unrealistic graphs. We propose a parameter estimation approach for our model, and a procedure for drawing samples from the distribution. We evaluate the performance of our approach both on the small domain of all 8-node graphs as well as larger real-world social networks.Comment: 29 pages, 14 figures, 1 tabl

    Probabilistic Assessment of Drought Characteristics using a Hidden Markov Model

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    Droughts are evaluated using drought indices that measure the departure of meteorological and hydrological variables such as precipitation and stream flow from their long-term averages. While there are many drought indices proposed in the literature, most of them use pre-defined thresholds for identifying drought classes ignoring the inherent uncertainties in characterizing droughts. In this study, a hidden Markov model (HMM) [1] is developed for probabilistic classification of drought states. The HMM captures space and time dependence in the data. The proposed model is applied to assess drought characteristics in Indiana using monthly precipitation and stream flow data. The comparison of HMM based drought index with standard precipitation index (SPI) [2] suggests that the HMM index provides more intuitive results

    Learning mixed kronecker product graph models with simulated method of moments

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    ABSTRACT There has recently been a great deal of work focused on developing statistical models of graph structure-with the goal of modeling probability distributions over graphs from which new, similar graphs can be generated by sampling from the estimated distributions. Although current graph models can capture several important characteristics of social network graphs (e.g., degree, path lengths), many of them do not generate graphs with sufficient variation to reflect the natural variability in real world graph domains. One exception is the mixed Kronecker Product Graph Model (mKPGM), a generalization of the Kronecker Product Graph Model, which uses parameter tying to capture variance in the underlying distribution In this work, we present the first learning algorithm for mKPGMs. The O(|E|) algorithm searches over the continuous parameter space using constrained line search and is based on simulated method of moments, where the objective function minimizes the distance between the observed moments in the training graph and the empirically estimated moments of the model. We evaluate the mKPGM learning algorithm by comparing it to several different graph models, including KPGMs. We use multi-dimensional KS distance to compare the generated graphs to the observed graphs and the results show mKPGMs are able to produce a closer match to real-world graphs (10-90% reduction in KS distance), while still providing natural variation in the generated graphs

    Learning mixed kronecker product graph models with simulated method of moments

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    ABSTRACT There has recently been a great deal of work focused on developing statistical models of graph structure-with the goal of modeling probability distributions over graphs from which new, similar graphs can be generated by sampling from the estimated distributions. Although current graph models can capture several important characteristics of social network graphs (e.g., degree, path lengths), many of them do not generate graphs with sufficient variation to reflect the natural variability in real world graph domains. One exception is the mixed Kronecker Product Graph Model (mKPGM), a generalization of the Kronecker Product Graph Model, which uses parameter tying to capture variance in the underlying distribution In this work, we present the first learning algorithm for mKPGMs. The O(|E|) algorithm searches over the continuous parameter space using constrained line search and is based on simulated method of moments, where the objective function minimizes the distance between the observed moments in the training graph and the empirically estimated moments of the model. We evaluate the mKPGM learning algorithm by comparing it to several different graph models, including KPGMs. We use multi-dimensional KS distance to compare the generated graphs to the observed graphs and the results show mKPGMs are able to produce a closer match to real-world graphs (10-90% reduction in KS distance), while still providing natural variation in the generated graphs