8,653 research outputs found

    Lifshitz Tails in Constant Magnetic Fields

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    We consider the 2D Landau Hamiltonian HH perturbed by a random alloy-type potential, and investigate the Lifshitz tails, i.e. the asymptotic behavior of the corresponding integrated density of states (IDS) near the edges in the spectrum of HH. If a given edge coincides with a Landau level, we obtain different asymptotic formulae for power-like, exponential sub-Gaussian, and super-Gaussian decay of the one-site potential. If the edge is away from the Landau levels, we impose a rational-flux assumption on the magnetic field, consider compactly supported one-site potentials, and formulate a theorem which is analogous to a result obtained in the case of a vanishing magnetic field

    Wegner estimate for discrete alloy-type models

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    We study discrete alloy-type random Schr\"odinger operators on 2(Zd)\ell^2(\mathbb{Z}^d). Wegner estimates are bounds on the average number of eigenvalues in an energy interval of finite box restrictions of these types of operators. If the single site potential is compactly supported and the distribution of the coupling constant is of bounded variation a Wegner estimate holds. The bound is polynomial in the volume of the box and thus applicable as an ingredient for a localisation proof via multiscale analysis.Comment: Accepted for publication in AHP. For an earlier version see http://www.ma.utexas.edu/mp_arc-bin/mpa?yn=09-10

    The weak localization for the alloy-type Anderson model on a cubic lattice

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    We consider alloy type random Schr\"odinger operators on a cubic lattice whose randomness is generated by the sign-indefinite single-site potential. We derive Anderson localization for this class of models in the Lifshitz tails regime, i.e. when the coupling parameter λ\lambda is small, for the energies ECλ2E \le -C \lambda^2.Comment: 45 pages, 2 figures. To appear in J. Stat. Phy

    Spectral extrema and Lifshitz tails for non monotonous alloy type models

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    In the present note, we determine the ground state energy and study the existence of Lifshitz tails near this energy for some non monotonous alloy type models. Here, non monotonous means that the single site potential coming into the alloy random potential changes sign. In particular, the random operator is not a monotonous function of the random variables

    Low lying spectrum of weak-disorder quantum waveguides

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    We study the low-lying spectrum of the Dirichlet Laplace operator on a randomly wiggled strip. More precisely, our results are formulated in terms of the eigenvalues of finite segment approximations of the infinite waveguide. Under appropriate weak-disorder assumptions we obtain deterministic and probabilistic bounds on the position of the lowest eigenvalue. A Combes-Thomas argument allows us to obtain so-called 'initial length scale decay estimates' at they are used in the proof of spectral localization using the multiscale analysis.Comment: Accepted for publication in Journal of Statistical Physics http://www.springerlink.com/content/0022-471

    Convective cold pools in long-term boundary layer mast observations

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    Cold pools are mesoscale features that are key for understanding the organization of convection, but are insufficiently captured in conventional observations. This study conducts a statistical characterization of cold-pool passages observed at a 280-m-high boundary layer mast in Hamburg (Germany) and discusses factors controlling their signal strength. During 14 summer seasons 489 cold-pool events are identified from rapid temperature drops below 22K associated with rainfall. The cold-pool activity exhibits distinct annual and diurnal cycles peaking in July and midafternoon, respectively. The median temperature perturbation is -3.3K at 2-m height and weakens above. Also the increase in hydrostatic air pressure and specific humidity is largest near the surface. Extrapolation of the vertically weakening pressure signal suggests a characteristic cold-pool depth of about 750 m. Disturbances in the horizontal and vertical wind speed components document a lifting-induced circulation of air masses prior to the approaching cold-pool front. According to a correlation analysis, the near-surface temperature perturbation is more strongly controlled by the pre-event saturation deficit (r = -0.71) than by the event-accumulated rainfall amount (r = -0.35). Simulating the observed temperature drops as idealized wet-bulb processes suggests that evaporative cooling alone explains 64 of the variability in cold-pool strength. This number increases to 92 for cases that are not affected by advection of midtropospheric low-Qe air masses under convective downdrafts. © 2021 American Meteorological Society

    Inverse Scattering for Gratings and Wave Guides

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    We consider the problem of unique identification of dielectric coefficients for gratings and sound speeds for wave guides from scattering data. We prove that the "propagating modes" given for all frequencies uniquely determine these coefficients. The gratings may contain conductors as well as dielectrics and the boundaries of the conductors are also determined by the propagating modes.Comment: 12 page

    Global Bounds for the Lyapunov Exponent and the Integrated Density of States of Random Schr\"odinger Operators in One Dimension

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    In this article we prove an upper bound for the Lyapunov exponent γ(E)\gamma(E) and a two-sided bound for the integrated density of states N(E)N(E) at an arbitrary energy E>0E>0 of random Schr\"odinger operators in one dimension. These Schr\"odinger operators are given by potentials of identical shape centered at every lattice site but with non-overlapping supports and with randomly varying coupling constants. Both types of bounds only involve scattering data for the single-site potential. They show in particular that both γ(E)\gamma(E) and N(E)E/πN(E)-\sqrt{E}/\pi decay at infinity at least like 1/E1/\sqrt{E}. As an example we consider the random Kronig-Penney model.Comment: 9 page